Defence of Marie-Julie Jahenny: A Response to Dr. Mark Miravalle's Accusations


Defence of Marie-Julie Jahenny: A Response to Dr. Mark Miravalle's Accusations in his YouTube Video “The Purple Scapular – Serious Concerns”


People have reached out to me to ask if I have seen Dr. Mark Miravalle's video on the Purple Scapular, his arguments against Marie-Julie, and what my response to it is.

At first, I didn't even know a video had been put out until people were contacting me, and I do not know much about the man except he is a credentialed theologian, but of course, thought I had better look into this in case perhaps a theologian did see something wrong.

For those of you who do not know who he is, he is a professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and specializing in Mariology. He also has written a large number of books on Marian theology as well.

As I've always said, I'm just a layperson, so it's good to look into what a theologian has to say about a mystic or apparition, I could be terribly wrong and they have more knowledge and experience in mystical matters.

However, eventhough I don't have Dr. Miravalle's theology credentials, after seeing his video, his arguments and the various examples he gives on her visions are greatly taken out of context, and therefore I personally have to say his conclusions of Marie-Julie and the sacramentals shown to her are built on some strangely imbalanced set of observations.

I'm very surprised as an educated theologian he has said some of the things he did, and even as an academic was strangely lax in doing his textual research before making his statements in that particular video, some are really cringe-worthy arguments that don't hold up under examination that actually make me embarrassed for him.

Below is a list of the various points he made and other various things I can't help but notice about his comments. There are about 18 points with some side observation in between. The points are laid out approximately in accordance to when they are brought up in the video.

(Note, you may want to bookmark this page – my response is a bit long in order to properly address his points with various examples.)


  1. Obviously sees the 'Purple Scapular' as a threat to the Brown Scapular

His video immediately starts with his joy about spreading the Brown Scapular, which of course is great! It is the most important scapular and one of the most important sacramentals in union with the rosary. I certainly am not saying anything negative about that. I always tell people get the Brown Scapular first, then the Purple.

But what caught my attention about this sudden promotion of the Brown is the whole title of the video is 'his serious concerns over the Purple Scapular', so the aim of the video is to cast doubt. He then brings up the Purple Scapular and that people have asked him to comment on it – so this initial launch to push the Brown first (which we all should already know is the most important) seems a sign to me he was already getting ready to set up the Purple Scapular as a fake sacramental 'threatening' to displace the Brown.

First, it is an error to think the Purple replaces the Brown, even he admitted in the video the Purple one was meant to be a protection against the various chastisements, its full title is Scapular of Protection and Benediction (Blessing), so it has a specific purpose and a specific set of promises and graces, just as the Brown has its own separate purpose and promises.

Note, there are a quite a number of different scapulars approved by the Church, several religious orders have their own unique scapular, and there is even the Five-Fold Scapular which has five of the most important scapulars put together all in one, all with their different promises of graces, indulgences, marks of devotion, etc. They compliment each other and do not cancel each other out. You can wear as many scapulars as your shoulders can hold and if you are willing and able to comply with all the conditions attached to them. God's graces and gifts are vast and multiple – God is Infinity Itself, He can give as many various graces and sacramentals as He wishes. But do some scapulars vary in importance? Yes. And it is the same with the Purple, it has its own degree of purpose and importance.

As I stated on the 'Purple Scapular Page' :

THIS DOES NOT REPLACE THE BROWN SCAPULAR! While there are many graces attached to the Purple Scapular, it is intended (primarily) as a protection and a shelter against the chastisements and God's wrath, gives the grace of inner peace and will spare believer the troubles of soul, (i.e. doubts against the Faith), etc., and is a protection for churches against profanation, and will grant graces of conversion reserved for hardened souls and blasphemers, etc., but it does not have the absolute promise of granting the grace of keeping you from Eternal fire like the Brown Scapular (or release you from Purgatory on the First Saturday after your death if you fulfil the conditions of the Sabbatine Privilege). (The Brown) has its unique set of graces of protection. In fact, the Brown Scapular is more imperative to give peaceful assurance of salvation, that must come first. Make sure you are enrolled in the Brown Scapular Confraternity! The Purple Scapular on the other hand is intended for the those who wish to be protected on earth during the chastisements, be shielded from God's anger during that time, who wish to be clothed as "Children of the Cross", and hopefully, sight of the Purple Scapular will convert those who happen to see it, (I.e. in particular blasphemers and hardened sinners.)”

As you can see, it has a very different purpose, but is a compliment to the Brown Scapular, not a hindrance or a 'threat' to it, and certainly does not replace it. A Catholic should know better than to think they can go without a Brown Scapular. And, also should know better, like I said, that there are myriad of scapulars out there, the Brown or the Purple doesn't cancel the others out, they all have their own graces, indulgences, and promises attached, etc.



  1. Dr. Miravalle immediately attempts to undermine credibility in the documented witness accounts of Marie-Julie's mystic experiences and the messages by claiming they are 'alleged'.

Once he promotes the Brown scapular, he explains he cannot get to his observations on the Purple Scapular until he explains where it came from, the mystic who received it, etc.

However, right away, he claims the visions and messages are 'alleged'. He specifically makes this point several times throughout his presentation using the word 'alleged' and calling them 'alleged' visions, 'alleged messages', etc.

The word 'alleged' means someone speaking about a person or an event without proof it has taken place, and usually in connection to something negative. As an example I'll give the following sentence - 'It is alleged John wrote that letter about George and cost the man his job.' The 'John' in my example sentence is pointed out as the culprit of sending a bad letter that got poor George fired, but obviously on hearsay only, it is just a rumour John sent it, hence the 'alleged', there is no proof he sent it, this is just gossip, but John is now painted in a negative light as having done something awful against poor George by having been the alleged writer of the letter. It seems like they are not trying to pin something on John by saying 'alleged', but still, the negative association is there, gossip has spread, John is portrayed in a black light, his reputation is tarnished, etc. I think you get the point.

Dr. Miravalle is therefore implying by repeatedly using 'alleged', as in 'alleged visions', ' alleged messages', 'alleged visionary', etc. as if we have no proof these mystic messages this took place, and therefore places a question on their authenticity, we are relying just on her word, etc., and, alleged also implies something not so good may have been happening, when in fact the diocese of Nantes from the very beginning sent witnesses to see her experiences, officially appointed scribes to take down the messages, had witnesses who saw her stigmatic marks and sacred words on her body come and go and change shape exactly has she had foretold they would, appointed a physician to examine the stigmata, etc. Her messages came through her ecstasies, which were noted to have the marks of authentic ecstasies, these too were witnessed and recorded by scribes over the decades of her life, and, those who examined her, the local bishop and the cardinal sent by the Vatican to inspect her case, all agreed this was not natural, it was not preternatural (i.e. not from Satan), but had all the marks of a supernatural occurrence. We even have a photograph of her with the early stigmata and the blood espousal ring she foretold would come. So, these things are not 'alleged'. They happened.

Dr. Miravalle basically sloughs over that there are indeed witness-recorded accounts, and slants his speech with the word 'alleged' as if these events are questionable without proof, and therefore also casts doubts on authenticity of the nature of the visions themselves.

I cannot help but conclude that this pointed use of the word 'alleged' from the get-go is rather underhanded, it sure appears like he was not really attempting to set things straight and look for truth but present Marie-Julie in a negative light and turn people off.


Side note: he also seems to think she was not that terribly well known outside of France at the time, a -hardly-heard-of type of thing, as if that might be an indicator regarding her authenticity or lack therefore. He might have a point about her not being well known, as we're only hearing a lot about her now, but that does not denote a lack of authenticity either.

And then, at the same time, consider this: she was well known enough outside France to get a special-report-sized obituary paragraph in the New York times printed March 13, 1941 entitled “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Stigmatist has been Visited by Pilgrims for Seven Decades”. Her death was reported to the paper by telephone on March 6, so the New York Times must have deemed her important enough to report to the US at the time. The New York Times reported “Mlle Jahenny, a simple peasant woman, is reported to have first been visited by the stigmatic wounds in 1867. Since then her fame has spread well beyond France.” (Italics are mine). Strangely, the paragraph does say much more after that and leaves it with a brief description of her first ecstasy, but as we can see, she was more well known at the time than we think.


  1. He claims that as all the texts and information on sites we have comes from one source, the 'Marquis' de Franquerie, we do not have an 'evenly balanced' view of everything.

This 'might' be a point, but, consider Bl Catherine Emmerick only had one scribe take down her visions, Clemens Brentano, if it were not for him, despite the questions we have about his work and what he may have included, we may not have a record of her Biblical visions at all.

With Marie-Julie, however, we had a myriad of people write what they saw and heard, it's just that the 'Marquis' simply collected the various texts or additional copies the scribes made – he is a collector, of quite a number of the texts and so far, yes our sole source until the Diocese of Nantes decides to ever publish what they have of her.

But consider, if it were not for the Marquis collecting and keeping copies of what the various scribes were taking down, (a number of which were appointed by the local bishops over the years we must remember), we probably would not know about Marie-Julie Jahenny at all -. and Our Lord said He wanted people warned. Our Lord even said He needed to warn people back then because if He waited until the time the messages were really needed, it would be too late. Basically, it takes time for the news and warnings of an apparition to spread – it took a few decades before people in the USA really heard about Fatima for example, hence the rise of the work of the Blue Army spreading the Fatima messages, mass communication was much slower back then, e-mail and the Internet didn't exist. And as another example of how slow messages seem to spread, a proper official Japanese translation of the Fatima prayer added to the rosary, ("O my Jesus, forgive us our sins") was not made until 1970s when it was mystically revealed to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, the visionary of the Akita apparitions!  So, the revelations given by apparitions take time to spread.

Remember, nothing happens without God permitting it, and perhaps He was getting tired of His Church locking away warnings from people given in approved visions. He complained in one of the visions to Marie-Julie of people silencing His Mother at La Salette and keeping her message and not spreading it, and even trying to silence her voice of warning. And, how the 'Marquis' got a number of the texts is interesting: Our Lady said the Marquis was to keep the copies at the time to save them from getting into the hands of the Germans in WWII, it is quite possible the Germans would have raided the diocese office, since it would be a major place of authority after all, and who knows what they could have done to the texts? Maybe steal them? We know now Hitler was strangely interested in the supernatural in the hopes he could use it for his aims, he and his officers certainly persecuted the children of the approved apparitions of Heede and tried to stop their visions. I've recently found out that just before her death, even Marie-Julie was forced to flee her cottage when they feared the German invasion. She only left for a week or two I think if I've read French sites correctly, then when it was clear the danger of being troubled by the Germans was less than they feared, she returned home – but imagine her having to go through that, she who had never left her home in her whole long life suffered that displacement in her old age. One of the sacrifices she no doubt had to undergo for the sake of sinners.

In any case, I for one am glad we have the texts, we would have nothing at all released to the public, and possibly kept under lock and key like the secrets of other approved apparitions that were hidden for so long. For example, the original secrets of La Salette that were sent to the pope were only discovered and printed in c. 2000, quite a long time after the original apparition occurred. If the texts were only released now, it would be too late to get prepared as Our Lord explained would happen, and it sure seems we are getting closer to what she warned about. Nothing happens without God's permission. We are getting these messages now when we need them, which takes us to Dr. Miravalle's next accusation.



  1. He claims these are 'not official church-approved apparitions or messages in ANY SENSE.'

In 'any sense' is where he falls flat.

He continually stresses upon the point they are 'not officially church approved' apparitions and says that if you call the Diocese of Nantes, they will tell you these are 'absolutely not official church-approved apparitions.'

Please note: the most important thing regarding approval is to see if the Church has condemned and ruled against a mystic or set of apparitions, then we know they are fake and not to spread their message on pain of the sin of disobedience.

However, not receiving official approval i.e, an outright official declaration, does not equal official condemnation from the Church until it officially rules 'non constant' or no proof of supernatural occurrence, or, not enough proof of it.

In Marie-Julie's case, the diocese has enough witness accounts even conducted by its own office to show 1) the events happened, and 2) even the private opinions of the first bishop Fournier who opened the first instigation, they had evidence of the supernatural occurring, that is, it was from Heaven. He even took her case personally to Rome to report on it, and he was praised on how he was handling everything from I can find on French sites. The cardinal sent by the Vatican to investigate her, Cardinal Rampolla, performed an exorcism over her and had to agree that everything happening to her such as the stigmata and suffering the Passion was supernatural and not preternatural. Her life was also one long victim-soul martyrdom, a life of heroic virtue.

Frankly, of what we do know of her, there is too much in her favour already regarding a supernatural ruling I personally cannot see how they could give a condemnation of her or her mystic experiences, and, if they cannot do that, they eventually will have to officially admit in a formal declaration her experiences were supernatural, and her messages must also be from Heaven.

Why they haven't done so yet may seem a mystery, but I can surmise for the present a reticence in that to approve her would also be to admit her messages about a corrupt Church are true, hence possibly a reason for slipping her under the carpet – and, she did predict her cause for canonization will not happen until the Great Monarch comes, who will demand her case be opened the same time he requests Louis XVI be raised up as a saint. There have been efforts already to get Louis XVI's case going.

Stalled and hindered cases of mystics and their works usually show they do come from God. St. Louis-Marie de Monfort foretold his book 'True Devotion to Mary' would be hidden in a chest nearly for 100 years, which happened. It was found in a chest and finally published about 100 years after he wrote it. The Lord said to St. Faustina the work of Mercy entrusted to her would be hidden and almost gone, then suddenly blaze forth to show it was from Heaven, and look how even the Church silenced that for a time before it was approved. The same was said to Marie-Julie – the true works of God are persecuted, even by the Church itself, so when they are suddenly raised up it is proof this is from God. And if I recall, Marie-Julie was told she and and her visions would be discovered at the 11th hour so to speak before the real troubles break out. The 'secret' would eventually be discovered as Our Lord said.

So, her case is still open, and with quite a bit of weight of proof showing her to be authentic. Note: we are free to promote anything not yet condemned by the Church and which does not go against Church teaching.

Dr. Miravalle also argues that the private letter of Bishop Fournier is not 'official public approval', (he doesn't mention the Vatican cardinal who also deemed her supernatural), but, even a private opinion from the local bishop and the Vatican cardinal leaning to a supernatural declaration carries some weight and points out we are not dealing with a fake either. There is such a thing as an 'informal' approval when the Church has not made a full public declaration.

For example, we have the case of the mystic Pere Jean Edouard Lamy of France who saw Our Lord, Our Lady, the angels, and also Satan. Our Lady directed him to found an order, which still exists to to this day. He could read souls, and even had the mystic gift of light to where he could see perfectly in the dark, thanks to the angels. He also had the gift of prophecy, and foretold both world wars, and hinted about what would come after another war i.e. the Age of Peace. He has not received “official” Church approval, but there was no question as to his holiness and mystic experiences being supernatural to where even the Archbishop of Paris, his local bishop, declared he had 'another holy CurĂ© of Ars' in his parish as he called him. Therefore, he had only 'private' informal approval from his local arch-diocesan bishop. And, yet, no one dares to claim Pere Lamy was fake or not an authentic mystic simply because of a lack of formal approval as far as I know. So, there are precedents of this 'open' and rather 'tacit' approval from the Church without a mystic receiving a full public approval from a diocese office plastered on a piece of paper.

Thus, the last bit in which Dr. Miravalle claims she has had no approval 'in any sense' is where he falls flat. She has an 'open' case, which has been declared (even if privately) as 'supernatural', and so her case is heavily leaning towards official approval.

And, I have yet to see an actual bone fide official statement on the Diocese of Nantes site condemning Marie-Julie – making a statement about privately telephoning their office isn't sufficient. I only see records of the diocese trying to gather all her accounts together dating from 2019. That is the only mention of her still popping up on their official site. Bishops and dioceses give official statements and official condemnations on their sites these days. Nothing about Marie-Julie, not even a condemnation. Not a peep.

The only thing I still find, and then not even on the official site of the Diocese Nantes but some other French site, is the condemnation from 2019 issued by the Vicar General of Nantes against the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association' for publishing the texts without a nihil obstat and for running a pilgrimage site at her cottage and not placing it under the bishop's direction, (running loose pilgrim sites of worship without Church authority is actually an excommunication offence). Marie-Julie herself however is not condemned in this official statement by the Vicar General, and only a caution is issued with regards to the texts attributed to her as they were not inspected by them, and were not written by her personally but written by other people. (Basically, they don't know if things were added by others), so, we just have a caution against her texts alone, similar to Bl. Catherine Emmerick's visions as she did not write them herself and so they were not included in her canonization process. The texts attributed to Marie-Julie are not condemned therefore, even those texts published by the 'Friends of Marie-Julie' – just a caution is issued.

Dr. Miravalle also makes the argument that unless it is 'public', this assertion of 'supernatural is not official, and uses St Thomas Aquinas's teaching on passing a law as an example - a law must be made public for it to hold as legally valid, so Dr. Miravalle infers official approval is similar to passing a public law, but this is not a case of instituting a law or dogma of the church, for we are not even required for salvation to believe in a mystic's private revelation when declared authentic, so the Church cannot even enforce belief in an authentic mystic like a law. The rule of law is a different thing.  


And for the sake of argument, if Dr. Miravalle is arguing a decision on a visionary must be officially made public in order to be valid like a law, the contrary also holds true - a condemnation must be publicly pronounced by the diocese for her to be officially declared a fake mystic, which has not happened.

In fact, an order of condemnation is what actually carries more weight regarding the duty of obedience with obeying the Church when you think of it. We are free to not believe in a private apparition and not follow the messages even if approved as it is not required for our salvation, but we are not free to knowingly spread a mystic who has been officially condemned, this is disobedience to the Church which is a sin. It is good, however, to be careful and to make sure that anyone not yet condemned has errors in their message. It just means the onus is on us to be vigilant regarding apparitions until the Church makes a declaration.

So, until Marie-Julie is officially condemned, or the texts condemned, she or the texts simply are not condemned. There is no order to stop spreading her messages on pain of disobedience attached to her cause right now as I write this. (September 2023). Also, I personally have not found any errors. Not yet anyway. If there were any major errors, or doctrinal errors, I certainly would not keep this site up. And, if anyone has seen my Great Catholic Monarch site, you know how picky I am when examining private revelations or prophecies for errors before placing them in the Timeline. (Click here for that site.)

The whole thing about 'harping' on about Marie-Julie not being 'officially' approved looks like an attempt to make her appear condemned, which she is not.

(You can also see my post: 'Is Marie-Julie Jahenny approved by the Church?', click here.)


Deprivation of the Sacraments

Dr. Miravalle also tries to bring up the order of deprivation of the sacraments after Bishop Fournier's death as something negative against her, (he does try to say some saints did suffer unjust persecution ), but says that this deprivation needs to be considered, why did it happen? He apparently sees it as a negative indication and something we should consider.

But, he then fails to mention that it was due to lies spread against her at the time, that she was accused of even being a great sinner and that she was a loose woman and not a virgin, these lies were horrible and without foundation. Our Lord gave her miraculous Communions and even said Mass in her room during this persecution, that she was told in her visions she was earning great merits because of this. She was told God allows even the Church to persecute and bury the work of His own saints and then later raises up the persecuted to show the work is of God. Our Lord even tested her on this, why didn't she complain about having the sacraments taken from her? She replied to the Lord, 'But they have authority'. She was obedient despite the unjust persecution, a mark of a true mystic. Also, Dr. Miravalle left out the information Pope Leo XIII declared she was unjustly deprived of the sacraments and they were restored to her.

He said we needed to 'question' what happened, and so there is the answer. She was unjustly persecuted.


Claims it is irresponsible to say she is 'approved'

Dr. Miravalle also says it is 'irresponsible' of sites to claim she is approved when she 'isn't officially' – but she is not condemned either. As I explained above, we can safely argue that an order of condemnation has more weight than even an order of approval.

She has an informal decision of 'supernatural' (even if private) decision is still applied to her case, like Pere Lamy, and so this open informal 'approval' stands until she is officially condemned by the local bishop. We even have strange cases that saints had visions that are not 'officially approved' and yet, no one dares to call the visions of saints fake or 'unauthentic' and 'not approved'!

And again, I cannot see how they can condemn Marie-Julie considering all the weight of the private pronouncements of supernatural leaning on her side, even if they are currently informal. She is an authentic mystic with properly witnessed mystical and miraculous occurrences.

Also, I find it somewhat contradictory that he brings up a mention of Medjegorje as an example of a holy (apparition) site later in the video, (so he considers it has some weight of 'approval' behind it), and yet Marie-Julie is not considered by him to have an informal 'tacit approval' and has 'no approval in any sense' according to him despite all the evidence of the supernatural stacked in her favour? 

 Note, Medjegorje currently at the moment still does yet have full approval by the Church, it still is in an 'open' situation like Marie-Julie as the investigation is still on-going.   If such an action is 'irresponsible', claiming something is 'approved' when it isn't, shouldn't he apply his own argument to the current situation of Medjegorje as well? Contradicts himself here I feel.  Medjegorje is still in a dubious state at the moment, as the official Commission appointed by the Church has reported only the first seven apparitions might be supernatural, but the rest over the years evidently seems 'not supernatural'-that is a LOT of not-supernatural material coming from Medjegorje.  Marie-Julie has a more tacit approval leaning in her favour than even Medjegorje if that is the case!  Yet, he favours Medjegorje and dismisses Marie-Julie? 



  1. Claims there is an 'overwhelming' sense of the wrath and justice of God in the messages, loads of messages of unprecedented chastisements, they imply no mercy and Dr. Miravalle seems a bit puzzled Paris would be destroyed and only have 88 survivors

Obviously, he did not pay attention to all the beautiful texts about her visions that have nothing to do about the chastisements, texts all about the spiritual life, and especially love of the Cross, the glorious age of peace and triumph coming, and also visions about what Heaven is like, and the lovely prayers she was given, etc. Also the beautiful exchanges between her and Christ, Our Lady, the angels, and the various saints, etc. Her visions are not all 'doom and gloom'! Perhaps he didn't see my blog here with all the different texts I have found since I published the e-book 'We Are Warned'.

And, of course, yes, I admit - it is probably a fault of my site here and other sites that tend to publish more about the warnings to where it seems like that is all she talks about. But that is not all she talks about!

Even he noted there are over 120,000 recorded pages of her visions - there are thousands of pages we don't have translated or released yet – and, to put all those in a 1,000 page book volumes could equal at least 120 books alone! Not to mention whatever the diocese has which they are not releasing, so who knows what other beautiful, 'non-chastisement' visions she was shown?

Then with what is released, we in this day need to be warned. She has given the most details to date about what is coming and how to prepare as far as I can tell, so, you should rather blame the emphasis on the chastisements in her visions due to the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Association' and us promoters of her texts online who want to concentrate on Our Lord's call to warn people as He asked so we are not taken unawares. There are so many texts, we can only do so much! Plus, the warnings could be buried under the mass of other texts if we don't concentrate on them, so, frankly, I would much rather be warned.

The grace of peace is promised to those who get prepared according to the warnings Our Lord said, we will have nothing to fear despite the hardships and sacrifices, so, we should have calm preparation so there is nothing to fear despite the hardships coming. We do have the Age of Peace and the Triumph of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts to look forward to. Similar to us following the wise teaching of always being prepared for death through our whole life as virtue takes time and serious spiritual work to acquire and we never know when death will come: be prepared so we are not afraid, and prepared when it comes. Same with the chastisements, we need to be spiritually prepared let alone materially prepared, and that takes effort.

Dr. Miravalle also seemed incredulous about the number of chastisements directed at France and that Paris would be destroyed (apparently not knowing that other credible and approved mystics have foretold its destruction, not just Marie-Julie)– but the answer was already given by Our Lady in one of the visions to her (which doesn't mention): France is more guilty than other nations in its sins against God and the Church because it was one of the first to convert:

(Message of August 9, 1881): Our Lady: “My children, the French clergy is more responsible because it is more educated (i.e., in spiritual matters), religion is more extensive (with them) than any other country. Catholicism has existed in France when other countries were not very Catholic; for that, they will be punished more severely. But everywhere, the clergy is bad everywhere, my children!"

From pious history we know France was given a particularly holy kingship to rule it, a mission which it has rejected. Upon the conversion of Clovis I, the Holy Spirit appeared with holy oil for his coronation, and since then the mission of France as the 'Eldest Daughter' was to defend the Faith and uphold the rights of the Pope and the Church. The satanic rebels of the Masonic French Revolution rose up, killed the king and slaughtered the nobles, so France was then free in its satanic rebellion to attack and supplant the Church, the rebels committing sacrileges upon sacred items and buildings, turning Notre Dame into the 'Temple of Liberty' where they put the 'goddess for Liberty' on the altar, it is said a prostitute was chosen for their 'goddess' for then sacrilegious enthronement on the altar.

I could go on.

From that time France was turned from a Catholic nation into a Masonic secular republic. Paris during the so-called 'Belle Epoque' era in the late 1800s and up to the 1900s before WWI, as beautiful as it was on the outside, was nothing more than a well-dressed strumpet - a city of vice, sin, lesbianism, homosexuality, prostitution, you name it. It was quite accepted for married men to have a kept woman or courtesan and bring her to different places some nights, the wife to different places on others. For instance, there were designated days in the week men took their wives to the opera, the other days were reserved for their mistresses. Certain cafés like 'The Ambassadors' and 'Maxims' were where only the mistresses were brought on nights out, so, everyone knew who the mistresses were and also to conceal from the wives their double life. This is actually shown in the musical 'Gigi'. While trying to appear moral on the outside, there was a whole culture of loose living that was quite accepted in Paris. Let's not forget the scandalous vulgar burlesque clubs, the infamous 'Moulin Rouge'. And this is only what little we see. God sees every iota of impurity and vice going on there on a nano-second by nano-second basis let alone minute by minute that we cannot fathom, He is so greatly offended by each imperfection and venial sin let alone mortal sin, and, as a once Catholic nation, France knows better. These days this all seems like nothing to those living in sin, so imagine what it is like today let alone the whole world.

St. John Bosco heard Paris described as a great whore of Babylon with its houses of ill repute in one of his mystic dreams, it would be punished first to try and bring it back, but laid waste if it does not recognize the time of its testing. Marie-Julie was told it was a new Sodom deserving of punishment – the fact we will have 88 survivors from it is actually a testament to God's mercy, the old Sodom of the Old Testament and the cities around it did not fare as well.

Sodom, which was pagan and really didn't know better, had only three survivors after Lot's wife was turned to salt, and those survivors came to a shameful end. Paris, once a Catholic city and with citizens who know better, to reject their Catholic faith and to fall back to such evil committed by the pagans is like the dog returning to its vomit as Proverbs says and was also taught by St. Peter, or, like the parable Christ gave of the person who had one demon, (i.e. paganism in this case), was cleaned of it, (converted to Christianity), but had seven more demons come back and made their state worse than the former. So, frankly, it is a marvel God leaves any survivors in Paris at all let alone 88! Hopefully the survivors will do better than Lot and his incestuous daughters.

Yes, God's mercy is infinite, but, so is His justice - He will not let a mounting iniquity go unchecked. He complained to Marie-Julie He was indeed giving the earth a period of mercy, but the evil ones would use it, abuse it, and use the time to grow in evil instead. Our Lord said that to St. Faustina too, souls abuse His grace of Mercy and sin more. To Marie-Julie He said he doesn't want to send the punishment, He said His mercy does not want to, but He will have to bring in the chastisements and let justice fall for the sake of the elect and purify the earth, or not a soul would be saved, all would grow corrupt on account of the mounting evil in the world. So, this act of justice is also one of mercy for those who still follow God.



  1. Claims that Our Lady seems 'angry' and 'satisfied' God would act with 'total justice' regarding the punishments and does not sound 'maternal' like 'real' apparitions

I don't know know where he gets this idea she sounds 'angry' and 'not maternal' and is lacking a 'maternal tone', Our Lady is constantly pleading as a Mother for her children to convert in the messages of Marie-Julie and constantly calling for them to come back and convert before it is too late.

Again, he must have skipped all the non-chastisements texts to get a full appreciation of her true motherly tone. I certainly hope he didn't purposely skip them to make his argument. That would be dishonest. But, yes, she does come to warn, and does give some frightening messages, but this is to try and get people to convert.

Oddly, Dr. Miravalle seems to think she gets a type of 'sadistic' pleasure of God's justice falling on the earth by suggesting she is 'satisfied' by the punishment of the evil doers, at least, that is what he implies, but he is completely forgetting that if there is a type of 'satisfaction' felt, it is because there is such a thing as a holy satisfaction in seeing justice done that is not sinful or sadistic I'm very surprised as a Marian theologian he seems to forget that Our Lady cannot be against justice being done on earth because she is the 'Mirror of Justice' after all, a title in her Litany approved by the Church. She is the perfect reflection of the infinite Justice of God. She is the Mother of the Sun of Justice.

Justice not only means the reward of good done, but also punishing when necessary. And the “Exhaustive (Traditional) Explanation of the Catechism” by Spirago and Clarke note 'God's justice is identical with His goodness. He punishes men to make them better, and to make them happy.'

Let us not forget that Christ Himself said "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill."  (Matt. 5:6)

Christ could not bless hungering and thirsting after justice if it was an evil thing to hunger and thirst for.


The messages of Marie Julie and other mystics show God is actually dishing the punishments out in piecemeal in an effort to bring people back and covert first – if they turned to His mercy she was told, all would be forgiven and forgotten – no chastisements. And, just as He told St. Faustina, He was granting a period of Mercy to the earth first before the time of Justice, but they won't use this time to convert but use it to sin even more He also foretells, and so the earth will have to be cleansed before the Peace can come.

The punishment will come. And this Our Lady leaves to God. Our Lady also says this to Marie-Julie, she leaves punishment to God. If people are indeed hardened, reject all graces, and insist on becoming enemies of her Son to the point of satanic hatred and blindness, then yes, she is in agreement with God's will and cannot be against His Justice when called for as it is identical to His goodness.

God cannot do evil, dealing out justice is not evil, and, also shows His glory as Lord. The Bible is filled with passages of God's children having the honour of seeing God's enemies vanquished and seeing their enemies brought to nothing because God will be glorified in the end and justice must be done. Even in the Magnificat Our Lady points to the mercy and goodness of God and His justice at the same time – one goes with the other. “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name. And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him. He hath shewed might in his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.

If somehow Dr. Miravalle finds fault with the Our Lady in the messages of Marie-Julie, than what does he think about the Magnificat and Our Lady rejoicing in God her Saviour putting down the proud and sending the rich away empty? A Marian scholar should know the Magnificat. All of God's His works are good and righteous, done with perfection and with perfect reason, even when giving punishment, which He does first to try and bring back souls. As St. Augustine noted, if no one was punished here on earth due to their sins, they would not believe in God's retributive justice. (Spirago and Clarke).

Spirago and Clark's excellent traditional explanation of the Catechism also states: “God is faithful i.e. He keeps His promises and carries out His threats. … Our Lord's prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem was fulfilled. … Promises and threats are necessary to move our feeble wills. Our Lord used the fear of punishment as an incentive to virtue. Ordinary men are more influenced by fear than by any higher motive. With them the fear of hell is stronger motive for virtuous living than the hope of heaven. God threatens us out of mercy. The man who cries 'Beware' does not want to strike. So God threatens punishment that He may not have to punish.” (pp. 127-128).

This is exactly what Our Lord said to Marie-Julie, which returns to His warnings mentioned in the earlier point – He told her He does not want to punish and chastise – He warns so He does not have to punish, and when He has to eventually, He will do so first to try and bring about conversions, and then at last be compelled to cleanse the earth as an act of mercy for the elect left on earth.

The need for chastisement is in complete agreement with true traditional teachings of the Church. And, we also see the approved apparitions such as the apparitions of Heede Germany stating the earth now is worse than the Deluge, and, God is getting ready to send cataclysmic punishments to cleanse it the like of which has never been seen before as this generation deserves to be annihilated, but He is giving us time as an act of mercy first, (words of from Heede), So, Marie-Julie is in complete agreement here with Church teaching and other approved apparitions. As mentioned, St. Faustina too was told a time of Justice is coming after this period of mercy granted to the earth. 


Then, we also have the approved visions from Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora who saw the coming chastisements and noted, Our Lady will actually ask for God's justice to fall on the earth: 

Bl. Elizabeth's vision (Dec. 25, 1816):  "Our Lady, appeared extremely sad. Upon inquiring why, Our Lady answered, “Behold, my daughter, such great ungodliness.” Blessed Elizabeth then saw “apostates brazenly trying to rip her most holy Son from her arms." Confronted with such an outrage, the Mother of God ceased to ask mercy for the world, and instead requested justice from the Eternal Father. Clothed in His inexorable Justice and full of indignation, he turned to the world.

“At that moment all nature went into convulsions, the world lost its normal order and was filled with the most terrible calamity imaginable. This will be something so deplorable and atrocious that it will reduce the world to the ultimate depths of desolation.”

  It appears the attempt to 'rip Our Lord from her arms by apostates' may mean a sudden surge in Catholics who have left the faith and who will attempt to deny the dogma of Our Lady being the Mother of God and that she is not due any honour, and that only Christ is due honour, similar to what many 'Christian' sects proclaim.   

We see this ties in with Fatima in that Our Lady gave a message peace would come (without the cataclysm) if along with the consecration of Russia, enough people were changing their lives, no longer sinning, and also by completing the Five First Saturdays in reparation for the five blasphemies committed against her Immaculate Heart.  One of the five blasphemies is against her divine maternity and which are carried out by persons refusing at the same time to accept her as the Mother of mankind.  However, Our Lady at Fatima left her prophecy open and said if this was not done, then the punishments would come and nations annihilated before the peace.  Obviously, the blasphemies against her will be too great and not enough reparation done, and this is what will cause her to stand back and allow God's justice take over for a time.
Or Lady with her tears and intercession has been the main reason why we have not been struck up to now, but, if you keep insulting the person who has been defending you the most? And, slap them in the face?  Well,  give a guess what is going to happen.  They will withdraw their help.
Of interest, this also ties in with the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny.  Our Lord told Marie-Julie Jahenny the timing of the Age of Peace and the arrival of the restoration shall be left to His Mother, but, Marie-Julie was also told of a time of great apostasy was coming, therefore we know the chastisements will to happen first. Not enough reparation will be made and God will have to step in once His mother stands back. Even by doing so, this will bring the peace in the end.  As she said in Fatima, 'In the end, my Heart will triumph.   

  So, yes, Our Lady herself will request justice and stand back and let God at it. Justice when punishing the wicked is still holy.  She is in complete union with God regarding both His Mercy and  Justice.



  1. Dr. Miravalle takes issue with the Oct. 20, 1903 message in that Christ says the corrupt clergy would not be forgiven, that 'He can no longer forgive', which he says goes against Christ's infinite mercy as everyone can receive mercy up to the last moment of breath and therefore this goes against what was revealed about God's mercy to the approved mystic St. Faustina 30 years later – so the date is off etc..

Dr. Miravalle also has an issue with the message of August 9, 1881 and how the Christ and Our Lady 'rant' about the bishops and priests and that the majority of them will 'not be forgiven ' - he says this does not sound like the 'Mother of the Apostles' who always seeks conversion of the sinner, etc.

Unfortunately, he has taken these messages out of context, and, I'm surprised as a theologian he seems to forget that there are sins against the Holy Ghost that cannot and will not be forgiven, which I will get to, as this bears relevance here, and of course, Marie-Julie's messages are prophetic and refer to the future as well.

The first text he referred to is this: (Oct. 20. 1903) “Marie-Julie begs Our Lord not to send punishments, but He replies: "My daughter, sinners are too numerous and too guilty. They have abused My graces. Especially those who have My Adorable Body at their disposition because of their state, and profane it. No, I can no longer forgive, justice has to be done. Soon you will need all your faith." (page 39 of the “Breton Stigmatist”).

The thing is, the only bit we have here is a fragment from the Marquis' book, the Marquis has taken only this bit from the whole ecstasy of that date, and so we do not see it placed in its full context. I myself have not yet found more texts for that date. So, it is possible there is more on that date in that ecstasy that shows why God cannot forgive, which we do not have yet. There could be significant context we are missing that will show up later. So, it is a bit premature to condemn something we don't have the full information on.

Also, Dr. Miravalle as a academic should have at least have had some prudence before making a condemnation here to 1) realize that yes, there are sins God will not forgive, and 2) to see if such terms were used elsewhere in Marie-Julie's published messages and to see if any context had been provided at all which would shed light on this. And yes, there are texts showing why Christ will not forgive the corrupt clergy that would rise up as He foretold, and this is where the August 9th text Dr. Miravalle has issues with actually clarifies everything – the weak priests and bishops (I.e. those weakened by heresy), will be on the side of the (Masonic) revolutionaries and allow Churches be desecrated and WILL ABANDON THE CHURCH and the true faith. Dr. Miravalle leaves that out. Perhaps again he skipped all the texts that refer Freemasonry in her visions as the major source of this evil.

Here is that bit of the August 9th 1881 message:

My children, do you believe, can you believe that Centre, South, in the East, (In Paris, the South and East of France) the Bishops will abandon the Church without regret, without thinking of anything other than 'every man for himself', in the epoch in which we are (in)?"

"My children, in all the new Bishops, there is not an entire generation of faith, there is above all a belief in the weakness against My Son; they will never be forgiven. (i.e. they will believe the heresies that will 'weaken' the doctrines regarding Christ.) They do not deny His powers, but they do not admit that My Son uses the earth to make (all) pass towards the good, the salvation and protection of souls (the social reign of Our Lord). (i.e., They do not believe that Our Lord uses everything on earth for His purpose of saving souls, that God permits everything and that everything happens according to His full or permissive will. Basically, they will deny true doctrines about Christ.) Oh, they will be punished for their unbelief and the punishment is in the Hands of My Son. The clergy is weak; the French clergy, a great number shall turn towards the perishable side (i.e., the evil side). The French clergy will be punished because of its levities; shining punishments without measure in the hands of My Son. My children, the French clergy is more responsible because it is more educated (i.e., in spiritual matters), religion is more extensive (with them) than any other country. Catholicism has existed in France when other countries were not very Catholic; for that, they will be punished more severely. But everywhere, the clergy is bad everywhere, my children!"

So, the main thing we see in Marie-Julie's messages is that Christ cannot forgive the corrupt clergy that 1) at the time rose up and with full knowledge of what they were doing wrong did not support the Church and the cause of the Catholic monarchy and 2) the future clergy that will side with the rise of the 'Red' State government that will come into force in France and impose a state heretical religion which will seem like Christianity but be Islamic. And, the messages all point to these evil revolutionaries as coming from the lodges of Freemasonry. Just read this site here to see them. Marie-Julie Jahenny was told France would become Muslim and deny Christ's Divinity, and so we are going to have the rise of an Arian style heretical religion rise up. Churches and tabernacles will be desecrated, and churches turned into worldly abominable theatres and dance halls.

Something similar has happened before: France tried to impose a state version of Catholicism during the Masonically influenced Revolution. At least the Church stood up against it then. But now even today we see the Red state of China forming its own 'approved Catholic Church', (which Pope Francis capitulated to by approving the Communist selected bishops, sad to say.) Marie-Julie Jahenny was told the majority of the bishops and priests will join the State religion that will be forcefully imposed and lead multiple souls astray to their damnation because they will either be part of it, or too weakened by heresy or scared to face martyrdom for the true Faith, they will think of saving their lives only and forget their eternal salvation and the salvation of the souls in their care. They will even break the seal of the confessional, (so, they will snitch on believers). She was told these complicit clergy will even hand up the underground priests who will try and resist this mass apostasy.

We already see certain governments in other countries in the last few years attempting to impose laws on priests to where they will be forced to break the seal of the confessional using the hunt for find child molesters as their pretext. So, to say 'this will not happen' is putting one's head in the sand. Things are already moving towards it. In France, thing will get so bad that the few good priests will be fined and imprisoned and martyred if they don't comply when the Red leftist state rises up.

Therefore, what is going to happen is all out apostasy, and, these bishops and priests should know better: it is known religious are judged more harshly and strictly by God because they have more knowledge and so many more graces, and their example and teaching either leads souls to Heaven, or damns them to hell. They will be held to account for every soul that is lost because of them. Again, religious should know better.

If religious who know better and know the truth and the true Catholic faith but are actively working to change it with heretical ideas contrary to the true faith using 'reform' as a pretext, then they are impugning the known truth, which is one of the six unforgivable sins against the Holy Ghost.

Our Lady said already to Marie-Julie in September 19, 1881, a number of priests were already guilty then of joining the leftist revolutionaries of the time opposing the return of the (Catholic) monarchy, and were going to cause great havoc and a weakening of the faith. Our Lady also warned Marie-Julie the new generation of priests rising up, their will be such a weakening among them it would be shocking, and that those who truly belong to the faith as of old were going to be frighteningly low in number, it would 'be as if they good ones could be named in a second'. She didn't say they could be named in one second as Dr. Miravalle claimed, but would be as if, a term of expression used just to give an indication of how few truly Catholic bishops and clergy would exist unaffected by heresy during this bleak period before the Triumph and renewal of the Church.

Basically, we had infiltrators back then in the Church. Look at the Masonic 'Alta Vendita' papers that were discovered by the Vatican state police and which Pope Leo XIII had published. The author of that set of papers revealed that revolutionaries in and outside the Masonic lodges were planning to infiltrate the Church and work on having a pope elected that would suit their aims, and would work at it for as long as it would take to get this to come to pass. Look at the heresy of Modernism that was creeping in back then right about the time the 1903 message was given to Marie-Julie– Our Lady also 'energetically condemned' Modernism in a private vision to the mystic Pere Lamy had September 9, 1909. St. Pius X fought against it in his day and brought in the Oath against Modernism which every priest had to swear by starting the year 1910. Can we honestly think the 'spirit of Vatican 2' came into the Church overnight without quite a lot of preparation before hand? Bl. Catherine Emmerick noted Satan would spend a lot of time preparing before his release into the world 50 to 60 years before 2000 AD, (i.e. the Satanic Century foretold by Pope Leo XIII). Fr. Ripperger has stated Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. Note the 'reforms' of V2 did away with the oath against Modernism in 1969. Of interest about the dating, c. 1920 Marie-Julie gave a cryptic prophecy foretelling the the institution of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary and at the same time cryptically foretold the feast day would be changed to a different date – Our Lady warned things in the world would get worse from that point on. The feast was instituted in 1954, thirty four years after her prophecy, and the date of the feast changed in 1969. (Click here for that text.)

So, the fragment text Dr. Miravalle has issue with points out those who have the Blessed Sacrament at their disposal (clergy) and will profane it. Profanation by its nature indicates a sacrilege done with full knowledge, and consider, this will be done by religious. This is obviously a reference to the future weak, heresy-infected and apostate priests who will knowingly profane the Blessed Sacrament (as many profanations will happen at the time these persecutions break out Marie-Julie was told), no doubt these priests must be part of the apostates that will rise up then who cannot and will not be forgiven their apostasy.

Only those malicious against the faith, heretics or apostates would knowingly profane the Blessed Sacrament. Possibly, this is the context of the fragment when compared with her other messages – Christ cannot forgive the sin of apostasy against the Holy Ghost when done knowingly and without repentance.

Next, Dr Miravalle says this 'unforgiving' comment in Marie-Julie's message goes against the approved messages of St. Faustina, but Christ even said to St. Faustina mercy can and (will be) be rejected. Christ says even the imperfections of a chosen soul (i.e. religious) wound Him greatly than the sins of living in the world, so can you imagine what the coming apostasy will be like? Our Lord already hinted about how bad things were to St. Faustina - He said He is forced to reject the lukewarm and ungrateful religious, and cannot forgive those souls who despise God's graces:

St. Faustina's Diary #580: “I am more deeply wounded by the small imperfections of chosen souls than by the sins of those living in the world. …. These little imperfections are not all. I will reveal to you a secret of My Heart: what I suffer from chosen souls. Ingratitude in return for so many graces is My Heart's constant food, on the part of (such) a chosen soul. Their love is lukewarm, and My Heart cannot bear it; these souls force Me to reject them. Others distrust My goodness and have no desire to experience that sweet intimacy in their own hearts, but go in search of Me, off in the distance, and do not find Me. This distrust of My goodness hurts Me very much. (….) Often a soul wounds Me mortally, and then no one can comfort Me. They use My graces to offend Me. (Note: this sounds exactly like what Marie-Julie was told, the grace of the time of Mercy would be used by the evil ones to sin even more and they won't take advantage of the period of Mercy to convert before the time of justice.) There are souls who despise My graces as well as all the proofs of My love. They do not wish to hear My call, but proceed to the abyss of Hell. The loss of these souls plunges Me into deadly sorrow. God though I am, I cannot help such a soul because it scorns Me; having a free will, it can spurn Me or love Me.

So, full rejection of God's grace, final impenitence and impugning the known truths are sins against the Holy Ghost. God cannot forgive these sins. St. Faustina's Diary therefore is also in agreement with the messages of Marie-Julie.

Why so many are going to fall we can also glean from the message of Our Lady to Marie-Julie: the priesthood is so high in dignity and priests are given so many graces, pardons for their transgressions are harder to obtain. (Marie-Julie - August 9, 1881). We know from Fatima (1917) Our Lady complained back then so many souls go to Hell because no one prays for them, so can you imagine what it takes to pray for the salvation of straying religious since they know better, are judged stricter, and therefore pardons are harder to obtain for them? Our Lord even told St. Faustina the conversion of a sinful soul demands sacrifice (Diary #961). How many on this earth in comparison to the billions of people on earth are praying and sacrificing for the clergy? So many are already swept up and infected by the heresy of Modernism thanks to it creeping in despite St. Pius X's efforts. And as said earlier, Fr. Ripperger notes, Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies.


Timing Does not Add up?

Then, on one of the last points Dr. Miravalle brings up here, he wonders how God could be about to about to strike in Marie-Julie's time, circa the 1880s, but then years later into the 1930s grant a period of mercy through St. Faustina – he says the timing doesn't add up with the two, so the 'bad timing' must indicate a fake apparition, but again, he forgets Marie-Julie was told she was in the present time of Mercy before the time of justice, and, her revelations move in and out of present warnings and future prophecies. They two tend to get woven together back and forth in her texts. It is a bit tricky to separate them until we actually see the future prophecies come to pass.

And, note, Our Lord told St. Faustina He was prolonging the period of Mercy, (meaning, it was originally going to end earlier!) (Diary # 1160 “St. Faustina: 'When once I asked the Lord Jesus how He could tolerate so many sins and crimes and not punish them, the Lord answered me: 'I have eternity for punishing (these sinners), and so I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of (sinners). But woe to them if they do not recognise this time of My visitation. Therefore, Our Lord was granting this prolongation due to His mercy. Again, the same message as the approved apparitions of Heede sometime after 1945,: (Our Lord) at Heede: “This generation deserves to be annihilated but I desire to show Myself as merciful. Tremendous things are in preparation; it will be terrible as never before since the foundation of the world.”

How can this 'prolongation' happen? Through intercessors heeding the warnings and making sacrifices – souls can 'buy' time with their sacrifices and penances. Look at how Abraham continued to pester the Lord until he first succeeded in stopping the punishment if there were enough good people there, and finally brought down the number needed to save the city of Sodom. Our Lord actually 'held off' until Abraham finally got down to the number 10. Same here – Our Lord was getting ready to strike way back in the 1800s, but let His mercy be touched by the victim souls. Often, there were calls in Marie-Julie's visions for more prayers and penances, and, she was allowed to know when this helped to hold off the time of some of the punishments. Marie-Julie lived up until 1941 and no doubt her life of complete martyrdom as a victim soul was one of the intercessors holding off the greater punishments.

Our Lady of Fatima (1917) was also able to gain the grace from Her son the chastisements would be averted if people did as she asked regarding the Five First Saturdays and that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. If the threat of the annihilation of nations can be averted or put off depends on how well we comply with the conditions. Our Lady already hinted her conditions would be delayed by the word 'In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph', so we are due a chastisement. Our Lord showed St. Faustina in the 1930s how her intercession and the mission of mercy entrusted to her was also holding off His punishments at the time. He also told St. Faustina there were some other specially chosen victim souls helping Him in this as well. Our Lady of Akita said in union with victim souls she up to then prevented the coming calamities and came to beg that people convert so the punishments could be held off. “Prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices can soften the Father's anger. (Akita). However Our Lady warned if sins increase in number and gravity, pardon can no longer be obtained (I.e. regarding a worldwide punishment). Sadly, in 2019 the visionary of Akita saw again her angel who told her to pray rosaries of repentance, and the visionary herself felt 'the time' (of the chastisements?) is near.



  1. Dr. Miravalle takes issue with the statement of September 19, 1901 that Our Lady is “surprised” Our Lord doesn't pour out His blows of anger on His enemies, and that this does not sound like the our Mother, the Mediatrix of Mercy who always seeks conversion.

Dr. Miravalle again forgets, as mentioned early under Point 6 above, that first of all she is also the 'Mirror of Justice', and is in complete agreement with the Justice of God regarding unrepentant apostates. In this whole passage of September 19, 1901 she refers to the revolutionary (masonic) enemies who will turn the clergy into apostates with their false promises, the majority of the clergy will agree with God's enemies, destroy the faith in France, lead a vast multitude of souls to Hell, and 'break the bond' I..e the union with Rome. (Anytime the messages of Marie-Julie refer to the 'bond' or 'unity of the bond' it refers to the bond with Rome and the Holy Pontiff.) She says the outrages will be irreparable at this future time. Then she says the sentence: “When I see the enemies presenting their many of those who are priests of my Divine son! When I see those souls allowing themselves to descend to the bottom of the abyss, I am surprised as the Mother of God Almighty, that my Son does not immediately open the Heavens to pour out the blows of His anger on His enemies who insult and outrage Him ....

Dr. Miravalle seems to think this is 'surprise' is as if Our Lady is sadistically wanting a punishment and damnation to fall, similar to his faulty observation in Point 6 that Our Lady gets a sick 'satisfaction' in wanting to see punishment fall, but this is not the case. Strange a Marian theologian would not try and find a reason how or why Our Lady could feel surprise, and forget about the time in the Bible when Our Lady was 'astonished' or surprised, that a holy meaning is attached to this 'surprise', and not some fault-ridden surprise that a sinner would have.

The 'holy surprise' I am referring to is the astonishment she and St. Joseph felt when they found the Christ Child in the temple teaching the doctors:And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered.” (Luke 47-48).

So even St. Joseph and Our Lady were astonished, (surprised), and wondered at Christ and His answers, eventhough they knew He was the Son of God. According to “The Life and Glories of St. Joseph” by Edward Healy Thompson, this beautiful sight of the sinless Child after they had been without Him and sorrowing for three days was enough to hold them in awe, but, they were also held in astonishment by His answers, and that no doubt He was obviously correcting the doctors of the temple on their false opinions and teaching them right doctrine about the prophecies of the Messiah. Through this revelation of His teaching the doctors when before He was hidden and silent: There was something new to them in His voice, manner, attitude, and bearing. Never had they (Joseph and Mary) seen Him like that before. Doubtless they stood for a moment looking on, silent for very joy and awe. (Life and Glories, pp. 348- 349) Why? Because this was a glorious new facet of the Christ revealed to them. Fr. Marin de Boylesve in his book “Little Month of St. Joseph” notes St. Joseph shares in Mary's grief at the loss of Jesus, and her wonder, then joy. The hour of trial is over, … a consolation mingled with wondering admiration and the way God has made trial and affliction redound to His glory and that of His tried ones.” (Little Month, p. 105).

Read now the passage of Marie-Julie and consider it in this light: that yes, eventhough Our Lady is Mother of God, full of grace and filled with the Holy Spirit, she is still a created creature and is still learning more and more about Her Divine Son and God's infinite mercy. Yes, she is the Queen of Mercy, but, as a creature, even she still has her limits as a created being when compared with her Infinite Creator, yes, even the Great Queen of Heaven above every other saint. Even her knowledge is not infinite. She therefore has humbly admitted a new facet of her Son's Divine Mercy is being shown here even to her, how deep His mercy is, that indeed,when by divine right of His infinite Justice He should be punishing the earth right then and there, (especially as we have seen in several passages Paris is considered a new Sodom and the the world is worse than at the time of the Deluge). Yet, even now with this iniquity worse than ever before, He is prolonging His period of Mercy. Sins are more numerous than ever before on earth, and yet God is holding back, Our Lady was in surprise at the depth of the Mercy of God with a holy awe, not a sadistic one! The is completely in agreement with the messages of St. Faustina that Christ was pouring out the full depths of His Mercy in a way never seen before near the end of time. Therefore, Our Lady is in holy awe with this new revelation of the depths of God's mercy.

St. Faustina was also astonished with all the sins occurring Our Lord was not punishing the earth, but He revealed He was prolonging the period of Mercy and 'woe' to those who were not going to avail of this grace. So, Our Lady is not 'sadistically' hoping for the destruction of everyone. Even we as sinful Christians can be justly astonished at the depth of God's mercy in that He Who is also infinitely a Just God has not stepped in up to now, without us actually wishing the destruction of anyone!



Point 9) - Dr. Miravalle takes issue with the phrase Our Lady 'despairs' of saving those who are in immense danger (Message Feb. 9, 1904) He argues this is sign of something wrong as despair is a sin against Faith (and the Holy Spirit) that Our Lady cannot commit.

First of all, he is wrong about what the sin of despair is.

Despair is a sin against hope, not faith.

Ouch. Maybe he just got mixed up?

Then, there are holy counterparts to what would otherwise be sins or vices, or evidence of sin. For instance, hate and anger is a one of the deadly seven sins, but not when God is angry with a holy anger, or 'hates' sin as the Bible points out. God is described as 'hating' sin. There is a sinful jealousy that is a vice, and then on the other hand God has a holy jealousy in that He is declares Himself a jealous God Who will have no other gods before Him. There is a repentance that indicates a remorse for sin committed, and then a 'holy repentance' from a sinless God Who actually was 'sorry' at one point in making man and was compelled to send the Deluge. It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow of heart. He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them.” (Genesis 6:6-7) Therefore, it is quite possible to have a 'holy despair' and a great sorrow and a holy desolation when one sees unrepentant sinners casting themselves into Hell no matter how much Heaven pleads and sends graces. These sinners continually spurn the graces to their utter damnation.

Also, we have to be careful of a literal translation of the French and not reading in the context the French would mean the word. It is possible Our Lady was intending a general usage of the word to display her sorrow over the issue, i.e. a holy desperation, not the sin of despair.

There can be some serious hang-ups between French and English translations as the French have no issue calling Our Lady 'divine' for example in the general sense, while we English speakers are more strict with the word when referring to her due to its theological implications. St. Louis de Montfort calls her 'divine' in his texts, so you see what can happen here. The French also use the word 'assumption' and 'ascension' interchangeably when referring to Her Assumption, I've seen it in the work of the French priest Fr. Marin de Boylesve from the 19th century, a priest in good standing with the Church, so Dr Miravalle is jumping to the wrong theological conclusion here on the possible meaning of 'despair'.

I've discovered that it can as an archaic term be referred in French to an emotional state according to the CNTRL French dictionary online: “'DĂ©sespoir: Under meaning B: “B.- Serious state of overwhelm, of deep pain in which a person falls following an excess of difficulties and extreme afflictions.” Google is also showing me another definition in that it can mean someone is suffering a 'desolation', the word despair used as a painful exaggeration of the deep desolation or sorrow felt.

Our closest English version of such a sense or state would be to feel a great 'desperation' or be in a desperate situation, but not the theological sense that Our Lady suffered the sin of despair.

So now let's see the passage Dr. Miravalle is referring to:

(Our Lady) “My beloved children, all is engaged in an irreparable loss, I mean the salvation of souls of children. The nourishment of these poor little souls should be for them the bread of love of their Immaculate Queen, the Queen of Heaven. (i.e devotion to her). I suffer to see these souls as pastures delivered to the enemy of the salvation of souls; it is the goodness of my Divine Son that Satan takes to himself and to appropriate it, (i.e. Satan takes advantage of God's period of mercy to the earth and is using this time to corrupt children.) He has his supporters in every corner on the Earth. I despair, yes, I despair of saving those souls without immense peril and multiplied souls and bodies.

Marie-Julie intercedes and the Blessed Virgin answered:

After the delivery of young adolescent souls to Satan, the enemy of souls, I mean to say that

most of these children have entered the path of corruption and these souls have not received a

drop of this perfume of my virtues of purity; it is in very immense pain, because if you saw the

number, you would be frightened and even struck as if by a mortal blow.”

Marie-Julie: “Holy Mother of Immaculate Heaven, we suffer from what you suffer.”

The Blessed Virgin: “My dear children, that carefree mothers who no longer have the faith, that guilty fathers thrown into circles where they do nothing but offend my Divine Son. In heaven, what a responsibility! They do not think about that, what terrible misfortune!”

In the passage, Our Lady is grieving over the spread of Satan and his minions over the earth who is using the period of mercy to corrupt children, and, that very young children are already given to Satan because they are never taught about the virtue of purity or taught about devotion to her. Faithless parents will be held responsible for the loss of the children's souls due their lack of faith and their worldliness given bad example and failing to provide instruction on the faith, which parents are duty-bound to provide. They will also be held accountable for the failure to preserve the purity of their children or fail to teach them to keep their purity intact, and also by allowing them to keep bad company.

Also, Our Lady is hinting to the Fourth Blasphemy against her Immaculate Heart long before Fatima, the blasphemy carried out by persons who try publicly to implant in the hearts of children an indifference, contempt, and even hate for the Immaculate Mother, and, as saints have pointed out,a huge majority of souls lost is due to no devotion or lack of devotion to the Blessed Mother. And, note what Our Lady of Fatima said to St. Jacinta, it is the sins of impurity that damn the most souls (eventhough it is not the worst sin, the worst sins are sins against the Holy Ghost as they cannot be forgiven). Note the approved messages of the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success in Ecuador in the 1600s – the vice of impurity would be so bad there would hardly be any virgins in the 20th century as innocence will be destroyed. “ ... the spirit of impurity that will saturate the atmosphere in those times. Like a filthy ocean, it will inundate the streets, squares and public places with an astonishing liberty. There will be almost no virgin souls in the world. …” (Good Success.)

So yes, while there is always hope for salvation, Our Lady can also see the future, and knows souls who will refuse grace and damn themselves. She can bring about the conversion of anyone as long as they repent, but not if they refuse to turn to her or reject her. In this instance Our Lady said to St, Bridget of Sweden “No one, unless the irrevocable sentence has been pronounced, (i.e on the damned), is so cast off from God that he will not return to Him, and enjoy His mercy, if he invokes my aid. And therefore miserable will he be, and miserable will he be for all eternity, who, in this life having it in his power to invoke me, who am so compassionate to all and so desirous to assist sinners is miserable enough not to invoke me, and so is damned.” ('The Glories of Mary', St. Alphonsus de Liguori.) But note, she cannot help anyone even when they invoke her unless they are willing to amend their lives. A sinner one invoked her saying “Show thyself a Mother”, and she replied “Show thyself a son.” Ouch. Another sinner did the same, but obviously did not intend to change their sinful ways, as Our Lady complained, “You sinners, when you want my help, call me Mother of mercy, and at the same time do not cease by your sins to make me a Mother of sorrows and anguish”. ('The Glories of Mary', St. Alphonsus de Ligouri) St. Anselm notes regarding such a soul so darkened by sin and deprived of the light and grace of God in that it has no recourse to Mary, and even despises her, remarks that she cannot help them, and says of these sinners using a particular strong turn of phrase, that they in a certain sense cause themselves to be disregarded and even condemned by her: “.., if anyone is disregarded and contemned by Mary, he is necessarily lost.” (Quote from St. Anslem, in 'The Glories of Mary' by St. Alphonus de Ligouri) Those are strong words! And, a saint said them, another saint quoted them. They saw nothing wrong making such a strong statement regarding a sinner rejecting Mary.

Therefore, to Marie-Julie, Our Lady she is grieving and in a deep, but holy desolation, a Mother of sorrows and anguish regarding those who will be taught from an early age by their own faithless parents to not even know about her or to invoke her, and will teach them all manner of impure vices and grave sin as if it is all okay that will lead them to hell. These parents will have much to answer for Our Lady said. Why? Because they have literally set their children on the path to hell and by their bad teachings and examples and lack of faith, and close them off to Our Lady's help. Their have already been hardened due to this miserable parenting, even before they reach the age of reason she told Marie-Julie in another message, the earth will become that sinful and impure.

Even Dr. Miravalle himself says in the video Our Lady cannot give us the graces for our conversion if she does not have our free will or consent, so, it's rather contradictory on his part he can say that, but then here cannot see she is is referring to souls who will refuse these graces, and weeps for children who will be taught to never to turn her or imitate her purity, which is why she has this 'desolation'. She indeed can feel a deep sorrow and a 'holy despair' for those who refuse her graces to the point of 'desolation' because, there really is no hope for those who insist on dying unrepentant and in the state of sin. Sins against the Holy Ghost.

Also, note the phrase “ ...I despair of saving those souls without immense peril and multiplied souls and bodies.”

We could have a missing bit of text here and the context skewed a bit because of this as the scribes had to work fast to try and take down what was said at the ecstasies. Sometimes they skipped bits or didn't get everything when Marie-Julie was speaking. But, notice Our Lady seems to 'despair' of saving those souls unless there is indeed an “immense peril”, as she cannot save them 'without' the immense peril, so the chastisements may be the wake up call needed to actually save a lot of them! Our Lord uses punishments to try and convert hardened sinners. And, He does get very, very tough. God does not change. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament. Just look at the Levitical 'curses' in the Old Testament God says He will send the Jewish nation if they should reject His Laws. Let's not forget the plagues sent against Egypt. And, it pains Our Lady God will have to send great chastisements again as a last means for the graces of conversion because these particular sinners are so hardened.

We also need victims and sacrifices to save hardened sinners as pointed out in the other points above, so Our Lady may also be referring to the 'multiplied souls and bodies' here, we need a lot of souls sacrificing for sinners, even victim souls, and, the Lord may call for a lot of martyrs to cleanse the earth and bring graces. So there is some hope for their salvation. The martyrdom and prayer of St. Stephen is what granted St. Paul the grace from the Holy Ghost to convert according to Spirago and Clarke. Our Lord even said to Marie-Julie it will take much suffering and martyrdoms and blood to cleanse the earth.

Therefore, Our Lady is suffering a deep affliction, a holy 'despair' regarding the souls who have given themselves up to Satan, sins of impurity, and over parents not teaching their children about devotion to her or about the virtue of purity. They are in very serious danger of being lost and the situation in the time coming up to the chastisements are indeed 'desperate'. And she is possibly 'despairing' of saving them unless the chastisements are sent, and also in a deep desolation of sorrow that such means are needed, that martyrs and more sacrifices are called for. So when viewed in the right context, Our Lady is obviously not in the sin of despair against the Holy Ghost in the message.



  1. Dr. Miravalle takes issue with the message Our Lady can no 'longer hold back the arm of her son'. Claims this is questionable as it implies she cannot intercede for mercy any more back then, but we're still here 100 years later, no chastisements, came etc. He is saying this message implies she 'can no longer intercede' from then on, so must be a sign of a fake as she of course still intercedes, etc.

(Note: he got the date wrong for the message. It is not from July 23, 1924 like he says, but is from September 16, 1904.)

Our Lady was not saying her intercession was completely stopping from that time on.

I'll give the full text we have published for that date so we can have can see what we have to examine here:

(September 16, 1904) Our Lady: "...Half the population of France will be destroyed. After the punishments, there will be villages left without a soul. Four towns of France will disappear...I have no more power, I can no longer hold back My Son's arm...My Children, the decision of My Divine Son is to let everything carry on until the end. There is only prayer left. If my Divine Son and I were to work miracles greater than all the ones in Judea, than all the miracles of the past, all these marvels would be scorned, they would further insult My Divine Son and His Holy Mother. In short, it is a blindness. It is an infernal veil woven by the enemy jealous of the marvels and power of my Divine Son. In place of marvels, (I.e. instead of miracles) blows will be necessary, decimation, yes, a terrible decimation..."

Notice right away she is referring to the future time of the greater chastisement when the decimation of population will happen and four major town disappear altogether and all we will have left is prayer. (The huge civil wars, etc., and possibly the 3 Days of Darkness.) She was not referring specifically to 1904.

Her other prophecies state when the persecutions and wars happen during the great civil war and the rise of the Red state religion before the 3 Days of Darkness, the Church will be persecuted and forced underground, those living at that time will be deprived of the sacraments and only prayer will be left to the people, and this is also being referred to here.

I also cannot help but notice this message in 1904 was coming close to the age of WWI as well, which was one of the minor decimating chastisements. There was a horrific decimation of people during that war.

And, there is evidence in other texts Our Lord's arm 'drops' for the 'minor' chastisements that will come along the way, i.e. as we see in an earlier text dated September 29, 1880. With that text St. Michael gives praise and encouragement to those praying and making sacrifices at the time, as they were keeping the Arm of the Lord back from striking. However, Our Lady then comes forward, the Lord is still angry, she could do no more for those most hardened sinners and ingrates, they would be punished, and in reference to the future says: “My children, I can do nothing more, not for all, but the (hardened) sinners and ingrates. I cannot stay the Hand ready to strike, I can not support it, (to) prolong the time of sorrows. O! my children! My Divine Son is angry, He is so offended that I am very concerned that His arm will be let go (even) before the triumph of Evil, to spread Its justice in (I.e. through) plagues and another misfortune.

So, Our Lady is even concerned that He may drop His arm before the future great Civil War itself before the Age of Peace, meaning, He was going to send minor chastisements, plagues and a 'misfortune' – was this an indication of WWI? WWII? There are times she cannot hold back His Arm, and then of course, there will be the ultimate time when the major decimation comes. I'm surprised Dr. Miravalle can't see the world wars as the times of Our Lord dropping His arm to a point, even the Church teaches war is a punishment for the sins of a nation, and this was the first time the whole world was engaged in wars.

Perhaps Dr, Miravalle didn't bother to compare with other texts of her visions or other chastisement prophecies from other mystics. This text referring to not holding back the Lord's arm any more is obviously in reference to the times when Our Lady will not have the strength, I.e. (authority) to hold back the mighty justice of her Divine Son's arm any longer regarding His decision to send some of the wars, and, in particular, the coming future decimation. She is also a reflection of His Justice, so when things get really bad, even she will have to agree with Him when the ultimate punishments are eventually sent. Our Lord told both Marie-Julie and St. Faustina God's time of justice will come after the period of Mercy. Marie-Julie was told His mercy will not be touched again regarding the earth until justice is done. I.e. the earth will suffer His chastisements until it is cleansed and His justice is satisfied. Of interest, He says His justice will be cut short for the sake of the elect, so even then He is merciful! After this the age of Peace with the Triumph of the Sacred and Immaculate Heart will arrive. The next period of mercy basically.

Unlike what Dr. Miravalle keeps saying, i.e. that the messages of Marie-Julie are in serious error because they say 'God will stop forgiving' when God will always accept a repentant sinner, these messages do not say that. They are referring to epochs of mercy and justice regarding the nations of the earth, God is not cutting off the grace of mercy which is always open to a sinner should they repent, even with their last breath. He never will do that! Rather, the messages refer to the general ages of mercy and justice regarding the temporal affairs of the earth, similar to when God 'stopped' being merciful to the earth and sent the Deluge in His justice as it needed to be cleansed. Don't forget things back then were so bad the Douay-Rheims Bible literally says God 'repented' making man, a 'holy repentance' as His infinite purity was so offended, the majority of the human race was that terrible in His sight due to its depravity. And they were mostly poor pagans who obviously didn't know better. The mystics who foretell the justice coming say the earth is worse than the time of the era of the Deluge and worse than the old Sodom, so can you imagine the holy 'regret' God is feeling against the human race right now having spurned the graces given after the arrival of Christ to the earth. You could say the one devil of the old days of the Deluge and the Sodom which was cast out has now brought back seven stronger devils with it, using Christ's parable as an example, making the world worse than before. It should be no wonder we're due a chastisement.

Next, 2) we also have to consider we're dealing with another fragment text from the 'Marquis' book, and even this fragment has ellipsis in it, meaning the Marquis left out text in this paragraph, we only have a partial quote, and so we could be missing the full authentic context again. To condemn this is to prematurely condemn it before we have more text released to the public. But in any case, as seen, this refers to future decimation, and not that very exact point in time in that Our Lady 'says she cannot intercede any more from that time on' as Dr. Miravalle thinks.



  1. He condemns the text warning of a 'New Mass' as something fomenting disobedience to the Magisterium of the Church and therefore sign of a fake message.

Here Dr. Miravalle claims this message against the 'New Mass' is a dangerous critique going against the Magisterium of the Church, especially in calling the 'New Mass' or the 'Novus Ordo' Mass an 'abomination' – he claims this message has led people to be in disobedience regarding the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass, etc. and therefore in disobedience to the Church, etc. He says this is what concerns him most about the messages, etc.

Unfortunately, Marie-Julie's text here regarding the 'New Mass' has been woefully taken out of context by a lot of people, not just him, including Traditionalists and Sedevacantists who use this text to claim the Ordinary Rite of Vatican II is completely invalid.

It's the fault of people taking the messages out of context – the messages themselves do not foment disobedience to the Church or the Magisterium. Marie-Julie warns against breaking unity with Rome!

The fact we even have Eucharistic Miracles in the NO Mass shows it is not invalid despite its stripped down nature when compared to the Latin Mass. Marie-Julie was not actually talking about the current Mass we have, (despite the current Mass being a mirror image of the Protestant service. I dare say this as I've accidentally heard a Protestant service in the Protestant Westminster Abbey many years ago while visiting London, it was word for word exactly like the Vatican II Mass, even the Creed said.)

However, it is plain that they and Dr. Miravalle do not see what was being referred to in the messages of Marie-Julie, you cannot take one text alone and not compare it with the others we have concerning the political problems coming and the rise of an invalid rite that will be imposed not just by the apostates but by the secular state.

Marie-Julie was warned of the invalid and abominable service that the leftist state would impose during the apostasy period with their fake Christian religion resembling that of Islam. Satan would introduce a service where priests who once belonged to the Church and are led astray by the new apostasy and some glittering false promises would wear red cloaks, have something akin to a table with bread and a cup of water, but no wine or valid consecration that would be 'celebrated in all houses and under the firmament', a cryptic phrase obviously meaning in all places of worship in an ecumenical manner and in pagan-like groves, not just Catholic churches. This obviously is not yet the Mass of Vatican II, we have wine and a valid consecration as Eucharistic miracles are happening. Since there is no valid consecration in what she saw, only bread and water, there is no Eucharist, an empty service that will truly be an 'abomination of desolation' as when God's presence left the Temple of Jerusalem after the Church was founded. The apostate priests who join the new religion which will be a poor imitation of Catholic Christianity will think they have and do everything as when they belonged to the Church, this is the promise Satan will give them, but in reality their service will not have any validity. This is when the 'book' with words odious in God's sight be enforced upon the clergy, and they will be punished by the State and by the bishops following the state if they refuse it, the book 'sealed with the words from the abyss.' Of interest Bl Catherine Emmerick also saw the rise of an extravagant 'counter-church' that will be preparing 'bread' for their hosts, but will not have valid Communion. Christ's presence won't be there.

Here is the text from Marie-Julie referring to this:

(June 3, 1880. “The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)

Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed. He (Satan) will address priests:

"You will dress in a large red cloak...We (devils) will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do everything that you did when you belonged to Christ...."

"But," says Our Lord, "they do not add, Consecration and Communion."

And Hell added: "We will permit you to say it in all houses and even under the firmament."

By the words 'say it' we see a reference to a 'rite' being said, this rite having some kind of service using bread and water. This seems like an abominable religion held in all places, all buildings of worship indicated by 'all houses' and even in sacred groves out in the open sky. Now compare that with this text referring to the great time when the priesthood will be put to the test – which obviously refers to the the time when the State is going to intervene as mentioned in other texts:

Such as this for June 9, 1881:

Our Lord: “My deepest pain, it is owing to this kind of joy in Christian hearts--who were Christians, but who have lost grace – it is seeing this joy when the power of mortal men will order throughout the kingdom, a horrible religion, as opposed to that which exists today and that makes the happiness of My people.”

(My Note: In other words, Our Lord sees many people who call themselves Christian but are not. They will rejoice at the introduction by men of a new religion that appears Christian, but operates contrary to the way Christ established his Church. Since it will be 'ordered throughout the kingdom' it will be imposed on the populace. The fact that Christ says they are not in the state of grace indicates those followers who are contrary to certain dogmas of the faith and wish to set up a religion that panders to their worldly ideas of Catholicism / Christianity. Basically a heretical faith.

Our Lord continues : "I am inconsolable. I see running there, to escape from death and rouse themselves from imposed suffering, multitudes of Christians. I see them embrace the religion of a merry heart, without thinking about Me, on the Church, of their baptism and all that is good for the Christian soul ... by manifesting these signs to My people (i.e., the warnings and chastisements), I want to bring back My people, before the punishment, because I love them. I see eagerly entering this guilty, sacrilegious, infamous, in a word, a similar (religion) to that of Mahomet (sp. Muhammad). There I see bishops entering.”

(My note: Rather than face death or sufferings that will be inflicted on them if they stay in the True Faith, Catholics will enter the false religion. This false religion will teach an 'easier path' that is 'merry' and therefore easier to follow. Probably a religion that will concentrate on worldly happiness and 'anything goes' if it feels 'good' rather than attaining everlasting happiness through sacrifice and carrying the cross. This new religion will resemble Islam, which refutes the godhead of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe Jesus is only a prophet but not the Divine Son of God. Here Our Lord reveals The 'Horrible Religion' will be Arian in nature, the Arian heresy will once more raise its ugly head.

Even Bishop Fulton Sheen warned of those who would one day dare promote an easy false religion without the cross.

Our Lord continues: “By seeing these Bishops, many, so many, and in their suite all their flock, and without hesitation to rush into damnation and Hell, My Heart is wounded to death, as at the time of My Passion. I am going to become an object of horror for the most part of My people. All youth will be spoiled and soon will fall in a putrefaction the smell of which will be unbearable.” (I.e. children will no longer be taught about the virtue of purity, they also will not know the faith.)

So, according to this, many bishops will enter the false Arian-style religion and bring many to damnation with them. This could be the great apostasy Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned about.

Now compare this with another prophecy of the new rite coming:

(Ecstasy date November 27, 1901. Other sources say this prophecy was given in 1902):

Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

I give you a warning even today. The disciples who are not of My Holy Gospel are now in a great work of the mind to form as the second facsimiles when they will make to their idea and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words odious in My sight.

When the fatal hour arrives when they will put to the test the Faith of My eternal priesthood, it is these sheets that they will give to celebrate in this last period. The first period, it is that of My priesthood which exists since (or after) Me. The second, is the period of persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion have formulated - and they are strongly enforced - these sheets as the book of the second celebration, these infamous spirits (or, infamous minds) are those who crucified Me and who are waiting for the reign of the new Messiah to make them happy."

"Many of My holy priests will refuse this book sealed with he words of the abyss. Unfortunately, (they) will be the exception, it will be used."

So, we have yet to see this 'Mass of Abomination' warned about.

The Novus Ordo Mass isn't that.

It's the next 'reformation' that may be pushed that we have to truly be concerned about.

Marie-Julie did cryptically warn July 7, 1880 a month after she received the vision of Satan's fake 'Bread and Water Service' that Hell would have the Leonine prayers for the protection of the Church removed from the foot of the altar, and this prophecy was made several years before Pope Leo XIII would even have his famous visions of St. Michael that inspired them in the first place. (Click here to see this text.) The introduction of the Vatican II Mass did away with these prayers. Very telling development.

We have a prophecy and even evidence with the fulfilment of the prophecy regarding the Leonine prayers that Satan would be constantly attacking the valid Masses to eventually make way in the end for the 'red cloak, ecumenical bread-and-water' abomination without a valid consecration. Remember these particular prophecies came at a time when the heresy of Modernism was beginning to make huge inroads into everything. The Oath against Modernism was removed after Vatican II, but we are not yet at the service she described.

Are we close?

I'm personally concerned about the 500th anniversary 'celebrations' of the Protestant Reformation Pope Francis carried out with the Lutherans in Sweden for example – why on earth was he co-celebrating a rebellion attacking the true Faith in some ecumenical service with the Lutherans, who are outside the faith and not in union with Rome? Celebrating Luther who considered the Pope the Antichrist and Rome the 'Whore of Babylon', and who we know from another mystic and from exorcists that he is condemned to Hell and who has brought so many souls with him? We are supposed to encourage those outside the faith to convert, not join them to where they are led to believe their heresies now are 'okay' and accepted. What horrific false charity.

I'm in agreement with Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser who said that when future times grow dark, the Council of Trent will be our one true guide.  If anything regarding the Protestant Reformation, we should be celebrating the Counter-Reformation that arose from the mess of that and gave us the Council of Trent that secured for all time the true catechism of Catholic doctrine and the Latin Mass of the ages.  Celebrating with the Lutherans and other Protestants like this is pointing the way to the Satanic service that will be 'said in all houses', and, Pope Francis and Lutherans he met with during the various 'celebrations' elsewhere were wearing red stoles. You can find the pictures online. I cannot help but see the similarity to the prophecy of the 'red cloak' invalid service.

Also, we have the 'Abrahamic three faiths centre' being opened in the Middle East with this happy-happy, false charity, co-celebration with the Jews and the Muslims – a lot of people are noticing a strange shift towards a 'Chrislam' movement with things like this happening – and to me at least this seems an ominous movement towards Marie-Julie's warnings about a future state-imposed 'merry heart' religion mixing up Christianity and Islam.

Also, Marie-Julie never once in the texts I see supports disobedience to the Magisterium as Dr. Miravalle suggests. Her texts bemoans the bishops who will break unity with Rome and the pope, and introduce this abominable 'Christian' religion resembling Islam. What she warns about is an apostate movement among priests and bishops, and, whoever is an apostate cuts themselves off from the Magisterium. We are not bound to obey false laws or false teachings from anyone attempting to foist apostate laws upon us, and that includes bishops and priests who turn apostate.



  1. Tries to dismiss the vision of the Black and Blue Rainbow and the Blood Rain as questionable as it is not 'scientific'

He tries to intimate there is a sign of a fake in that during her vision of the chastisement of the 'black and blue rainbow' the text states the coagulating 'blood' rain that will stick to houses will come from the rainbow, and he says this is 'unscientific' because rain comes from clouds not rainbows. Hence placing a question on the vision as it doesn't adhere scientifically to what we know about rainbows.

Yes, the text specifically mentioning the rainbow says the rain comes from the rainbow, but he leaves out another text that states this coagulating red rain falling on to the houses also comes from clouds. (The March 9, 1878 text) He also seems to miss the point that a freakish black and blue rainbow has never before been seen in nature to begin with, and, will have a cross appear in it, so it is a supernatural rainbow, not the multi-coloured natural one we know, especially as we're dealing with never before seen supernatural chastisements. This will be a new manifestation of God's power, with the supernatural mixing with the natural as yes, blood rains do occur with red algae, so we're going to see a supernatural mix of the two. His argument about the the rainbow not being 'scientific' doesn't hold up here.

He also goes on about having nothing but 'chastisement after chastisement' listed as something 'questionable' but then doesn't explain why. And he notes, he says so far there are 'over a hundred of pages of chastisements, maybe even several hundreds', – but then consider there are over 120,000 pages we have of her ecstasies as he noted too, so that still is a pretty small amount of 'chastisement pages' out of that whole lot!

As mentioned, there are a lot more texts that do not deal with chastisements, there just is a concentration of them on websites including mine due to the warnings we need to know, but this not all she talks about.

Also, having a load of chastisements listed doesn't mean a vision is fake either. Other approved apparitions state what is coming is so unprecedented, the world has never seen its like before, so, we can assume the number of punishments falling on earth is going to be unprecedented too due to the gravity and number of the sins committed. Marie-Julie's warnings are in agreement with that.



  1. Dr. Miravalle seems to have an issue with La Fraudais being named the next 'holiest' and 'sacred' land after Calvary – he mentions Fatima, Lourdes; Medjegorje and St. Peter's Basilica, and is inferring this message is suggesting these other holy sites are not 'significant', etc. He finds this prophecy questionable.

First of all, as there is the holiest site on earth, Calvary, then something must be deemed by God to be the next holiest, and then the third holiest after that, etc.

God can name whatever place He wants to be the second, third, fourth holiest, or even equal in holiness, etc.

The thing is, the texts state Fraudais has the most graces reserved for it, Our Lady said not since Calvary has she seen such a land have so many graces reserved for it. The texts don't exactly state it is the next holiest after Calvary, it simply implies the great extent of this holiness in that it has a huge amount of graces reserved to it since the time of Christ's Passion of Calvary.

Why? First, it is in Brittany where Our Lady's power and authority is the strongest due to the devotion there for her as she said to Marie-Julie. And, because the texts state Fraudais is the place destined to publish and spread the glory and victory of the Cross during the Age of Peace, the last and greatest age of the Church before the Antichrist comes. From here will issue great graces of conversion and the renewal of the faith in France in the end times, a well of healing, a monastery, convent, perhaps a whole town so to speak will spring up around this site dedicated to the Victory of the Cross like the monasteries of old that preserved Western civilization in the Dark Ages, such as St. Benedict's Monte Casino for example. It is foretold it will become a great place of pilgrimage. The graces of the Mission of the Cross will spread from France and through the whole Church. The Great Monarch destined to restore the earth and the Church in union with the Angelic Pontiff will come here and give thanks for all the prophecies that foretold his reign. Here will spring the Order of the Cross, which was also foretold by the 'Wonderworker' St. Francis of Paola who he said this order would be the last and greatest order of the Church and be founded by the Great Monarch.

What does Dr. Miravalle find wrong or questionable with this? He doesn't actually state why. He even seems incredulous that the angels will come and miraculously help with the work, and that the workmen will even hear them singing on occasion, but, St. Faustina has heard one of the seven angels before the throne of God sing His Holy Name, and, angels have been heard singing in France before.

But, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here, perhaps he didn't know about the angelic interventions regarding some famous shrines in France – I only found out about it myself recently in Fr. Marin de Boylesve's beautiful book 'Month of Mary – Queen of France'. The joyful song of angels according to an ancient tradition was heard on September 8, and when the man who heard the music asked why they were singing they replied that the date of Our Lady's birthday was indeed September 8th. A French saint and bishop, St. Maurilius (c. 336 – 453) inaugurated September 8th as a feast, and France was one of the first countries in the west to celebrate that date of Our Lady's birthday because of the angels singing. Also, the pilgrim shrine in France of Our Lady of Puy d'Anis was miraculously consecrated by the angels and their singing could be heard.

Also, Brittany and the VendĂ©e have earned great graces because of the heroic sacrifices and martyrdoms the inhabitants of that region suffered during the Masonic Revolution – this particular region supported the King and stood for their Catholic faith. The French republicans attacked them so terribly for this that it truly became a place of tortuous genocide during the Revolution, arguably, a number of the atrocities committed only have their equal with Hitler's camps. The French republic still tries to turn a blind eye to this shameful and horrifying part of its history. Christ told Marie-Julie that due to this heroic support of the Faith, their lands would have the greatest protections afforded them during the Chastisements.

Of interest, Brittany has been a land of graced renewal before. According to St. Louis de Monfort in his 'Secret of the Rosary', the first Confraternity of the Rosary was founded in Brittany. Then after the glorious time of St. Dominic and his preaching of the rosary which was a significant battering ram in the fight against the Albigensian heresy, devotion and faith grew lax again over the century that followed. Devotion to the rosary had greatly diminished:

“All things, even the holiest, are subject to change, especially when they are dependant on man's free will. It is hardly to be wondered at, then, that the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary only retained its first fervour for one century after it was instituted by Saint Dominic. After this, it was like a thing buried and forgotten.

Doubtless too, the wicked scheming and jealousy of the devil were largely responsible for getting people to to neglect the Holy Rosary, and this block the flow of God's grace which it has drawn down upon the world.

Thus, in 1349, God punished the whole of Europe and sent the most terrible plague that had ever been known into every land. (The "Black Death")  It started first in the east and spread throughout Italy, Germany, France, Poland, and Hungary, bringing desolation wherever it came—for out of a hundred men hardly one lived to tell the tale. Big towns, little towns, villages and monasteries were almost completely deserted during the three years the epidemic lasted.

This scourge of God was quickly followed by two others: the heresy of the Flagellantes and and a tragic schism in 1376.

Later on when these trails where over, thanks to the mercy of God, Our Lady told Blessed Alan (de la Roche) to revive the ancient Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. Blessed Alan was one of the Dominican Fathers from the monastery at Dinan, in Brittany. He was an eminent theologian and was famous for his sermons. Our Lady chose him because, since the Confraternity had originally started in this province, it was most fitting that a Dominican from the very same province should have the honour of re-establishing it.” (Secret of the Rosary, Fourth Rose)

Notice, it took a century before Heaven sent help and a time of renewal began after this period of darkness and chastisements.

Do you not think after “Satan's Century” with its time of confusion and schism that we are not going to be given the same grace if not greater grace to counteract such an evil time?

Interesting again the land chosen to help bring about this renewal!

In all, Lourdes and Fatima have their own unique purpose in time, and indeed are holy sites, but as indicated by the prophecies of Marie-Julie, if Fraudais of Brittany is predestined to receive more graces as foretold, these other holy sites really cannot compare with the mission of renewal La Fraudais of Brittany has been given with regards to the end times, the glory of the Cross and the last restoration of the Faith during the Age of Peace before the coming of the Antichrist, it will be a glorious reflection of Calvary and the Victory of the Cross, that is why Our Lady said she has never seen a land have so many graces reserved for a place as this after Calvary.



  1. He points out the prophecy regarding the day of her death doesn't correspond to the prophecy she said – which is 'challenging'.

She foretold she would die on a Friday, but died on a Tuesday. So yes, this is challenging, it could be a point - but then, he doesn't see how the connection with the prophecy that her heart would continue to beat beneath the coffin's plank figures into this, even though he mentions this prophecy!

I've already pointed out the possibility elsewhere on my post for the 'Mystics of the Church' site that she could have been buried alive as a final form of sacrifice. Gruesome idea, but, still a possibility thanks to the heart beating 'beneath the coffin plank' text and that Our Lord saying His breath of life would follower her into the tomb.

Here is the quotation from my article:

Our Lord promised on December 1, 1876 she would die on a Friday, but she died on a Tuesday. Considering that she revealed so many other events correctly in addition to all the miracles in her life that were not of diabolical origin and occurred with witnesses present, how could she have made a mistake of this calibre? There may be no mistake at all, this promise of dying on a Friday may have been fulfilled in an unlikely manner. In one ecstasy (date?) Marie-Julie was shown a mystic Chalice placed above her head. She made an unusual request asking to take the Chalice with “her in the earth”, i.e. when she was buried. Our Lord answered: I shall hide My Heart beneath this veil and It will live in your heart. Your heart will beat as before. Your love will never slow down, you will not forget My Name beneath the coffin’s plank; the breath of life from My heart will be transplanted inside the tomb.”

What could this mean? Did Marie-Julie offer to drink the last dregs from the Sacrificial Chalice similar to Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane? God may have granted her wish. Considering her last recorded words are dated February 1941, it is not impossible she slipped into a death-like coma on March 4, or that her last ecstasy on earth before her death was so deep it was mistaken as actual death on that date, which has happened before to a number of mystics recorded in the annuls of the Church. Her last penance may have been to remain alive in the coffin and in that manner die on a Friday as promised, the true day of her death completely unknown and hidden from the eyes of her friends and family. Of course, this theory cannot be proven now, yet accurate prophecies and miracles defying science never cease for a true mystic.”

God once before asked complete abandonment in death as a last sacrifice to save souls if I remember – Our Lord told the authentic mystic Sr. Josefa Menendez she would die in complete suffering and alone, and despite all the care taken to watch over her, the sister attending her left for a only very short brief period, and it happened she did die alone and in complete suffering. So, Marie-Julie could have had a severe last act of sacrifice in being left alive in the coffin, first, before she was buried, (I've yet to see how long her body was laid out in state, she may have been left in state for quite some time), and if she was left out for about three days. Or yes, possibly even buried alive, Our Lord's Breath of Life following her to the tomb as He said. So, as long as this possibility stands, she may have still died on a Friday without anyone knowing.

Dr. Miravalle then admits it would be a proof of authenticity if someone did find her heart beating after her death as foretold “if someone wanted to go through that painful process.”, I.e. her exhumation. Sounds as if he's not enthused with the idea, and I'm surprised he doesn't sound interested in having this happen as yes, it certainly would be proof, especially as it was foretold she would be found incorrupt and also her sister would also be found incorrupt. This would be big proof.



  1. The New Sacramentals - Argues it is unprecedented to have so many sacramentals revealed to one individual – implying this huge number seems to indicate something is 'off'

In the texts that are published there have been three sacramentals given to Marie-Julie Jahenny for protection and graces during the times of the chastisements as far as I know, (and maybe four if we can consider the blessed holy lily petals, this fourth seems a bit harder to obtain.) However, he just mentions the three main sacramentals, the Cross of Pardon, the Medal of Our Lady of Bonne Guard, and the Purple Scapular.

First of all, just because something is 'unprecedented' doesn't mean it is fake. As St. Paul taught, the more evil abounds, the more God's grace abounds to counteract the evil. If the times are getting worse and worse, God raises up great saints and various means of help to counteract it. The greater the evil, the greater the saints He will raise up. He can also reveal additional means of help for us in accordance with the amount of help we need. The fact so many sacramentals have been revealed to Marie-Julie just for the chastisements coming is a sign in itself how much help and extra grace we are going to need during those times. This in itself is a warning.

And, a sudden proliferation of new sacramentals at one time it is not exactly unprecedented either. One order in France was granted the revelation of not one but three new sacramentals leading up to the era of Marie-Julie, and of these three sacramentals, they were given not just one but two new scapulars: – the Sisters of Charity were granted the Miraculous Medal (1830), the Green Scapular (revealed in a vision 1840, approved by Bl. Pius IX in 1870), and the Red Scapular of the Passion (1846). Remember St. Catherine Laboure who was given the Miraculous Medal was shown the future of how bad France would become and that the archbishop of Paris was going to be killed, which happened.

Second, so what if there is a considerable number of sacramentals revealed to one person? God is not a miserly niggard. When He multiplied the loaves and fish, He gave more than enough, the people ate their fill and yet there were baskets of remnants left over. No matter how much we give away or do for Him or Our Lady, we cannot outdo them in generosity. Saying Marie-Julie was shown 'too many' sacramentals is like telling God and Our Lady they really should only give one sacramental per mystic.


Why do sinful mortals try to limit God's graces and help? He Who is mighty and infinite, God does what He likes when He likes and gives as much as He likes to whom He likes, similar to the servants who were given ten, five and one talents by their master in the parable. God is as generous as He pleases to be and in proportion to the graces we need, and which we are also willing to receive as St. Faustina learned:

Act like a beggar who does not back away when he gets more alms (than he asked for), but offer thanks the more fervently. You too should not back away and say that you are not worthy of receiving greater graces when I give them to you. I know you are unworthy, but rejoice all the more and take as many treasures from My Heart as you can carry, for then you will please Me more. … ” (Diary #294.)


The Cross of Pardon

Regarding the Cross of Pardon shown to Marie-Julie – Dr Miravalle mentions it and the promise that anyone who kisses it or touches it will receive pardon for their sins, but says nothing else – he leaves it there. I can only assume by bringing it up at all then he thinks this promise is suggesting one receives pardon without the need or requirement for confession.

Not so. I could 'attack' the Brown Scapular due to its promise that whoever dies wearing it will 'not suffer eternal fire' with the same accusation that 'it promises forgiveness without the requirement for confession'. I could also 'attack' every other approved devotion that says you will receive the graces necessary salvation simply by fulfilling that devotion's conditions alone or spreading the devotion and therefore it promises salvation 'without the requirement for confession'. For instance, the devotion of the Seven Sorrows revealed by Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden – Out Lady promised those who simply propagated the devotion would be taken straight to Heaven. I can 'attack' this devotion with the same faulty thinking that this means 'no confession is required, which goes against the teachings of the church, so this must be fake'. No Catholic in their right mind would suggest such a thing. We should know these devotional promises mean we will be granted the graces necessary for a good death, and that includes confession if needed. Every properly trained Catholic who knows their faith knows confession is always required to return to the state of grace after committing mortal sins.

But – if we cannot get a priest or go to confession in our last moments, we always have recourse in making an act of perfect contrition. A perfect act of contrition returns us to the grace of God. However, we can never know for certain if our act is perfect, hence the need for confession in the first place, only in confession can we be forgiven all our mortal sins when we only have imperfect contrition. We can hope we receive perfect contrition when we make an act of perfect contrition in our last moments, but never really know for sure, etc. This is where the Cross of Pardon comes in.....

Dr. Miravalle completely leaves out the reason for this sacramental and why it was introduced – look at all the warnings Heaven gave about the coming plagues and persecution in her messages: it is a means of protection, conversion, and for those who 'suffer and those sieved out by the blight,' i.e. are tormented by the plagues. It was meant for the times of the plagues and the persecutions, people who get the 'burning plague' for instance, it will be so fast and the disease would spread so rapidly, people would have serious trouble getting priests to them in time before their death, and likely not at all. It's happened in plague times before. Just look at all the people who didn't get the last rites due to Covid lockdowns and the restriction of movement laws. Through this cross we will be assured of receiving the grace of perfect contrition for the time the Church is driven underground and we will not have priests to give us the sacraments and the Last Rites. (Click here to read more about the Cross of Pardon).

He also mentions the Medal of Bonne Garde, but as with the Cross of Pardon, he doesn't say anything about it either, although his tone when mentioning it sounds like he is incredulous. He leaves his mention hanging again as if to suggest having so many sacramentals revealed is a 'bad' indication that she must be 'fake', when it isn't. (For information about the Medal of Bonne Guarde, click here.)



  1. - Argues against the 'Five Minute Devotion' to Jesus in the Eucharist – declares it is a 'potential distraction of the most intimate time you have with Jesus on earth after you receive Him in the Eucharist'

For me, this is perhaps one of the most 'face-palm' worthy statements he has made in the whole list of observations in his video, (other than his severely faulty observations on the Purple Scapular, which I will get to.)

Here is the actual text regarding this devotion revealed to Marie-Julie, which he doesn't read out:

(September 3, 1925):

“Come to Me in the Holy Eucharist, I love so much the beautiful Heaven of My little souls.... tell it to My little spouses (i.e. the humble souls that receive Him in Communion) tell them to rest five minutes on My Heart throbbing with love. Think only of Me by this simple word:

Thank you, my Beloved, You live in me and I live in You.’

You see the sweetness you will taste and how you will give Me consolation. Ask of Me in the fifth minute the conversion of a thousand sinners. It will be a great joy for My Divine Father, for Heaven, I ask for you the same favour. I will be there inside you, infinite goodness, the splendour of heaven. Only five minutes thinking about Me and asking Me at the fifth minute the salvation of a thousand souls. My Divine Heart is overflowing with joy at this request of graces and I will also grant it.”

Perhaps its the repetition of the prayer he has a problem with during those minutes?

But he may as well attack the rosary with its constant repetition of the Hail Mary if that is the case ...

The repetition of this simple Eucharist Prayer prayer is certainly not a 'distraction' but a complete and total focusing on the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the first five minutes as He is physically present within us in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord want us to 'rest' on His Heart, basically inviting us to place our head on His breast so to speak like St. John was privileged to do at the Last Supper, the first Mass on earth. One of St. Gertrude's famous revelations was St. John's invitation to lay her head on the breast of Our Lord with him and listen to Its beatings of love. Note, this prayer given to Marie-Julie is one of complete thanks, as we figurative lay or head on His Heart in meditation, we can literally imagine ourselves doing so as part of the meditation, we call Him 'beloved' showing our love for Him, and that as He lives in us, we live in Him. It is a complete focusing on the Love of the Sacred Heart, and giving Him our love, thanks and our gratitude to Him for this great gift of the Blessed Sacrament.

Remember Our Lord complained to St. Margaret Mary: “Behold the Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming Itself, in order to testify Its love; and in return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrilege, and by the coldness and contempt they have for Me in this Sacrament of Love.” He also said to her: “I feel this (coldness and ingratitude) more than all that I suffered during My Passion. If only they would make Me some return for My Love, I should think but little of all I have done for them and would wish, were it possible, to suffer still more. But the sole return they make for all My eagerness to do them good is to reject Me and treat Me with coldness. Do you at least console Me by supplying for their ingratitude, as far as you are able."

This Five Minute Eucharistic Devotion to the blessed Sacrament shown to Marie-Julie is a beautiful and simple means to do this: we focus on loving the Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of Love, we concentrate on Him, no distractions for the first five minutes as far as we are able. We come to him in love, we show our gratitude, thank Him over and over. He said this is a consolation for Him, so we are making up for all the coldness, ingratitude and lack of love His Heart is being shown in the Blessed Sacrament. He then will grant the salvation of 1000 sinners for this consolation shown Him, what a grace! It is in complete agreement with the visions of St. Margaret Mary.

This condition of focusing on the prayer for five minutes is also in keeping with what Our Lord said to St. Faustina. We silence our worries and busy thoughts, at least for five minutes and come to Him straight away with love and without busying ourselves with other things:

(Diary # 1385) “I desire to unite Myself with human souls; My great delight is to unite Myself with souls. Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay any attention to Me; they leave Me to Myself and busy themselves with other things. Oh, how sad I am that souls do not recognize Love! They treat Me as a dead object.”

The Five Minute Devotion is a remedy for this. We focus our attention immediately the first five minutes on Jesus after receiving Him, we know He is alive, and not a 'dead object', our Beloved, we focus on Him as we would someone we love, and we do not present any other petition to Him first but just give thanks and declared how we actually cannot live without Him within us, and we in Him. Then, after consoling Him, we pray for the conversion of a thousand sinners, which is the most important thing to Christ, the salvation of souls. He told St. Faustina the prayers to convert sinners are always heard and answered. He came to save sinners after all.

Note, Our Lord asks Marie-Julie that this focus last only five minutes, He is physically present within us for as long as the species of bread remains, which is at least fifteen minutes the Church teaches. We have time to present our petitions and ask for other graces.

How Dr. Miravalle could say this devotion is even a 'potential' distraction from Jesus is mind-boggling knowing what we do from other mystics. This devotion is in exact keeping with the revelations of St. Gertrude, St. Margaret-Mary and St. Faustina in that it is a great remedy against the coldness, ingratitude and lack of love for Christ and His Sacred Heart in the Blessed Sacrament. I think you can agree with me this is pretty cringe-worthy. I'm really embarrassed for him here.

It is also rather contradictory on his part to claim in the end of his video that we are to 'do all we can with Jesus and Mary to save souls, and that this is our call,' and then dismiss as a 'potential distraction' this beautiful and simple devotion that even a child could do to help save 1,000 souls.



  1. His Arguments Against the Purple Scapular

Now we at last get to the main point of his video - his 'serious concerns' about the Purple Scapular.

Again, there are some cringe-worthy accusations in this section for he literally splices out of order various lines from the text about the promises while failing to discuss the sentences that explain what is being promised, and therefore takes things completely out of context. The fact he even leaves important sections out is rather shocking from an academic let alone a theologian.

He first supplies the date when the message about the Purple Scapular was given, but immediately, without even reading the whole text jumps straight into some of the last promises attached to the scapular, 'those who wear it will be sheltered from any danger as though they already possessed Heaven,' then adds the promises that comes from the beginning of the list, “all those clothed with the this shall pass under the storm, the tempests and darkness, they will have light as if plain day.”

He's rearranged the first and last promises out of order, and does not mention anything in between.

He then makes the argument the promise of 'light as if plain day' is a 'contradiction' because it goes against her messages about the Three Days of Darkness in that we will only have the blessed candles that will give light, so how can this promise 'light as if plain day' happen if only the candles will give us light?

First he he doesn't even treat the text properly as an academic in the way he takes some things, switches their order, and leaving quite a bit out, so what is truly meant is completely lost.

This is the text regarding the promises in the proper order:

(Our Lady) “This first apparition of this scapular will be a new protection for the times of the chastisements, of the calamities and the famines. All those who are clothed (with it) shall pass under the storms, the tempests and the darkness, they will have light as if it were plain day. Here is the power of this unknown scapular.” (...)

(Our Lord then speak here, which as we learn from the last paragraph)

My children, all souls, all people who possess this scapular, will see their family protected, their home will also be protected, first of all from fires, which will never enter there.

This scapular will strike down the ungrateful which blaspheme My Name in the home where it will be displayed. If an impious person enters, they will be so completely struck that their conversion will be close.

All those who will carry it will be preserved from thunder, from sudden death and from


During chastisements they will be protected.

Whoever will deposit it in the Holy Temple, (I.e. in a church), will move it away from impious persons and profanation. (i.e., that church will be protected from these spiritual disasters.)

Our Lord still adds that by reminding an obstinate soul about this scapular at the hours of their demise (i.e., death), they will awaken the Faith in it and a firm belief, that all those who will have it and think upon it and love it, will be spared the troubles of soul, that those who will carry it will be sheltered from any danger as though they already possessed Heaven. That this scapular, finally, will be as a lightning rod under which the blows of Just and Divine Wrath will not dwell. (…) I shall grant great graces to those who desire to be clothed in this Holy Habit."

Note, when the promise of 'light as if plain day' is mentioned by Our Lady, it comes after the promises of protection from the chastisements, famines, storms, a 'multiple' of punishments is implied, and then 'darkness' is mentioned The darkness mentioned obviously first refers to the freakish yet still physical storms will be sent as a warning, Marie-Julie was warned of strange storms with lightning that would be sent as a warning, so, we have the darkness from the freakish tempests coming.

And, 'storms' also indicates in older turns of expressions from around that that time as referring to break outs of political and religious 'storms' and tempests, a turn of phrase even used in old literature when the winds of change, revolution, and the upheaval of wars are coming. This term of phrase is used quite a bit when describing or indicating the coming invasions and revolutionary upheavals in her texts. We definitely can see this is meant also as a protection from the spiritual storms and spiritual darkness during the coming times. We have already seen in other points above Marie-Julie was told a huge weakening of the faith will happen and then a great apostasy when a leftest state rises up and will attempt to impose its laws on the Church. Basically a black spiritual blindness is going to infect the earth, a spiritual darkness in an age of tempestuous revolutionary upheaval.

Recall the Bible prophecy about the times leading up to the arrival of the Messiah, people would be wandering around in darkness, but will see a 'great light': this wasn't referring to literal light but spiritual light, and, also the darkness of the times with pagan Rome occupying everything and crushing Israel underfoot. We know this promise 'light as if day' infers this as it also promises those who wear it will be spared 'troubles of soul', I.e. spiritual doubts, that is questions against the faith during the time of the 'red state apostasy' when placed in the context of Marie-Julies revelations regarding the civil war, and if people carry (wear) it, this protection will include being shelter from all danger it 'will be as if they already possessed Heaven', a promise meant to inspire a holy confidence to where doubts against the faith can't hold. Also the scapular promises include you will not suffer a sudden death, so, you will be given the grace of a death to where you do have time to prepare. An implication you will be granted the graces necessary for a happy death. The corresponding promises show this is meant to instil trust and confidence to where we will feel a sense of predestination 'as if' we already possessed Heaven.

Also, let us consider it is Our Lady who gives the promise regarding having light as if plain day: the saints described Mary as the 'sun' in the times of spiritual darkness. Here is a quotation from 'The Glories of Mary' by St. Alphonus de Ligouri:

If the sun ceased to rise, says St. Bernard, how could the world become other than a chaos of darkness and horror? And applying his question to Mary, he repeats it. 'Take away the sun, and where will be the day? Take away Mary, and what will be left but the darkest night?' When a soul loses devotion to Mary, it is immediately enveloped in darkness, and in that darkness of which the Holy Ghost speak in the Psalms: 'Thou has appointed darkness and it is night; in it shall all the beasts of the woods go about'. When the light of heaven ceases to shine in a soul, all is darkness, and it becomes the haunt of devils and every sin. Saint Anselm says, 'if anyone is disregarded and contemned by Mary, he is necessarily lost', and therefore we may with reason exclaim: 'Woe to those who are in opposition with this sun! Woe to those who despise its light! That is to say, all who despise devotion to Mary. St. Francis Borgia always doubted the perseverance of those in whom he did not find particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin.”

So, this scapular promises spiritual 'light' in an age of 'darkness'. And, considering the quote from the 'Glories of Mary' given above regard Mary as pure spiritual daylight for the soul, it may even be a cryptic promise that those who have this scapular shall not lose their devotion to Our Lady and will persevere in this so necessary devotion to her. Our Lady said to Marie-Julie the more we are devoted to her, her rosary, and the more we trust in her maternal protection, the more she will protect us during the 3 Days of Darkness. Her protection will be in proportion to our trust and devotion, therefore, the scapular is a means to help grow this trust and devotion!

This reference to 'darkness' in the promises of the Scapular does not specifically refer to the physical darkness and lack of sunlight of Three Days of Darkness itself, nor does it contradict what was promised about the blessed wax candle as Dr. Miravalle implies.

Apparently, he is not aware 1) the Three Days is actually a time of fire and lightning, it won't be completely 'dark' outside as in a complete loss of visible light. True, we will be shut in our homes in darkness and these candles will be the only things that will give light, but as you can see, the promise of 'day light' given to the scapular was not necessarily referring to the Three Days itself and physical light but other forms of darkness, particularly spiritual darkness. The 'daylight' will be the grace of Our Lady protecting us, 2) the pure wax candle for the three days has other important functions and the scapular does not cancel what the candle is supposed to do the blessed pure wax candle will be the only means to protect us against the demons that will be let loose, the great blasting heat, and the supernatural lightning according to Marie-Julie.

In any case, those who wear their scapular obviously know quite a number of the other messages from her, believe them, and will get their candles, so they are spiritually enlightened on how what to do and have prepared accordingly. They will be spared trouble of soul. Those who follow God and prepare will be enlightened by Our Lord and especially Our Lady as if they had plain day on them in these times of darkness.

Let us not forget the Purple Scapular is also a Passion Scapular, we are to say certain prayers with it that concentrate on elements of the Passion, and we are to mediate on the Passion as we say them. Several instruments of the Passion are portrayed on the scapular, and there is an emphasis on the 11th Station, (the nails, representing Christ nailed to the cross), 13th Station of the Cross, (Our Lord is taken down via the ladder shown in the symbols), and the 14th Station, (Our Lord's body is placed in the arms of Mary, which is also a meditation on the 6th sorrow of Our Lady, the PietĂ¡). There is also the Precious Blood represented by the chalice and the three drops of Blood. And, the Crown of Thorns also is a mediation on the Third Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary. This is just a few things I'm listing. One of the promises is graces will be given for those with Scapular and who fulfil saying the prayers while meditating on the Passion, and we know how efficacious meditation on the Passion is! St. Louis de Montfort writes in 'Chapter 28: The Secret of the Rosary':

Blessed Albert the Great who had Saint Thomas Aquinas as his disciple learned in a revelation that by simply thinking or meditating on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Christian gains more merit than if he had fasted on bread and water every Friday for a whole year, or had beaten himself with with his discipline once a week until the blood flowed, or had recited the whole book of Psalms every day.”

Of interest, this promise of 'light as if plain day' and protection against storms can also show itself in other 'odd' little ways even now. I have a personal story regarding this.

When my mother and I first moved to Fatima in 2003, not all the roads were good here, but one road in particular was horrible beyond all the rest, completely uneven, practically invisible giant depressions, these dips could hardly be seen due to the sand and gravel blending in with the aged pavement (what was left of it), then huge pot holes through the areas with the huge dips, plus no decent side walk for pedestrians, it was a horrible accident hazard, especially in bad weather as all the huge holes would get camouflaged in a lake of rain covering the place and you could plunge straight into them and crack your block without knowing. Tropical storms type storms are common here during the rainy season. What it made it worse was Portuguese drivers would not slow down but still blaze through this asteroid, pock-marked, crater-holed excuse for a road. That's not all, night-time was particularity bad as the road was hardly lit up at all, barely a street lamp was there and so dark that during winter it was horrible to drive on it, headlights didn't seem to make much of a dent for some strange reason. It was like an awful demonic illusion to where the road just 'ate' light in the winter. There was a huge danger of hitting every crater, and also hitting pedestrians as Portuguese like to wear dark colours and a lot of the older generations here do not wear protective reflectors at night, and this when there was no decent side walk! The road also was not uniform, it co could wide in a few places, then suddenly narrow up, it's a wonder there were not more cars ploughing into walls and trees. I did see an accident where a car had ploughed straight into tree where a wide section suddenly narrowed down to a house's yard, it was dark and they didn't see the line of trees bordering the garden – that particular spot always scared me at night to begin with, and then to see that accident, yikes! It was a huge disgrace to see this was the state of a main national road right in the Fatima town environs, a town that received so much pilgrim revenue yet the residents having to put up with this. And, of course, it is the main road out to the area where we reside. We could take other roads, but they are a bit round-about out of the way and weren't too great either, but nothing like this. It seems nothing would be done. At one point I was praying something would be done by the council because I was getting really anxious to drive on it, especially at night and during winter storms. Then, not long after I received and started wearing the Purple Scapular, I think only a few months, some long stalled developments plans took off after the road sitting like this for ages, and they redid the whole thing – levelled it out, put in huge side walks, speed ramps, but the funniest thing was they put so many street lamps in when compared with other streets at Fatima at the time to where it literally looked like a runway. It still does actually. LOL! First nothing, and now this, it really stuck out like a luminous sore thumb at the time, the extreme was quite laughable, my mother joked it was as if we were in 'broad daylight'!

Now, do I think 'I alone' with the Scapular brought this about? Please. I'm not that important. It's just 'odd' how after a long time this hazardous road that was left in this awful state inside the town limits for quite a period of time to suddenly get a complete make-over with a 'runway' of streetlamps more than any other street at the time not long after I prayed and I got my scapular. …. Make of it what you will, I think the timing is rather interesting ....

Then, one time when I was driving into town, it looked like rain was coming, but wasn't expecting a hailstorm to burst out of nowhere. It came so fast and heavy the wipers were having a time keeping the windscreen clear at all. I had nowhere to pull in, I was heading into a major round-about, no parking space, and the hail could have damaged the windscreen. I remembered the promises regarding storms and started saying the scapular prayers. I had no sooner started when I turned off the round-a-bout I was on, and literally no hail was falling. I looked back where I had come from, hail! I was kept in a clear patch with no falling hail until I got to my destination. Cool, huh?


  • Next Accusation - Dr. Miravalle says the promise of 'striking down the blasphemers' when they see this scapular in people's homes is the 'most disturbing of all' things about the Scapular,

Let us see what he actually says and does here.

In the video he concentrates on the words 'striking the blasphemers', but does not finish the rest of the promises, and then puts some rhetorical questions to the viewers, do you have people struggling with their faith in the family? Perhaps their children? Leaving these questions hanging he implies the following: do you really want this 'punishing' scapular in your home? Something that strikes these family members? Then he just jumps to a 'summary' – by stating 'let me just say this is not our mother!' Strange personal rant here.

He's actually making it sound like this scapular promises an uncharitable sadistic punishment, similar to his false conclusions mentioned in earlier points in that the Our Lady in the messages is getting a 'sadistic' satisfaction in seeing Justice and punishment fall, so infers this cannot be Our Lady but a fake vision. By the way, Our Lord is speaking here at the end of the scapular message, not Our Lady like he says.

The worst part, which is really quite painful, he leaves out the next sentence (which I have underlined and put in caps for emphasis), which is the most important regarding what is meant by the promise of 'striking':

(Our Lord) “This scapular will strike down the ungrateful which blaspheme My Name in the home where it will be displayed. If an impious person enters, they will be SO COMPLELTELY STRUCK THAT THEIR CONVERSION WILL BE CLOSE.”

To give some context to this promise, Our Lady revealed it was blasphemy that was bringing Hell to earth. (August 9, 1881) Heaven also warned Marie-Julie that during the rise of the apostate red-state religion, there will be a hunt for the true religious gone into hiding, and, evil men enemies to religion will carry out searches and invade peoples homes. As this scapular was meant for the chastisements, and as this will be one of them, it was meant to 'strike' the anti-clerical leftist mobs during these raids, and bring about their conversion. This is also meant for others too who are impious who may happen to see this scapular.

To be 'struck' here does not means struck with damnation.

Punishments, yes. Maybe, just maybe the most hardened blasphemous hell-raising ingrates will be 'struck' with something as strong as a punishment, many messages have listed the myriad of punishments that will befall the earth after all, but this is not a sadistic 'striking' on the part of God as 1) justice must be done, God' justice is not 'sadistic', and 2) since the promise of conversion is given to whose who see the scapular, there is no 'sadism' in having these sinners 'struck' by the Scapular!

Perhaps some hardened souls carrying out the persecutions and martyrdoms will need to be 'struck' like St. Paul was off his horse and blinded for a time so they may eventually see the light. A sinner can also be 'struck' with some signal grace that is so strong that conversion is not far off as the Lord promises here. Where Dr. Miravalle thinks this only means a striking down to a damnable punishment is beyond me when it is a type 'striking' that refers to the promise of conversion similar to St. Paul – whatever grace these poor blasphemous sinners and the impious get struck with, whether physical, spiritual or both, the grace or graces will be so in-their-faces they cannot run away from the call. Like Our Lord said to St. Paul after He was struck off the horse, it doesn't do to kick against the goad. They will be so 'struck' they cannot ignore the call to conversion.

But Dr. Miravalle leaves out the promise of conversion regarding this 'striking' in the scapular, he just concentrates on 'striking' like a punishment is all they get. And says near end of the video this is what he find the 'most disturbing thing.'

But could he literally not read what was in the next sentence about the promise of conversion? His eyes simply couldn't just make it there?

Maybe, just maybe he didn't have the full text regarding the scapular? Perhaps. I hope so, there might be an excuse then for his ignorance.

But if he did see it, what shame! To purposely leave the promise of conversion out in order to construct a bad argument to give false weight to the negative stance he has on the scapular and Marie-Julie's messages? From an academic and theologian? That would be outright dishonesty. I hope that's not what he did. 

He also says 'regardless of the issues, the other 120,000 pages (of the messages), that's 'not Our Mother.'

So basically he says that whatever is in all those other messages (which actually provide the context!), he declares this 'is not our mother!' He is literally casting aside everything ever given to Marie-Julie and says with this one thing alone, this 'striking sinners' is 'not our Mother'. But again, Our Lord is actually speaking regarding the promises regarding striking sinners, not Our Lady. Also the other pages he now dismisses altogether has a message of Our Lady telling Marie-Julie that she is not the one who punishes, it is God who punishes. Marie-Julie was also given a message on March 25, 1878 that Our Lord has given His mother full power over Brittany, and, that she can bless or strike sinners, but she does not. (Our Lady): He gave me the power to separate the storms from Brittany that is dear to my heart. He gave me the power to descend, the power to preserve sinners, to bless them and also to strike them, but, my child, you know my goodness. Marie-Julie then replied. “Oh yes, good mother, you do not strike.”

She blesses and preserves sinners from the punishments they deserve for as long as she can, she does not use the God-given authority she has as Queen of Heaven and earth to strike them …. But, now we're not to pay attention to this?

Dr. Miravalle basically dismisses this and every other text, and now concentrates on one point alone based on his faulty explanation of the Scapular as the only and ultimate proof this is 'not our mother'- 1) he left out the part about the promises of conversion when 'struck' by this scapular, 2) didn't see that it wasn't her but Our Lord speaking about striking sinners, and, 3) Our Lady already told Marie-Julie of her goodness, she does not strike to punish eventhough given the authority to do so by her Son, but Dr. Miravalle now intimates this is not worth considering as he states 'regardless of the issues raised and the other 120,000 pages' ~ that's a rather cavalier attitude of an academic regarding the study of texts, let alone a theologian specialising in theological based texts where every iota is important. One simple dotted i left out of a Greek doctrinal definition regarding the divine nature of Christ gives us the Arian heresy for example. And Our Lord says every 'iota' or dotted 'I' is important in the law, not one dotted 'i' shall pass. So, you just can't dismiss a whole cannon of recorded texts like that and not be open to discussion at least.

She, especially in the latter times, shall shine forth in mercy writes St. Louis de Monfort in 'True Devotion to Mary', but also shine forth in might against the enemies of God, “against the idolaters, the schismatics, Mahometans and the Jews hardened in impiety, who shall rise in terrible numbers revolt against God to seduce all those who shall oppose them and to make them fall by promises and threats.” Sounds like he was making a prophecy of the future apostasy to come? He also writes that she will indeed show herself terrible to the devil and his crew, “as an army ranged in battle”, and principally in the latter times.

St Dominic saw an indication of this when he was trying to exorcise a possessed man who had a myriad of devils in him. St. Dominic ordered the devils to reveal whom they fear the most, and they refused to answer no matter what he did, at one point, even fire came out of the ears and mouth of the man due to St. Dominic's prayers, but they still refused to answer. He then prayed to Our Lady for help, saw her appear with angels, and in her hand was a golden rod. She struck the possessed man, forcing the demons to answer - it was her they feared. (Secret of the Rosary, St. Louis de Monfort.)

And, there is even a rare example of Our Lady striking one of her beloved servants on the cheek.

In 'The Glories of Mary' we find the story of Bl. Alan, (I assume it is Blessed Alan de La Roche), who was assaulted by a particularly violent temptation, and was even on the point of yielding to it as he had not recommended himself to Mary when this great trial came. Our Lady appeared just as he was about to fall and she put the temptation to flight, but, as a reminder so that he would never forget to invoke her in the future for help when temptations came, she 'gave him a blow saying, “If thou hadst recommended thyself to me, though wouldst not have run into such danger.”

Wow, if this was Bl Allan de la Roche, what a reminder! He is such a beloved soul of hers, he was declared by Our Lady to be her spouse, presenting him with a mystic espousal ring and a necklace made of her own hair to wear. (The 'Secret of the Rosary'). (Forgive the digression here, I'm a Tolkien fan, so I cannot help but see the similarity of Lady Galadriel in Lord of the Rings giving Gimli the dwarf three of her precious hairs. This was a stupendous honour as those of you familiar with Tolkien's lore know. Perhaps that is where he got the idea?)

Therefore, Bl. Alan was given a great grace in getting 'struck'! We see this 'blow' was not to punish him, but was given as a reminder like the blow given on the cheek to knights that they remember the oaths they took, a rite which was introduced into the Confirmation ritual, that we become knights like Christ, be ready to suffer for the faith if needed, and always to remember what we have sworn in our baptismal promises. (This 'strike' on the cheek was taken out of the reformed Confirmation ritual, so not every bishop does this any more.)

Our Mother indeed 'strikes', but not in punishment, only to convert and to confirm her children in grace. As she said to Marie-Julie, she does not punish.

Dr. Miravalle also claims Marie-Julie's messages are 'violating' the mercy of God', (because he thinks this message only concentrates on striking them to hell, not actual conversion), which is false as I think is now very plain to see.



18) Dr. Miravalle says Jesus forgives us to the very last moment of our lives, and that to say, 'there is a time frame when Jesus is going to stop forgiving and say that 'He's not doing it any more', is a material blasphemy'.

Doesn't he mean to say material heresy, not blasphemy?

Maybe he got mixed up again.

But as said earlier, these messages are not saying Christ stops personally forgiving sinners to the last moment of their lives, the visions refer to the period of mercy granted to the earth before God's justice demands He punish and cleanse out the hardened unrighteous who are trying to take everyone with them on their path towards Hell. If this is a heresy, then it is also a heresy to say that God stopped showing mercy to the earth when he sent the Deluge when His justice demanded it be cleansed. St. Faustina, whom Dr. Miravalle quotes as an authentic mystic, also mentions a time frame is coming between Mercy and Justice, and Our Lord told her woe to those who do not avail of this time of Mercy. So, how come St. Faustina can mention time-frames regarding Christ's mercy and justice towards the earth, he doesn't seem to have a problem with that, but then Marie-Julie cannot do the same thing?

According to Spirago and Clarke, the Church does indeed teach the Holy Ghost only sends graces for so long, and there are appointed time He sends graces, so yes, there are 'acceptable times' as St. Paul said in which God works in, and some times He sends more graces than others. So when the acceptable time comes, but you keep spurning the graces sent, or resisting grace, then you are in serious danger of Hell. God eventually will stop sending them if you keep refusing them, which is why we need prayers and sacrifices for sinners so God will continue to send graces to them until they hopefully respond, just like the parable of the unfruitful tree the master was going to pull up until someone pleaded with him to wait just a bit longer and give it some extra care. It might still produce fruit. Our Lady said in Fatima so many go to Hell because no one prays for them. St. Faustina was told sacrifice is needed to save sinners, and Our Lady told Marie-Julie it pardons for priests are much hard to obtain. (They know better, are given more graces, etc.)

And then Dr. Miravalle declares these messages show Our Lady' giving up' on any of her children before their very last moment for conversion while they still have freedom, which yes would be an error if it was true that this is what she implied in the message, but again I've already pointed out these messages refer to the hardened sinners spurning every grace – she doesn't give up on them but has a 'holy despair' in seeing those determined to go to Hell of their own free will. She really cannot do anything for them if they are in that type of satanic self-willed destruction. Even Dr. Miravalle said so! She cannot help us against our own free will. He has a skewed view of the messages of he thinks Our Lady is 'giving up' when she is actually complaining of the reprobates determined to send themselves to Hell in spite of all the graces and sacrifices sent. Hell still exists after all, people still send themselves there. Hell hasn't stopped existing, people are still throwing themselves into it of their own free will. But these messages never say Our Lady actually gives up on them.

Which is why this scapular is important, those blasphemers and impious who see it will be struck, but not to be damned, they will be given the graces to convert. But he leaves that out, and then gives a rant and tells everyone to stay away from any of these 'alleged' sacramentals from Marie-Julie because they come from a 'dubious' source.

Then, he states: “Ultimately, we have everything we need in terms of the Eucharistic sacramental dimension of the Church and the sacramentals that we already have, with the rosary and the scapular to take us through everything.'

True, but Marie-Julie never said to do away with the rosary or the other sacramentals! She was told those devoted to the rosary and Our Lady would receive the most protection.

And, we only have the sacraments, for now.

He fails to realize or fails to take into account right here these new sacramentals shown to Marie-Julie were for the chastisements, the plagues and persecution times - we may not have the sacraments during the chastisements, The Bible and the Church teaches God punishes us by what we sin by. People have abused the sacraments so much, or taken them so much for granted and have treated Our Lord with such ingratitude, it's not surprising God will allow what's coming in order to take them away as a punishment for a period of time.

Our Lord warned of the fake bread-and-water invalid service coming with no true consecration. It will take over and be enforced by the state, France being the leader of this it seems, it will suffer the most. The Mass and the Blessed Sacrament will seemingly disappear for a time. True priests will be in hiding, people won't have access to confession as easy at all. Homes will be searched to try and find priests in hiding. If you don't think it can happen, look up the history of Portugal before Our Lady arrived in Fatima, Catholic Portugal become a socialist Masonic state and persecuted the Church. Look up the history of Mexico and the Cristero Wars. Look at Russia during all its Communist years.

When the chastisements and persecutions break out, we won't be able to get to priests in time when the plagues hit. Just look at how fast people were deprived of the sacraments, confession and the Last Rites during the state-enforced Covid lockdowns, lock-down laws which went global. Even if you tried to have private Masses, etc., neighbours snitched on neighbours and so stopped everything, or got people in trouble with the state. I myself couldn't find a priest able to go and give my mother the last rites because of the lockdowns – I'm so glad she had her scapulars and kissed the Cross of Pardon before she died. (She never caught Covid, it was other health problems.) She wasn't even allowed a funeral Mass in church due to the Covid laws stopping people from congregating, and only received a fast burial rite at the graveyard. I'm still rightly upset over this, but of course, accept God's will. That was just a taste of what's to come, we haven't come into the huge chastisements yet.


All 'Chastisements' - no peace?

Dr. Miravalle then give the instruction to focus on Jesus and Mary, and concentrate on the words of Our Lady of Fatima, saying 'in the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph and a period of peace will be granted to the world. That's our hope! We should not focus on chastisement after chastisement!' He mentions that while yes, chastisement is a part of her overall message, she doesn't focus on it or come as the 'mother of chastisement'. It is not her 'primary' message in visions he notes, continuing 'It's always a message of love and conversion and union to Jesus and Hope.'

This of course is correct, but I think he forgot Our Lady also made serious chastisement warnings at Fatima that are even more extensive than her mention of the Age of Peace? At Fatima she only gave one sentence about the Age of Peace, 'In the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph and there will be peace,' and said more about the wars and chastisements, she warned nations will be annihilated, and even showed the children Hell itself. And yet, despite these warnings she of course did not come as the 'mother of chastisement' in Fatima, the word 'Fatima' itself actually means 'peace'.

Neither did she come like that despite all her warnings to Marie-Julie. He again presents his faulty observation that Marie-Julie's texts are 'nothing but' a concentration of the chastisements, but as mentioned, the texts of Marie-Julie are not all a focus on the chastisements, they also foretell the age of peace and the Triumph of the Cross with much more details than the 'one-liner' given at Fatima!

As mentioned earlier, even he showed there were only a 'few hundred' of chastisement pages, from the texts we do have published, and this from out of number of 120,000 pages of texts, and only 50 of the published texts in his estimation concentrated on the punishments of France alone, so, still, even with his estimated numbers, that's a pretty small amount. How he thinks Marie-Julie was shown 'nothing but chastisements' and that she 'does not mention union with Jesus' or 'does not give hope' is beyond me.

Then again he says to 'stay focused on the true sacraments and sacramentals of the Church, on the true messages of Our Lady, and 'have nothing to do with these alleged messages', then again discourages people against the Five Minute devotion to save 1,000 souls, saying that we do not want anything associated with this 'on our person or in our house', that is, the sacramentals shown to Marie-Julie, and again makes emphasis the 'striking down' bit a if this was a damnable punishment she meant: “You don't want anyone to be struck down, even if they do blaspheme,' (and then contradicts himself strangely with the statement) “until we can do all we can with Jesus and Mary to save souls'.

Isn't that the point? This is not a 'striking down' to damnation, those who see the scapular will be struck with grace and their conversion will not be far off. So, sorry Doc, yes, I want whatever it takes to convert a sinner, and if it's the only option left, to be 'struck' by God with the grace to convert lest they go to Hell.

Again I have to ask, why did Dr. Miravalle leave the promise of conversion out?


Thus, we get to the crux of the issue - why this vehement negative stance on her to where he even distorts the messages and leaves out important qualifying information that explains the messages or the promises attached to the sacramentals shown to her?

Perhaps he didn't read everything?

Or, maybe something in the messages stung his conscience....?

I don't know. But, it's odd how after attempting to discredit everything shown to her, he presents a theological idea at the end of his video that is still in serious question and is not traditional church teaching, at least, as far as I can see with my limited knowledge.

He says '“You don't want anyone to be struck down, even if they do blaspheme,until we can do all we can with Jesus and Mary to save souls. That's our call, to be co-redeemers in Christ with Our Lady and co-redemptrix. All to share in the one merciful and loving Redeemer, Our Lord Jesus Christ.'


Yes, co-workers as St. Paul said, that is co-operators, but 'co-redeemers'?

We cannot even save ourselves!

According to Spirago and Clarke's traditional explanation of the catechism based on Trent, we do not even know with absolute certainty if we have sanctifying grace or not, and, St. Paul said he didn't know if he was justified or not, warning us to work out our salvation in fear and trembling, yet we know we also cannot save ourselves with our own efforts no matter what we do as Christ is the only Redeemer, so how can we be 'co-redeemers'?

Yes, we are 'co-workers' with and in Christ regarding the Church's mission to save souls as St. Paul said, but it seems that theologians these days are taking this concept of 'co-workers' and making more of it than what St. Paul meant. It seems to me at least that us being 'co-redeemers' is a new concept springing up. From books I've read, I've not yet seen that term used in older texts written before V2. We're always called 'co-workers' or 'co-operators' or 'co-operating with Christ to help save souls, but 'we' certainly can't save them!

Note there still is a major question of contention whether or not if even Our Lady, conceived without sin, should be called 'co-redemptrix' and if this should be declared a dogma. Leo XIII did call her that, but Pope Benedict XVI when cardinal suggested the title sowed confusion and did not sufficiently reflect Scripture, and now Pope Francis recently said she is not co-redemptrix during the March 24, 2021 audience, saying it is Church teaching there is only One Redeemer, Christ, and that there cannot be 'co-redeemers'. Big question still. It's not yet accepted teaching.

I have just found out Dr. Miravalle promoted the idea of St. Joseph as a co-redeemer, but bishops have declared that an error, a big enough error to condemn an apparition. The local bishop(s) who condemned the apparitions of Our Lady of America gave as one of their reasons for doing so - St. Joseph had been described as 'co-redeemer', which was an error against Church teaching.

Therefore, if the title of 'Co-Redemptrix' is still hanging in the air with regards to Our Lady after all these centuries, despite her great importance in the plan of Redemption, literally giving Christ His sinless flesh and suffering as the New Eve during the Passion, and St. Joseph, the next greatest saint after Jesus and Mary and the next most important in the plan of redemption cannot be a 'co-redeemer', and the Pope declaring there 'are no co-redeemers in Christ', how on earth can we sinners who, according to Traditional teaching, cannot know for certain if we are in God's grace or not, and, we are not worthy to even be co-workers if it were not for Christ's grace, how can we dare call ourselves 'co-redeemers'?

Presumption, much?

If Dr. Miravalle wants us to be obedient to the current Pope and Church leaders, why is he supporting this idea of us being 'co-redeemers'?


Possibly, the messages of Marie-Julie warning of changes accepted by the future weakened and eventually apostate priests has goaded some consciences out there, and not in a good way. It's the only explanation I can come up with regarding why everything has been woefully taken out of context and important information left out in that video presentation. Someone protesteth too much, as the old expression goes.

Considering he does not even properly present the full promises of the Purple Scapular, and strangely leaves out the one very important part of the promise regarding the conversion of sinners that disproves his argument, something definitely seems 'off' about his whole presentation. Perhaps, he may have not had the full text on the Scapular, I hope so for excuse's sake, but then it is also hard to fathom how he didn't have the full text: where ever I've see the Scapular mentioned or promoted so far apart from my sites and books, everything is listed.

Whatever his reasons for presenting the material they way he did, I think we can agree this is video is unfortunate coming from a theologian.

All I can say is pray for him.
