Saturday 3 November 2018

#133 WOE to Traitor Priests – SEAL OF CONFESSION Will be BROKEN – The Bloody Civil War Hatched by Conspiracy – IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE SIDES

Ecstasy Date September 19, 1881

Our Lady: "I (shall be?) crucified (with my Son?) once more, and the Church in tears will again hear its knell of agony .... My victim, it is the priests, almost all of which were the first to call the wicked men who govern the Earth. The priests went into hiding to bring their voices to the revolutionary side. They are not hidden from Heaven. My Son's eyes followed them. 

(I.e, the revolutionary side is the anitroyalist, republican / Masonically influenced government contrary to the Absolute Monarchy of France favoured by God. These traitor priests refused to support the ascension of Henry V to the throne.  For more information about this revelation, see post #37“Reveleation of the Third Republic of France – God's Displeasure”  Also, because the French have rejected Henry V, they have BROUGHT ABOUT THE COMING CHASTISEMENTS- see post #130 "Rejection of Henry V Opened the Way for the Chastisements.")

The ecstasy for September continued -  Our Lady:

“My Heart in tears could not touch for them the Heart of an angry Judge. More than ever the number of priests known as true ministers of God is very small. It is so small. If I named the extent of them, you would shudder from sadness ... I can tell you that there are many priests in France and outside of France who have no shame, in the days of terror, to violate the secrets of the confessional to spoil the Faith, to defile the Church. I will reveal that a priest can do a thousand times more evil than a man in the world ... .

At the moment, there are those working under the veil waiting until they leave their priestly garments to better throw out horror and abomination among the people "…

(i.e. They cannot wait for the time when they will no longer be obligated to wear their habits in order to bring these revolutionary plans about, which will be a horror and an abomination, and, they will also willingly commit horrors and abominations themselves.)


Ecstasy date September 20, 1881

Our Lady: "My people, demand (from God) for the Centre, (Paris) grace and mercy. The shroud of death is prepared; there is no casket to enclose the remains of the unfortunate people. In very little time, there will be few people. Men will be so clear (spread thin?) that it will take leagues to meet a single soul, especially in the south, in big cities, in the Centre (Paris). There will be little more than a few souls that have hidden underground to escape. (See the previous post to know the exact number that will escape the destruction of Paris, click here.) The earth will be desolate, poisoned with corpses, all filled with the blood of Christians.

A 'Miserere', My people, for the Centre (Paris) to the south to Lyon, Toulouse. A 'Miserere' for the soldiers, the children remaining on the land of exile between life and death. For My priests, My servants and My servers; a 'De Profundis' for the poor souls who expire there, without priests, without the sacraments. This is what God demands from you for His dear souls that He has redeemed by His Blood!"

(Observations: this must be the during dreadful civil war that will start in Paris. It has been foretold the churches will be closed, Christians persecuted, and the sacraments will no longer be readily or easily available.)


Also September 20, 1881:

Marie-Julie: “In the sun, (i.e the mystic sun that showed her her visions) I see graces. Our Lord knocks at this moment at the door of every heart to enter with His benefits. By knocking, I hear His complaints high and sad from His adorable mouth.”

'I have,' said Jesus, 'created all hearts to love Me, to serve Me as a throne and loving home. Most hearts raise towards Me swords, spears, hammers and, with all these outrages, they do not want My presence, more signs of My power, more works of My love,' Jesus says in a tone of voice that cuts through the soul with pain and anguish.

After the complaints in the sun I see the Flame that projects its rays as if to mark His language and His divine word.

In the sun, the Flame (Holy Spirit) says:

'For the Earth, there is no more hope of triumph, there must come first (before the triumph over evil in the Age of Peace) that the triumph of the enemies of good is in full power on all that God has created, on the world; it will arise on the Church to bury it in some way, under fire, under the violence of evil, profanity, insults, passions that the world has never seen on Earth.

Friends of God, victims, servers and servants, it is time,' said the Flame, 'to declare to the Eternal God that you want to live and die in the Catholic faith; it is time to look up to Heaven because in all the corners of the Earth YOU WILL FIND THE ANTICHRISTS, AS IN THE TIME OF THE LAST JUDGEMENT, that will travel the whole world to pervert, to weaken by their threats the faith of Christians.'

(i.e we are now being asked to choose sides – are we Catholic, or for the side of evil? We must now choose by which we wish to live and die. During the persecutions, the Holy Spirit warns we will have precursor antichrists that will attempt to weaken and destroy the faith during these evil days.)

Flame says:

My Father, take your souls because men have at their choice an hour to overthrow the world and declare the immense pain. Friends of God, your heavenly Father will speak, will tell. The manifested sign of My warnings touch the hour that opens the hour, visibly, in the eyes of the world to warn and prevent the hour of men following closely the warning of God. It will be the time that the universal call of God to His people is close to Earth, because of the triumphant entry of evil. The people could no longer fulfil its duties so rich, so full of blessings. The Lord left to His people time to pray in peace and fulfil the great act in peace. (i.e. A period of mercy and peace to declare your Catholic faith and live according to its precepts before the trouble starts?)

In the sun, (i.e Marie-Julie's mystic sun) the Flame says:

Do not worry, but pray for those to whom I promised to bring to Me before the hurricane is unleashed on Earth. My power will come quickly; in an hour, I can show thousands of wonders; in one day, I can do more than My people in a century.

My victims, all the servants, the time is near when unexpected doors will open for the glory of many, the confusion of many. Look,” said the Flame, “the works leading up to their summits where are attained all the glories, the wonders of the Lord who gives food to the Earth. Friends of God, as a result of these works, the (breasts?) oppressed by evil (are) also ready to crack to leave vengeance explode: they are men of power,” said the Flame.

(Note: the literal translation of the text “the breasts oppressed by evil are also ready to crack to leave vengeance explode” sounds like cryptic code for an age like the 1800s that wouldn't understand what was being foretold but would be understood in later times – could the Holy Spirit be referring to suicide bombers and the explosive suicide vests strapped to their chests?)

The Flame: “Dear friends of God, as soon as they are going to have thrown the spark which will produce a so sprawling fire as the land of the kingdom that must be subjected to this terror, they will retreat to shelter from the storm and will leave all the doors of France open; all will be able to penetrate there without a defence (to stop them?) since it is going to be delivered at the mercy of all people, at all those who will want to take the power of the French land.

(Note / observations: It seems an evil government will take over France, and clandestinely cause some trouble to break out, then flee the country, 'to shelter from the storm' they created, leaving it open to the mercies of its enemies, perhaps those to whom they caused the trouble in the first place. In other words, France will suffer a manufactured civil war at the hands of its own government- this has already been stated in an earlier post. See post  #38 "PARIS - CITY OF SODOM - DESTRUCTION by CIVIL WAR" which even gives the months this will happen.

     In this ecstasy, the Holy Spirit mentions a 'spark' that will start a sprawling fire - this may also refer to an earlier prophecy about 'conspirators' that will start 'violet' or 'violent' sparks under Paris - see post #41 PARIS- INFERNALLY INSPIRED CONSPIRACIES to START THE REVOLT - a VIOLET FIREwe could be seeing prophesies of the terror attacks on Paris, and that there are more to come - the civil war may be started by terror attacks via suicide bombers, or 'red flag' events like them to cause the war.)

The Flame: “Dear victims, all the servants, the hour is on the last point before which was made all the declarations against everything that has been mentioned so many times in the sun. (Marie-Julie's mystic sun.) When they go, these so guilty men, when having declared all, all handed over, they will then be as if they were never there. It is at that moment when the ominous sound will come out of the centre, (Paris) it will be from the voices cheering the bloody hour.

The Flame says: “During the course of several days, these cries will resound there, in the centre. (Paris) Once the sound has travelled throughout France, there will be a great movement, it will be that the whole of France is delivered to these evils, or rather, will fall into an abyss as unfathomable as the evil that has increased it. There are no more foundations, they are shaken. Dear friends of God, do not build a house in France because it will be thrown over.  Do not take refuge there, remain under the skies of Brittany, although many evils are reserved for there, they are not comparable to those of the kingdom.”


The 'Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary Website” offers the following
observations on this last ecstasy:

Taken only in its literal sense, it seems this last warning is exclusively directed to Britons for whom the instructions are simple: stay in Brittany, nowhere else would you be better off and, above all, do "not take refuge in France", "do not build a house."

Brittany is definitely one of the blessed places as the Blessed Virgin said: "the Justice of my divine Son, will but graze the surface of the Earth."

This warning would have then a narrow scope? It would be surprising, the "friends of God" who live in France being the most immediately affected by the threat. Curiously, the danger is not shown in the fact of living in France, but "to build a house."

Therefore, besides the literal sense, it may be appropriate to recognise a figurative lesson.

We could understand it well: do not try to find a place in this society, it is not there that we will find a safe haven, "Do not take refuge there." France is currently dominated by the Revolution; the city of men, rebellious to God, is called to be overthrown by divine Justice, we must not be settled (there) if we do not want to be drawn into its ruin. (i.e do not find your 'shelter' or think you are secure in the liberal society of this world.)

Note the similarity in the terms with the Gospel warning: "Whoever hears these words of mine, and do not put them into practise is like a fool who built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it was thrown down, and great was its fall "(Matt. VII, 26-27). The main principles of the Revolution on which society sits is only sand, "your maxims are proverbs of sand" said the holy man Job (Job XIII, 12). (Note: This is probably a French translation of the verse.)

Brittany from this perspective represents the City of God, the Kingdom of Mary, that is where we need to seek shelter or reside. At Marie- Julie's home, three shelters have been proposed: the Sacred Heart, the mantle of the Blessed Virgin and the Cross.

By using these shelters, "dear friends of God," friends of Marie-Julie, you have taken up residence in her home and, consequently, have become Bretons by adoption.

Not to build a house, it is that we also be considered as exiles in this world. On March 19, 1878, Saint Joseph said to Marie-Julie:

Despite the curses which are reserved (for France), my Son accorded the gift of protection to several families who behaved charitably in the faith and in recognition of divine grace; they will be protected but in flight, they will have to do as I when I fled to Egypt.”

Marie-Julie: “But St. Joseph, we do not have Egypt, us.”

Here, it is not off our topic to read what Bossuet writes about the flight of Saint Joseph in Egypt:

"Strange fate as that of a poor artisan who is suddenly banished, and why? Because he is placed in charge over Jesus, whom he has in his company. We cannot (have) Jesus for nothing; it is necessary to participate in the cross."

(End of the Sanctuary's observations.)


Ecstasy of September 21, 1881

Marie-Julie Jahenny says: “As with our Lord who leaves escape bitter complaints against His people, especially on His apostles that no longer respect Him, who have outraged him and who make the Holy Church suffer, He showed me a deep wound in His Divine Heart and He told me:

Sacred Heart: "The Holy Church is wounded by a similarly large number of them that should comfort her and (but) are only making it sad."

"If you did not want to accept for them your immense sufferings, I would have weighed down My arm charged with punishments. Your charity has sustained them, (i.e Marie-Julie's sufferings, sacrifices, and those of her followers staved off these punishments), but the chastisements when the time comes will be no less great; they force Me to strike. They lose their respect for the confessional; they leave the rules that the Church orders them and they are the cause of many of the offences that (they?) make."

"Woe to the priests who do not think about the immense responsibility they will have to render to Me! They are the cause of an evil beyond measure. They are fierce against the good that I operate on the Earth to awaken the Faith, to excite souls to serve Me more faithfully."

"Soon, they will be punished terribly."

Marie-Julie: "I tried to implore mercy."

Our Lord: "I am listening, but for a very little time."

And with a loud voice, He added:

"And the pastors of the Church, how are they in their faith? (Or, where are they in their faith?) The largest number is ready to give up his faith to save his body. The Church weeps; the pain they cause will never be repaired. In a short time, the pastors of the Church will have spread scandals all over and they will give the last spear thrust to the Holy Church. Let this (message?) go so that the Church knows how I suffer in the person of my priests and that she has compassion for My pain. They put Me in their hearts amidst great and terrible mistakes. Their responsibility will be terrible." (i.e., priests also receive the Blessed Sacrament unworthily?)


Ecstasy of September 29, 1881 (From the 'Breton Stigmatist'):

Marie-Julie Jahenny: "Our Lord tells me that: The Sanctuary of Montmartre (Sacre Coeur) would become in a short time the house of their counsels (i.e., the evil government) and of their treacherous organisations for the final destruction of the chapels, religious men and women, and also the closing down of the places of apparition, the violation of the laws of the Church to a point that no-one could imagine."



Friday 26 October 2018

#132 - Deadly War and the Future Destruction of Paris – Very Few Will Survive - A Corrupt Clergy Will be Punished

Ecstasy Date August 9, 1881

"My children,” said the Virgin Mary, “when crime is at its highest, when the subjects of the formidable enemy will take their place at the Centre (i.e. Paris), the terror and the hand of my Son will already be affecting the walls of this city so guilty - eventhough there are good people - but they will be victims of crimes and iniquities.

My children, do you know the number of those who will escape this infernal deadly war? This, I dare not utter. (i.e., because there will be so few.)

My children, all Christians who will not abscond to hide in secret places, those who prefer to water the earth with their blood instead of going to a country at peace ... the number of those to be protected is written in the eternal throne. (I.e very few of the faithful who decide to stay behind in Paris and not flee to somewhere safe will be protected.) When I look at this figure (i.e. sum), I can no longer be consoled and my heart is pierced with a thousand swords. (i.e., because those who will be protected will be very small.) My children, there will not escape one hundred, no, not one hundred in the middle of this huge guilty city (Paris) ... Count less than twelve, you will have the true figure.

(I.e. The French translation means count twelve less from the number one-hundred – only 88 will survive the destruction of the center of Paris.)

Our Lady:Never was there a pain greater for me. The men will complete up to their last limits the righteous anger of my Son. While these unfortunates rush all my people to the grave, then the world will be under the vengeful lightning of Heaven. (I.e, will the strange thunder and lightening foretold in other prophecy happen during or after this persecution / war against Christians?  See post #59 St. Joseph - WARNINGS: A GREAT APOSTASY - Strange Lighting ,Thunder, Plagues ) My children, work on Sundays! ... Soon they will see no more than a few Christians attend services! The confessionals will be empty ... My children, it is blasphemy that brings hell on earth. I am in sorrow for the clergy. I see that, in a great amount and more of priests, the mind (or spirit) weakens every day. Many pastors are no longer, as were many of our priests, determined to die in honour of their sacred ministry." (I.e. They will no longer die for the Faith, and, they will not be willing to die if necessary to keep the seal of the Confessional intact as would be expected. This will be revealed o Marie-Julie in the ecstasys for September, click here. )


Ecstasy Date, August 9, 1881

(Our Lady voices her complaints to Marie-Julie - possibly a more detailed version of the text above.)

Our Lady: "My children, in this unfortunate time, days of abstinence are no longer kept."

"My children, work on Sundays is making progress every day." (i.e., not that she approves, she means that the worldly acceptance of servile work on Sundays will make rapid progress day by day.)

"My children, it is blasphemy that brings hell on Earth."

"My children, my last plaint, that which puts the sword at the entrance of hearts! I complain of the clergy... My victims, servants and maids, I am well in sorrow for the clergy; it is for Me the greatest sorrow only because for them pardons are so hard to obtain. The priest's life is so high in grace, the gifts he possesses are so powerful that, if they were known, everyone would fall prostrate at their their feet and they would speak with the same respect as if talking to My Son. "

Marie-Julie: "It is true, dear Mother, but the dignity of the priest is no longer respected."

Lady. "But my daughter, many (priests) do not know how to respect themselves, words that tear the heart of the High Priest (i.e Jesus), my children, I see that the spirit weakens every day. The thought of the present time makes it difficult to choose, the side they prefer to follow. My children, many pastors are not, as many of our priests, determined to die in their honour and sacred ministry. They no longer know the true royalty of the souls of our fathers; for the great part, their thoughts, their opinions are for those who now govern this poor country." (i.e., a revelation that the clergy at the time were supporting the republican / secular government of France and were against the restoration of the absolute monarchy.)

Our Lady is crying, saying these words. She continues:

"What a shame ere long will be on the priestly family. What a disgrace for the overthrow of the faith and (to) attach (themselves?) to the laws of these unfortunates of the Center (I.e. The government) that make so much evil and that wants to make the home of My Saints a theatre, a place of hellish abomination. My children, there is only our priests (who oppose it?), the Bishops, the biggest number is in that direction (i.e., following the hellish regime); there is hardly any from the other one (the side of faithful priests), so that it is almost, almost as if there is needed only one second to name them all."

Marie-Julie: “O Good Mother, it is painful when you think of it!”

Our Lady. "O My children, I know well to whom I speak. Oh that my words were heard outside, it would weaken many people because of the weakness of the clergy." (i.e., Many faithful people might lose their courage when hearing these warnings about how weak the clergy has become.)

"My children, do you believe, can you believe that Centre, South, in the East, (In Paris, the South and East of France) the Bishops will abandon the Church without regret, without thinking of anything other than 'every man for himself', in the epoch in which we are (in)?"

"My children, in all the new Bishops, there is not an entire generation of faith, there is above all a belief in the weakness against My Son; they will never be forgiven. They do not deny His powers, but they do not admit that My Son uses the earth to make (all) pass towards the good, the salvation and protection of souls (the social reign of Our Lord). (i.e., They do not believe that Our Lord uses everything on earth for His purpose of saving souls, including natural phenomena and disasters?) Oh, they will be punished for their unbelief and the punishment is in the Hands of My Son. The clergy is weak; the French clergy, a great number shall turn towards the perishable side (i.e., the evil side). The French clergy will be punished because of its levities; shining punishments without measure in the hands of My Son. My children, the French clergy is more responsible because it is more educated (i.e., in spiritual matters), religion is more extensive (with them) than any other country. Catholicism has existed in France when other countries were not very Catholic; for that, they will be punished more severely. But everywhere, the clergy is bad everywhere, my children!"



Wednesday 24 October 2018

#131 Churches will be Abandoned – The Sacrifices will take an INFERNAL FORM - Also, a Hidden Prophecy of 'Pride Flags' in Churches?

(NOTE: The “Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary” Website has placed the following list of sentences under this date, I am simply repeating what I found. At is possible certain prophecies are under the incorrect date or have been taken out of context. I apologise in advance if anyone eventually finds this to be the case. As stated, I am simply repeating what I have found published on their site.)


Ecstasy July 21, 1881

"The Church will suffer the most cruel persecutions which hell has never yet invented. (i.e., Hell will soon unleash the most cruelest persecutions against the Church the like of which has never been seen before.)

"Soon, in large parts of this land of the dead, there will be no sanctuaries. The apostles (i.e bishops) will have fled. The holy souls weep over the ruins and abandonment; See how much they insult Me and how much they offend Me ... There will be a relentless hellish (attack) against the devotion to the Sacred Heart. "

"There will be a book of the 'second celebration' by the infamous spirits who have crucified Me anew and who await the reign of a new Messiah to make them happy. Many holy priests will refuse this book sealed with the words of the abyss, but unfortunately there are who will accept it, and it will be used."

"The Bishops betray. They will give their strength and their life to the fatal government." (i.e the revolutionary governments that will persecute, and attempt to take over or destroy the Church.)

"Today, I, Creator, God, I lose all the authority of My Powers. Today, I am the most despised and regarded as the most incapable of men."

"In a short time, on the threatened earth that is no longer strong, because the blasphemies that have shaken it, the iniquities and crimes have separated it piece by piece, in a short time on French soil, I will no longer be recognized; My adorable dignity will be desecrated. They will (do more to Me than on the day of My Passion); (then) they had given Me anything but a scarlet robe. Before the century is over, long before, they will have covered Me in all sorts of insults. The religion that I had established, the Gospel that I preached, all this, they will tear apart under an appalling form, to make trembling, and they will throw all these infamous things on My shoulders and all over My Adorable Body. They will change My sufferings and My plaints of My Passion, in writings that will shake the heart of the righteous and their peaks will crack pain, as the mountain, on the day of My Crucifixion. Before the year which bears a figure (chiffre=also a 'sum' or 'code') of consolation to My French people, before that epoch is sounded, the holy sacrifices of the altars will have taken an infernal form."

"In the streets, in cities, in the countryside and in all villages, the infectious poison of those cursed books will spread with an immensity and with a rapidity hotter than the sun's path, from sunrise to sunset."


NOTE: (About the “Book of the Second Celebration” and the celebrations that will take an “infernal form”: I have added a detailed explanation in a later prophecy in this chronological reconstruction of Marie-Julie's prophecies for the simple reason this message and several messages for November 27, 1902 and May 10, 1904 concerning the “New Mass” have been lumped together, making it almost impossible to discover when these specific warnings were issued, but the warnings remain the same. One source gives the date as 1901, not 1902. For details about the “New Mass” and why this may be the 'second celebration' displeasing to God, see the prophecy for November 27, 1901 in post
#161 A DIRE WARNING from Our Lord – Another Prophecy of the NEW MASS?, click here.

Also, of IMPORTANCE- notice how Our Lord says “The religion that I had established, the Gospel that I preached, all this, they will tear apart under an appalling form, to make trembling, and they will throw all these infamous things on My shoulders and all over My Adorable Body. Is Our Lord saying that Transubstantiation still happens in this 'new form' and that He will have to suffer the abominations of the 'new form' thrust upon Him while hidden in the Blessed Sacrament? Food for thought! 

Also,we note in Marie-Julie's other prophecies the White Flag of France loved by Christ is shown over the shoulders of the promised King, and that at one time, the colour white was used to mock Christ and the King, the beloved white flag is thrown over the king's shoulders and turned into a mantle of abomination by his enemies(See previous post, click here.)   

Now, our Lord has revealed in this prophecy that something He had created as good and holy will be TORN APART into something abominable and 'thrown over His shoulders' - several of Marie-Julie's prophecies are given in cryptic word clues like this -- are we seeing a prophecy of something beloved by God turned into a flag by the term 'thrown over his shoulders', then used an an object of abomination?

Hint hint!!!  God's rainbow, a holy covenant with mankind promising He would never again destroy the earth by a flood has been mutated into a symbol of you-know-what on a flag and is now being introduced into 'tolerant' liberal Churches over altars and crosses! 

Pray for the restoration of Catholic Tradition! Pray for the coming of the promised Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff – only they will be able to finally bring about the full restoration of the Church as told to Marie-Julie. Our Lady of Good Success also told us to pray for God to send us the Angelic Pontiff who would restore all things.


Monday 1 October 2018

#130 Rejection of Henry V Opened the Way for the Chastisements – His Miraculous Return will be Unforeseen and Cannot be Stopped

Ecstasy date July 12, 1881

Our Lord: "The time is near when many people will be shaken, where those who do not want to follow good laws will be under the great blow of regret. There is no more time! They wanted to leave for the abyss! It is open! They did not want My King, they have preferred the throne of infamous men. They have for some time. They will be very unhappy. They have wanted the abyss! They have arrived there. They despised the future of my servant. (i.e Henri V) They (the French) gave preference to the revolutionaries. This is their time. It is their time that begins and for the few, is the entry of major disasters by their fault. But hope! They all started with them, (i.e the coming disasters,) but heaven will preserve the friends of Its promise.”

(Image: Henry V, Count of Chambord).

(Observations: Our Lord laments that the French have despised the opportunity of restoring the absolute monarchy under Henry V, the Count of Chambord who was alive at the time. Christ an earlier prophecies had named him to be the Great Monarch of His choice and that ALL the prophecies refer to him. See post #127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to bethe Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him

By rejecting Henry V, the French have now opened the path to the chastisements, for they have chosen the Abyss. At the time, the path was now being set for the establishment of a Republic in France, and as we read in an earlier revelation to Marie-Julie, Democracy comes from Hell. See post #5 Democracy- Straight from Hell)

 UPDATE:  Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)    (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 70-71)  --- (Summary: Marie-Julie Jahenny Suffers More In Expiation - Christ Denounces Bastille Day, the Celebration of the Masonic Revolution that transformed France from a Catholic Monarchy into a Secular Democratic State – Bastille Day is a Day of Blasphemy Against Christ and His Church – Christ Complains Friday Fasting and Abstinence is no longer Observed – Apparently the Government's Attack on the Church will be Initiated on a Bastille Day before Signed into Law - Punishment is Coming)

Marie-Julie: “I see heaven opening and my soul penetrating this abyss of love, the homeland of the saints. The Lord sits on His Eternal Throne. I contemplate all of the Celestial Court prostrated before His adorable feet, like a family all around a Father, to implore grace and pity. I, also contemplate the Virgin May, the right hand and the other extended towards us. She is like a grieving Mother, immersed in pain that no mortal can fathom.”

The Lord said in a sad voice but full of kindness: “My children, I come to reveal to you the plan of terrible punishments which are now to come. My children, I bless you and I love you!”

Marie-Julie: “Inside my heart, I suffer a pain that I have never felt. It's like a sharp fire that seizes my whole body. There seem to be as many flames in this brazier as there are blasphemies spoken. The pain would be unbearable without the support of the Good God!”

The Sacred Heart: “I want to make you feel how horrible blasphemy offends and outrages Me. Moreover, presently, you will endure on the tongue this same living and inconceivable flame, to expiate the profane words, the insults to religion, the outrages to the Church, the songs of hell that these guilty tongues pronounce. (i.e the godless liberals who celebrate Bastille Day). Then, you are going to suffer in your hands an expiation of infamous objects (used to) only sadden Me, to make My apostles and My people suffer. Then there will be a pain in your feet that you have never suffered, a pain so deep that you will cry out before Me. This gift will expiate the crimes which they will commit by their steps and their procedures.  In spirit and in your head, there will be a pain that you have never felt, and will be just up until tomorrow morning, three o'clock; for the hour of hell is up to then and then and more. Tomorrow, Friday, you're going to feel this bitter taste deep in your heart and in your mouth. It is to atone for infamous words and that other crime: Friday food. (I.e. The lack of fasting and abstinence- meat eaten on Fridays, etc.)  More abstinence, more reserve! They no longer look on it is the forbidden day! (i.e. Meat is forbidden.)

Today, hell has erected its temples on earth: a day of outrage for heaven, a day of joy for hell. This day, of today, July 14 (Bastille Day), will cost dearly to those who will have celebrated it with the jubilations of hell. My Justice touches the top of their heads. One makes flow on the Spouse of My Heart, in the churches, this color of blood which will be poured in abundance in many cities of France, O ungrateful people! Today is where they will declare war on the Church, where they suspend it from the bottom of the heart, before signing the reality.  A large number of cities in France will be in terrible pain.  My children, it is the world that seeks the wrath of My vengeance. I am a God of clemency, I've held back My anger so far. They force Me, they urge Me to let My anger upon on the earth. My children, this day of today will justify this miserable French government. I am abandoned and forsaken. Today, I count a multitude of My Catholic priests and of the faithful who weep and groan in the depths of their homes.  My children, you are happy, you, in the depths of your solitudes! If you could penetrate into the midst of these debauched cities, your hearts would melt with tears and pains.”


Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)

Our Lord: "My children, There are only two things that consume the thoughts of the men of governmental authority: it is the Church, it is the King. These two things animates in the bottom of their hearts a passion that nothing will tarnish, and that because I destined My exiled servant to return to the land of his birth. (i.e in reference to the Count of Chambord, Henry V, true king of France who was in exile. ) He will be the aid and support of the Church, My Spouse, in the last fights that will hold him, to him, the foreign princes (i.e. will oppose him), jealous of a reign full of peace and loyalty to the Church and its Head. My Divinity will be torn; all My Power and My Kingdom will fall under the black paints of their abominable words."

(I.e, those who are against God's plan will paint the dogma of Christ's Divinity and all teachings of the Church with a black brush so to speak – Christ, His Church and even the dogma of His Divinity will be vilified.)


Ecstasy July 19, 1881

"After they (God's enemies?) will be avenged on everything, (after their evil persecutions and vengeance on everyone and everything) there will come the one (i.e. the Great Monarch) that the wonderful goodness of God has elected through all the dark clouds, although it may seem impossible. It is so veiled, that there is nothing apparent to the blind and for those who would never wanted to know his name, or the names of all those who resemble him in character and above all by the royal whiteness (i.e., the royal standard of the absolute monarchy, and anyone else like the king who supports the absolute Monarchy). All things are possible to God. This case is impossible with men, but when [well even] the universe is arranged to prevent this triumphant passage, God has His aids, He has His powers, and without effort, He will make him (the Great Monarch) master and saviour.”

(Observations: i.e. the King to come will be well hidden, including those united with him. The manner of his reappearance is so veiled that those blind to God's ways and also the evil ones who opposed God's plan that they will not see this coming about or even how this can come about. Of importance is the revelation the restoration of this King to the throne CANNOT by done by man. Only with God. Therefore, no man-made coup, revolution, or any other human plan or intervention can bring this restoration about. When the chosen king comes forth, it will be in such a miraculous manner that only God can can accomplish. Note again: the chosen King, the Count of Chambord, Henry V was still ALIVE at this time, and as Our Lord said, all the Great Monarch prophecies refer to him, the 'Miracle Child' so, he will be 'returned' in such a miraculous manner that is impossible with men, even when the Universe seems pitched against him. See Post #127 The“Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of Francewill Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him”.)

Our Lord: “Where the snake places its tooth, the bite is indelible. The time is near when the tooth of the serpent will rip the reputation, the honour, the royalty of the Friend of the Sacred Heart. But its bite will not reach; it will do nothing but traverse the areas from France to the foreign (borders). It must be that this strike passes and that violence discharges the foam of his (Satan's) rage. All this is close. Evil has come a long way to immense depths. No one can repair it without struggling, without a crisis, without fighting until blood (is drawn). (i.e it will take war and bloodshed to purify the earth and repair the damage.) All that remains is the final effort. Everything is there in this effort, his strikes, his iniquities, his terror as a whole. I said, everything is there. Words clear and cloudless. "


Ecstasy July 21, 1881

Our Lord:

My beloved people of France, I will have to enter the land which was the throne of St. Louis ... This same land, I am preparing for him who is despised of men and regarded as incompetent, because he is Christian and believes in his return to the land of his cradle. His shoulders will bear like Mine the mantle of abomination, as with those who hope to see him restore peace.”

(Note: The Count of Chambord, Henry V was often mocked by his critics and misunderstood by royalists supporters, even by Pope Pius IX couldn't understand Henry when he refused to compromise regarding the White Flag of his ancestors, See 'Marie-Julie Jahenny - The Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies of Henry V the 'Miracle Child').

Ecstasy continued: “I see (him?) coming from very close to the land of martyrs, on the soil where the Church has so often pronounced, by the mouth of the Holy Spirit on the Earth, the name of so many Christians worthy to go on altars, that is to say, those whose sanctity was recognized. " (i.e the king seems to come from close to the land of Italy where so many martyrs have been pronounced saints,in Rome.)

(Observations: Our Lord may actually be referring to Henry's future place of burial-the Count of Chambord lived in exile in Austria a this time, but would later be buried at the Bourbon crypt at the Franciscan monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Slovenia is right on the border with Italy. If I'm not mistaken, it seems Our Lord is revealing Henry will come from there when he comes to restore the peace--therefore, we have another hint at a miraculous resurrection. Our Lord said only He would be able to bring back the King, it will be impossible for mankind to do it.)