Sunday 29 April 2018

#119 Marie-Julie Jahenny Sees Our Lord's Ascension – Satan Also Demands a Kingdom – Satan Granted a Period of Time on Earth

Ecstasy date August 30, 1880

Marie-Julie: "I see that at the moment Our Lord ascended into heaven, He took possession of the Eternal Kingdom, at that moment, Hell became the Kingdom of the Enemy. Our Lord took possession of His earthly kingdom and said, "I am established as the Eternal King." ("Je suis établi Roi Éternel")

Satan, furious, seeks for some way around to maliciously extend his power. He demands a part. ("Un partage", or a share or portion in the earthly realm?)

The Lord says to him: "You will be subjected to Me, you cannot do what you will according to the Eternal Law. I leave you the power to tempt all men, to make them suffer to a certain measure, but I will be present... In the beginning, you will not do many prodigies, they will serve you to do evil. I leave you permission to tempt My people, but I will never permit you to take the Divine form, nor of veritable figures."

Satan said: "I will turn all into a worktool against You, I will place revolution, war, division everywhere. I will overthrow the temple of Your prayers, I will establish the idols we worship. I will break everything."

Jesus said: "I will crush you under the lightning of heaven, all of yours will be given to Hell. I will restore (or re-establish) My people, I will preserve the plagues, I will raise up (restore) the ruins. I will cast you into the abyss, but only after you have used the powers that I leave you for now .... In the darkness, there will be many conversions, many who are lost will return to Me by repentance."


Another text dated August 30, 1880 from the “Friends of Marie-Julie Association” with more details of this particular vision.

Marie-Julie: “I see in the sun (i.e. her mystic sun) the moment when the Lord ascended into heaven, took possession of his Eternal Kingdom, at that moment hell became the kingdom of the enemy. 

The Lord took possession of His earthly kingdom and said:

I am established as the Eternal King.”

Satan, furious, searches for a few round about ways to maliciously extend his power …

The Lord said to him: “Thou wilt be under submission, you will not do but what is permitted you by My eternal law.”

Satan asked to bear the name of 'prince' and that the finger of the Lord engrave this name under the eyes of us all.

Our Lord: "Yes, you have all the names. The name of prince: prince of darkness, prince of the abyss.”

Do not put limits to Your power,” responds Satan, “let me free to extend as largely as You must extend until the end of time.” (i.e., give me freedom to extend my kingdom on earth as much as You are going to do until the end of time.)

Our Lord: “I will remain as King over all that you do, all that you possess. I will be over (it all) and I will command.” (i.e., Satan will not be completely free to do as he wishes.)

Satan rebelled. Yet he had his portion, but the Lord also took enjoyment of His possessions. The Lord said to him:

Prostrate yourself at My feet and adore My wishes.”

Satan: “I bow my knee, but on one condition. Leave me liberty,” Satan said with authority, “to use, like You and at my pleasure, the power over death, to be its master.”

Our Lord: “I leave you the power to tempt all men, to make them suffer to a certain measure, but I will be present.” (Satan's power is still limited, obviously his request to command death was refused.)

Satan also demands the power of working miracles. The Lord does not leave this to him entirely, but He gave him something so that, we might merit more. (i.e., by rejecting Satan's wonders and temptations, we gain more merits.)

In the beginning,” said the Lord, “you will not do a lot of wonders, they will be a small number. They will serve you to do evil.”

Satan protests that this portion (of the earthly kingdom) is not fair.

A time will come, far off,” the Lord replied, “where you will possess in the world a multitude so great that your portion will exceed Mine. You will become a great conqueror for a space of time that will be too long and which, however, will be very short. While you will make the conquest of multitudes, I will operate bright wonders and earthquakes, when the world is ready to perish, when thou will triumph with a victory without measure when almost all parts of the world, the whole of Europe will rise against each other. In the darkness, there will be many conversions, many of the lost will return to Me in repentance.”

(I.e. the peak of Satan's reign will be shown in the great but short civil war that will break out in Europe and the churches will be closed and desecrated, infernal ceremonies will take place, children will be corrupted. See the previous post #118 Persecution of the Church -the Coming Desecrations and Martyrdoms, click here. It is possible WWI and WWII were also precursors, for Marie-Julie Jahenny was told in another vision she would live to see the 'spark' that would start the chastisements.)

When they are about to separate, to return each to his kingdom, Satan asks for the authority to take on all forms, to go anywhere.

I leave you permission to tempt My people,” says the Lord, “but I do not permit you ever to take the form of divine nor of true figures.”

Satan then hints of his desire to be on familiar or equal terms with the Lord. (But Satan is rebuffed.)

Our Lord: “Respect Me, on behalf of My Eternal power.”

Yes, Satan replies, “one day, far away from where we are today, you will seem to say to me that I am a mighty conqueror. You put no limits to the ravages of which, already, the desire consumes me.”

Marie-Julie asks the Flame of the Holy Spirit if the epoch is fixed, where Satan must reign as such a great master. The Flame says that it is set in the designs of God and the Devil hastens the time, without knowing (it) exactly. "It is this (age) in which you are now, God's children," said the Flame.

Satan continues.

In the beginning of that time,” he says, “I will use all profanities and all unjust things to the destruction of Your Kingdom. I will transform all into a working tool against You. First I dig this place where the greatest number live.”

Do not ignore what he is,” said the Flame (Holy Spirit), “I dig this place on which you will fall like lightning. You will destroy first, and, I after you, I will finish everything, I will make ruins as has never before existed.” (That is, the Holy Spirit warns we must not forget Satan is still a powerful angel, although fallen. The Holy Spirit will cause Satan to fall like lightening once more. Satan will destroy first,but then God will send His powerful chastisements.)

I will cover My own with a tender protection,” says the Lord.

I will throw in a revolt between yours and mine,” responds Satan, “I will move all the kings, I will put in a division that will lead to a civil war in the universe.

For My part,” the Lord continues, “I will send My Justice: punishment, miracles, death, plagues, pests, unknown diseases.”

I will overthrow the temple of your prayers,” Satan claims, “I will establish the idols we worship. All that is, in times of peace, that resides in Your temples will be broken, dragged out, reduced to dust by mine.”

I will show,” says the Lord, “that I am the Eternal King. I will crush under the lightning of heaven, all that will be given to you to hell. I will restore My people; I will preserve (Mine) from the plagues, I will raise up the ruins. I will cast thee into the abyss, but only after you have used the powers I leave you for now.”

The Flame (Holy Spirit) said that the pain is about to enter the hearts and Hell is ready to sing the great song of its victory.”


Further observations: Again, Marie-Julie predicts the “Age of Satan” before Pope Leo XIII received his famous vision October 13, 1884 in which he saw Satan would be given 100 years of freedom on earth to do his worst. Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich also saw this “Age of Satan” and said the devil would be loosed 50 or 60 years before the year 2,000, however, he would begin to prepare for it a 'time and a time' long before then. Sr. Marianna of Quito Ecuador, another approved mystic, also saw this diabolical age, and that the late 19th and early 20th centuries would bring about the age of degradation. This confirms what the Holy Spirit says to Marie-Julie Jahenny, that even in the 1880s the Age was already upon us.


Go to 

Friday 27 April 2018

#118 Persecution of the Church – a Pope Held Prisoner in the Vatican – The Coming Desecrations and Martyrdoms

Ecstasy date August 10, 1880

"If the prisoner Martyr (the Angelic Pontiff to come?) calls by the voices of his friends and supporters, it will be forbidden, on pain of death, for any of this kingdom not to fly to his call … The Lord Himself will suffer a second Passion. But this second passion – as there can be only one for Him - it will be a passion for them that replace Him (i.e. stand in His place) and represent Him. For the souls He leaves to be done, what before, was done for Him; it will be a passion for those who command a worthy authority ... for those who come after the Victim shackled in the chains of Peter, martyr for the cause of the Lord. (i.e. the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops.) (Image: Peter in Chains).

All authorities will have to undergo this Passion in their paternal seats. They will have to flee to escape the pursuit, fierce prosecutions. The Church must see its Head under vengeful hatred. The temple of God is to be deserted.  In the beginning the Lord's ministers may, despite the threats, obey the laws of their sacred ministry. It will be by force that they will be dragged out of the Temple. Then the order will come to flee quickly.

The vengeance of hell will raise to the altars of the most infamous of all men (those possessed). They will take the place of the true servants of the Lord. Everything will be against the Faith and against the holy laws in their sacred ceremonies. The law will oblige parents to leave them pervert their children. These sacrileges will last 44 days. Many Christians will suffer martyrdom. These crimes will be followed closely, (by) the vengeance of the Lord. "


Observations: This appears to be a prophecy of what the Church will have to suffer when the great persecution breaks out. Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned the Angelic Pope will be like Pius IX and Leo XIII, a prisoner of the Vatican.

Rome shall suffer just like France, a genocidal civil war. From earlier prophecies we know it will start in Paris, then spread like wildfire throughout Europe. Click the following tag words, to see relevant posts: France to see the First of the Chastisments, Civil War, Chastisements to Begin in Paris Civil War to Destroy ParisFuture Persecution of the Church

Here in this vision, however, we see a plan that sounds dreadfully similar to the Socialist takeover that happened in many countries in the 20th Century: revolution is declared, full power is seized over church property albeit priests may be permitted to carry on duties for a time under government watch.

Then, the full attack usually begins. The State takes full control. Bishops and priests that refuse the government control will be harassed, persecuted, forced to flee. Churches were closed or desecrated.

In some instances, State churches appointed their own bishops, priests, etc. These invalid ministers spied on the population, held invalid services, and, tried to corrupt the youth with false teachings, which happened in France during the Revolution. The Cristero War of Mexico is another instance when the church suffered similar persecutions and the people took up arms to defend the faith. See the following video:

Here in this prophecy we see that they will attempt to do it again in this next genocidal revolution, and parents will be forced to take thier children to them so their faith is corrupted, parental control will be lost, those defending the true faith will be martyred, but it will last only 44 days.

As Our Lord said earlier on June 21, 1874: "I wanted to give France a King whom she refused, but the one I want to give her, she will accept and she will ask for him and place him on her heart. But before she has this king, France will undergo a crisis and a violent storm. The blood of Christians will mingle with the blood of the impious. The just will fall in small numbers, but some will because the blood of the good will help the wicked. But this time will pass quickly. There will be pools of blood. It will last a short time, but to you it will seem long."

Then then “Justice of the Lord” will come: that can only mean the great chastisements and the coming of the King who will free the Pope according to Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies.


Thursday 26 April 2018

#117 Prophecy of a 'Burning Plague' – Two Remedies Available if Taken in Time

Heaven warned Marie-Julie Jahenny that among the chastisements that will strike the earth as a punishment for sin and a warning will be a multitude of diseases. Judging from Marie-Julie's various prophecies, they will strike before or during the civil wars that will occur before the dreaded Two and Three Days of Darkness.

However, one never before seen plague will be particularly deadly, a 'Burning Plague' will spread fast and will kill quickly.  Apparently, there are TWO remedies, and must be taken as directed in time, or the victim still may not survive. This is one chastisement Brittany will not be spared for it will have forgotten it's Faith.

If anyone decides to take shelter in Brittany, be prepared for this plague.

It will spread so fast there will not be time to prepare for death according to another of Marie-Julie's prophecies if we are unfortunate not to get the remedy in time.  We will not have time to get a priest for the Last Rites, and indeed, if there are any priests left, they will be so busy, we may not get absolution.  Heaven has prepared the CROSS OF PARDON in order to receive forgivenees of sin in this dire circumstance.  (More about the Cross of Pardon, click here.)

However, if you diagnose the symptoms in time, here is the MAIN remedy:


Remedy for the BURNING PLAGUE

Ecstasy date August 5, 1880

"There will be serious diseases that human art (skill) cannot alleviate. This malady will attack the heart first, then the mind, and at the same time, the tongue. It will be horrible. The heat that will accompany it will be a consuming fire, so strong that the affected parts of the body will be of an unbearable redness, (red blotches / patches).

After seven days, this malady, like the seed sown in a field, will rise rapidly and make immense progress (i.e. take over the body quickly, or, spread through the population

My children, this is the only remedy that can save you:

You know the leaves of thorns that grow in almost any hedges (white hawthorn). The leaves of this thorn will stop the progress of the disease. You must pick the leaves, not the wood. Even dry, they will retain their effectiveness.

Put them in boiling water and leave them there for 14 minutes, covering the container so that the steam remains. When the malady first attacks, you must use this remedy three times a day. 


My children, this disease will be very serious in Brittany. The thought of God there will be less great ...(I.e. they will not think of God as much as before and therefore will be struck hardest with this malady.)

The malady will produce a continual uprising of the heart, (blood pressure? Increased heart rate?) vomiting. If the remedy is taken too late, the affected parts will become black, and in this black, there will be yellowish pale streaks."  (Images: white hawthorn bush, white hawthorn leaves.)

UPDATE: another version of this text gives more details: freakish thunder will come as a warning and even strike those who have a disordered conscience.  Then the plagues.  The FLOWERS of the white hawthorne may also be used  - and, GROUND IVY is ALSO a remedy for this plague.  

(SOURCE: Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 212-214)

Our Lady: “My children, pray much, pray greatly – pray with faith, pray with confidence. There is no hope but (only) the hope of heaven. My children, my Heart cannot hide from you, nor keep anything to itself. I therefore warn you that at the moment when the thunder rumbles from heaven, I warn you, flee and retire to your dwellings, for these are the words of my Son:

'I will cause the peals of My thunder to be heard greatly, loudly and widely so different that all My children who are warned by this word will notice within it a voice of justice, of terror, a voice of anger so great that many will be seized with fear and terror. Many will be reduced by lightning. (I.e. Struck down by the lightning.) I am not talking about My children of the Cross, about all of you, but many will be struck down by terror, many whose consciences will not be in order, many will be struck suddenly without having time to think. There, what terror!

My children, this terror does not stop, perhaps a greater terror will resound in what follows.

My children, in a short time there will be serious illnesses that human art will not be able to alleviate. This evil will first attack the heart. From the heart, he will attack the mind and at the same time the word. (i.e. the power of speech.) This evil will be horrible; the heat which will accompany it will be a devouring fire, unbearable so that the affected parts will be red, with a very painful redness. My children, at the end of seven days, this evil sown like grain in the field of the ploughman, will rise everywhere quickly and will make immense progress.

The only remedy that can save you, restore you to health: the flowers and leaves of hawthorn can stop them; they can stop the progress of this disease. Here is the way to use it: Immerse them in boiling hot water, leave them in this water for a quarter of an hour.  (Note, 15 minutes is gen here.) Take this herbal tea two or three times a day. This disease will strain the heart and cause vomiting.  Ground ivy, also called herb de St. John, will also be very effective.  If these herbal teas are taken too late, all affected parts of the body will turn black, and in the dark there will be furrows turning pale yellow.

Prepare yourselves, my children! How many things, how many pains, how many evils everywhere will awaken in the unhappy temples. If you don't pick the buds when they bloom in May, you can always get by with the leaves. The decoction can be reheated and served a second time; take care to leave it under the lid. (I.e keep the herbal tea covered.)

There will also be a great plague of animals with black disease. The skin around their eyes will blacken on the outside to a width of a finger and a half, and they will refuse all food. There will come plenty of water from their eyes. After having been used for men, (i.e apparently a reference to these two herbal teas, people must be helped first), we can make the animals drink it. My children, I have compassion for everything.”

(Marie-Julie:) The Most Holy Virgin Mary has compassion even on beasts.

She says: “Tie St. Benedict medals around the necks of animals. Sow these medals in the form of a cross in the fields where the wheat stays in flower without going to the ear. This pestilence will also reach the vine.”

(NOTE: the Ground Ivy, also called St. John's herb by the French, and is NOT to be confused with St. John's wort.  The ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea,  is also called gill-over-the-ground, creeping charlie, alehoof, tunhoof, catsfoot, field balm, and run-away-robin.)

Ground ivy



OBSERVATIONS is there any Biblical basis for this new plague that will come before the justice of God strikes? YES.

Compare the prophecies of Marie-Julie and the coming chastisements of civil war, the Three Days of Darkness, etc. this passage from the prophecies of Isaiah / Isaias (13:4-13):

The noise of a multitude in the mountains, as it were of many people, the noise of the sound of kings, of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts hath given charge to the troops of war. To them that come from a far country afar off, from the end of heaven: the Lord and the instruments of his wrath, to destroy the whole land. Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is near: it shall come as a destruction from the Lord. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every heart of man shall melt, and shall be broken. Gripings and pains shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain as a woman in labour. (Cramps from the plague?). Everyone shall be amazed at his neighbour, their countenances shall be as faces burnt. Behold, the day of the Lord shall come, a cruel day, and full of indignation, and of wrath, and fury, to lay the land desolate, and to destroy sinners therefore out of it. For the stars of heaven, and their brightness shall not display their light: the sun shall be darkened in his rising, and the moon shall not shine with her light. (Two / Three Days of darkness?) And I will visit the evils of the world, and against the wicked for their iniquity: and I will make the pride of the infidels to cease, and will bring down the arrogance of the mighty. A man shall be more precious than gold, yea a man than the finest gold. For this I will trouble the heaven: and the earth shall be moved out of her place, for the indignation of the Lord of hosts, and for the day of his fierce wrath.”

I would recommend reading the ‘Douay-Rheims’ edition of the Bible, the same prophecies told by the other prophets are cross-linked in the footnotes below the appropriate verses. The passage above is also linked to: Ezechiel (32:7), Joel (2:10, and 3:15), Matt. (24:29); Mark (13:24), Luke (21:25). Also, compare the above text from Isaias with the passage in Joel (2:6) “At their presence (a great army) the people shall be in grievous pains: all faces shall be made like a kettle.” I.e. they will look scorched and burned like a kettle which is placed over a fire. This sounds very similar to the ‘burning plague’ Marie-Julie Jahenny was forewarned about.

About the hawthorn remedy: this is for information only and to confirm that Our Lady is giving us authentic remedies. I have looked into the health properties of hawthorn leaves and have discovered herbalist and alternative medicines site declare it is a powerful form of natural digitalis, a heart medication. So, please be advised when using the leaves if you have prescription or have heart issues. Interesting, herbalists say that when making an herbal tea as a beverage or health purposes, the herbs must be steep c. 14 minutes in a closed container such as a pot with a lid to ensure all the essential oils are infused, and, not lost in the steam.

If you plan to harvest your own leaves, here are pictures of the white hawthorn and its leaves. If you are not sure what to look for, then please, take someone with you who can identify the right bush.


IMPORTANT NOTE: there are prayers that must be said over the herbal remedies revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny.    This is only one plague of many that will hit during these times: to see a list of remedies and the prayers to be said, click here - "REMEDIES for CHASTISEMENT PLAGUES and DISEASES"



Tuesday 24 April 2018

#116 Prophecy of the Leonine Prayers of Pope Leo XIII: Hell will Reduce them to Ashes

Ecstasy July 7, 1880

"The Church will be deprived of its Leader who governs now. The remains (vestiges) of this present holy Pontiff have to disappear. The imprint of his feet at the holy altar will be reduced to ashes by the flames of hell. The head of the Church will be outrageously outraged!"


Observation: This short prophecy reveals much.

As the text refers to the Leader of the church who 'governs now' it is an obvious prophecy regarding Pope Leo XIII, who was the reigning pontiff at the time of this prophecy from 1878 until 1903.

The 'remains' or 'vestiges' that will disappear, i.e. what he leaves behind, could be a prediction that the Church shall be deprived of all his holy reforms and examples he set forth.

Of importance we recall Pope Leo's famous vision of Satan on October 13, 1884 confronting Our Lord, declaring that he could destroy the whole Church if he were granted time to do it. Our Lord agreed to the test and granted Satan up to a century, although the pope was not told which century Satan would be let loose to do his worst. It is said he also saw a terrible battle between St. Michael and the demons.

After he had the vision Pope Leo XIII composed the prayer to St. Michael in addition to other prayers that he ordered to be said at the foot of the altar after every Mass for the protection of the Church, i.e. the Three Hail Marys, The Salve Regina, and the prayer:

O God, our refuge and our strength, Look down in mercy to Thy people who cry to Thee, and through the intercession of the glorious Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of blessed Joseph her spouse, of Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, mercifully and graciously hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the freedom and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. Through the same Christ Our Lord, Amen.”.

Now: since the Council of Vatican II, these important prayers for the protection of the Church have been dropped from the conclusion of the Ordinary (Vernacular) Mass.  Compare this with what Marie-Julie says: “The imprint of his feet at the holy altar (Pope Leo XIII) will be reduced to ashes by the flames of hell.”

To follow someone's example we say we 'follow in their footsteps', I.e. their foot prints, but now his holy example, the 'imprint of his feet at the foot of the altar' has been removed. The prophecy indicates this removal of the prayers was an evil design devised by Hell.  

She predicted this four years before the Pope even had his famous vision.  

It is interesting to discover Marie-Julie Jahenny also seems to have foretold the general contents of Pope Leo XIII's famous vision of Satan c. 5 years 10 months before the Pope's vision occurred, (see post #71, St. Gregory the Great - Prophecy Echoing Leo XIII's vision to Come - Conspiracy Against the Church, click here). 

Other holy practises and devotions were also brought in by Pope Leo XIII to combat Satan, such as the Minor Exorcism that everyone was permitted to say. Today, so few people pray it for protection.  As her prophecy states, all the 'vestiges' of the pope will disappear - this apparently points to all spiritual works of protection that came from his  vision - Hell is making them disappear.

As we have seen in an earlier prophecy with Marie-Julie Jahenny, Satan wants to alter all the rites in the Church, water them down, or remove them entirely.

If the Church is to be protected from Hell, it MUST restore these prayers. If the priest(s) in your church / parish no longer says them, please say them quietly after Mass. 


Monday 23 April 2018

#115 VARIOUS PROPHECIES * Promise of the Great Monarch * PLAGUES on Wheat and Animals * The Works of the Church will Cease for a Time and be in Darkness * Satan will Spread an Invalid 'Communion Service' * Satanic Apparitions and Revelations will Abound

VARIOUS PROPHECIES * Promise of the Great Monarch * PLAGUE against Wheat and Animals + REMEDIES for this  * The Works of the Church will Cease for a Time and be in Darkness * Satan will Spread an Invalid 'Communion Service' * Satanic Apparitions and Revelations will Abound

These are various texts taken from a combination of the “Friend's of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association” website, Marqui's de Franquerie's book the “Breton Stigmatist”, and a new addition from the book 'Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, by Henri Bourcier.   Notes are my own personal observations.


May 12, 1880:

Our Lady speaks on the "dawn of the beautiful morning when the transparent sky will allow to be seen coming from afar the one destined by God," the "just one", the "man of God", the "peace and salvation of His people," the "one France will place on her heart", as Our Lady and Her Divine Son say in other apparitions.”

(Note: this is a reminder of the promise of The Great Monarch to come who will restore the Church. The next prophecies foretell how the works of the Church will be changed, suppressed and heresies introduced.)


(The Wheat Plague, and the Plague to strike the animals + REMEDIES for these plagues.)

Ecstasy May 24, 1880. (Source: 'Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique' by Henri-Boucier, pp. 294-295)

Marie-Julie: “The mystic Sun (i.e. the sun in which she saw her visions), makes me see that Divine Justice threatens everything in the lands in front of us, in the South. It declares itself there like an insupportable plague which attacks the Christians and which falls back on the animals. The Sun manifests the shining proof that will triumph over the lands of the North in perpetuating its cruelty and its ravages.

The Lord gives the great St. Benedict the power to appease this great calamity: a respectful procession of his statue (must be) made without fear and without doubt (in order) to stop this plague.

In the mystic Sun, I read again that in the vicinity, the ear of wheat will blacken and that the harvest which is sown at the end of the month of May and at the beginning of June, to be harvested at the end of August and in September will go into flower and stay there for a considerable time, producing no grain and no crop showing which will be nil. As a remedy, sow the medallion of St. Benedict in the shape of a cross.

I read again in the Sun that this plague must extend to our lands and to here (i.e to the north up to Brittany), but not quite the tender harvests which are not of use to Christians, but to animals. To protect them from this plague, a medal of St. Benedict will have to be tied around their necks.

(NOTE / OBSERVATIONS: she seems to be saying that while the wheat will blacken and not produce grain in the south, perhaps even southern countries like Italy(?) up in the north non-Catholics will face a plague on their animals? The remedy given against the blackening of the wheat is to make dignified procession with his statue, and, to sow blessed St. Benedict's exorcism medal into the ground of the fields in the shape of a cross. To protect animals from the coming plague, to place a blessed St. Benedict's exorcism medal on their necks. The plague that will strike the animals is not described, but when the wheat crops are stricken, we can assume this is the warning to protect the animals.)


June 1, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)

"All the works approved by the infallible Church will cease to exist as they are today for a time. In this sorrowful annihilation, brilliant signs will be manifested on earth. If because of the wickedness of men Holy Church will be in darkness, the Lord will also send darkness that will stop the wicked in their search of wickedness..."

(Note: a prophecy that the Church will be suppressed. Persecuted. However, it is only 'for a time'. God will send 'darkness' to punish the wicked who send the Church into darkness, and this sounds like another reminder of the Two and Three Days of Darkness.)


June 3, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)

Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed. He (Satan) will address priests:

"You will dress in a large red cloak...We (devils) will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do everything that you did when you belonged to Christ...."

"But," says Our Lord, "they do not add, Consecration and Communion."

And Hell added: "We will permit you to say it in all houses and even under the firmament."

(Notes / Observations: Apparently, Satan and his demons will invent another type of service and either introduce it into the Church, or perhaps cause another schism with 'novelty' rites.

Signs to watch out for: the 'vestments' become a red cloak. The wine is removed from the sacrifice of the Mass, perhaps only the server / minister is allowed to receive the 'piece of bread'. Our Lord says a service of this type will not be a valid consecration. They will be able to celebrate this 'service' everywhere, out in the open under an open sky, outside consecrated buildings, and 'in all houses'. 'All houses' could mean in the homes of people, or, all houses of worship no matter what the denomination, i.e., an ecumenical-based service that is 'watered down' so it is made acceptable to everyone and can be celebrated by all Christians.

We must be wary of all forms of worship that do not follow the norms of the Holy Catholic Church and try to 'come down' to the level of other denominations. We must remember there is only One, True, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith, and no service however 'nice' and 'charitable' to other Christians can ever be compared to the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass is not a symbol! It is a true sacrifice where the Passion and Death of Christ takes place in an unbloody manner.)


June 28, 1880

"In those years,” says Satan, “I will make many revelations. (I.e., False revelations through apparitions that are actually demonic.) It will be impossible to expose my language. I will imitate all too well the words of Christ and His revelations. By loading these souls, I want a lot of pious priests to be lost, to mislead them deeply into all these things. I also want to lose many souls (the same way) who are not priests.

If I can not lose these souls, I will (make them) lose their reputation at least, I will make them charges of heavy slander, I will make them denounce up to the point of counsels of human laws."

(Observations / Notes: in the years when Satan creates great confusion in the Church,
he will cause many false apparitions to occur to mislead even the zealous and faithful with high-sounding mysteries. It will be difficult to tell the difference between a false message from the true ones as Satan will mimic how Our Lord and Our Lady speak.

The demon will try to mislead the faithful by several ways. First, by the false messages of course, but also by having us waste precious time trying to discern which are the true apparitions from false ones, when we should be concentrating on the true messages already given and approved that always say the same thing: stop sinning, go to confession, change your life, pray for sinners, pray the rosary and go to Mass. Basically, stop being Catholics in name only and live your faith. The real messages are very simple, we should not be looking for novelties and trying to discover “new secrets” of heaven.

Satan will also create confusion as those who believe the false messages in faith, not out of malice, will defend them, and in the process, further the confusion. They will either destroy their own reputations, or those of others who try to oppose the false apparitions. Satan is very crafty and knows how to manipulate people and create disunity.)


Wednesday 11 April 2018

#114 The Chastisement of Rome: Prophecy of the Bleeding Crucifix and Miracle of St. Peter's Chains


Ecstasy date May 4, 1880

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Pending the pain that will frighten away the inhabitants of the Eternal City, several ministers of the Lord, wishing to die for the Faith, will take refuge in a Temple that does not touch the sanctuary of the Vatican, but that which is closest to its right.

(Note: the 'Friends of Marie-Julie' Association think this could be the Church of Transtevere (sic). They probably meant Santa Maria of Trastevere, but leave a question mark. This may happen in another church close to the Vatican.)

Under their eyes will remain a medium-size Crucifix. From the five wounds of the Crucified there will spring forth, at the time, five rivers of blood. This blood will gush so hard that two angels, whose forms will not be seen, will collect it in two cups that will be seen, surrounded by a halo.

I also see that the chains of St. Peter will be invisibly and miraculously brought to Christ that lets His blood flow forth.

(Note: apparently, the chains will be miraculously brought to this bleeding crucifix.  Image right: the chains of St. Peter.)

This miracle will be to touch the hearts of the wicked, and loosen for a time the bonds of the Common Father of the faithful, (I.e. the pope) who will be under the blows of those hearts without pity.

The two chalices, where the blood of Christ has been collected, will be deposited by the angels, on the great Altar where the Holy Father celebrates every day the Holy Sacrifice. (Other) persons cannot climb the steps of this Altar. At one hour in the night, the hour of the Agony in the Garden of Olives, the Father of the faithful, barefoot and accompanied by apostles who love and are loved by him, by privilege, will ascend up to the Altar where the two cups are.

He will not be able to climb the stairs without spilling a torrent of tears, without being seized with infinite respect. This Altar will be his, as it was that of Pius IX. He will see, written in the Blood of the chalice on the left:

"Courage, very August Pontiff, the blood of the French, who are also your children, comes to offer itself to the point of death for your defence."

I see the holy Pontiff drink a drop of Blood, the other cup, from that where there is nothing in writing.

This Blood will render him in conformity with his Saviour dying on the Cross.”


Observations: since the French via the Great Monarch are destined to liberate the Angelic Pontiff, this must be a prophecy of the imprisonment in the Angelic Pontiff at the Vatican when Rome is invaded and / or suffers great persecution from the ungodly since he is also associated with Pius IX who was the first to call himself the 'Prisoner of the Vatican'. The bleeding crucifix and the miracle of St. Peter's chains will be a source of consolation in this time.  When these miracles happen, obviously we know the Angelic Pontiff is on the throne of Peter and the Great Monarch will not be long in coming.


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