Monday 26 February 2018

#110 The Future Glory of La Fraudais – Most BLESSED LAND after CALVARY

This is a collection of texts recounting Marie-Julie Jahenny's ecstasy of March 16, 1880.  La Fraudais, the little place on which her cottage stands, will be a great place of pilgrimage and sanctuary from the chastisements in the future.


(Text 1) "From (the time of) Calvary to this date, I have never seen so many graces, as (those) reserved for this place." (i.e. La Fraudais).

(Observations: these could be the words of Marie-Julie, or, Our Blessed Mother as in one of the following texts below, Our Lady says something very similar, but in more detail. In an past ecstasy, Our Lord also revealed His plans regarding Fraudais and the surrounding lands: a Great Sanctuary of the Cross will be built there. (See Post #57 Prophecy- La Fraudais, -The Sanctuary of the Cross)

Our Lord in a future ecstasy (July 8, 1882) will once more reveal to Marie-Julie Jahenny His plans regarding the special monastic community that would be founded there in the future dedicated to the Cross. The promised Great Monarch would also come, and plant his royal standard. The construction of this great shrine and monastery would be accompanied by many miracles.)


(Text 2) Our Lady: "My children, so many pains, so many crosses, so many tears will be highly rewarded. Heaven has you covered. This place (La Fraudais) will become great, an immense magnitude. Souls will come, driven by an extraordinary grace. My children, a mountain has been raised here … It is my Son, who in His turn will command. This is how the secret works arrive slowly coming to their term, after having long been veiled in appearance. You are called to an extraordinary regeneration. You will be called the children of the new world." (I.e. the Friends of the Cross)


(Text 3) Our Lady: “My children, all you who are called to the regeneration of an extraordinary grace, you will be called the new children by grace, children of the new world by the powerful fullness of grace.”

Marie-Julie: “Thank you, O good Mother.”

Our Lady: “More than ever before, I love you, my children, as I see the designs of Heaven close to opening. (I.e. close to commencing). A mother, seeing these favours,
is she not delighted in that happiness?”

Marie-Julie: “Yes, good Mother.”

Our Lady: “My children, it is not (those who are ?) close that we are going to choose new hearts to glorify the grace and to be admitted to the glory of the Most High. My children, my Divine Son has not counted any science (knowledge) capable of glorifying Him in those who are closest and which are coated with the order of grace.

My children, in very little time, a crowd of souls descend the narrow paths that lead to the solitary place but consequently this name will not be borne long. On all sides, this place will become large, a vast expanse.” (i.e. La Fraudais will one day no longer be practically unknown, it will draw many crowds.)

Marie-Julie “Because, good Mother, more than before, it is these visits of souls?” (I.e. she's asking why more souls will be coming, i.e. pilgrims, more than before.)

Our Lady: “My daughter, my children, they will come, driven by an extraordinary grace without knowing any mystery, driven by the voice from on high to come pick up the bright and visible graces of Heaven.”

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, we do not admit so many people (de monde, = i.e., outsiders? The world?).

Our Lady: “My daughter, Heaven has thought of everything and anything inside will not be able to refuse the entrance of outside, I mean the entrance of souls.”

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, if you do this, I will not stay here.” (Note: it appears Marie-Julie thought the Great Plan of Our Lord and this influx of pilgrims would happen in her lifetime and dreaded becoming a public figure.)

Our Lady: “Where will you go child?”

Marie-Julie: “Mother, I will take your cloak and I will hide under it to be invisible.”

Our Lady: “My child, the instrument of so much suffering, so many sacrifices, it will not stay still always on earth. It remains meanwhile up to an epoch when he shall be no more. It remains there for a divine grace, full of wonders. It remains to complete the final grandeurs with a merited grace and grace won at the cost of what so many souls are ignorant of.”

(Note: this a cryptic passage: 'il' in French is either 'he' or 'it'. Our Lady could talking about Marie-Julie as the 'instrument' of suffering, or, she is making a prediction about a suffering soul who will come on earth, possibly the King to come as Our Lord also predicted the king would suffer much.)

Marie-Julie: “I have not understood then, good Mother.”

Our Lady: “My dear child, content yourself with joy.”

Marie-Julie: “Thank you, dear Mother.”

Our Lady: “My child, so much pain and so much work, so many crosses and tears are so highly rewarded, so miraculously turned into miracles that although many great works have been operating from Calvary until today, never before have I remarked, my children, so many rivers filled, so many heavy rains of grace as reserved for the place where I speak now.”

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, we have done nothing to deserve the smallest favour.”

Our Lady: “My children, the thought of a generous heart is able to attract all of Heaven, all the richest treasures of Heaven upon him.”

Marie-Julie: “Oh, good Mother, for so little, so much to win!”

Our Lady: “My children, if I were to reveal all the greatness of grace that you receive every day, you would be elevated in the highest glory of love and all human expressions would change into divine (ones).”

Marie-Julie: “ Good Mother, oh! teach us to act divinely and reject far from us, all human (things).”

Our Lady: “My children, often it is from misery that my beloved Son draws the most beautiful gold coins and the richest currency of reward.”

Marie-Julie: “Oh, good Mother, after all that your mouth without stain reveals about you, how on earth (can we) still live without loving up to the point of holy folly?”

Our Lady: “My children, the Earth has already turned into a rich and beautiful mountain, formed of all the finest riches. This mountain, every day, is raised by the work of an Almighty God. You are on it. Each day you rise more by grace and soon the Earth will flee away from your eyes, flee from your thoughts, escape from your regard. The Earth will be so low when all the pilgrims who come to your mountain spreading a profuse sweat, as it will be difficult to climb. By that I mean they understand how the Holy of Holies is admirable in its intentions, how much He deserves to be praised, exalted in His wonders. This sweat, it is the tears that they will pay for not wanting sooner to taste the so precious grace tasted by that the small number of children called anew by grace. But it will be difficult to climb the mountain where the blessed of my Son are elevated. By dint of regret, in sorrow and repentance in future years, they will succeed but the first will be raised very high andbe very mysteriously delighted in the work of my Son.

My children, from outside, they will ignore the reason of this gripped (firm) march of
triumphant souls who descend upon the Shrine of the Cross. It is a secret to be revealed in the future. My Divine Son prepares in heaven, in union with all His elect, a festival to be celebrated in this place where we are now, in this place where I have descended. How can He do this? Has not my Son seemed to submit to men and let them do, as before when He submitted to the chaste Joseph?

After this charitable submission to men, he will reign as a King who conquers everything. It is my Son who, in His turn, will command. This is how the secret works will come slowly to an end, after having long been veiled in appearance. (Is this a reference to the Great Monarch to come?) You are called to an extraordinary regeneration. You will be called the children of the world again."

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, it is sweet to spend a few hours with you that expand the heart and renders it so happy thinking of the future.”

Our Lady: “My daughter, everything is bought, almost everything is paid, there remains the joy and happiness.”


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