Friday 1 September 2017

#14 A Cry to France: Revive your devotion to the Blessed Sacrament!

Ecstasy dated September 10, 1874.

"Get out, France, from your grave and your coffin! Jesus Christ wants you to be reconciled with Heaven; get out and take back your faith, this beautiful virtue that has flourished so many times, abjure your errors and swear true faith in the Blessed Sacrament because It will reconcile you to Heaven. Mary Immaculate comes to tear her children from the abyss. Jesus Christ blesses you! O France! Jesus Christ cleanses you! Jesus Christ forgives you, O France! Jesus Christ washes you of your iniquities, Jesus Christ gave His blood for you, O France! Jesus Christ blesses you, O France! Jesus Christ wants to save you and give you this beautiful promise, this beautiful pearl of great price that He has reserved for you after many years (i.e., the promised Great Catholic Monarch, King Henry V).  He will give you a crown of lilies after your thorns. The angels worship Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and pray that He gives us this beautiful crown. He also blesses the Holy Father.”


Notes: France once had the distinction of having the strongest devotion to the Blessed Sacrament so much so that it was beloved by saints such as St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua because of it. Heaven is urging sinful France to return to the Faith and restore its fervor in the Blessed Sacrament, and confirms again the promise of a Great Catholic Monarch to come that will rule France.

(Image: 'Disputation of the Holy Sacrament' by Raphael, 1509-1510)

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