A Defence of Marie-Julie Jahenny and her Revelations


There is a site called 'Catholicmessage.org' which has posted a scathing attack on Marie-Julie and her prophecies dated March 18, 2019.


Here is my answer to this.

It appears to be a Russian site, as there is Russian language and writing on the page, (or at least it looks Russian to me), and, considering there is a Sedevacantist logo in the upper left hand corner, and the majority of the publications promoted on the site are by Fr. Fr. Anthony Cekada who is a known Sedevacantist that was expelled from the SSPX, I assume the page attacking Marie-Julie Jahenny is by someone who is either a Sedevacantist, or, a schismatic Russian orthodox (if they are not part of the uniate Church in union with Rome) since they are promoting a Sedevacantist priest and bishop.

Here is a picture of the attacking blog, notice the Sedevacantist logo top left:

I cannot find a bio or an 'about me' page on the blog, so that is dubious enough when an attacker won't at least provide their name.

Also, one should not place credence with a Sede as the current understanding of Sedevacantism that states we haven't had valid pope for many decades but several anti-popes with no visible 'valid' pope since Vatican II is a heresy as it means we have had no valid leader in the Church for ages and therefore contradicts the DOGMATIC teaching that the line of succession of Peter can never be broken and there will be a perpetual line


The Perpetuity of the Primacy of Blessed Peter among the Roman Pontiffs

3056 Dz 1824 Moreover, what the Chief of pastors and the Great Pastor of sheep, the Lord Jesus, established in the blessed Apostle Peter for the perpetual salvation and perennial good of the Church, this by the same Author must endure always in the Church which was founded upon a rock and will endure firm until the end of the ages. Surely "no one has doubt, rather all ages have known that the holy and most blessed Peter, chief and head of the apostles and pillar of faith and foundation of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the human race; and he up to this time and always lives and presides and exercises judgment in his successors, the bishops of the holy See of Rome, which was founded by him and consecrated by his blood, [cf. Council of Ephesus, see n. 112].

3057 Therefore, whoever succeeds Peter in this chair, he according to the institution of Christ himself, holds the primacy of Peter over the whole Church. "Therefore the disposition of truth remains, and blessed Peter persevering in the accepted fortitude of the rock does not abandon the guidance of the Church which he has received.'' *  For this reason "it has always been necessary because of mightier pre-eminence for every church to come to the Church of Rome, that is those who are the faithful everywhere," * so that in this See, from which the laws of "venerable communion" * emanate over all, they as members associated in one head, coalesce into one bodily structure.

3058 Dz 1825 [Canon]. If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.


(NOTE: we can have an anti-pope, or even a pope go astray, but that is another matter---we cannot have decades of anti-popes with no visible leader.  A true Sedevecantist period, or 'empty seat period' only last three to four years at the most when the bishops bicker after the death of a pope and cannot decide who to pick as the next pope, but a pope is eventually elected without the line or succession being broken.  So, this latest movement of 'decades of a Sedevacantist period after Vat. II' with a long line of invalid 'anti-popes' but no valid leader of the Church in Rome is a heresy.)


Therefore the blogger attacking Marie-Julie has rather dubious credentials to declare what is authentic in the Roman Catholic Church since they have separated themselves from it through Sedevacantism and cannot be an authority regarding Marie-Julie's prophecies.

(And no, contrary to what people think, Marie-Julie's prophecies and the credible ones of other mystics referring to the chastisements do NOT support the concept of Sedevacantism in that we have had no pope since Vat. II –click here for more info.)

I also find it ironic that a Sede would attack Marie-Julie as a 'false prophet' as she has predicted and warned against everything the Sedevacantists complain about.

Also the article attacks her without fully understanding her prophecies. I shall answer each Attack I see on the page with a Defence.


  1. ATTACK: The blogger of the Sedevacantist site thinks Marie-Julie is a false prophet because this blog manager says 'CERTAIN PEOPLE' are using her prophecies to tell 'everyone' to sell up and go to Brittany, and that God wouldn't tell everyone to leave where they had put them, or the very people telling others to do this wouldn't do it themselves, and this is more in keeping with 'saving the body but not the soul', etc. He also noticed people are getting depressed and want to 'survive at all costs', which brings him to this conclusion.

DEFENCE: Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies do NOT tell every Christian on earth to flee to Brittany. The manager of that blog admits says 'certain people' are trying to convince people to go, but this does not mean her prophesies are false.

Yes, she says Brittany will be one of the most secure places that will see less damage during the Chastisements, but it will NOT be spared everything. It will be spared only some of the hardships of the coming chastisements and some of the plagues that will happen before the Three Days of Darkness thanks to it's very strong devotion to Our Lady, but it will be 'crossed' several times, meaning, it will suffer some of the invasions, if not as badly. AND, even this level of protection is CONDITIONAL - one of the ecstasies says Brittany will LOSE its protection if it falls further into sin and the loss of faith, so, it is not an absolute.  It depends on the faith of the people there, but still, it will be more devout, and, perhaps those who are devout and do flee there will help bolster true devotion.  Marie-Julie's prophecies tell people to flee Paris as it will be destroyed and come to Brittany. This is mostly a refuge for the people of France. And, the prophecy of Brittany being more greatly protected before the Three Days than other places due to its devotion to Our Lady is NOT against Catholic doctrine, for Bl. Elisabetta Canori Mora (1774-1825) saw in her visions that St. Peter marked out four particular places of refuge on earth for the people of God before the chastisements strike. So, some geographical places will be less chastised than others.

Also note, Marie-Julie Jahenny DOES NOT say Brittany will be spared the Three Days of Darkness, and, to say seeking refuge is 'all about the body and not saving the soul' means someone has not read all her prophecies: Marie-Julie Jahenny constantly tells everyone to go to the sacraments, say their rosary, and be devoted to the Sacred Heart, to love the Cross and suffering, to repent and stop sinning, etc. Before and during the chastisements, people will find their 'shelters' in the Cross, the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and devotion to the rosary. So basically, those not called to Brittany can make a shelter in their own homes wherever they are in the world. Our Lady told Marie-Julie the more we trust in her with devotion to protect us and are devoted to the rosary, the more protection we will receive during those days, and, Our Lord told her we will need ALL our faith, plus devotion to His Sacred Heart and His Mother to survive what's coming. Even Marie-Julie noted Brittany would not be large enough to shelter everyone, and Our Lady said her mantle would be a protection like a tent –so those who cannot go to Brittany, must place themselves under the mantle of Our Lady! So to say her prophesies neglect the salvation of the soul and that 'everyone' must go to Brittany is ludicrous. Brittany will mostly be a shelter for the Catholics in France who will have to flee the ungodly Anti-Catholic 'red' government that will arise there, particularly when the warnings erupt over Paris before it is to be destroyed.

Just because 'certain people' may hastily act on the prophecies Brittany and advise other to do so, doesn't mean Marie-Julie is false. It means they have not read the prophecies correctly, or, fully discerned where God wills them to be. For instance, I who fully believe in her prophecies have not received the sudden 'urge' to go sell up and move there despite all I know about her warnings. And, I have not urged anyone to do so either. I've just published her prophecies. Of course I would like to visit her cottage, but I don't feel the inspiration to move there permanently, and I would never compel someone to go, people will know if they are 'called' there. If not, we must be where God places us. We have been given all the directions on how to make our homes a spiritual 'shelter' for the coming chastisements.

Also, if people are feeling 'depressed' and 'anxious' and agitated, then it is actually their own mental issues and not Marie-Julie's prophecies – so many people just by reading the Apocalypse and other warnings from approved mystics can get 'agitated' and make rash decisions if they are not mentally balanced or think things out rationally. Remember, the Catholic faith also means to have balanced reason help us judge things. Faith is not based on emotion alone but right reason.

Those people who are getting 'depressed' and 'agitated' and 'desperate' to the point of rashly selling everything to move to France if they are not called to do so obviously are not reading the prophecies of Marie-Julie in the right context and following them correctly. She was told in her revelations we are not to let ANYTHING disturb our inner peace, including the coming chastisements and persecutions, as this is displeasing to God. Why? Because this means we lack trust in Him and His Divine Providence. Of course, it will not be easy at all to live through this time, Marie-Julie was told God would need suffering to help cleanse the earth and make reparation for the evils committed, but those destined to survive will live to see great days.

Just practice your faith, and prepare as best you can where you are placed, you don't all 'have' to go to Brittany. She was told those who prepared spiritually and conformed their lives to the warnings, which also means loving your cross and preparing for crosses, would be given the gift of inner peace. Just think it through: those who practice the faith cannot be wicked in their will - and the Bible itself says it is only those who are wicked and who are not of good will have no peace. "There is no peace to the wicked, saith the Lord." [Isaias (Isaiah) 48:22] Remember the Angels at Christmas wished the peace of God to men of good will, while the wicked in Jerusalem were dismayed because they feared their corrupt 'good times' were ending - therefore they had no peace and became agitated when they heard the new King had been born!  However, those at peace should not fear the crosses that are coming, the cross is our salvation.

So if people are obsessing that they 'have' to go to Brittany when they don't and are not noticing the rest of her prophecies, it is the readers who are at fault, not the mystic and the prophecies. It is sufficient to practice your Catholic faith and stay in the state of grace, making sure your devotion is fervent, and that you have prepared as best you can for the Three Days where you are at, then, you should be all right.
As Our Lord said to her several times, He wants His people warned so they are PREPARED and not taken by surprise, but NOT to be afraid.  Be at peace.

Like I said, personally, after reading all the published texts I have found of her prophecies, I don't feel the 'urge' to move to Brittany, and, I am not sad or depressed that I cannot get there! I'm currently at peace with where I am, considering I'm doing the best I can with where I am at. I trust in Divine Providence for all the rest.

Of interest, Marie-Julie was even given a remedy for anxiety about the coming chastisements and wars – if you feel anxious, just place a Miraculous Medal on your forehead, and ask for peace and calm. This is not a superstitious practice – how many people automatically bring their rosary to their forehead when praying it? So if Heaven says a Miraculous Medal will also help, it will. Also, her Prayer to the Cross asks for peace and confidence.


  1. ATTACK: The blogger claims we should stay away from prophecies of 'Three Days of Darkness' as “it has nothing with the Catholic Faith, because it teaches you how to save the body, but doesn’t give you an answer how to save the soul, while the Catholic Faith teaches us how to save both the soul and the body.”

DEFENCE: This is a childish attack. If the Three Days has 'nothing to do with the Catholic Faith', then why have approved saints and mystics other than Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold it, and, why then does the Bible also mention several times a cleansing fire that will wipe the ungodly from the earth?

The saints, mystics and the credible private revelations point out this is not just 'darkness', but a cleansing fire.   Click here for a list of the Bible verses and credible mystics that have foretold the Three Days of Darkness, or a 70 hour period of cleansing fire that will strike the earth if people don't convert.  (Of course, being a Sedevacantist, the attacking blogger will not believe any mystic approved after the time of Vatican II, so he will tell you not to believe these blesseds!)

Also, a Three Days of Darkness has already happened before in the time of Moses as a chastisement upon pagan Egypt. Basically, the blogger is saying it is 'not Catholic' to believe God is warning us through credible mystics that such a punishment will happen again if the world does not repent. Really? How can this not be Catholic when the Apocalypse and Christ Himself in the Gospels speaks of a visible warning sign consisting of a literal darkness caused by the sun and moon not giving their light? This is not just spiritual darkness, but also a physical darkness will happen sometime before the return of Christ.

Also, to say prophecies of the Three Days of Darkness 'do not tell you how to save the soul' is ridiculous—the associated prophecies all foretell that it is because people have turned to a life of sin and have left or attacked the Church that these punishments are coming. Also, the prophecies foretell that corruption in the Church itself is causing this as well, so for a Sedevacantist to find something wrong with this prophecy is ironic.

How to save the soul? It is already inherent in the prophesies that one must repent of their sins and return to the Faith, and if the faithful make sacrifices for sinners that the chastisements will be temporarily held off if not withheld entirely, similar to when God spared Nineveh when it converted, but did not revoke His pronounced punishment - the city was later destroyed when the people fell back into their old sinful ways. The prophecies all urge people to return to the faith and stop sinning, or the chastisements will fall. Logically, we should know that if you return to practicing your faith, thanks to God's grace you're well on your way to saving your soul if you persevere. How many times has Our Lady begged people to convert and also pray and make reparation to hold off the chastisements? Fatima, Akita, just to name some important approved apparitions.

It is known that a major if not the most significant part of the preparations for the chastisements and the Three Days is to stay in the state of grace and practice the Faith – Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies say unless you are in the state of grace, the blessed wax candles WILL NOT LIGHT during the Three Days, and they WILL NOT LIGHT IN THE HOUSE OF A BLASPHEMER. So, she has basically warned in her prophesies to REPENT and practice the Catholic faith if you wish to 1) save your soul 2) and be spared should you live to see these things happen. We also see in her prophecies that Our Lord will punish the corrupt clergy that will save their bodies and do nothing to save souls, their souls and anyone else's, so to say her prophecies only promote 'salvation' the body and not the soul is absolutely false.

Also, so many of her prophecies are already coming true -- to say she is a 'false prophet' is a bit puzzling.


  1. ATTACK: Blogger claims that prophecies foretelling the Kings of France are destined to rule goes against Holy Scripture, and not to believe private revelation as prophecy.

DEFENCE: I cannot see how prophecies foretelling that a future king of France bringing in the Age of Peace is contrary to Scripture.

True, we are not required to believe private prophecy for salvation, but, St. Paul himself said do not despise prophecy but prove it and hold fast to that which is good, i.e. make sure it is in conformity with the teachings of the Church.   And, we know St. Paul meant private revelation prophecies because he would not have said to 'prove all things and hold fast what is good' if he referred to prophecies already written in Scripture as everything in Scripture is already good and approved:

"Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess. 19-21)

The disciples as we see in the Acts of the Apostles paid attention to the true prophets who were among them who had private revelations concerning upcoming disasters, and, the disciples prepared accordingly and aided the early Church thanks to these prophecies:

And in these days there came prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch: And one of them named Agabus, rising up, signified by the Spirit, that there should be a great famine over the whole world, which came to pass under Claudius. And the disciples, every man according to his ability, purposed to send relief to the brethren who dwelt in Judea: Which also they did, sending it to the ancients, by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.” (Acts of the Apostles 27-30)

St. Peter also noted the time had come with the founding of the Church that God would pour out His Spirit and people would prophecy and dream prophetic dreams:

"And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." (Acts of Apostles 2:17)

Next point: several of the early Doctors and Fathers of the Church agree that according to St. Paul's prophecy of a 'Katechon' or 'withholder', and also the prophecies of Daniel, and elsewhere in the Scriptures such as the Apocalypse, it is foretold a 'Roman' Empire exists before the coming of the Antichrist and bring a time of stability before his arrival. And St. Paul says this 'katechon' must be 'removed' before the Antichrist can come.   

While some argue this is the Church or the papacy as yes, the Church is a Roman 'empire', as I see it, the Church cannot be what is 'removed' as the Church will last until the end of time according to Christ's own words, even during times of persecution, not to mention the Church is always described as 'she',  not 'he'.

Some others think the removal of the 'katechon' might be a removal of the papacy, and not a secular 'empire', but we've had periods when there was no pope on the papal throne before in the medieval days, it's happened a few times, and yet the Church continued, it was not 'removed'.  And, the pope will always have a perpetual line of successors according to Church teaching anyway, so the papacy cannot be 'removed' from the Church.


Therefore, we can safely believe in a Roman Empire existing before the Antichrist.

Credible prophecies later foretell the leader of this Roman Empire will be a King of the Franks, (I.e. the French), and latter mystics have confirmed it will be a King of France that will bring in this Age of Peace and stability that withholds the Antichrist. Just because this detail is not in Scripture does not make it heretical either. 


Of interest, it was a French King, Charlemagne, who founded the Holy Roman Empire of Christendom, if God wishes to raise up a French King to be the last Emperor of that Empire, He can do that as nothing is impossible with God.  He revealed to Bl Anna Maria Taigi He raised up Napoleon as a means to punish Europe for its sins, and then dropped him  back to obscurity when his work was done, and look how fast that rise and fall was!  God can do the same with a good leader He wishes to speedily raise up for the good of His people as well. Time is not an issue with God, the Holy Spirit revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny that what it take 100 years for man to do, He can do it in a day.

Here is a list of the early Church fathers, saints and credible mystics who foretold the Great Monarch will restore the Holy Roman Empire for a time. Click on the names to see the full prophecies.

 (??) St. Hippolytus (implied as the Frankish king of the West shall subdue the East, Rome shall have ten kingdoms, meaning an empire near the end of time) ***  St. Methodius of Olympus *** St. Ephraim the Syrian (The dominion of the 'Roman Kingdom' will stretch to the ends of the earth = an Empire, and no one will be able to resist it)  *** St. Nerses I The Great (indicates the rise of a Roman Empire of the Franks that will liberate all Christian lands near the end of time) *** St. Remy *** St. Bede the Venerable *** St. Maurus Rabanus  *** Adso of Montier-en-Der *** St. Hildegard of Bingen *** Bl Joachim of Fiore *** Andrew of Salos  *** St. Thomas Becket (will take three major crowns of Italy - the Iron Crown of Lombardy is among them - implies he will be Holy Roman Emperor as they are crowned Kings of Italy with the Iron Crown)  *** Abbot 'Werdin' d'Otranto *** St. John of Capistrano (an election at Aachen hints of an Imperial Election) *** St. Francis of Paola *** (Bl.) Bernard di Bustis (the Angelic Pope will crown him Emperor)  ***  Bl. Catherine of Racconigi (he will be raised up as another Bl. Charlemagne who was first Holy Roman Emperor) * Madre Magdalena de la Vera Cruz (he will be like another Alexander the Great in how how fast he will gain his Empire) *** (??) The Birch Tree Prophecies (an early prophecy says the Holy Roman Empire will punish all evil doers - indicates a restoration  of the Holy Roman Empire ***  Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser *** (??) Bernard Rembold 'Spielbahn' *** (???) Abbé Mattay (the King France will be an Emperor, France will no longer have 'kings')  ***  Abbé Souffrant (he will rule Europe like an Emperor) *** Abbot Eugenio Pecche ***  (??) Alois Irlmaier (after the victory, he saw an Emperor crowned by the Pope - also sees other crowns.) ***


What would be heretical is if Marie-Julie or the other prophets had foretold this French King or Holy Roman Emperor would bring about a 'Utopia' on earth with no sufferings or crosses and we live in happiness without sorrow – but that is what the Antichrist will promise.

Marie-Julie and the credible mystics do NOT say this.

Marie-Julie foretold even the first few years of the Triumph and Age of Peace will be hard as the aftermath of the chastisements will be terrible, the earth will not produce for a few years and things will be hard until people truly turn to God with their whole hearts. The true sign of Victory and of this Triumph will be the CROSS she was told, the cross cannot be done away with as it is the only means of salvation. Then the earth will then produce and be bountiful, but it will not be a life of materialistic luxury.

Obviously, the people destined to live through all this and see the Age of Peace will return to the land and earn their livings through cottage industries, just like our forebears. The true glory of the Age of Peace and the Triumph is that God's order will be brought to the earth, the Church will be free to spread and practice the faith without persecution for a time, the secular rulers will obey the Church and pass just and Godly laws protecting the Church's rights and also the rights and true liberties of their citizens, the Faith will flourish and heresies will cease for a short time. People will truly fear God and the earth will see a time when sinning will be lessened to a great extent. Suffering however will not cease, not until the end of time.

Sadly, the Age of Peace will come to and end as people will grow lax and return to their sinful lives, they will grow tired of this simple living and want to go back to materialism and godlessness, they will abuse the bounty given to them during the Triumph, and therefore they will make way for the Antichrist.


4: ATTACK: The Blogger on 'CatholicMessages.org' says the following revealed to Marie-Julie is superstitious practice: (1) of making “blessed water” by laymen (he is referring to her various remedies using holy objects and water), and (2) swallowing of a piece of a paper: “During the MORTAL PLAGUE "There will be only one remedy for protection. It will be to swallow, written on very thin paper: "OH JESUS, CONQUEROR OF DEATH, SAVE US, O Crux ave. (Spes unica!)"

DEFENCE: First of all the Church gives permission to deacons and even laymen to say a blessing over objects. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a blessing: “A blessing of benediction is a prayer invoking God’s power and care upon some person, place, thing or undertaking.”

So yes, all God’s people may offer blessings, not just the clergy. However, this is not to say there is no difference between a blessing offered by a lay person and a blessing offered by a sacred minister. There is.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

Every baptized person is called to be a ‘blessing’ and to bless. Hence lay people may preside at certain blessings; the more a blessing concerns ecclesial and sacramental life, the more its administration is reserved to the ordained ministry (bishops, priest, deacons)” (CCC 1669).

And, the Church gives laypeople permission to do certain blessings:

Other laymen and laywomen, in virtue of the universal priesthood, a dignity they possess because of their baptism and confirmation, may celebrate certain blessings, as indicated in the respective order of blessings, by use of the rites and formularies designated for a lay minister. Such laypersons exercise this ministry in virtue of their office (for example, parents on behalf of their children) or by reason of some special liturgical ministry or in fulfilment of a particular charge in the Church…” (General Introduction to the Book of Blessings, 18)

Also, water can be blessed for different purposes: a priest blesses holy water, while baptismal water is different from regular holy water, and, I recently fond out there is a 'holy water of St. Ignatius' that is used for healing! So, there are different blessings for different types of holy water.

Then there is the issue of EMERGENCIES.

Now, we all know blessings by a priest are very particular. Only a bishop, priest or deacon can bless holy water. With regards to Marie-Julie's remedies of 'blessing water'- this is NOT the same as water blessed by a priest. Anything with a blessing pronounced on it can be described as 'blessed', but there are different distinctions with regards to blessings. In her revelations it does not say the 'blessing' of the remedy-water is the same as that as a blessing give to water by a priest to make it holy water, but it tells ordinary people to procure a remedy using items ALREADY BLESSED BY A PRIEST to put in the water should we need to drink the remedy when the plagues hit and we have no other medical help.

These remedies are meant for EMERGENCY TIMES, not for every occasion, and, her prophecies show we will NOT have priests or clergy readily available nearby with the really bad plagues hit and spread fast, the true clergy will be on the run as the persecutions break out during the Chastisements. So, they probably won't be there to bless actual holy water. Marie-Julie foretold there will be genocides again against the Catholics, France it seems will be hit badly in this way. So, it is clear Heaven provides the help with our faith in holy objects already blessed by a priest. The remedy she was provided does not make 'holy water', but 'blessed water' to help with the chastisement ailments, there is a difference.

Also, about swallowing the prayer 'O Crux Ave'-I cannot see this as superstitious – St. Catherine Laboure received a divine inspiration to swallow a relic of St. Vincent de Paul, and she was graced with a vision of Our Lady and the revelation of the Miraculous Medal. Bl. Catherine of St. Augustine of Canada once helped a sick person by grinding up a first classic bone-relic and made the patient swallow it.   When a baby St. Thomas Aquinas swallowed a piece of paper on which was written the words 'Ave Maria', which was a sign of his special predestination.  Ven. Philomena of Santa-Columba, who was consecrated to Our Lady before she was born, did something similar when she swallowed an image of Our Lady as a baby.  So, where does 'superstition' begin and end when holy people did things like this with relics, images, and holy words on paper?


5: ATTACK: The blogger says that Marie-Julie's prophecies declaring the coming Great Monarch and King of France as a 'Saviour' and the 'Saviour of his people' is heretical as the Bible declares Jesus is the only and true Saviour, and there are no other 'saviours'.

DEFENCE: True, and, not true. This has been twisted out of context. 

  What is true: God is the Saviour of our souls, and the only Saviour. God Himself is the only one who can save us and bring us to Heaven. True. In this sense, there are no other saviours but Him.

What is false is the claim it is heretical to declare someone a 'saviour' – no, not true, not if this title is only meant in a secular sense.



It is the same as saying that since Christ declared to the apostles that no man should call them 'master' as they have only one Master that it is 'heretical' to get a Master's degree at a university, or to call someone a 'master' if they become a 'master' at a craft or a skill, etc. This is silly.

Despite God Himself saying in the Bible there is no other Saviour but him, we also find find the title 'saviour' has been granted to a very few specially chosen souls: for instance, the patriarch Joseph who saved Egypt and consequently other nations with it was called a 'saviour of the world' (Gen. 41:45), the Judges Othoniel and Aod who delivered the children of Israel from their enemies, were called 'saviours' (Judges 3: 9, 15). God also raised up a 'saviour' to save the children of Israel when they were suffering under the reign of King of Syria. “And the Lord gave Israel a saviour, and they were delivered out of the hand of the king of Syria: and the children of Israel dwelt in their pavilions as yesterday and the day before.” (2 Kings 13:5) St. Joseph himself is described as the 'saviour of the Saviour' as he protected Our Lord during the slaughter of the innocents and saved both the future Church and the world by protecting the Divine Saviour. ('The Glories of St. Joseph', Thomas Healy Thompson).

So, if the Great King to come is described with the august title of 'saviour' so many times in Marie-Julie's prophecies the title ‘saviour’ points to a great man chosen by God for the deliverance of nations and the Church, and not that the promised future King can literally save souls like Christ.

The blogger also seems upset Marie-Julie prophecies describe the promised King as a 'man of God', and a 'King of Miracles', but he is a chosen soul that will be granted the gift of miracles in order to help restore order in the world and aid the Church. There is nothing 'heretical' in a prophecy that God is going to send a saint with the gift of miracles to straighten out things.   It is known that when sin abounds, grace abounds as St. Paul taught, and God always raises up saints to straighten things out – the greater the evils on earth, the greater the men and women He raises up to counteract the evil. Is it beyond God to raise up one last great ruler with miraculous gifts to help straighten things out?  No, of course not. And, the prophecies say God will raise up not just a Great King, but an 'Angelic' Pontiff too, so to say this King is going to take over the Church is wrong as well, the prophesies show the Great Monarch to come will place himself under the authority of the Great Pope, who will also be a saint.


5: ATTACK, or rather, ironic situation. The blogger notes that the “Marquis” de Franquerie and Fr. Roberdel did not get permission to publish Marie-Julie's prophecies, they did not receive the Nihil Obstat or Imprimatur of the local bishop, and private prophecy should be approved by the Church.

DEFENCE: Okay, fair enough. But, just because they didn't get the Imprimatur for their writings, etc., does not mean the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny are not true either.   I have read through all the publicly published prophecies, and I have seen nothing contrary to Faith or Morals here.  Or, anything that contradicts Catholic Eschatological teaching. The Doctors and Fathers taught we will have a Roman Empire near the end of time, the Scriptures do indicate this, (so it must have a ruler), and, the Scriptures do foretell days of darkness, and Fr. Don Dolindo Ruotolo, whose cause for canonization is currently open, actually noted 'three and a half days of death' before the chastisements in his interpretation of Scriptures, and even noted the prophecies of The Great King and Angelic popes could be seen in the prophecies of Enoch and Elias as well, so, according to him, they would be in the Scriptures!

Also, I must state, Marie-Julie's local bishop M. Fournier saw that all the miraculous signs happening to her, like the stigmata, her ecstasies when she received these prophecies and revelations, her miraculous Communions and bleeding pictures, etc., were SUPERNATURAL, i.e from heaven, and were not preternatural, meaning not from the devil. Cardinal Rampola from the Vatican Commission investigating her case performed an exorcism over her and said nothing preternatural was taking place but all supernatural. To this day she as a mystic has NOT been condemned by the Church or her local diocese of Nantes, only her revelations have been given a 'caution' from the diocese as the texts have only been attributed to her, she did not write them herself and have been published without permission, but they have not yet officially been condemned either.

The Church can officially condemn or approve writings even after they have been published without a Nihil Obstat, etc, but the local diocese of Nantes has not done that. Only issued a 'caution'. Until a mystic and their message is declared 'not supernatural' they are NOT officially condemned by the Church.

The ironic part is a Sedevacantist blogger pointing the finger at the 'Marquis' and Fr. Roberdel for not getting the correct authorization from the Church. Even if there is no official ruling yet on the texts recording her prophecies other than a caution, Marie-Julie's bishop said in the 1870s she was supernatural, therefore an authentic mystic. She is credible, we just have to read the texts attributed to her with careful discernment. But the blogger appears to ignore this, and, should the Church give full approval to the various writings now after Vatican II through a 'Novus Ordo' bishop, he would ignore this approval as he is Sedevacantist. So, this is a an odd attack regarding 'no permission given'.  He himself would not be obedient to any permission if it were given now to her texts and would still attack Marie-Julie's prophecies.


  1. ATTACK: The blogger also seems to think these prophecies were printed as an 'all out campaign' by the Marquis de Franquerie to 'divinize' the French race and the race of the French Kings by pointing out the tradition that the Kings of France descended from the House of David, etc.

DEFENCE: True, while it is a heresy to 'divinize' a race to an idolatrous level – and, we can say perhaps the Marquis was a bit over-patriotic in publishing the prophecies with his over exuberant personal interpretation of them, it doesn't mean they were false either.

The Marquis' personal and perhaps very erroneous interpretations of Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies does NOT make the prophecies themselves false!

There is an oral tradition that the Kings of France descended from the House of David, particularly in regard to the conversion and coronation of the first king of France, Clovis I.  After Clovis converted to Catholicism, the Holy Spirit appeared at his baptism, bringing the sacred oil for his coronation, and also the fleur du lys, the symbol of the Trinity, which became the symbol of France.  This miraculous conversion saved France from becoming an Arian nation, the heresy that in the future will distinguish the followers of the Antichrist.

 Now, there are some traditions that even the royal House of Ireland descended from the Tribe of Judah, and, there are a few legends that the other monarchies of Europe also descended from the Tribe of Judah as it was proclaimed to be the tribe that would bear princes. So this is not a new legend. 

However, of all the royal houses, Clovis of France was the only king who had the Holy Spirit descend on him during his baptism exactly like Christ during His baptism, which was taken as a sign from Heaven that the king must be a descendant from the House of David and not just from the tribe of Judah and that this line would be particularly blessed.   Even the Emperor Constantine who saw a cross in the sky and who ended the great first persecution of the Church was not blessed with such a vision during his conversion.   From thence France became known as the 'Eldest Daughter of the Church', the French kings charged with the task of defending and protecting the Pope and the rights of the Church.

In the prophecies of Marie-Julie, Heaven tells her the Dove of the Holy Spirit will appear once again over the holy future King of France destined to bring the Peace and the Triumph so all will recognise him as the chosen king, thus also confirming that the old tradition of the Holy Spirit giving a signal grace to the kings of France was indeed true.  It is no wonder the Marquis got a little exuberant about the French kingdom being chosen to bring the Peace and rule over all nations, the ancient prophesies also foretell this.

True, the Marquis may have gotten carried away and implied the French Kings were 'divine' thanks to their relation to the House of David, i.e being 'divine' through the divinity of Christ Who was of the House of David, but we also have to be careful how the French use the word 'divine' and that it could have been mistranslated in English or have come across 'wrong', or his idea badly expressed – I have seen it in quite a few French texts approved by the Church, for instance, St. Louis Marie de Montfort calls Our Lady the 'divine Mother of God' in his book 'True Devotion to Mary', but the theological definition is certainly not implied.


 French Catholics assume you should have a brain and know the simple adjective is meant – she is not divine like God, but 'divine' in the sense of being divinely blessed by God with the fullness of His divine graces to be His Mother. For one example, here is a simple instance of using the adjective of 'divine'- it's like saying we love this 'divine' piece of cake, being the most perfect piece of cake we've ever had, but it's certainly not theologically 'divine'!  The French expect you to know your catechism and also to discern the context of a word.  This is why you have to be very careful translating books into different languages, the 'Marquis' could have had a very bad translator who was not a native speaker of English work on his English publication, and this term came across bad as a result.


No doubt the Marquis meant the French king's enjoyed a divinely blessed linage if it is true they descend from the House of David as seen by the apparition of the Holy Spirit, and the nation would certainly have a very unique divine blessing to have a ruler descend from the House of David, but this does not 'divinize' the race or its king.  Somehow the attacking blogger thinks the Marquis' French usage of the term, which may have come across badly as it usually does unless you understand the French usage, makes all of Marie-Julie's prophecies 'false', which is not true!

Also, it is not heretical to say God will raise up a nation to rule over others to bring stability and peace. God did it before even with pagan nations, such as Nebuchadnezzar II and the Babylonian Empire, the prophet Daniel said so, and the Jewish people were ordered by God to place themselves under this king's rule and would be punished if they tried to flee his rule. God also rose up Caesar Augustus to unite many nations into an Empire, which brought about a time of relative peace and stability which allowed Christianity to spread before the persecutions. Christ appeared to the first King of Portugal, Afonso I, and foretold He would raise up the nation into an Empire that would spread the Gospel through the world, and when the nation was in trouble, He would send His grace to the aid the country. The country indeed founded an Empire, and, God raised up a great saint, St. Nuno, the 'Joan of Arc' of Portugal who saved the nation from falling to Spanish rule. St. Nuno is often called the 'Precursor to Fatima' thanks to his zealous devotion to the rosary and the Brown Scapular.  There are many miracles attributed to his intercession, even raising the dead.

And so, God can do it again with France, he can raise up a mighty leader in the Eldest Daughter of the Church to rule over other nations and bring the Peace and Triumph promised at Fatima and elsewhere, the credible Great Monarch prophecies also indicate this, not just Marie-Julie Jahenny.


  1. ATTACK: The blogger seems upset with the following prophecy as stated in the Marquis de Franquerie's book, thinking it relates to the Great Monarch:

And on 6th of October 1877 Our Lady says: "You may be sure, my children, that this holy king is already with the saints and that Heaven will celebrate a feast raising him to the honours of the Altars.”

DEFENCE: The blogger obviously did not read the text that came right before it in the book referring to Louis XVI, and how the Marquis was referencing the 'Martyr King' in the paragraph after it, which is how Marie-Julie named Louis XVI – Heaven had shown her that Louis XVI, who was slaughtered by the Masonic revolutionaries during the French Revolution, was recognized as a martyr by Heaven, and that this was a prophecy that Louis XVI would be raises to the altars, i.e. beatified / canonized. (It is a prophecy of his canonization, even if the Church may not recognize him as a martyr, but Heaven certainly does according to Marie-Julie.) The Marquis was merely mentioning how the Great Monarch of the future would be a descendant of Louis XVI, although we know not a direct one as the Marquis seems to think. 

Why this would be a problem for the blogger is a mystery to me. Already there have been attempts to open the beatification process for King Louis XVI. Apparently, this prophecy was taken out of context by the blogger in order to attack the  concept of the Great Monarch descending from the House of David, but did not pay attention to the fact this part of the text referred to Louis XVI, not the Great Monarch.  Apparently, the Russian blogger is not fluent in English and did not read the English book properly.


In Conclusion

True, we are not required to believe private revelations for salvation. However, I see more spiritual advantages in believing Marie-Julie's prophecies than disregarding them.

If there is a Three Days of Darkness coming, I'm prepared. If not, I've got a lot more sacramentals in the house in any case and some lovely blessed candles. As if that was something bad!   Also, I have seen miraculous conversions since I started saying her prayers, and, other people have noticed graces happening in their families when using the sacramentals revealed to her.

I am required to believe what is in scripture, the scriptures say literal days of darkness will come near the end of time, not just spiritual ones, Christ Himself spoke of them, and they are in the book of the Apocalypse.  

  Is it heretical to think they may be Three in number? I don't think so. While the number three was revealed in private revelation and we don't have to believe in the number itself, as long as we don't disregard the teaching of days of darkness coming, we are in compliance with the Faith. However, if the prophecies are true and we see all the signs that announce the Three Days of Darkness as Marie-Julie and other credible mystics foretold, then we can safely believe they will last Three Days.  Who can honestly say they have NOT seen some of her prophecies already coming true?

I would rather be prepared rather than not be prepared and find out the hard way her prophecies about the Three Days were true should they fall in my time.



TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny