Showing posts with label Prophecy of Contraception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophecy of Contraception. Show all posts

Sunday 13 May 2018

#122 Our Lady Arrives in Black – Religious Houses will be Persecuted – Deadly Plagues - THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS and THREE YEAR FAMINE AFTERMATH – The Dust of Foreigners Will Enter France

Ecstasy date November 4, 1880

Marie-Julie Jahenny; "The Church, with a veiled sigh, comes to resound at the doors of my broken soul the echo of its dying voice. The supreme pontiff launches an agonising word (message) to his people, to the children of whom he is a father. It is a sword for my soul. (...) I see it all in my mystic Sun. Oh, how I suffer!"


Ecstasy Date November 30, 1880

Our Lady: “I salute you, my children, from my mother's heart and with all my affection. I come to establish my throne in the midst of you.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Thank you, good Mother! We also salute you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Our Lady: “My children, do not be sad, if you see me descend like this dressed in an outfit of deep mourning.”

Not a piece of her clothing bears white, nor any joyful colour. Her forehead is veiled to the eyebrows. She is very sad and said:

Our Lady: “It is not because of you, my children, I wear this black dress, this is the cause ... His heart beats with pain, I see It – it is because of this unfortunate hour, which for many days, will envelop you and complete the loss of this unfortunate kingdom that was so dear to me and still is. I say long (many), it is because of the depth of pain these days include …

I am mourning for the rest of the last houses of virgins who live in prayer. An hour is decided that will break their intimate rest and cause the shedding of tears of regret. All these houses will be broken, sooner than any of you who have the faith are able to conceive. (I.e. religious houses and convents will be closed.)

Suddenly Hell will roar. This cry will never cease. The ministers of my Son will be sent back to their homes and scattered among the people. When the hand of the perfidious man will arise for the third time on the rest of the houses of grace which, by their prayers, have held back the wrath of my divine Son, when that hand will land for the third time, it will go through, without exception of any person, not even the families of faith who stay at home, in prayer. Their homes will be tainted by the entry of formidable men. (Note: more about the persecution of the Church, it seems it will happen in three 'waves' or 'stages', religious houses will be targeted, but even the homes of the faithful will not be spared persecution in the final stage. Also, see post # 134, click here. )

Only my Son and I are aware what follows their designs. These designs lead to the overthrow of the guilty, complete and perfect of all things.”

Marie-Julie: The Virgin lifts up a little of her black dress that hides her feet, and shows me a large black crown that has only a few white dots. She draws it from her feet and takes it in her virginal hands.

Our Lady: “Here it is,” she says, “unhappy crown, that before was so white, so admired by all foreign kings, and famous to the ends of the world. Today, under this sorrowful form, is the crown of France. It will retain this heartbreaking colour until the day when the man of God, my Son will raise France from its ruins. It will, in tears, take this melancholy diadem and place it around its forehead, raising, with a broken heart, this kingdom fallen into the ruins of the most heinous and the most guilty. In this crown, my children, all France is enclosed, except you, O Brittany!

I did not want placed, this black crown, not even on the tip of your lands, oh Brittany that I love, but my Son has a corner reserved for the most painful test. I will intervene when I can.” (i.e. Brittany will be spared most of the chastisements, but a corner of it will still be tested.)

The Holy Virgin held up, with both hands, the crown to heaven and said:

My Son, of all my people who are threatened, keep Brittany protected by my mother (St. Anne) and protected by my goodness, oh! at least keep the rest of Your homes that are sacred to You, keep in peace, your Apostles, faithful, let them rest."

Our Lady is silent. We hear this word, the voice of God speaking as a judge, penetrating into the depths:

'My Mother, in a short time, there will be no peace or rest; in a short time, there will be more freedom for evil, for fire, blood and death.'

These are the words I heard, loudly and truthfully. Our Lady places the crown at His feet and said:

O France so dear, I look at you with an eye wet with tears. I see this crown rising from your feet. You will put it on your head. You will come to mercilessly push the weapon of death into the hearts of your generous fighters, the sword of death.”

Her voice swoons like a mother to whom death has taken away what she holds most dear. The Blessed Virgin, her eyes fixed on France, said to it:

O France! For you so many times I cried and interceded. I only ask a single act of charity; save the cradle of innocence, leave life to the angels of the earth, so they can attract to you the beginning of mercy. ('Leave life to the angels' - Is Our Lady begging that France does not legalize abortion? This is not the first time Marie-Julie was forewarned about the sin of contraception / abortion that would come to France: see post  #104 St. Vitalis of Milan – Prophecy of Contraception, Chastisements Will Follow – Submission to the Cross and the Will of God Thwarts The Power of the Enemy)

My child it is out of the goodness that I warn you of the approach of these fatal calamities, and of all major disasters. My children, very close to this place where you will stay peaceful, at the beginning of this great and last storm that will bring a bright future, (I.e. at the beginning of the last and greatest of the persecutions and chastisements) you will see fall very near evils so great and so numerous that you will be in agony to see so many suffer all around you.

My children, you will see fall on the world deadly diseases that will leave no time to be prepared to appear before my Son. (We will not have time to receive the Last Rites, the diseases and plagues will spread and kill rapidly. See Remedies for the Chastisement Plagues and Diseases)

The lightnings of heaven will succeed with a rapid violence. Fire from heaven will travel the earth to an appalling width: the vengeful lightning will burn any point that produces the fruit. Cultivated lands will be devastated by the power of this fire; grasslands will be burned and reduced to a land completely stripped. The fruit will not appear, all the branches of trees will be dry to the trunk.

Children of Brittany, you will use, to keep your crops, that which the goodness of my Son has revealed to you: it is the only way to save your food. (Note: the only remedy I have discovered revealed to Marie-Julie on how to save crops is to sow into the ground blessed St. Benedict exorcism medals in the form of a cross in the fields where food is grown. This must be the method described.)

My children, for three days the sky will be on fire, furrowed by fear of divine wrath. What saddens me, is that this anger will not stop the forces of hell. They are neither afraid of my Son nor hell. It needs be that these times pass. The danger of France is written in heaven by the power eternal. I can not intercede, I am not anything more than a mother without power.

For many years the earth will produce nothing. France will be unhappy, even after its triumph. For two or three years, she will feel the ruins and the deep misery. The misery will be great, although my people is clear (of it?). Prayer will bring the blessing. My son and I will have mercy on this long penance.

My children, pray for the Church, pray for all your ministers, pray for the Pope, for they will make an attempt (on his life) in his days.

This place is also riddled with vengeance, and evil will be immeasurable, despite the faith of many of my people. The evil, that I see so close, to my heart leaves a wound that will last forever: a considerable loss of souls, the faith ruined, baptism soiled. All these acts of cowardice, that I see, change into bad Christians many of my children. France will perish - not all but many will perish it will be saved with a much smaller number...

O France, they will bring, even in your place, the dust from abroad. (I.e. 'dust' - an expression meaning the 'least desirable'. ) You will not be (able) to return these foreigners. You were so noble, your nobility will be lost. (The least desirable of foreigners will come and change France from within.) I have seen all pass on the earth. Never - I tell you with a mother's heart – never have I seen under my watchful eyes such crimes, such misfortunes: violations, sacrilegious attacks. It is now that I see all this pain. Oh! Pray, my children! I will stop the pain. Rest, my children.”


Saturday 20 January 2018

#104 St. Vitalis of Milan – Prophecy of Contraception, Chastisements Will Follow – Submission to the Cross and the Will of God Thwarts the Enemy

Note: St. Vitalis was a victim of persecution in the 1st century in Milan with his wife, St. Valeria, mother of St. Gervase and St. Protase. He is described as a wealthy citizen of Milan, who was put to death in Ravenna. It was St. Ambrose, who in 393, ordered that a search be made for the relics of the martyrs of previous centuries, and it was by this that their relics were discovered. The Basilica of Ravenna was named after St. Vitalis.

Despite this, these martyrs were considered "legendary" for years, and pronounced so in 1969, but here, St. Vitalis visits Marie-Julie Jahenny and confirms his and his wife's existence, also giving details of their martyrdom. Their Feast Day is April 28.  (Image: Martyrdom of St. Vitalis of Milan)


Ecstasy date December 17, (1878?)

I am Saint Vitalis. I was martyred with my wife Saint Valeria. I suffered death for God and the Holy Church for not wanting to deny my God Who made me a Christian ... I was seized, bound and then stoned to death with lead balls. Our bodies were pierced through and through. Then they forced very sharp awls through all parts of the body. Then we were again sifted and stoned. Then we were buried alive in pits filled with lime and earth. This is where our souls took their flight. My wife and I were not separated. We were chained and buried in the same pits. We rested long after burial in this great city watered by the blood of martyrs.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, arm yourself with invincible courage to face the evils that threaten you. The Lord sends His soft Divine light and that will serve you to foresee and will make you feel the hour when pain will fill the earth with a cry of alarm and sobs. This day of pain is in full strength ... What attracts this pain? This cry of alarm? They are sins, crimes, scandals, abominations ... This is the bouquet of the earth.

I do not speak of you, Brittany, but to you, land of France, which was once a noble name, you who had such a great reputation. Today, you are trampled underfoot by your corrupters and your friends. Your bowels are hardened mercilessly for your children ... Previously, this land was covered with the blood of martyrs. It was fruitful with a seed of grace. Today, I see from Heaven, the Justice of the Lord in anger against the land of France. I see its lightnings close to falling heavy (upon you). A single fibre holds them and still stops them ... There only Heaven can make this miracle of victory in this desecrated land …

(Note: “Your bowels are hardened mercilessly for your children.” This could be a prophecy concerning contraception that was introduced in France in 1967, and throughout the rest of the world. The name 'contraceptive' is misleading in many cases as certain ones do not prevent conception from taking place. Many are actually contragestives, they prevent a fertilised egg, human life, from implanting in the womb, and in a sense, 'hardens' it. The new baby is unable to develop and starves to death. Some cause the uterine lining to shed after implantation, which would make it chemical abortion. The infamous 'Morning After Pill' is a contragestive, certain IUD devises are also contragestive.)

St. Vitalis: They do not tremble, the men that rule the earth, but God is the Governor of Heaven and earth. Persevere in prayer and the Lord's anger will not reach those whom he has promised to protect … Remember that we are all crucified on earth. It is suffering that raises us in triumph, and triumph leads to eternal happiness.

Meanwhile the protection of peace, let us rest in silence on the Cross of our Lord, say to Him with submission and resignation: "Lord, here we are, do with us as You please!" This word can defy and reverse the designs of your enemies … You are on earth where you merit to win the so precious treasures that Heaven (sends for) rewards. Continue your way and at the end you will receive the crown of victors!”


Previous Post #103 St. Celestine of Alexandria – The Crucified Christ Alone Gives Strength to the Christian – A Warning to Pastors (Priests / Bishops)