Is Marie-Julie Jahenny approved by the Church?

Is Marie-Julie Jahenny approved by the Church?

Yes, she is regarded as an authentic mystic, at least tacitly, since the first local bishop who was reviewed her case, Bishop Fournier of Nantes, was favourable to her cause and believed all that was occurring to her was of supernatural origin.

Bishop Fournier wrote to Dr. Imbert-Gourbeyre, the physician who examined her stigmata and her complete fasts while living on Communion alone, and declared them to be genuine:

The reports that I receive daily on Marie-Julie show me more and more the action of God on this soul. He grants her graces of an obvious supernatural order. At the same time she grows in virtue and noble sentiments. The natural and human disappear in her, and she often speaks to people she sees or who are referred to her giving instructions which are not in keeping with her normal state. Therefore be confident, dear Doctor, the time will come when Marie-Julie herself will be the proof... . She is sincere: what she manifests is supernatural. I see nothing but good, edifying and in conformity with the principles of spirituality. Therefore it is God who favours her; you may be sure it will turn out well.” (Bishop Fournier, July 6, 1875)

True, this was a private letter, but, the bishop's observations are coming to pass, the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny are coming to pass, and she herself has been the proof - can anyone find any proof she was not a soul filled with heroic virtue?

Furthermore, a cardinal who was on the Vatican Commission reviewing her case, Cardinal Rampolla, performed an exorcism over her and had to agree that everything happening to her such as the stigmata and suffering the Passion was supernatural and not preternatural.  Again a tacit approval.

Until a mystic and their message is openly and publicly declared 'not supernatural' by the diocese they came from or from the Holy See, they are NOT officially condemned by the Church. 

Marie-Julie Jahenny herself and the events happening to her have never been officially declared 'not supernatural' - there is not even the lesser form of caution of the 'non-constant' issued against her - she is considered an authentic mystic, despite the different reactions of the later local bishops over the years, which ranged from personal approval to indifference then back to personal approval. 

Can we Safely Believe in a temporary 'Tacit' Approval that is not an 'Official Public Declaration'?

Note: the most important thing regarding approval is to see if the Church has condemned and ruled against a mystic or set of apparitions, then we know they are fake and not to spread their message on pain of the sin of disobedience.

However, not receiving official approval i.e, an outright official declaration, does not equal official condemnation from the Church until it officially rules 'non constant', that is, no proof of supernatural occurrence, or, not enough proof of it.

In Marie-Julie's case, the diocese has enough witness accounts even conducted by its own office to show 1) the events happened, and 2) even the private opinions of the first bishop Fournier who opened the first instigation, they had evidence of the supernatural occurring, that is, it was from Heaven. He even took her case personally to Rome to report on it, and he was praised on how he was handling everything from I can find on French sites. The cardinal sent by the Vatican to investigate her, Cardinal Rampolla, performed an exorcism over her and had to agree that everything happening to her such as the stigmata and suffering the Passion was supernatural and not preternatural. Her life was also one long victim-soul martyrdom, a life of heroic virtue.

Frankly, of what we do know of her, there is too much in her favour already regarding a supernatural ruling I personally cannot see how they could give a condemnation of her or her mystic experiences, and, if they cannot do that, they eventually will have to officially admit in a formal declaration her experiences were supernatural, and her messages must also be from Heaven.

Why they haven't done so yet may seem a mystery, but I can surmise for the present a reticence in that to approve her would also be to admit her messages about a corrupt Church are true, hence possibly a reason for slipping her under the carpet – and, she did predict her cause for canonization will not happen until the Great Monarch comes, who will demand her case be opened the same time he requests Louis XVI be raised up as a saint. There have been efforts already to get Louis XVI's case going.

Stalled and hindered cases of mystics and their works usually show they do come from God. St. Louis-Marie de Monfort foretold his book 'True Devotion to Mary' would be hidden in a chest nearly for 100 years, which happened. It was found in a chest and finally published about 100 years after he wrote it. The Lord said to St. Faustina the work of Mercy entrusted to her would be hidden and almost gone, then suddenly blaze forth to show it was from Heaven, and look how even the Church silenced that for a time before it was approved. The same was said to Marie-Julie – the true works of God are persecuted, even by the Church itself, so when they are suddenly raised up it is proof this is from God. And if I recall, Marie-Julie was told she and and her visions would be discovered at the 11th hour so to speak before the real troubles break out. The 'secret' would eventually be discovered as Our Lord said.

So, her case is still open, and with quite a bit of weight of proof showing her to be authentic. 


 Note: we are free to promote anything not yet condemned by the Church and which does not go against Church teaching.

Confusion about 'approval' persists as people keep asserting that the private letter of Bishop Fournier is not 'official public approval' announcement, but, even a private opinion from the local bishop and the Vatican cardinal leaning to a supernatural declaration carries some weight and points out we are not dealing with a fake either. There is such a thing as an 'informal' approval when the Church has not made a full public declaration.

For example, we have the case of the mystic Pere Jean Edouard Lamy of France who saw Our Lord, Our Lady, the angels, and also Satan. Our Lady directed him to found an order, which still exists to to this day. He could read souls, and even had the mystic gift of light to where he could see perfectly in the dark, thanks to the angels. He also had the gift of prophecy, and foretold both world wars, and hinted about what would come after another war i.e. the Age of Peace. He has not received “official” Church approval, but there was no question as to his holiness and mystic experiences being supernatural to where even the Archbishop of Paris, his local bishop, declared he had 'another holy Curé of Ars' in his parish as he called him. Therefore, Pere Lamy had only 'private' informal approval from his local arch-diocesan bishop. And, yet, no one dares to claim Pere Lamy was fake or not an authentic mystic simply because of a lack of formal approval as far as I know. So, there are precedents of this 'open' and rather 'tacit' approval from the Church without a mystic receiving a full public approval from a diocese office plastered on a piece of paper.

Again, we cannot help but note her case has this tacit approval, and, is heavily leaning towards an eventual official approval.

Good Fruit Begets more Good Fruit
 Also, here is an interesting thing to observe:  fake mystics and their false messages beget more fake mystics and frauds, while real saints and mystics inspire pious people and beget more saints.  In Marie-Julie's case, her visions inspired Ven. Madre Teresea of Peru who witnessed one of her ecstasies and received spiritual advice from Marie-Julie regarding her vocation to found an order dedicated to the Cross in her home country.  As her title suggests, Venerable Madre Teresa is just that, declared a Venerable and on her way to canonisation.   As Our Lord said, by their fruits you shall know them.   Click here to read Ven. Madre Teresa's story.

The Confusion as to why People Think she is 'condemned' When She is Not.
 First: people seem to think that if there is no 'public official declaration' this means the mystic in question must be a fake, or completely unapproved, which is not the case as we can see from the points listed above.
In fact people are ASKING THE WRONG QUESTION: instead of asking if a mystic is 'approved' they need to find out if a mystic or set of apparitions have been OFFICIALLY CONDEMNED. 

If not, then, it is the onus of the layperson to make sure that what they are spreading does not go against the teachings of the Church until further notice is issued.
Second: The problem that is currently happening that is causing people think Marie-Julie is not approved in any sense and 'should not be promoted as real' is that the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association' in Brittany, who are the promoters of her texts and her work, are acting without the approval of the Diocese of Nantes.

They are running pilgrimages and various services with priests have not been officially granted permission to work in the diocese, and, they are publishing her texts without sending them first to be inspected by the diocese for the 'Imprimatur' and 'Nihil Obstat', and so, the diocese has said the Association is in no way connected with the Church, and is issuing a 'caution' with regards to the printed texts of her prophecies as the diocese has not reviewed the publications beforehand and they are only 'attributed' to Marie-Julie as they were written by others– so this is what is causing the problem.

According to a press release c. January 2019 signed by Father Benoit Bertrand, Vicar General and Father Serge Leray , Chancellor of the diocese, the diocese of Nantes warns:

Catholic people want to know what are the links between the diocese of Nantes and the Association of Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny present at La Fraudais in the town of Blain.
This association carries out its activities and meetings without any link with the diocese. Publications and writings are not validated by the diocese of Nantes. A review of the accounts attributed to Marie-Julie Jahenny by a theologian calls for caution.
The priest who exercises a ministry for the members of this association, has not received any mission from the bishop of Nantes for this. Consequently, he does not celebrate Mass in communion with the bishop. Neither did he grant him the power to confess on the diocese.”

In other words, it is the activities of the Association that are not approved, but notice the texts or prophecies themselves are not condemned – only a 'caution' is issued in their regard. 

Basically, as mentioned, because they are 'attributed' to her - she didn't actually write them herself similar to Bl Anne Catherine Emmerick, which also have a caution issued against them and were not included in her beatification / canonization process.    There is also a 'caution' attached to Marie-Julie's texts as they are published by the Association, which is not approved by the diocese.  
So, it is simply a case of the Association not being approved, but, the texts are not condemned, and neither is Marie-Julie.  She has not been officially condemned.

What is further causing confusion is people online declaring her fake when they have no authority to do so.   There has been a scathing online attack issued against her in a Sedevacantist blog called '' - which is also putting out the message she is a fake prophet.  That blog post contains false and misleading information, the blogger obviously has not read all her texts and is ignorant of the situation. 

Lately, another online 'attack' has come from a video by Dr. Mark Miravalle which is claiming she is 'not approved', but his observations were obviously  made from some unfortunate mis-reading of the texts, and, he even misrepresents some of the texts, (hopefully, not done on purpose.) 

 It is unfortunate that these online attacks are confusing the issue.
In all, Marie-Julie Jahenny herself is NOT condemned, and, we are to simply be 'cautious' with regards to the texts published by the Association, also because Marie-Julie did not write them herself. The texts are not officially condemned either!  That is all.

Personally, I have not found anything contrary to faith or doctrine in the published texts of the revelations / ecstasies of Marie-Julie Jahenny the Association has released.  
I have yet to find someone with the ecclesial authority to make an official declaration saying they have found something contrary to faith or doctrine in the published texts.  So, nothing officially negative has yet been proclaimed.  Looking through the diocese of Nantes site again (during July 2023) - I still cannot find any official public decree of condemnation against her.

Even the 'Miracle Hunters' Website has her listed as approved. Ron Conte, who has a theology degree, runs the site 'Catholic Planet' and is skilled at finding fake mystics, agrees she is authentic.

Sadly though, "The Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association" is not helping her cause by their disobedience to the local diocese, and the Sedevacantist attack by also Dr. Miravalle's misrepresentation of the texts and taking things out of context is also not helping.

Are there any signs a formal investigation into her case for Beatification is forthcoming?

The closest evidence I had that something was starting in this regard is that Bishop Emile Marcus, (Bishop of Nantes from 1982 to 1996), made the parish priest of Sainte-Croix in Nantes, Fr. Gérard Lefeuvre (b. 1931- d. 2016), responsible for the historical archives of the diocese in 1995 and particularly requested he work on the documents of her case. Of interest, Bishop Marcus was vice-president of the Bishop's Conference in France, so this is a sign that at last, a serious start into an investigation into Marie-Julie had commenced.

Fr. Lefeuvre worked at this position for ten years compiling the various documents according to the diocese records, although the documents he compiled also show  he worked at it until 2010, making it fifteen years of work, not ten.

Then, he left the post of head archivist.  I have not found a reason why other than making a personal guess it was due to health reasons or he simply retired as the work becoming too much as he was 79 years old in 2010.   He grew ill and died in 2016.

Sadly though, he left is post as archivist at Nantes without leaving a summary work on his research into Marie-Julie.

He did collect many documents together however according to the diocese archives as you can see from the graphic below.
Then, we actually do have an answer into this 'abandonment' of the investigation and why her cause has not been opened yet - Heaven has already foretold her cause will not be opened except by the Great Monarch himself who will ask the Church she be raised to the altar the same time he asks his ancestor Louis XVI to be placed on the altars (i.e beatified / canonized).  See post #226, click here.  
So, we will not see this happen until the Age of Peace, it will be one of the glories of that time to come.  Still, we may pray for it to happen as Heaven wants us to pray for the coming of the King who will restore all!

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Graphic of the documents collected by  Fr. Gérard Lefeuvre:

Source regarding Fr. Lefeuvre - the archives of the Diocese of Nantes: