Showing posts with label St. Victorian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Victorian. Show all posts

Sunday 3 December 2017

#97 St. Victorian – The Secret of Happiness and the Road that Leads to Heaven

Ecstasy date November 28, 1878.

I am Saint Victorian, Bishop and Martyr. I was a martyr for God, preferring death rather than give up my Divine Treasure. Hidden under my clothes, on my heart, I removed It (the Blessed Sacrament) from the cruelty of the barbarians ... I fled and I bore Jesus on my heart. I was stopped by the guard of the Emperor so dreaded and cruel. I was bound, stripped and searched. My body was set on fire and put to instruments of torture. At all times my right hand rested on my chest to keep the Treasure I was bearing. I fell on my knees and prayed Our Lord to please tear Himself from sacrilegious hands as I was bound and surrounded by the enemies of the Divine King.

After this prayer, I was dragged in chains to the place of execution where I left the earth. The precious Treasure still reposed on my heart. What pain of delivering my Saviour! Once the sword was about to cross my heart and my body, I felt a sweet consolation. Our Lord stood gently on my heart and rose above the barbarian men in the form of the Child Jesus, the most tenderest, the kindest, weeping tears of pain. All the barbarians (took no notice) of this Divine marvel. On the contrary, their rage and ferocity redoubled. It was there that I received the palm of victors. My heart was broken, my body pierced and my head separated.

Now a word on behalf of Our Lord.

O rich suffering, which contains an abundant Divine harvest and where our Lord finds the precious pearls to form our crowns! Dear brothers and sisters, if we could enter into the secret of happiness it is the secret of suffering, after it is returned to us, we could say: "I saw, I tasted, everything that Heaven possesses is more sweet and more happier!"

This is the way to enter into the secret. This is the first complete and perfect resignation that makes us enjoy the Heaven before they tasted the true eternal rest. O too little honoured suffering, you have charms for the heart of the Christian faithful! You make in his heart the beginning of a paradise, the beginning of an almost complete satiation, until the fullness comes to quench the eternal thirst and hunger forever. Your sufferings are golden ears (of grain). These spikes are responsible for a rich harvest which is another love that enter into the seed of Immortal Love. These two loves join and complete reality is made to come out of this life. Dear brothers and sisters, you who are suffering now, do you not feel this flood of happiness that raises, expands you?

This Divine torrent comes from Heaven. It works in your human suffering, it changes and turns them so they shine in the eyes of the Lord as rich diamonds. And God, proud of your generous suffering, sends you double grace and strength …

Dear brothers and sisters, the soul that is not on the cross, the soul that feels no pain and or sorrow, has not yet entered in the road that gently leads to Heaven. For its sweetness, this path charms your souls and gives them the sublime intoxication of Hope ... How sweet it is to fall asleep in the Lord after many trials of suffering and pain! To all, courage!”

Notes: As St. Victorian declares in this vision he is a Martyr of the Eucharist, the “Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary Website” identifies him as Saint Victorian who was martyred at Adrumetum in 484 under the Vandal King, Hunneric, who was an Arian. The Arians denied the divinity of Christ and persecuted the Catholic faithful. Many priests, bishops, deacons and faithful preferred to die rather than let heretics profane or desecrate the consecrated Host, thereby demonstrating their faith in the Real Presence of Our Lord, His Body, His Blood, His Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. St. Victorian's account to Marie-Julie is in keeping with this.

However, according to traditional accounts of his life, Victorian of Adrumetum was a wealthy Catholic who had been appointed proconsul by Hunneric, and is not recorded as being a bishop. He served as an obedient administrator to the king until he was asked to convert to Arianism, which he refused. It is possible the saint was correcting this detail of his life during his visit to Marie-Julie, revealing he was in fact a bishop.


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