Prayer to Obtain a Grace through the
Intercession of Marie-Julie Jahenny and for her Beatification
O Divine Heart of Jesus,
Heart of infinite Love and Mercy, O Immaculate Heart, sweet maternal
Heart of Mary, Thou whose Two Hearts are united and whose wealth is
inexhaustible, grant us, we beg Thee, all the graces we need through
the intercession of the loving soul of Marie-Julie Jahenny; she who
here below knew so well how to pray to Thee that Thou could not
refuse her anything and whose admirable kindness never ceased to
sympathize with our miseries and to console our distresses; she,
whose tireless charity welcomed all our requests and made us all hope
for the goodness of God.
Now that we hope for it from our good
Heavenly Mother, we beg Her to listen to our prayers again and to ask
from Her, to draw for us from the wide-open Heart of Her Son the
adorable treasures that She has shown us!
Grant, O Almighty God,
that we may soon invoke Marie-Julie Jahenny for the conversion
of sinners, the triumph of Holy Mother Church and for the promised
Age of Peace, under the title of Blessed that she seems to have so
well deserved by her love of souls and her love of the Cross! Amen.