Sunday 26 June 2022

#171 B: Marie-Julie is Beloved by the Sacred Heart, she Converts 1,000 Sinners Each time She Kisses the Crucifix – Marie-Julie Jahenny's Love and Suffering has Merited the Great Monarch for France, but we also need to PRAY HE BE SENT – A WARNING REGARDING BRITTANY: it will LOSE the Graces of Preservation Reserved for it if it Continues to Fall into Sin, but there still will be Shelters for Devout Souls




Ecstasy Date June 17, 1924. (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp.61-63)

The Sacred Heart to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

 “Every time you kiss the feet of your crucifix, I give you a thousand sinners. (i.e a thousand sinners are converted). This is the answer given for so much love! This thirst that devours Me, you can appease it.   Ask me for the conversion of a thousand sinners, a thousand souls under the influence of evil, whom I have redeemed and saved. I make My love drift into souls. In its intoxication of fire and peace, it travels through the seven palaces of My beloved.”

(NOTE: 'seven palaces' – apparently, this is a symbolical reference to the state of the interior spiritual life as stated in St Theresa of Avila's book, 'The Interior Castle' in which she explains her vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, which she interpreted as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God.)

(The ecstasy continued). 

 Jesus: “It (His Divine love) wounds, it heals, it crucifies and restores life.   O loving soul! You are immortal, (i.e. the soul), you can soothe My wounds, because I am pure Love, I am mixed with beauty and clarity. If My Divine Love takes the breath away from His immortal Spouse, lean on Me! I will be your rest and the pillow of love where I will listen to all its beats (the beating of her heart) in My Divine Heart. I do not know how to (further) show you My excesses of tenderness.

Marie-Julie: “Divine Love, enough! Your love is such a great suffering that all the martyrdoms of the body are nothing. It's a torrent from heaven!”

The Sacred Heart: “I want to put you to sleep in My love.  During this sleep, an arrow, a dart of fire will wound the righteous souls at the altar where I come to rest in the Holy Eucharist.  It is the fifth palace where I come to consume Myself in you and consume you in Me.   It is the nuptial throne where the Divine Holy Spirit renews His contract as Bridegroom.  Beloved soul, your dowry is Me! What can you give Me in exchange for this mighty infinite treasure?”

Marie-Julie: “O tender Spouse! I am a poor groaning soul, hungry for the desire to love you in the love of the fiat invented by Love.”

The Sacred Heart: “I answer: My beloved, this fiat is your way to Heaven. It was Mine to go to My Father, to sit on His right. I ask you for a dowry: it is little! I only ask you to love Me for all the souls who do not love Me. You will give Me a heaven of love, a starry heaven, a heaven of glory. I am quenched, (i.e His thirst for love), I am satisfied. What do you want as a reward?”

Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, I want to expiate, my lips glued to the foot of the Divine Crucified. I want to die without pleasure, because we have lived without pleasure. Die for your pleasure, in your Divine Will. To die one morning under the gaze of the Virgin Mary, with the assistance of St. Joseph, covered with the wings of Your holy angels, with the smile of St. Francis and Your blessed ones who rejoice near You. O my adorable Jesus! I am subject in everything to your Holy Will, poor little speck of dust under Your gaze.

(Henri Bourcier adds the following comment: “It is this “fiat” of Marie-Julie which will partly earn Brittany the graces of preservation. But let’s not delude ourselves.”)

Our Lady: “Brittany is lost. The graces that were reserved for it will be taken away from it, for its faith is weakening, its impiety is accentuated, its evil will is widening, so that justice will pass everywhere on earth. You will have a refuge where you will be protected. The Divine Heart of my Son, the heart of my most holy mother St. Anne, and that of my spouse, St. Joseph. The adorable Holy Cross will suffice, like a treasure, to protect its children and enclose them in my maternal bosom.

(Boucier's comment – Our Lady complains that we don't beg her enough to send Henry V of the Cross, the saviour of France. Jesus then says:)

Jesus: “My Heart is open!  It would be (open) much more if they asked for the coming of King Henry V of the Cross.   You don't claim it enough!(I.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch.)

(Boucier's comment again here: “It is one of the three missions that Jesus has confided to Marie-Julie by placing her on the Cross every Friday, to merit the King for France to such an extent that Jesus Himself said ...)

Jesus: “He is your King! It is you (Marie-Julie) who merited him for France.”

(Boucier notes again: The power of the love of Marie-Julie will have earned us an era of peace, rest and happiness until the end where, says Jesus, I will shake the earth forever and where I will open the heaven for eternity.)

(MY OBSERVATIONS: We have seen in other ecstasies that Marie-Julie has merited the Great Monarch Henry V of the Cross for France, but we must pray for him to be sent, it will please the Sacred Heart.  Also, Marie-Julie's sufferings as victim soul helped give Brittany the promised graces of protection during the chastisements, but here, there is a startling revelation that the continuation of those graces of protection for Brittany are also CONDITIONAL depending on the faith of the people there if Brittany falls further into sin, it will be LOST and will not be protected like it was, for Our Lady says the Justice of God will then pass EVERYWHERE.  However, Our Lady still has promised spiritual refuges for the devout souls as we saw above.)



Go to:

  Next Post:  #172 Those Who Love the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded – A Good Will Suffices if you are Distracted During Prayer - Warnings: Evil Plots Hatched – God is Holding Back the Chastisements that Souls May Convert - When God Finally Strikes the Mountains will Entomb Many – Mary will Shelter Her Children with the Graces of Mercy and Peace


 Previous Post:  #171 Evil Has been Given Free Reign - We Must Pray for the Reign of the Sacred Heart to Come to End the Evils – France is Chosen to Fulfill Our Lord's Great Designs


 ***  Learn more about the Great Catholic Monarch prophecies, click here.


 TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny




Sunday 12 June 2022

#228 - PROPHECY: The Height of Marie-Julie Jahenny regarding her Spirituality and Revelations – She will be a DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH



Undated text fragment. (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 59)

Our Lady to Marie-Julie Jahenny:  You are close to the seraphic St. Teresa of Avila. Your last days will be enough to make you like her, Doctor of the faith!”

(OBSERVATIONS: Although this is just a small extract, it sure packs a 'punch' so to speak prophecy-wise!

First: although this fragment is undated, we know Marie-Julie Jahenny died in 1941 - and, since St. Teresa of Avila was declared a Doctor of the Church on September 27, 1970 - Marie-Julie had therefore made a PROPHECY that St. Teresa of Avila would be made a Doctor of the Church.   Of interest, we also have additional proof here that Marie-Julie Jahenny never promoted the current understanding of Sedevacantism in her prophecies as Pope Paul VI was the pope who declared St. Teresa a Doctor of the Church.  Heaven therefore recognized his future papacy since it was he who raised her up to the dignity of Doctor of the Church.


 Second: Marie-Julie Jahenny spirituality and revelations are great she as on the level of St. Teresa of Avila, and suggests she will be made a Doctor of the Church, no doubt when her canonisation finally happens when the Great Monarch demands her cause to be opened as is foretold. We recall her heart was also literally pierced with the love of Christ just as St. Teresa's was too, and it was foretold miracles will happen to her heart after her death, similar to St. Teresa's heart.) 




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Previous post: #227 - Prophecy Regarding Marie-Julie's Heart after her Death and on the Last Day

 TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny 

Thursday 9 June 2022

#133 B - We Must Suffer to Gain Merits – Everyone Has A Mission as a Member of the Church – Forgive those who Hurt You - St. Jerome Gives her the SECRET on HOW TO LOVE JESUS – Abandonment to the Holy Will




Ecstasy date September 30, 1881. 

 (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp.22-26)

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “If on earth we only enjoyed love without suffering, we would have no merit; the earth seems soft as a heaven. (But) there is no comparison between the heaven of the saints and the earth, which is the place where Christians hoard treasures for heaven as they walk through it.  To show us that we are on earth, Jesus leaves us love among pains, and pains among love.  This is the distinction between heaven and earth.   In heaven, we enjoy love.  On the earth, we also enjoy it, but not to the sublime degree.  This is the distinction. By the wonderful kindness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the saints can say: 'We have experienced sufferings. We ascended to heaven. We are now seated there among love. The earth also has suffering and love.'

Apparently, the is a description by Bourcier of what happens next:

(Bourcier: Marie Julie adds that Jesus, by a prodigy of goodness gave us His very Blessed Mother and the Cross to allow us to climb higher to him. Jesus asks to be loved and He says that the Cross is a wood fit to kindle the reign of love in our hearts. The Cross is a torrent of delights for souls. It is the intoxicating cellar where one comes to drink the wine that strengthens, It is the cellar where the wedding of the Divine Lamb with the soul is celebrated at all times. It is the hearth where Jesus descends to warm Himself with the souls united to Him, where all fed on the food of grace. It is the supreme vessel in which man embarks on the sea of holy love and which leads to the sacred refuge of the Heart of Jesus.

Marie-Julie testifies to her regrets at having understood so late the deluge of love flowing in our souls. Through battles, penances, tears and mortification, the holy daughter of La Fraudais strives to put only God in all her thoughts.)

Marie-Julie: “We are all on a mission on earth. The Fathers of the Church have the primary mission which descends from the Lord. It is the most glorious, the richest, the most triumphant, the most prodigious, the most respectful. In this fruitful mission, let us pray that their mission will become abundant!

Following the fathers of the Church, we too have a mission.  We have His children to serve, those who come to fight.   We have to defend religion under attack.  We have lips and a tongue, a word to silence those who despise Our Lord Jesus Christ.  We have to love our neighbour, to relieve him, to pray for him, to provide him with what he does not have. If we must, to tear out our heart to console his, if it is the will of Jesus.  How beautiful is our mission!

Can't we tell those who are far from God to come closer to Him? Can't our word touch their hardened hearts? When we have done what we could, Our Lord rewards our desire to see the soul return to His mercy. What a mission God entrusted to His children, to forgive those who, without doing so on purpose, were able to make them suffer!  Excuse those who make us cry; we are sure they do not do it on purpose.  Jesus acts through them to add diamonds to our begun crown.  Thus, He makes us climb the rungs of perfection.  One cannot attain total perfection on earth, but one can enter deeply into perfection here below. When one makes great progress on earth, this powerful advancement produces great merits.

Forgive! There is always time to forgive the many offenses.  Let us love those who are the cause of these merits.  Let us embrace them! Send them our smile! May our hearts have a special affection for these dear souls who make us suffer. Let us be proud to suffer for Jesus. He chose to share suffering: fear not to defend the Cross of Calvary! When they cast outrages on us, Jesus will be happy to see the goodness of His children. Tell others to keep silent. Let us not be afraid to tell him to still his created tongue to sing the praises of God. Let us not be afraid to tell him, and Jesus will reward us infinitely, a reward from the sweet and beloved Father.” [NOTE: I.e. Here it seems that while we must forgive, she says do not be afraid to tell others to stop using their tongues for evil outrages, such as calumny against another person, rather, our tongues were created to praise God. A correction like this is an act of charity.]

Marie-Julie then called upon St. Michael: “Come lead us, support us! For hell is empty, all the damned are on earth with their devouring fire, sowing a deluge of evils of all kinds. The Justice of God is near!

She continues: “O Mary, you, the Blessed Mother, calm the wrath of your Son! It is the one thing on earth that grieves the loving souls of Jesus.  Yes, the more one loves Him, the more this pain tears the heart.  I pray to my God to forgive me for letting this escape, but I'm not the only one suffering (from this).   It is not being able to do anything before Jesus.  He is always the first to act. If we do an act of love, His Heart sighed for us before ours. If we make an act of surrender, Jesus sent us the smile of His sacred lips before ours left earth for heaven. If we send Him a kiss of love, Jesus has sent the first and sweetest kiss of peace before our sigh is uttered. If we offer Him our heart before dawn, if before dawn we salute Jesus, His Heart greeted us before our salutation came out of our mouth.   If before dawn, we cast our gaze towards the distant heaven, 'My God, I love you!' He said before we could: 'I love you with all My Heart!´ It is an incurable pain for me that I could never do anything before you!'

(OBSERVATION / Possible explanation: I.e. It is a pain, that we as such sinners are dependent on God for every good act we conceive or do - cannot do one good act for Him without Him or His grace, that's how fallen we are, and that He knows what we are going to do before we even do it. This part of fallen human nature is a spiritual suffering for Marie-Julie.)

(Bourcier continues to describe the rest of the ecstasy: at the moment of the way of the cross, the Lord appeared to Marie-Julie under the appearance of a severe and rigorous Judge against sinners, but just and tender towards just souls. After a while, she saw Him in the form of the Ecce Homo, torn and bloody, that the holy guardian angels of souls make her see the crosses the souls under their care carry with serenity. Jesus stood at the top of Calvary and said:

Jesus: 'Come, My beloveds who have accepted the burden of the Cross! You have sinned, but you have repented. Come into My Love!'

Marie-Julie saw the guardian angels presenting to Jesus the souls they all guard. She saw Our Lady singing the Te Deum, assisted by the procession of virgins. It was a beautiful day, but for that it was necessary to pay more, and Jesus gives a heavier cross to Marie-Julie.

She then asked St. Jerome the secret of how to love Jesus, and the great saint responded that the beginning of this secret is to say:

"God's holy will be done! Then you have to go to the blessed Virgin. It is still necessary to say:

'My God, I submit myself to your Divine Will! If you want me to love You very much, be blessed! If you want me to have no love, always be blessed! Put me in the state You want, I will be as submissive and resigned to You in the hardest trials as if You placed me in the most consoling of your favours!'

And St. Jerome added: 


'Many times, walking in the secret of loving Jesus, you will kiss His Wounds and you will say to each one of them (the wounds):

'My Good Jesus, if you want me to be fervent, I am your child ! If you want me to be cold and arid, I'm still willing to accept it!'

(NOTE: this appears to be a revelation of a devotion to the five Holy Wounds, six if we add the Wound in the Shoulder: to acquire the grace to love Jesus perfectly, it seems we are to kiss each of the Wounds, perhaps on a crucifix, or if the crucifix is small, to kiss it the same amount of times, saying this small prayer of accepting God's Will regarding the grace to love Him.)

Marie-Julie then received the strike of the lance after speaking for a moment with the most Holy Virgin. Jesus then speaks:

Jesus: “Guard well the faith and confidence! The Cross will be the shield that will make you invulnerable!”

Our Lady: “My children, pray! My heart is sad, my eyes are two fountains of tears. My gentle hand removes all danger from you. My heart will be your asylum and your refuge against all dangers.” (With hands outstretched, she added:) “I am your Mother and I will never abandon you, never!”

Jesus: “I bless you with the outpouring of My Heart and by My Divine Wounds! My Heart remains open to you with that of My Mother whenever you want. Grace awaits!”



Go to:

 Next Post: #134 - Various Prophecies - Killer Plagues – The 'Three Times' of Persecution – Catholic Schools and Hospitals Need to be Privatised – Prophecy of the Film Industry and Modern Art? - Evil Books – Satan Will Rule Everything for a Time 


Previous Post: #133  WOE to Traitor Priests – SEAL OF CONFESSION Will be BROKEN – The  Bloody Civil War Hatched by Conspiracy – IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE SIDES- - PRECURSOR ANTICHRISTS WILL ROAM THE EARTH - Sacre Coeur will become a Rendevous for Conspirators

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Sunday 5 June 2022

#132 B France is Guilty – No One Heeded the Warnings of Our Lady's Apparitions – No One Has Quenched the Thirst of His Sacred Heart Regarding the Salvation of Souls – Graces and Blessings Will be Given those who Meditate 5 Minutes on the Passion


Ecstasy date, September 2, 1881

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 21-22)

(Description by Bourcier: Marie-Julie makes the way of the Cross, i.e. she suffers the Passion. She asks the Blessed Virgin to stop the arm of God which is raised and ready to weigh down on sinner.   Her cross is heavy as a cross of lead, but the Divine Justice which threatens the earth overwhelms her more than the weight of the Cross she bears.)

Jesus arrives and responds on behalf of His Mother: 


“I waited for My people. I sent My Mother to seek the conversion of sinners. I sent her to say that she was the reconciling Mother, that they had to pray and do penance.  The people of France, the Eldest Daughter of the Church, did not come back.

When My people fell into indifference, I began to threaten them and, having fled, they deserve My Justice.  I thirsted for the salvation of hearts. I asked them for a drop of water to quench My Heart's thirst, and not one would quench My thirst.”

(Bourcier's description of what happens next: Jesus then asks Marie-Julie to accept new and painful sufferings. Marie-Julie having fallen for the third time, i.e the 3rd fall of the Passion, says that suffering is the forge where, on earth, Our Lord Jesus Christ throws in our souls to purify them, like the gold that is put in the crucible. She learns that Our Lord is very fond of those kissing the feet of the Divine Crucified, [i.e to kiss the feet of Our Lord on a crucifix], and that He recommends often to meditate on His Passion and that of His Holy Mother. To those who devote even five minutes to the meditation of His Passion and that of His Divine Mother, He promises great graces and abundant blessings.)


Go to:

Next Post: #133 WOE to Traitor Priests – SEAL OF CONFESSION Will be BROKEN – The Bloody Civil War Hatched by Conspiracy – IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE SIDES

Previous Post # 132 Deadly War and the Future Destruction of Paris – Very Few Will Survive - A Corrupt Clergy Will be Punished

TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny 

Wednesday 18 May 2022

#2 B - Marie-Julie Jahenny Offers Herself to Save Souls – She will Begin with Calvary




(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique” by Henri Bourcier, p. 16)


Marie-Julie Jahenny to Our Lady, ecstasy date January 9, 1874:

“My good Mother, I come to the foot of your Calvary to humble myself in your presence. Oh! From the height of the Cross, I see hardened sinners! Let me save them! If necessary, to save them, I will sacrifice my life. Sinners see your Divine Son on the Cross. They see this desolate and so good Mother at the foot of the Cross. O sinners, you have a heart harder than rock! Like you, Satan wanted to catch me in his net. I triumphed over him, thanks to you, good Mother!

I triumph again! Satan will have nothing. If you knew how sweet the Saviour is, how sweet you would want Him to enter your heart. There, you would cry out at the foot of Calvary: 'How sweet is the Lord! How lovely is His yoke!' Yes, I see the abyss where Satan pulls sinners, those souls without courage. (NOTE: 'souls without courage': apparently she means those who are not brave enough to take up the cross as the cross is required for salvation, also those ashamed to confess their sins and amend their lives. They lack courage.)   But Our Saviour will be stronger than him and all the demons. One word from Jesus is enough to save the sinners. Yes, we will save them!

I am the pyre of sacrifice. I am ready. I commence their conversion at Calvary. Jesus and Mary will finish it. You will make them see clearly; one day everything will be known, everything will be visible, no secrets! My good Mother (Our Lady) says to me:

'Pray! Pray for the terrible day is approaching when the unfortunate will be crushed by thunder from Heaven! Oh! How I tremble! Suspend your Justice!'


Go to:

Next Post # 3 - Pray for France

Previous Post: #2 - Pray for the Pontiff

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny 



Monday 16 May 2022

#155 B - Christ Speaking of His Mystical Body



(November 25, 1887) - (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri-Pierre Bourcier, p. 15)

Jesus to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

The Eucharist is My Mystical Heart, 

as the Church is My Mystical Body, 

and My Mystical Head is in Rome.”




Go to:

 Next Post:  #156 St. Michael - a Revelation about the Chosen Great Catholic Monarch – he is STILL the one called the Exiled 'Miracle Child' – He will come during the Crisis – Our Lady will Protect Him as Her Own Son


Previous Post: #155 One Minute Devotion of Love Before a Crucifix


TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny





Sunday 15 May 2022

#227 - Prophecy Regarding Marie-Julie's Heart after her Death and on the Last Day



Undated text – Prophecy Regarding Marie-Julie's Heart after her Death and on the Last Day

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique), Henri-Pierre Bourcier, p. 14)

Jesus to Marie-Julie Jahenny: “On the Last Day, you heart, which will have been the tomb of my secrets, will change into a fountain of pure, clear water which will spill as many drops as I have deposited secrets in it.   In this fountain, there will be the key impregnated with a sweet perfume on the instruments of pain. My adorable Face will be engraved on the front of this heart of a budding beauty.  The image of My crucified Heart will be placed in the center of your heart and below will gush a fountain of blood which will be withdrawn into a precious vase and given to my infallible Spouse by a prodigy which will take place in the presence of 107 people.”


(NOTE /OBSERVATIONS: it appears Our Lord gives the prophecy concerning the Last Day first, then, what will happen to her heart presumably when she is exhumed.  It has already been foretold in other prophecies that the Great Monarch will begin her canonisation process in union with that of King Louis XVI, she will be found incorrupt, and that her heart would be found 'beating beneath the coffin's plank'.

This undated prophecy here possibly explains what is also meant in that they will discover her heart beating - it will shed blood and be collected in a vase at some point after her exhumation.  This will be witnessed by 107 people.  They will also find an image of Our Lord's crucified Sacred Heart on her heart.  It is difficult to tell from the text if the other images will not be seen until the Last Day, or, after her exhumation, but Our Lord's Adorable Face, and also the instruments of the Passion will be seen on her heart.)


Go to:

Next Post: #228 - PROPHECY: The Height of Marie-Julie Jahenny regarding her Spirituality and Revelations – She will become a DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH

Previous Post:  #226 - Prophecy regarding Henry V the Promised Great Monarch and the Beatification / Canonisation of Marie-Julie Jahenny 

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Thursday 12 May 2022

#226 - Prophecy regarding Henry V the Promised Great Monarch and the Beatification / Canonisation of Marie-Julie Jahenny




Image: Henry V, 'The Miracle Child' 


(Undated fragments / quotes in the book “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique” by Henri-Pierre Bourcier, p. 11)


Jesus to Marie-Julie: “One day, My servant, Henry of the Cross, will ask My Church to place you on the altars at the same time as his ancestor.” (i.e. Louis XVI).

(OBSERVATION: Finally! We have an answer for the question as to why the beatification process has not been opened yet for Marie-Julie – this is an honour that will be given to Henry V, 'the Miracle Child', the Great Monarch during the Age of Peace. It is he who will request her cause to be opened, and that she be raised to the altars the same time as his ancestor, that is, King Louis XVI.  Another one of her prophecies foretold Louis XVI would be raised to the altars, for Heaven considers him and Queen Marie-Antoinette martyrs. Also, this is additional confirmation of her other prophecies the Henry V would come sometime after her death, and, the indication the King will be brought back after her death, for he is 'reserved for the great epochs'.)


Jesus to Marie-Julie: “Henry V of the Cross, he is your king, and it is you who have merited and obtained him for France! Because of you, he will be a man with all gifts!”

(OBSERVATION: due to her sacrificial life as a spiritual victim – it is Marie-Julie Jahenny who has merited for France and the world this Great King who will be given unparalleled spiritual gifts to help in his mission to restore the Church and the world during the Age of Peace.)


More about Henry V as the promised Great Monarch according to Marie-Julie and the other Great Monarch prophecies, click here.


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 Next Post: #227-  Prophecy Regarding Marie-Julie Jahenny's Heart after Her Death and on the Last Day 

Previous Post: #225 A Prayer to St. Joseph by Marie-Julie Jahenny

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Saturday 9 October 2021

#225 A Prayer to St. Joseph by Marie-Julie Jahenny


A prayer to St. Joseph by Marie-Julie Jahenny  (undated text).


Marie-Julie Jahenny's Prayer to St. Joseph

We greet you, glorious Saint Joseph, in the name of your Divine Jesus, your Son, in the name of your Immaculate and Holy Spouse.

Glorious Saint Joseph, the earth cries out for the help of your prayers. Have mercy on all souls who implore your help. Through a pure dawn, you see the gentleness of your Son, but you also see His righteousness. Arise from the throne of glory which your Son has prepared for you and say to the earth:

'Earth, stand up to proclaim my name. To you, O earth, I will be of great help.'

Remember, O glorious Joseph, that the earth is under your protection. You will come to help the earth. You will offer to the Savior's children the palm of prayer, the palm of battles and the palm of victory.

Glory to Jesus, glory to His Mother, glory to Saint Joseph. Amen.




Go to:

NEXT Post: #226:  Prophecy regarding Henry V the Promised Great Monarch and the Beatification / Canonisation of Marie-Julie Jahenny


Previous Post:  # 224:  Messages of Our Lord regarding Brittany imparted by St. Raphael – The Coming Civil Wars in France and a Description of the Evil Leaders

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny



Sunday 12 September 2021

# 224: Messages of Our Lord regarding Brittany imparted by St. Raphael – The Coming Civil Wars in France and a Description of the Evil Leaders




SOURCE NOTE; Source for this text: the newsletter “WORLD TRENDS – 49b 1977 (?)”, by Yves Dupont. Dupont cites as his source the various books of Marie-Julie's texts compiled by Fr. Roberdel.

No date given was given in his newsletter for this text, so I have placed it in the 'Missing dates' section of this blog, however, there is some familiar material here, so it is possible I already found part of this on the 'Association / Friends of Marie Julie Site', but they didn't include all of the vision while Yyves Dupont did, but forget to add the date! Therefore, some of this text is not in the book “We Are Warned” as I've just discovered Yves Dupont's rendition after it was published.



Messages of Our Lord through St. Raphael, the Archangel:

"Brittany! You have been faithful to Me . . . You were not afraid to say 'I am Christian; I shall adhere to my faith even to the last drop of my blood if need be!' "

"Brittany! You have been marked with three secrets which I gave to My Immaculate Mother; be ready to receive them. You will rise like a powerful army as soon as the unclean feet of the impious come to desecrate your faith. You will be strong enough to protect your boundaries." (Note: this is a reference to the coming civil war and invasion of France as the text later refers to the coming of the Great Catholic Monarch destined to liberate France from these future punishments).

"Brittany! It is you whom I have chosen. You are, so to speak, predestined. You alone will uphold the faith. You will support yourself unaided. You will be, as it were, protected by an iron grating; no one will be able to cross over your boundaries."

"Brittany! It is you who will show bravery when the appeal from the King will be heard. (I.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch). You will march like a victorious army to meet him whom I have miraculously given to save her who is perishing from shame". (i.e. France).

"Brittany! The alliance which I have made with you is still unknown. Soon, I shall reveal it. I am the Voice of Truth and Life."

"Before the King who is chosen and destined by God may return, all those who are currently (in power) must be wiped out."

(NOTE: i.e. this is a reference to earlier revelations that the democratic government set up since the time of the French Revolution is going to be wiped out to make room for the restoration of the Catholic absolute monarchy.)

(Apparently Marie-Julie speaks next:) "I contemplate the heart of France which is held in the middle by red fetters."

"I see unknown and hideous men rushing forward with fury, full of a terrible revenge."

"For a long time, they exclaim, 'We were subjected to France. They want to crown her with lilies, but we will give her a red ribbon as a diadem.'.

(NOTE: the evil ones ruling France or who will rule France are referring to the old days of the monarchy that they were 'subjected to', and are angry there is a call to bring back the 'crown of lilies', that is, the Catholic monarchical government represented by the lilies. The evil men want to give France the 'red ribbon' for a crown.  Red is the symbol of both socialist and democratic rebellion.  Prisoners sent to the guillotine during the revolution sometimes had a red ribbon placed around their necks, and there was once a branch of Freemasonry that featured a red cord as its symbol.)

At this moment, the Blessed Virgin arises and shows the Crown of Lilies to these furious people:

"Here,” she says, “is the Crown which has been reserved for France. He who will possess it will not appear in France, (the land of) his cradle, when the terrible fighting starts, but half-way through these momentous events. A Voice from Heaven shall summon the saviour of France. He will go through these terrible weapons unscathed, and he will be crowned even before the end of the fighting." (I.e. this is in reference to the Great Catholic Monarch to come.).

"As soon as we have shot down the one who is "reigning", the furious people say, "as soon as we are victorious, we shall turn against our own brethren who have not kept the faith.”

(NOTE: this seem to be a reference to the civil war, they will reign once a 'leader' is brought down, then the evil ones will turning against their own, possibly against those who didn't remain faithful to their false ideals, possibly another 'Reign of Terror' like what happened during the French Revolution.  Basically, this happens during civil wars, those who rise to power then get toppled again by the very people who used to support them etc. Civil wars bring massive instability to a country as everyone makes a grab for power.)

The First Appeal of France to Heaven: "Why should I have fallen into these barbarous hands? Who can possibly help me out of my plight if Heaven does not come to my assistance?"

(REMARKS / Paraphrasing by Yves Dupont regarding the evil leaders at this time: (…) Marie-Julie goes on to describe a tall, thin man, with grey hair and large eyes with a ferocious look in them. He was a member of the previous government, and is now in sole charge. He wants to wipe out religion.)

But France has now come back to God and she answers this man: "I respect God; I respect His Temple; I respect all French Christians."

(REMARK by Yves Dupont: There are now two contending factions in France.)

France says: "Yes, I did join this secret society (i.e. Freemasonry), and I cannot free myself. But there are still some faithful Christians who extend to me their helping hands in this trial of mine. I do not want to lose those good ones: I now abjure with all my heart and in the presence of God and the Blessed Virgin, and I renounce this fatal Society (i.e. Freemasonry) which has dragged me into the abyss.

(REMARKS / Paraphrasing by Yves Dupont): Marie-Julie now relates how France, with great difficulty, gets to her feet again in spite of the "tall, thin man". But another man comes up and the "red fetters" grow even redder. This man is short, but sturdily built. His hair recedes back from his forehead, but his hair is not grey like that of the "tall, thin man". He has a pointed beard and a ruddy complexion. His eyes are so large that they seem to pop out. He looks ferocious. He speaks to France and tells her how he will uproot all religion. Then, looking towards the (direction of) the place where the sun shines at 10 a.m. (i.e. Rome), he says:

(The second evil man): "Why! You who wait for help from the French in your prison, you are greatly mistaken if you think to recover your possessions." (i.e. the Pope will be imprisoned in Rome at this time, or made a 'prisoner of the Vatican' as what happened during the 19th century. History will repeat itself.)

(The evil man continues:) "Oh! If I could only enter this city with my followers, (i.e. Rome); I would promptly close the eyes of the one who is the Head of this religion; (i.e. kill him), I would trample him underfoot, and we would all dance as at a great feast."


(OBSERVATIONS / RECAP: In all, this is a vision of the future civil war and invasion of France just before the Great Monarch rises up to save the country and bring in the Age of Peace.  Italy will also be going through terrible turmoil and the pope will be made a prisoner of the Vatican. Brittany will be the only region in France to defend the true faith and resist the evil ones in power.  Brittany will answer the call of the King when he appears, but, the King will not come until about half of the war and terrors have passed.

A few of the various factions and leaders that will rise and fall in France during this time are indicated. Once a 'leader' of the government is toppled, the furious ones wish to impose Red Socialism founded on Masonic ideals. Then, they will 'turn on their own' who didn't remain true to their revolution, so this is when a new 'reign of terror' might commence, just like during the French Revolution.  This is when they could also start the genocide that was foretold.  Religious will be forced to go on the run, Christians will be slaughtered.

We see mentioned a man who will be a member of a government in France that will be toppled, he will rise to power after the coup d'etat and become the sole leader, i.e. a dictator. Apparently this is the time when the evil ones want to gave France the red ribbon diadem. He is described as a tall, thin man, with grey hair and large eyes with a ferocious look in them. He wants to wipe out religion.

France wakes up, and attempts to rise and return to its Catholic heritage, perhaps an indication of some resistance rising against this evil government, but then, a worse man rises and assumes power, and binds France in worse red fetters.   This man is short, but sturdily built.  His hair recedes back from his forehead, but his hair is not grey like that of the first "tall, thin man".   This new diabolical leader will have a pointed beard and a ruddy complexion. His eyes will be bulging and seem to pop out. He will look ferocious, and he too will aim to wipe out all religion, and this time, this leader turns his eyes on Rome.   His hatred for Catholicism will be so great he would kill the pope if possible.

In all, we know from past prophecies that there will be three crisis periods during the war. It is difficult to know which phase Marie-Julie is referring to, but apparently, before the Great Monarch enters the scene as we see the turmoil these leaders cause before he comes. 



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 Next Post: #225 A Prayer to St. Joseph by Marie-Julie Jahenny

 Previous Post: #223 Recap of the Early Days when Marie-Julie Jahenny Received her Mission of the Cross and the Various Stigmata

TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny 



Saturday 4 September 2021

#183 B - A Duet of Love between Our Lord and Marie-Julie Jahenny


(Note: This post not in the book "We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny" as I've discovered this text on the "Marie-Julie Jahenny Association" website, hence the update number- #183 B)

  Here is a remarkable example of one of Marie-Julie's ecstasies in which heavenly music is witnessed. In some ecstasies it is shown she sings prayers, litanies and praises to God in melodies revealed by Heaven. One witnesses described them as something very similar to a Gregorian chant. In one revealing text we see that when Heaven came to celebrate Mass in her cottage, the angels and the Blessed Virgin sang with her, and even Christ Himself came not only to offer the Mass as High Priest but He also sang the Mass!

This time, on All Saint's Day 1937, we read of a singularly touching love duet between Marie-Julie and Christ, a beloved soul singing to her Beloved and He in returning singing to His Love. It is a wonderful example of Christ's passionate love for a soul as a Bridegroom has for His beloved. He loves each and every soul with such ardor He was willing die a horrific death for each and every one as if they were the only soul on earth, and yet His Heart is broken as so few return His love, but here, Marie-Julie returns it.

Of interest is Marie-Julie's desire of suffering to show her love, for as she was told there is no love without suffering, and no suffering without love – it was through suffering Christ showed His great love for us, and, as He said, we cannot be His disciple unless we take up our cross and follow Him, there is no better way to become united to Him. It is the only way. Marie Julie was told Heaven can only be entered through the Cross. (As a side note, regarding Christ's great love for us and His Divine Plan, I highly recommend the book: “This Tremendous Lover” by M. Eugene Boylan, O. Cist.R.)

(Image: Icon - Christ the Bridegroom receiving His Beloved)


The Duet of Love - November 1, 1937,

Marie Julie sings:

"My Beloved has passed over the earth!

My Beloved! I love Him.

I only have dear suffering here below!

It is Divine love.

And the presence of my Beloved!

My Beloved!

My soul thirsts for heaven.

It is watered in the holy chalice

That You drank Yourself!

However, I bear only the Cross, the suffering

The Cross, Love

My sweet motto that will change in heaven

Into a luminous star

Lit on the radiant forehead! I cannot sing anymore, my Beloved

My tongue, everything in me is suffering!”

Jesus answers:

You will sing in Heaven,

In the house of your Divine Bridegroom

You will form the alliance of this sweet union of souls

I will lift them up to heaven. "


"My Beloved, I languish for love ...

I die of love.

As I die, the earth will close to me

I have here below for my portion*

My Love and the Cross!

I have for no portion here below

But Your Love, the Cross, the Holy Altar.

There is my whole portion

On foreign land!

I have no other portion,

That of the love of my God

The Cross, the Tabernacle!”


"Soon Heaven will be your portion, I will take all souls

That you will have brought Me by prayer."


"I have for a portion

That of suffering and the Cross

Love, the Tabernacle!

Soon the Eternal Tabernacle, the Eternal Heaven

Where we will adore the Divine Majesty!

My Beloved has passed over the earth

But in Love He hid Himself

By leaving me with the Cross and suffering ...

I claimed Love, and He gave it to me!"


"I will nourish you with Love

Of the cross and suffering.

My Tabernacle is your refuge,

Come there, to that blessed Altar.

That I may tear you away, that I lift you up from the earth!

Your prayer is ardent, I want to reward you,

Do My Will, and your Heaven is won!”


"I'm dying of love for not being able to die

I'm dying of regret

To leave suffering on earth!

I'm dying of regret that I can't die

To leave the earth and inhabit Heaven!

Blessed souls! Help me,

Come tell us the sweetness of Jesus

Who gives the soul joy, peace, serenity!

Divine Jesus, I can no longer sing.

I can no longer speak.

I am a corpse of death,

Take me to heaven!

Grant my poor soul

To ascend to heaven ...

It is time to see us (together)

Divine Jesus! End my martyrdom! ...

O Heaven! Stay open!

Oh! Do not close!” 



* Portion - as in a share, or part of an inheritance


 Next Post: #184 An Eyewitness Account of Marie-Julie Jahenny during an Ecstasy on All Saints Day – She Sees One of the Higher Circles of Heaven

 Previous Post: #183 Tests of Dryness of Soul: Our Lord Hides Himself so We Search for Him – Interior Sufferings Gain Us Merits 


TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny