date November 5, (1878?)
Our Lady: “It
is I, my children, I come to say a word before entrance to the Holy
Novitiate. My Son loves to open His inscrutable designs and He will
judge all. He opened all the ways of God. Now He is going to
manifest His powerful glory. Men have arrived at their last
resources. They have exhausted the deepest sources, by the invention,
by slander, by jealousy, because they wanted to beat all, judge
everything, see everything for themselves, by their very humanity.
(I.e. see everything only from a human viewpoint.)
children, they used the Goodness and Mercy of my Divine Son to offend
Him, to invent dreadful lies. Well they are at the end, their spirit
can not invent something else, now! My children, when the terrible
opposition of these souls will stop and rest, that is when my Divine
Son will work powerfully.
children, this way of the Holy Cross, the novitiate of love was
opened by my Divine Son for a great cause, a great glory, to manifest
His divine miracles, (i.e. the prophetic mission entrusted to
Marie-Julie Jahenny) ... This path will be understood by the chosen
souls that my Divine Son has called to His service.
safe, my children, at the foot of the Cross there is a foyer of peace
for all children of the Cross, it is a shelter here ... Dear
children, I bless you, courage, keep your peace! ...”