Showing posts with label St. Louis IX King of France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Louis IX King of France. Show all posts

Sunday 27 May 2018

#123 Visions of the Holy Spirit as a Dove – France is Dying – Prediction of Marie-Julie's Death – The Great Monarch will Come Afterwards

Ecstasy date December 16, 1880

Marie Julie: “The dove (i.e., the Holy Spirit as a dove), shows me a branch of lilies. The stem is wilted and the leaves withered like a flower that has been long exposed to the sun. It says:

The Dove: “This is France, the countries of the victims and of all children of God. Here is this kingdom faded, broken, cut, almost lifeless, without hope. Accept the stem of the wilted lily.”

Marie-Julie: “O Dove, I dare not touch it because its crime was the cause of its disgrace.”

Dove: “Soon on this stem, you shall seal your lips and with the last dying breath of your heart tell him (Our Lord?) how you prayed for her (France), how you have suffered. Coming out of this world, you will come to Heaven to seek the triumph and acclaim its noble victory.”

(I.e. a prediction that the restoration of France will not happen until after her death, she will go to Heaven and intercede for the restoration / victory to happen.)

The Dove: “Before even, God needs a huge sacrifice, it is necessary that His victims are immolated and that their wounds become so broad as the deep rivers. But the One who gilds of His love all the losses of deep wounds, it is the One who will descend in the midst of His friends, bringing the most glorious thrones of triumph.”

(i.e. however, sacrifices are needed first from her and her friends, hence they are still left on earth as victim souls. But their pains will be rewarded with thrones of triumph.)


Ecstasy of December 28, 1880

After the evocation of the terrible combats, (i.e. the call for war) the Dove (Holy Spirit) said,

"This will be the eve of the great triumph, where loyal friends united in procession, will be brought to the French borders, to raise the white noble standard that I have destined for the new France. One who is called to renew through immense difficulties, according to the perishable world. (i.e. coming of the Great Monarch, see Henry (Henri) V, Prophecies of the Great Catholic Monarch, the 'Miracle Child' ).

According to My Eternal Power, he is called as a man enveloped in miracles; his cloak will safeguard his noble person and the whole court that assist him, united to the friends of France. They will lead with songs of victory to the point where there will be many battles, struggles, dethronements, bloodshed, undignified revolts, before he mounts to sit, this noble and worthy son of Saint Louis, on that chair from which the stain is not yet cleared."

(i.e. 'on that chair from which the stain is not yet cleared' – meaning: there must be much bloodshed and revolts to purify the kingdom and also clear the corrupt governments that sit on the seat of power in France that rightfully belongs to the Great Monarch who is a descendant of St. Louis IX. Corrupt France must be completely purged before the Great King can take his rightful place.)


Friday 1 September 2017

#13 Vision of St. Louis IX, King of France - He will be Instrumental in Crowning the Great Catholic Monarch

Ecstasy Dated August 25, 1874. (Marie-Julie sees King St. Louis IX of France on his feast day.)

Marie-Julie: "I see Saint Louis in glory. Before he had a throne in the world, but today he has a throne in Heaven. He never sullied his throne.” (That is, his rule was without blemish, he was a just and holy ruler that pleased God.)

"But since then," says this good Saint Louis, "how many blasphemies, how many perjuries on this earthly throne! I come back to reconcile Heaven and earth."

Marie Julie: "You will reconcile France with the Heart of Jesus.”

Saint Louis, (King of France): "I want France to abjure her errors. Mary Immaculate gives me power and grace. Through my prayers I will give France a new baptism and then I will re-establish her throne. I will bring her this beautiful palm to the centre of this throne and my brother in Jesus Christ (i.e. the Great Monarch to come) who will govern her will preserve his innocence and purity, and Jesus and Mary will bless him, will bless his charity and his great heroic faith!"

Marie-Julie Jahenny then revealed a special prayer to be said to St. Louis in his honour, and, for the coming of the Great Catholic Monarch: 

Great Saint Louis, King of France, hero of France, pray for France.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, beautiful lily of purity, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for France.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, who preserved your purity and your beautiful innocence and who never sullied this crown on the throne that Jesus and Mary gave you, grant peace, pray that France humbles itself at the feet of Jesus and Mary and before you.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, who comes to reconcile Heaven with Earth and to whom Jesus, the God of France, gives His graces, bring peace to France, grant that the Faith will flourish there, pray for France, the Holy Pontiff and the Church.

Great Saint Louis, you, the friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you, the fervent servant of Mary whom you loved so much and for whom you desired to die on a Saturday, a day that was consecrated to her, pray for us, unhappy children of France.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, you whom Jesus and Mary have received in their arms and who they the gave a most beautiful crown, pray for France.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, France calls you and requests that you bring that beautiful crown that you have never sullied, give it to her like a second crown, pray for France.

Great Saint Louis, who prays with the Immaculate Mary for the Sovereign Pontiff in the midst of his sufferings, the calumnies, the persecutions, deliver the Sovereign Pontiff.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, come today with Immaculate Mary, reconcile France and Heaven. We are all present, we pray together. He will come to our aid, to make truthfulness and innocence flourish in the midst of faded France, as Mary has given him the power, pray for France.

Great Saint Louis, King of France, Jesus and Mary have permitted that you take by the hand the King that will govern and you will give him his crown that you never tarnished. Mary permits you to place this King on the throne, he who will bring peace. Pray for the Sovereign Pontiff who calls upon you for France. We see in you a beautiful hope, we see your blessed hand! Mary will refuse you nothing, you who have loved her so much. Come to our assistance. Come, You also, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, You open it completely that we may hide in It never to come out.

All for You, O Sacred Heart, all for you You Jesus and Mary, and all for you O good Saint Louis, King of France. Amen.


Notes: St. Louis reveals because of his devotion to the Mother of God he will be instrumental in bringing about the coming of the Great Catholic Monarch who is destined to restore the Church and the world and bring the Age of Peace.  Our Lady will give him the grace to do this.  Our Lord also revealed to Marie-Julie that Our Lady would announce the time of the Renewal, and here we see She will give St. Louis IX an important role in the Renewal and the arrival of the Great Catholic Monarch.  St. Louis will give the Great Monarch his crown!  Let us say the prayer revealed to us that the Great Monarch will be sent!

Of interest, during his reign, King Louis abhorred blasphemy and ordered that anyone who uttered a blasphemy was to have their lips burnt with a hot branding iron. (Some accounts say a live coal.) He also said anyone who uttered a blasphemy against the Holy Mother fo God should be run through with a sword!  It was said it only happened once, a blasphemy was uttered and a the crimianl had his lips burnt.  A blasphemy was never heard again in the kingdom of France during his reign. Even the Church was alarmed and made King Louis soften this punishment, but appears Heaven was pleased for Christ admitted to Marie-Julie that King Louis was a King after His own Heart, and that the Great Monarch to come would be another 'King Louis'.  

Our Lady also said to Marie-Julie that it was blasphemy that brings Hell to earth, and that when we hear a blasphemy, we must say a 'Glory Be' to repair the offence done to the majesty of God.


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