Wednesday 6 September 2017

#48 France and Beyond will Suffer - JESUS WILL NOT BE MOVED BY PITY until JUSTICE is DONE

(October 24, 1877)

“My victim,” says Jesus, “you see that the fatal hour will growl over France and beyond. Good and evil will fight. Evil, for a while, will win but soon give way to good. The Universe is almost reversed, because My people are guilty.”

“I promised that the chastisements of heaven will turn the corrupted race. The time will come. I shut the mouth of the impious. I will surprise by My Justice. I can no longer bear the pain. It is like I am in a pool where the water wins over Me, I am submerged.”

Marie-Julie: “Yes, Lord. If, after Pontmain and the appearance of Our Lady of Hope, our cries
would never have reached You, You would have already struck.” 

Our Lord: “I will still allow Myself to be touched, but ONLY AFTER THE DESTRUCTION that I promised. Those in the middle of the ashes I will spare for the glory of France.”

Marie -Julie: “ Oh! Lord, I see Your Justice over France.”

Our Lord, “It will be a terrible moment for the ungrateful and the wicked. This time will be without fear for the righteous.  I will be trampled upon: My prison of love will be violated, but I will not be there.  (Tabernacles?) My ministers will have Me removed and taken away, hidden in their hearts.  My temple shall be unclean and full of horror, but this time will be short. My sanctuary will be closed, but I will be with you, and those days will be fast, (i.e not last long.)

Guilty France will see the blood flow, My pain will be bitter, but I remain unmoved. The land will be watered with the blood of martyrs and those of the wicked: the first (the martyrs) will cry, mercy, the
second, (the wicked) vengeance.”


Note: the Apparition of Pontmain: France was saved from the Prussian invasion in 17 January 1871, when Our Lady appeard as Our Lady of Hope with a Red Crucifix, asking for prayers, saying her Son would be touched if they prayed. 'Inexplicably' the Prussian forces stopped their advance that very night.

However, Our Lord warns that this time when France is struck the time of prayer and intercession will be past, He will not allow Himself to be moved and will let the destruction take its course. Only when it is done, will He have pity on the survivors who will restore France. This may not only have been a prediction of the World Wars that followed, but also the chastisements to come when there will be no pity until evil is swept away to make way for the Great Monarch's kingdom.

(Image: Our Lady of Pontmain)

Find out more about Pontmain here:

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