Wednesday 27 September 2017

#69 St. Paul - Suffering Opens Heaven - Persecutions from Slander and Envy gain us the most Merits - "Friends of the Cross" will Suffer Persecution

Visit of St. Paul the Apostle – Suffering opens Heaven and marks our place in Glory – the Persecution caused by Slander and Envy is Highly Meritorious – How best to suffer this type of persecution – Marie-Julie Jahenny and the “Friends of the Cross” will suffering a 'double persecution' because this mission is a 'double work'

Ecstasy of August 12, 1878

May the Peace of the Lord be in your soul and your spirit, and with all the friends of God. I am Saint Paul. I come to say a word on behalf of Our Lord before the entry of your Holy Novitiate.

Look first at our Lord on the Cross, and this glance will lead us to suffer. Let us meditate on the Sorrows of a God, and we will suffer bravely the trials of life.

God was the last of men by shame, by the ignominy, by insults. Why would we not wish to suffer? Do we wish to be above the Divine Master?

It is not only the pains of life that opens for us the door of heaven and mark our place in glory. He who does not suffer is not the disciple of God, and does not know Him. We are esteemed to be treated as His favoured ones.

If we are chained by the authority of men, if we can not leave, let us be silent. An hour will come, when we will speak to the authority of this land, which is not that of (or not by ) the authority of man. (Note: the bishop who approved her, Fournier of Nantes was dead by this time, after which Marie-Julie Jahenny was persecuted by the diocese and forbidden to receive the sacraments. This phrase by St. Paul saying a time will come to speak to 'the authority of this land' could indicate a warning to the current reigning bishop who was permitting the persecution due to slander and envy as we see in the next sentences....)

It is a thousand times better to be silent and suffer all things, (by those) who speak, with envy and jealousy. These two ways of persecution are horrible in God's eyes, the eyes of One who sees everything.

I prefer, I would rather have been chained for Jesus Christ, than to have been delighted to be ravished up to Heaven. There, however, was the joy, happiness without suffering, without alteration, it was perfect joy, but I did not suffer anything and I did not merit anything. (Observe: St. Paul's transports to Heaven gave him heavenly joy and he did not suffer, but in this joy without suffering he did not gain merits!)

Our adorable Lord, in the designs of His infinite Mercy, also wants us to be stoned at the hands of treacherous language. The slanderous tongue is more dangerous than a double-edged sword, because the blow of the sword can be cured or relieved, because it only extends to the depth and width of the blade, while the stroke of language extends everywhere. In one day, it will spread around the world, and who can stop it? (Note: this explains why God sees the sins of slander and envy as 'horrible' because they do so much more damage than a physical injury, hence, suffering these things silently without complaints grants great merits.)

Our Father the Creator is pleased to test us in different ways, friends tried, but friends of God.

When God wants to do a solid work, especially when He wants to establish the Friends of the Cross (I.e. Marie-Julie Jahenny's mission?) who worked from the beginning and are determined to work until the end, the persecution must be greater, because it is a double work.

Our Lord, choosing friends of the Cross, requires that the blows are deeper because the work will be more beautiful. The more disciples, the more suffering. It is the sign of a great work. It is a sure sign. Do not be afraid! ...”

Notes: these last encouraging words are not only directed to Christians in general, but it seems in a particular way to Marie-Julie Jahenny and those entrusted to spread devotion to her Great Work of the Cross, which will come after that of the Sacred Heart and will be the work of the restoration of the Church and the world in France and beyond. It is through the Cross that the Victory will be gained after the chastisements. As Heaven told her, the Great Monarch to come will write everywhere 'In hoc signo vinces' as a sign of Heaven's miraculous intervention on his behalf:

May 11, 1877: "The Cross will defeat the greatest heroes (of the enemy). They will bring it to the face of the enemy and it will give them the victory ... You Christians, who will spend a terrible moment, take the Cross for support ... When the elected King and Saviour of France has seen the triumph of France, he will write everywhere “in hoc signo vinces;” by this sign you will conquer! (i.e. The sign given to Emperor Constantine.) France will be under the banner of the Sacred Heart, the Cross and Mary."

And again:

October 27, 1887. The Sacred Heart to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

Blessed Margaret Mary was chosen to publish the glory of My Sacred Heart, and you, you are chosen to publish the glory of My Cross. She is the victim of My Sacred Heart, you are the victim of My Cross. The Work of My Cross is beautiful and grand, it will quickly follow the Work of the Sacred Heart.”


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Previous Post #68 St. Thomas Aquinas Returns - Sufferings Perfect - True Happiness - Peace Amidst Sufferings

Next Post #70  St.John-Francis Regis – Sufferings of the Cross in these evil times Worthy of Holy Envy – Slanderers: how they behave – the Mortal Danger of Slander - Unless God Intervenes Slanderers Will be Lost

Wednesday 13 September 2017

#68 St. Thomas Aquinas Returns - Sufferings Perfect - True Happiness - Peace Amidst Sufferings

St. Thomas Aquinas visits again - Suffering perfects a soul and unites it to God - Suffering a Little-Known Treasure - Suffering is Never Without Reward - Suffering with Inner Peace gives us True Happiness - God Tests through Sufferings to see if we are True Christians - Perfection a Great Virtue Beloved of God and Attained through Suffering -  How to Be Peaceful Amidst the Cross -

Ecstasy August 8, 1878

“I wish you peace, I wish that peace be in your soul in your heart, in your mind.”

Marie-Julie: “It's St. Thomas Aquinas, He is radiant with glory at the foot of the Cross. He
said to me:

'It is I who come to say a word on behalf of the Lord, at the entrance of your Holy Novitiate. 

God created us to love Him and serve Him. All happiness is to love God, and all the joy you taste in the love of God, this is the peace one experiences. Our Lord gives us His goods so generously that there is no heart on earth able to thank Him as He desires, what the Divine Master ... (missing text here?) 

Suffering perfects us and unites us to our Beloved. Our Lord watches over us with such kindness and generosity, He wants our happiness, He wants to give us His rich rewards.  Let us rejoice in the suffering on this earth, that our heart beats with joy, happiness and gratitude! Suffering is a little-known Treasure. If known, this Treasure would also become for us an immense source of comfort, happiness and joy. 

God is pleased to test us on earth, because he wants to see if we are true Christians ...
Our Lord never gives suffering or pains without rewards. When we have trouble on earth, we must always keep a joyful heart of recognition (of this). Suffering proves (or tests) peace and peace proves happiness. All the happiness consists in love of Our Lord and His Cross. We must suffer with a sweet and holy patience, because it is in suffering that is perfection. 

Perfection is an eminent virtue, a virtue that is pleasing to God ... The higher the flood of persecutions pass over us, the more God will love us and God will draw His Glory in our
pains ..

Our Cross of the earth is enriched with diamonds and pearls because we bear no irritation, because we carry them with calm, because we want only good for those who wish us harm. This thought, is it not capable to give courage to the soul?

Our souls are such a great price and are so dear to the eyes of God He loves them with a tenderness and kindness that can not be explained here below. Our adorable Lord, by creating our souls, made them with all His love, all His Goodness, but He wants our souls to love Him in return and that they give thanks for all the benefits He gives them in this life. .. . 

Walk with courage, do not worry about anything! Love God, serve Him faithfully. Walk in the way of the Cross with certainty, it is the Way of the Chosen, the Royal Way! I would still live on earth to suffer for the glory of my God!”


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Sunday 10 September 2017

#67 St. Vincent Ferrer - the PLAGUE of DEGREDATION - Pastors will be Punished by Scandal - Inner Peace Amidst Crosses

St. Vincent Ferrer visits Marie-Julie Jahenny - SOULS WEAKENED because pastors and ministers are INFECTED with the "PLAGUE OF DEGREDATION" - God is preparing the punishments but waits for sincere wills to return to Him - Pastors and Ministers will be PUNISHED THROUGH SCANDAL - A WARNING WILL BE GIVEN FIRST - God more comforted by single people living in the world who live the Faith rather than priests who fail in their duty in the care of souls - we know God is within us when we retain and feel peace within while amidst Crosses and Persecutions

Ecstasy August 5, 1878

“That,” he says, “is what comes (or, why it is that) souls today are much weaker than before. The faith of the Pastors is not entirely pure, because their charity is not single, it is accompanied by a kind of evil called the plague of degradation, it is the lack of charity, it is the lack of respect we should all have for each other since we are all children of the same Father and of the same Mother, the Blessed Virgin. 

God does not strike yet, He waits and in waiting, He suffers from all sides, but He prepares and He waits for a long time for the return of sincere wills.

 I begin by saying a word, it is this: if the Pastors and the souls entrusted with the painful responsibility of those souls created by God, (i.e. to lead souls to salvation through Catholic Truth) if they do not change, they do not conform in perfect faith, if they do not conform in charity ordained by God and order it especially (with regards) to themselves, God will soon make seen in and by them, a subject of scandal. This is how God is preparing. In the great surprise of His inscrutable designs, God will send them by His Divine Power, a serious warning that will be everywhere at once, it will be found even with those souls who have to follow the straight line given by the Pastors. 

God will strike in secret, He will strike in public for God complains for some time so strongly that it is impossible to understand the manner of these complaints as they are rigorous and mixed with justice.

 I pronounce this word which is very terrible, because God calls me, and God wills it. Here, at the foot of the Cross, I can affirm on behalf of God that God is a thousand times more comforted by the many souls who have no dependants, who living in the world are not in the priesthood but live well in their state. (I.e, single people who live the Faith.) God is a thousand times more comforted by this part than He is from many of his servants engaged in the painful paths of the direction of souls on Earth, I speak of God's ministers.  (i.e He is comforted more by those single inthe world who truly live and practise their Faith when compared with priests who fail in their duty and lead souls astray in the process.)

God cannot suffer for much longer so many injuries and so many injustices, so many infamies and so many veiled crimes. If you knew today how on earth how many iniquities there are veiled to the eyes of souls and the eyes of the body of this world, you would be in a terrible fright. God sees, God knows, God will judge. 

Take courage, they do not frighten us, but God's word will not be held back much longer, (i.e the promised punishments) mind this word. 

Oh! How sweet are the ways of the Cross when one has God as their Father and for support! What can we fear when we do the will of God and when we mind peace amid the waves of persecution and anguish? This is the true character of the operations of God in us, it is peace and the enjoyment of peace, it is the calm and courage that exist within us. I wish that all those who persecute God and His Cross, might know the peace and courage of the friends of the Cross because they are upset and confused, they would be in a kind of  astonishment which I will call an almost amazing and miraculous faith in midst of all this desolation. 

Courage and perseverance, God will accomplish it. God lets pass this effort, this terrible effort in a short time, His adorable Voice will pronounce an end and give to those who have suffered, the happiness of rejoicing in peace and in joy.  This is my last word that I extend to the victims
and to the faithful and devoted friends of Jesus.”


Notes: Sy. Vincent Ferrer (c. 1350-1418) A native of Valencia, Spain, he entered the Dominican Order at an early age and soon became the advisor of the King of Aragon and of the Avignon Pope, with whom he sided in good faith.  To heal the schism of the papacy he travelled through Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy, preaching pennance, working miracles and converting thousands, being endowed with the gift of tongues.  When it became clear to him that the Avignon party was not in the right, he turned his efforts towards bringing them into obedience under the ligitimate pope.  It was St. Vincent, who under God, was the primary cause of the cessation of the papal schism.  He died at Vannes, Brittany, France.  Feast Day, April 5.

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Saturday 9 September 2017

#66 St. John of the Cross - How to Suffer Well - Suffering a Sign God Loves Us - Importance of the Morning Offering

St. John of the Cross visits Marie-Julie: Love of the Cross Perfects Viritues Within - How to Suffer Well and not Badly - Suffering a sign God loves us and we are the friends of God - The Importance of the Morning Offering, it pleases God

Ecstasy dated July 11, 1878

“I am Saint John of the Cross. I come to say a word before you enter the Holy Novitiate. Love the cross, all carry the cross. Cherish the cross and we all take comfort in the Cross. It is the love of the Cross which perfects within us the beautiful virtues that the Lord wants to give us in His generosity.

Without the cross and without the tribulations, we must not rely on the supreme happiness, because happiness is in pain, in suffering, in the Cross, in persecutions in this world. The Cross is a valuable book, but so few know how to read (it).”

Marie-Julie: “It is true, good saint, but teach us.”

St. John of the Cross: “The Cross of the Divine Master contains all the lights and all the sublime riches. It is necessary to start our study there during (our) life because that is where the perfection of the soul begins. The more the Lord sends us pain, suffering in this world, the more He loves us, the more it brings us closer to Him, He caresses us more in His blazing love. The pains of the earth and all the miseries of life are infinitely precious merits before the Lord.  Many suffer on earth, but many suffer badly.”

Marie-Julie: “Teach us good saint.”

St. John of the Cross: “To suffer well is to procure the immense glory of peace, wealth, love on earth, the recovery of the bliss of repose of the soul. I also lived on earth in the midst of crosses and tribulations, but I was never weary, because I felt so great perfection, a tenderness of love in suffering, as if I could take all the suffering of the earth, I would have done so for my God. If you are the friends of God, you must expect to suffer. And you, the friends of God, He will help you, sometimes in His joy, sometimes His dear Cross on which He has suffered so much.”

Marie-Julie:“Thank you, good saint, this is good.”

St. John of the Cross: “It is a sure sign that God loves us when He makes us suffer on earth. He who does not suffer, is not the true friend of God. The Lord admits us (into) His grace, thank him. Remember that when we feel the pains of life, we experience His grace. When the Lord begins a work in which He wants His glory to break forth, he surrounds it first with persecutions, the cross, neglect, all kinds of penalties. This is the real charm of the Finger of God. It is necessary that one who is in the friendship of the Lord be tested, that everything in his soul is purified.”

Marie-Julie: “I always fear offending the Lord, teach us, good saint, what to do not to displease
Him in the smallest things

St. John of the Cross: “First, we must maintain humility, obedience, submission, love can say to the Divine Jesus: 'I offer you in advance what will happen, penalties, crosses, or love and joy,' that is the real way not to displease God, for all has been offered to Him in advance ...” (A reminder of how the Morning Offering each day pleases God!)


Notes: Saint John of the Cross was a great Spanish mystic and theologian who worked with St. Teresa of Avila in the founding of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1542-1591). He was canonized in 1726 and declared Doctor of the Church in 1926. His work in the field of mystical theology is authoritative. He studied with great precision, all stages of the ascent of the contemplative soul in its return to God. It is a long path of light and love, of painful purification and enlightenment gradually, resulting in the total and indissoluble union of the soul with God. Saint John of the Cross describes his personal experience which gives him an invaluable skill. His presence in La Fraudais should reassure those who still doubt the atmosphere of truth and obedience to the Church. He was just appointed to guide Marie-Julie in the ways of the Holy Novitiate. For several months she was taught by the Holy Spirit on the essential place of the Cross in the spiritual life of Christian souls on earth to heaven. (Biography provided by the Friends of Marie-Julie / SanctuaryWebsite.)


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Thursday 7 September 2017

#65 St. Francis de Sales - Christian Perfection - The "Persecution of the Enlightened" - and more.

Visit of St. Francis de Sales:  Christian Perfection requires Humility and Awareness of God's Presence at every moment - The "Persecution of the Enlightened" - How to Recognise if any Work is of, for and from God.

  Ecstasy of July 9, 1878

“I am St. Francis de Sales.”

Marie-Julie: “Yes, I saw you once, but long ago.”

Saint Francis: “Ah, good! It is I who have come today on behalf of the Lord. The peace of the Lord be with you! I wish the same to all children of God and of His Cross.”

Marie-Julie: “Many thanks, good saint.”

Saint Francis: “God created us on earth to love Him, to serve Him, to worship Him and to live in the union of His Holy Presence and His Peace. To rise in Christian perfection, we need two things: first humility, and second, the Presence of God at every moment.

 Humility is the safeguard of all virtues. Without this virtue, we cannot make progress in Christian life, nor in the advancement of Grace.

God communicates to us His light. He gives us His blessings because He wants us to return all to Him through these two great virtues. I tasted the Highest of God's love and I was admitted into the depths of His divine light. It is for us to understand the heights where God raises us. We can only understand them through the Light of God.  As long as our own light exists, (i.e an I - Me attitude,  self-interest, pride in self, etc,)  one should not think of making progress in virtue. This lower light needs to be extinguished and God replaces it with one of His divine lights.

I kept multiple lights at once that made me discern the pain and joy of many souls that I led by the Divine Light, from a distance. The Light of God, in our minds, brings to our own mind the conditions of pain and joy, which is in each soul. This discernment was not given to all the Fathers of the Church. God does what He wants. 

Christian perfection consists in a true love of God. The Love of God makes rapid progress in us, (I.e in the spiritual life), but do not put any obstacles to that love, if we want to rise in perfection.

I had much to suffer for this great Treatise on the Love of God; this is so difficult for the human
mind alone, (to understand by itself) that God must mingle this with His glory, that He wants us to develop in His greatness, His love and perfection.

Nothing can be acquired without suffering.

 I paid for everything and God sold everything dearly (An odd expression from the French, probably means all of God's graces came at a high price = suffering.)

There are ways to experience God that men can not define or understand. Why? Because our
mind is too attached to things of little value.

To understand this better:

- First: it is absolutely necessary that you must have a special gift.
- Second: the mind must be clear and fully detached from all things

- Third, the proper light of God is newly recreated in our minds for us to understand, and delve further into all the great ways to the degree in which they are found. It is difficult to look further into the Divine Ways, but it can be done with the help and power of God.

First I gave my mind, my thoughts, my memory, all to God. I sacrificed everything to Him and I said, "Lord, for Your own glory and for my humility, that I can perfectly distinguish the operations of each of your wonders worked in myself." I acquired this great grace by penalties as rough as martyrdom, by unbearable suffering (that) without the grace of God ...

How that our brothers and men of earth can figure not these graces appear for nothing! (Difficult / odd translation from the French, perhaps he means to say, 'How can men figure that all these graces
cost nothing?') I know what they cost me and I know what it costs to those who are destined to develop them.  I have not missed persecution, or slanders from all sides. But I can say it was a treasure of light for me because it was only when all these terrible persecutions (came) that I saw the desired light.

See how God tests with all sorts of troubles and tribulations. There came a time when, on the verge of the glory of God, I was everywhere overwhelmed by insults, outrages, to denounce me. I had a joy so complete, so perfect love, a peace so deep that I thought I already had the desired light.

 If we only suffered from ignorant people, it would be very little.  But to suffer from educated people, from people of integrity, of light. (I.e from those who should know and understand, for example, to be attacked by your own fellow priests and bishops when promoting God's work, etc.) This is called the PERSECUTION OF THE ENLIGHTENED. This is a merit infinitely large. All the strength and courage I had I found in the persecution by the bishops, from major prelates, which I received daily, denunciations of black and terrible accusations. All this only increased my faith and my love for God.

They strongly attacked me because I was giving advice to people who were far from me, but it was only by the light that God gave me. For all my trouble, I was corresponding with the soul far away from me. I understood and they understood me. Every pain and every love is shared between all the hearts that I had under my direction. That is what the Holy Spirit reported in a vision of the Holy Novitiate. This is nothing but a divine power and a direct permission of God. This is the true light, this is the perfect finger of God.

All the glories of God, if they are not pursued by people of both parties, (i.e the Church and the world)  they are not fully of God.

If the persecution of the works of God are not many, it is a sign that the work will not go long. (i.e a work that is truly of God and done for God's glory will meet with many setbacks and triublations.  If the road is 'too easy' it is a sign it won't go far, the work is not from God.)

I take proof from the great and illustrious St. Paul, who was caught up into Heaven. If the glory of God is not crossed, torn, exposed to all kinds of contradiction, this can not be purely the work of God. 

If you knew what I suffered to start the first convent! If we knew it would take courage and be armed with a boundless confidence. As soon as the walls were started, the man of God who had the right to govern me (i.e his superior) demolished it and it fell before my eyes. I was overwhelmed, insulted, covered with shame, by all the people following the man of power. I had to support a terrible struggle for the words I wrote on the Love of God and of Christian perfection.

When God wants to do great things, He puts a lot of seals of all kinds. He must also go through the Cross, go through the trials of this life before entering the glory that God has promised ..."


Notes: St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was canonized in 1665. Bishop of Geneva, he struggled against Protestantism that ravaged France and Switzerland. By his fiery preaching, he brought back
many lost souls to the fold. He was also a great master of the spiritual life. With Saint Jeanne de Chantal, of whom he was director, he founded the Order of the Visitation, and for the Visitines wrote his famous Treatise on the Love of God. Another of his works, "Introduction to the Devout Life" had a deep and lasting influence. This great saint was awarded the title of Confessor of the Church, for his zeal to proclaim and to love the Truth. He also received a Ph.D. for the soundness of his doctrine and the wisdom of his teachings. It seems he came several times "to visit" during the ecstasies, to advise and comfort Marie-Julie, who recognized and welcomed him with great respect. It is not always the case with the saints! At first, she is very suspicious because she fears to be deceived by an illusion, which is a credit to her care. The martyrs who come to prepare (her) for the Holy Novitiate must "show their credentials," which is sometimes quite touching in her direct simplicity! (i.e the Heavenly visitors to her had to prove who they were so she would not be fooled by the demon). This fear of being the victim of an illusion, human or diabolical, is the signature of a great experience for us and a guarantee (i.e. a safeguard for us). (In other words, she could recognise St. Francis de Sales' holiness immediately, and did not have to test him as she usually did to make sure it was not an apparition of a devil to trick her. Biography provided by the 'Friends of Marie-Julie  / Sanctuary Website.)


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#64 Revelations of the Life of St. Titus - The Secret of Sanctification

St. Titus, bishop and martyr, appears to Marie-Julie Jahenny - gives an account of his apostolate. He teaches us to observe his life: sanctification can only come through the Cross, through trials, sufferings and persecution.


Ecstasy date July 8, 1878:

“I am holy Titus, a disciple of the great St. Paul ... I have come to say a word before you enter the Holy Novitiate. (i.e. the Novitiate of the Love of the Cross, the mission to be entrusted to Marie-Julie Jahenny.)

I suffered a martyrdom of persecution everywhere on earth. I was roughly led by the great St. Paul. I lived in the desert for 33 years. I left early, leaving everything behind me, to follow the path that led me to this dreadful solitude. In the solitude of the desert you are not exempt of the pains and tests than when you live in the middle of the world.

I preached the holy doctrine of the Gospel under the dictation of the great St. Paul. I went through the cities and towns. I announced to the people the Word of God. I have been pursued, beaten, stoned by the obstinate people who looked upon God's Word like (it was) the word of Hell.

I lived on earth without money and without money, covered in miserable clothes, armed with my staff and my Cross. These were all my riches and my treasure.

I was, by obedience, subject to all that the great St. Paul demanded of my will. It was not until after his preaching that I announced the Word of God. Every day, it gathered us under its wings and taught us the great doctrine of God. Having preached and travelled the world, I suddenly felt inspired to leave the solitude and evangelical preaching, but I consulted with the great St. Paul, as I consulted him in everything, and he said, "No, the disciples must preach the holy Christian doctrine!"

So I obeyed and I was sent by St. Paul into the midst of the Luciferians (I.e, those influenced by Satan) where he himself had long preached. So I preached the love of the Cross of Jesus Christ. But I was overwhelmed with reproaches and insults. I remained on the pavement of th e streets, day and night, while I preached, because the people had a horror of us. I heard repeatedly in my ears that the Doctrine of God was foolish.

I suffered, I endured all pains, but I did not reject It. It was during the last years that I acquired the great love of the Divine Perfection, because I was becoming more and more exposed
to all contradictions. God then poured into my heart all kinds of benefits and He brought me into the depths of His ultimate secrets.

Meanwhile, I felt more and more the weight of my mission that overwhelmed me. I found no more taste. (I.e, the mission was distasteful.) Everything was more bitter for me than when I had experienced joy on entering. On leaving the Luciferians, I heard three times a voice saying to me: “Leave the preaching of the Gospel and the Cross. You will preach to a people as stubborn
as this one.” This frightened me a lot and shook me in the deepest parts of the soul. I consulted St. Paul again: "Stay still,” he said, “the time has not come. You are just starting to taste the suffering."

I was in fearful torment that God alone knew. I followed the orders of St. Paul and I embarked to another city just as hostile to God, the Gospel and the Cross. Upon entering the city, I heard once more the same voice that spoke to me. This divine voice floored me. I fell with my forehead on the pavement and asked God for His enlightenment to recognize Him. At once I saw an angel dressed in white who carried in his hand a white banner and showed me a gold writing on which I read: “You have preached enough on the doctrine of God and the Cross to this stubborn people, you will become a Bishop and will preach to another population as pagan as the first.”

When I read this sign, I became calm and I was reassured. The light showed me that God was calling me to this place. I consulted St. Paul again and he replied: "I had the same vision at the same time. You will go by the light of the Cross in the middle of this wild and obstinate people."

I lived in the city of Afra (in Crete) there from which came St. Chaffre, the ascetic hermit. In this large population I found great obstacles. I was consecrated bishop of this city at an advanced age and I lived there 19 years and 10 months where I finished my career. I had great persecution and  ribulation in this city. Every day during my preaching, they surrounded me with murmurs and curses. But God reserved a punishment for this ungrateful city. For a short time later, he sent many plagues, that soon put to death most of the population.

Moreover, in that city, I had enemies, my brothers, who have deserted me and reproached my solitude and called me a tramp and rider. (i.e he was even persecuted by his fellow priests). But God allowed that my holiness was made known and radiant. Most of my brothers in the priesthood became blind or became disabled in the most necessary members (of the body).

After the pain and had visited my brothers, God sent me to rescue them, and it was the saliva in my mouth that opened the eyes of my persecutors and revived their paralysed limbs. That is how I left (or overcame) the tests that were known only to God.

After these wonders, I preached the Doctrine of God and the Cross, and I converted many souls and went to God. My body rested in this town, but not in full, one part was translated in the
solitude by the great St. Paul.

(St. Titus's Lesson:) There is no way more necessary for us to comply with the example of our Divine Master than (by) the persecution of men. That is where I gained all, that raised me to the height of divine perfection. My whole life was gall and vinegar despite the divine pleasures. God has made me a martyr of interior trials and external sufferings, through the graces of the Cross I was detached from the earth and perfected ...”


Notes: the traditional biography of St. Titus (by the 'Friends of Marie-Julie'): Saint Titus was a  isciple of St. Paul who met him during his third voyage (55-58 AD) to Ephesus on the Aegean Coast. Having accompanied St. Paul in several of his apostolic missions, whom St. Paul calls his brother and his beloved disciple, Titus settled in Crete, appointed by the Apostle as Bishop of the island. This is where St. Paul wrote him a letter, which the liturgy gives us several extracts, especially on Christmas Day. He has the title of Confessor of the Faith, as he did much for the evangelization of the  Mediterranean. His name is often associated with that of St. Timothy, another travelling com anion of Paul named Bishop of Ephesus (now Turkey). He died a martyr for his opposition to the pagan cult of Diana.


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Wednesday 6 September 2017


St.Thomas Aquinas  appears to Marie-Julie Jahenny, prepares her for the 'Holy Novitiate' of the Cross. HEAVEN CANNOT BE GAINED WITHOUT THE CROSS.


(July 4, 1878)

“The peace of the Lord be in your soul, may that Peace be entirely within you, I am St. Thomas

Marie-Julie: “Oh! Good Saint, I've known you long time!”

St. Thomas: “I come from the good Jesus before the entry of the Holy Novitiate. I see with pleasure the great road of the Cross open.  Know for certain that there is nothing but suffering, humiliations and surrendering (of the will) that open this great way of perfection.

(St. Thomas): NO ONE WILL ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WHO HAS NOT  SUFFERED AND CARRIED HIS CROSS. We must carry the cross and suffer with Jesus. IT IS A NECESSITY ... The sufferings on earth are the first heaven of the soul; after the soul passes this paradise of tests, God opens another heaven when it sees Him, to worship and love Him more. It is necessary that the soul is completely purified and the mind is disengaged of all human thoughts, all love of the earth.

To enter the great way perfect, it is absolutely necessary to be tried, humiliated on the earth. THIS IS THE CLEARIST PROOF THAT GOD GIVE HIS TRUE FRIENDS TO DISTINGUISH THEM AND TO MAKE THEM HIS TRUE ADOPTED CHILDREN.

In the path of sublime elevation, the most certain mark of truth is peace of soul, and at the same time, peace in the continuously rebellious part of the human heart. Even if while on earth we would all have all the tests of St. Paul and other saints who rose to the highest levels of perfection, all these trials, all the storms of the enemy, we would not lose this peace of soul ...


Sometimes God allows trials, pains upon pains; it is then that our soul makes rapid progress towards divine perfection. The test is a safeguard and also a light and a defence for the soul ...”


Notes: St. Thomas is often called the 'Angelic Doctor' born at Roccasecca near Aquina, Naples c. 1226, he was educated by the Bendictines at Montecassino. He joined the then recently founded Dominicans, studied and recived his doctorate of theology in Paris, and from then taught that subject in Paris (1252-1262), Orvieto (1261-1264), Rome (1265-1267), Viterbo (1268), back to Paris (1269-71) and Naples (1272-1274). He died at Fossanova near Rome on his way to the Council of Lyons. Canonized in 1323 and declared Doctor of the Church in 1567, and later patron saint of Catholic universities and centres of study in 1880. He is the acknowledged prince of Catholic theologians, and his work 'Summa Theologica' is unrivalled as an authority in that branch of sacred learning. He was also a gifted poet, his hymns for the feast of Corpus Christi still being popular classical favourites in liturgical and extra-liturgical functions.


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#62 St. Bonaventure - True Friends of God Have the MOST CROSSES

Vision of St. Bonaventure to Marie-Julie Jahenny. His lessons on LOVE OF THE CROSS. He gives advice to the 'victims' - i.e. the faithful following Marie-Julie's visions in her time and her mission to spread the Great Work of the Cross. The message is also for future generations of 'victims' who continue her mission and who will suffer persecution and crosses, for the Glory of the Cross will bring about the restoration of Christendom.

(June 25, 1878)

“I am the messenger of God. May the peace of God be in your soul and in the heart of the victims. I am St. Bonaventure.

I come to speak a word with you. We are all in the Way of the Cross. We must all taste the Cross and savour It with delight. That the Cross is precious and few souls relish it! THE TRUE FRIENDS OF GOD ARE THOSE WHO HAVE THE MOST CROSSES. This mark must be a great consolation for them.

As for the victims and friends of the Cross, God predestined and destined great things and great graces (for them). Victims of the Cross go by another name. Our Lord calls the soul of the victims of the Cross, suns destined and designed for greatness, high, to a profound destiny, impenetrable and hidden from God. This is how He treats them: they are a hidden sun to the world and the earth, and known (only) to God and including the designs He has for them. It is necessary the victims of the Cross are broken, crushed. The tearing, breaking, they give God honour and glory that takes shape in the soul of the victims and gives them a large share in grace.

Victims of the Cross must be regenerated, they must shake off their first life to enter the Secrets of the Love of God, that is to say, that there must be a transformation in the soul, in strength, the resignation of the victims.

God withdraws the rays of His glory that marked His designs over the persecutors of the victims and He turns His grace onto the victims who suffer and are burdened under a load of pain but who are innocent.

Here is a word for the victims of the Cross. GOD GIVES TESTS THROUGH ALL SORTS OF PAINS, KNOWN TO HIM ALONE. For the victims there will be only one joy, it will be in contempt, insults and humiliations, that is were the glory of God (is). The victims have already entered these pleasures.

There are a lot of correspondences and lights (i.e. enlightenment) for them. God makes a mixture of pains with His tenderness and His love, and this mixture passes through the suffering parts of the victims. That is why they suffer quietly.

Those on earth who do not have neither cross nor pains are to be pitied. They do not enter the road to God, in the road where He spreads His graces and blessings.


That is why the victims are called to a high predestination. It is the Cross from which commences the predestination that God will complete. The Cross begins in all our work and God nourishes it, in us, by His Power. There is no work more worthy than the work of the Cross.

Our Lord, to accomplish all His grand designs and His great wonders, had the Cross first present in His mind. OUR LORD COMMENCED ALL WITH THE CROSS AND EVERYTHING ENDS WITH THE CROSS. I say this for the victims of the Cross. We all carry a cross in our souls, our minds, in our hearts. Which is more profitable?

They all are, but the most profitable operates the greatest work in the soul, for the soul is the mother and the source of all other parts that bear the Cross. That is why God loves to perfect us by the Cross.

The cross of our body is the most painful, most sorrowful, the most desperate. It is our body that is the cross. God, who wants to render this cross perfect, will be challenged. (Or, it is a challenge.) God will put forth His hand. He will polish, use the plane to make everything sweet and pure. This cross will be so polished that it will be like a gentle oil that is found perfect when you run your finger (through it).

We have much to suffer on account of the rebellions of the spirit, the revolt of the flesh that do not bend under the plane of God.

God is at work and at the same time, He prepares and opens the path of predestination and of  destination. I speak for the victims of the Cross: Perfection and destination in the glory of God, it costs much to reach the final degree of perfection, I know, I was there myself. But after this work, we are all God's.

ALL LEGIONS OF THE DEVIL ARE AGAINST US, armed with pikes and hooks made by hell, they are like lions devouring, they hate us and curse us.  But I smile with happiness to have seen you resist.

God in His love, rests and watches over you. So victims of God, if you are torn, it is that the devil has passed his rage into the hearts of those who insult you; do not be frightened, do God's work all the same. There is but one goal: GOD ABOVE ALL.”

Marie-Julie: “Bless me, good saint, you who so loved Jesus Christ in the Holy Tabernacle.”

St Bonaventure: “I will pray for you and for the victims.”


Notes: St. Bonaventure was born in 1221 at Bagnorea, near Viterbo. His baptismal name was John, but the name Bonaventure (good fortune) was given to him by St. Francis of Assisi who cured him miraculously when he was a small child as he exclaimed, 'O buona ventura!' At the age of 20 he became a Franciscan and a minister-general of the order at 36. He was nominated Bishop of York, but refused the honour. Finally, he was created cardinal archbishop of Albano in 1273. He died during the general council of Lyons. A disciple of Alexander of Hales and a friend and admirer of St. Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure is known as the "Seraphic Doctor" and was officially given the title Doctor of the Church by Sixtus V. Besides theological and philosohical works, he wrote ascetical treatises, and a biography of St. Francis of Assisi written with the aim of promoting unity among the Friars Minor. He died in 1274, and was canonized in 1482. He appeared several times to advise Marie-Julie Jahenny, who was a Tertiary of the Franciscans.


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#61 St. Alphonsus Liguori - The Love of Suffering - Our Lady's Sorrows

Vision of St. Alphonsus Liguori to Marie-Julie Jahenny. Importance on meditating upon the Sufferings of the Cross and Our Lady's sufferings, the Swords in Her Heart.

(March 26, 1878)

“I am Saint Alphonsus Liguori. I am here at the foot of the Cross of the Lord. Listen to my speech. The fruits and profit (thereof) will be for your soul and your heart.

Do you know this wonderful Book of the sufferings of our Lord?

This is a great Book, the Book of the Passion. Enter immediately into that celestial Science. IT CONSISTS OF THE LOVE OF SUFFERING.

You will find, in this Book, the strength of your soul and food for your heart. You will go into the great river of love and gentleness. (From) each of the adorable wounds of Our Lord you will come to know every day the heavenly Science of that Divine Book. OUR LORD COMPLAINS THAT HIS SUFFERINGS ARE NOT SUFFICENTLY KNOWN ...


Want to know a word of the pain and suffering of the Blessed Virgin? See her heart pierced by swords, the torments and all manner of martyrdom. Know well that we all have a place for every sword, because they make a place for the children she has adopted at the foot of the Cross, meditating on the Passion and the pain in her heart ... This devotion is so little known, they forget it every day.


Little sister, (i.e Marie-Julie) it is in the Science of Sorrows of the Lord and his Blessed Mother THAT THE PERSECUTED SOUL FINDS A SAFE SHELTER. This is where the Father of the Church, the Pope finds strength and power, first for his heart, and then to give all the hearts entrusted to him a balm of peace.

Little sister, as many wounds made to the Heart of the Blessed Virgin, are sources (of grace?) that result in the hearts of children of the Cross. The Blessed Virgin is powerful! SHE INVITES ALL THOSE SOULS THAT SUFFER TO COME FIND STRENGTH AND REST IN HER HEART, the WOUNDS OF HER HEART ...”

(End of Text)


Notes: Life of St. Alphonsus Liguori. Born near Naples of a distinguished family in 1696, he became a barrister, but soon abondoned this promising career and became a priest in 1726. He joined a  society of priests engaged in catechizing the peasants of the country districts, and this led him to the found the congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), an order which would imitate Our Lord by preaching in villages and towns. Its founding suffered many great trials, but after which it was approved in 1749. In 1762 an order of the pope forced him to accept the bishopric of Sant'Agata di Goti, which he held until 1775, when he was forced to resign due to ill health. He returned to live with the members of his own congregation, which was then a prey to schism and external opposition, another trial to undergo. Throughout all these years as a priest, bishop and religious, he produced a steady output of ascetical, theological and histrorical works, as well as much religious verse which he set to music, being always mindful of the vow he had made to God ~ to never lose a moment of time in idleness. He died in 1787. The Church proclaimed him a sure guide in moral theology. He was beatified in 1816, canonized in 1829, and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1871.
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* Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Holy Novitiate of the Cross -What is It? *

Not long after after Marie-Julie Jaheny's mystic gifts were increased by the addition of the 'mystic sun', (See #56 Marie-Julie Jahenny - Mystic Gifts are Increased - the Mystic Sun)  we find in the texts that come after how  she is prepared by her heavenly visitors to enter into what they call the "Holy Novitiate" or the "Holy Novitiate of the Cross". 

Many saints come to teach her heavenly lessons on  the true love of the Cross and how to enter that rich treasure of grace - for only by suffering and loving the Cross may a soul enter Heaven. It is through the Cross that the true friends and children of God are known.

The saints teach her through revelations of their own lives on earth how they embraced their crosses, and how their sufferings were transformed into merits and eternal riches beyond count or measure.

Marie-Julie had to learn this path too, for it was her great Mission  ~ Our Lord had specially chosen her as a mystic spouse and victim soul to spread the Great Work of the Cross as seen in the new name he had given her -  'Marie-Julie of the Crucifix'.

Our Lord explained earlier to  her that the Triumph of the Age of Peace would come through the Sacred Heart in France, but after it would follow the Victory through  the Great work of the Cross:

 The Sacred Heart speaks to both Margaret Mary and Marie-Julie (Oct. 27, 1877):

“Victim of My Sacred Heart (St. Margaret Mary) and you, victim of My Cross, (Marie-
Julie), you are not chosen for the same work.

Blessed Margaret Mary was chosen to publish the glory of My Sacred Heart, and you, you are
chosen to publish the glory of My Cross. She is the victim of My Sacred Heart, you are the
victim of My Cross.

The Work of My Cross is beautiful and grand, it will quickly follow the Work of the Sacred Heart.”

Marie-Julie's mission of revealing the Holy Novitiate of the Cross was to prepare for the future the days when Our Lord would begin to manifest his Divine Miracles as Our Lady declared to her November 5, 1878:

"My children, this way of the Holy Cross, the novitiate of love was opened by my Divine Son for a great cause, a great glory, to manifest His divine miracles, (i.e. the prophetic mission entrusted to Marie-Julie Jahenny) ... This path will be understood by the chosen souls that my Divine Son has called to His service."

(Click here to read about one of these chosen souls inspired by Marie-Julie Jahenny's mission of the Cross -  Ven. Madre Teresa de la Cruz of Peru, Foundress of the Canonesses of the Cross.)


A great part of Marie-Julie's Mission was to prepare the world for the coming of the Great Catholic Monarch of prophecy who is destined to restore Christendom as foretold by many mystics and saints: he would arrive amidst war and a host of miracles that will not be seen again until the Day of Judgement. This promised Great Monarch of France would triumph through the Cross (May 11, 1877):

"The Cross will defeat the greatest heroes (of the enemy).  They will bring it to the face of the enemy and it will give them (God's people) the victory ... You Christians, who will spend a terrible moment, take the Cross for support ...

When the elect King and Saviour of France (The Great Catholic Monarch) has seen the triumph of France, he will write everywhere “in hoc signo vinces;” by this sign you will conquer! (i.e. The sign given to Emperor Constantine.) France will be under the banner of the Sacred Heart, the Cross and Mary" (See more about Henry V, the chosen Great Catholic Monarch here.)

Sadly, Marie-Julie predicted during her lament for sinners (Jan. 2, 1874):

One day Our Lord will say: "I gave you examples, you do not want to follow. Yes, My Mission will be a great prodigy."  (i.e. a prediction people will not follow the examples given to them by this Great Mission of the Cross entrusted to Marie-Julie Jahenny, but it will be a prodigious work for the salvation of souls..)

In addition to all the stories the martyrs give her of their gruesome deaths, no doubt the lessons on the necessity of carrying one's cross as taught to Marie-Julie are some of the most difficult lessons in spiritual perfection revealed, it may seem discouraging, but the "Novitate of the Cross" was also meant to be a spiritual prepartion for the days of the chastisements, for before the destined Great Monarch comes, the earth must be warned and cleansed through war, persecution, bloodshed and the Three Days of Darkness. 

These 'lesson texts' of the "Holy Novitiate of the Cross" are also sublime examples for us and sources of consolation on how to enter that Great Victory - to learn how to love the suffering of the Cross and thereby become the Victorious children of God, now, and when the days of persecution come.



St. Pamphilus explained to Marie-Julie what the "Novitiate of the Cross" is and how we must ALL into enter into it:

"Live in God's love. Love is then at the foot of the Cross. Make the Novitiate of the Cross, Novitiate of peace, novitiate of love, cloister of Hope before making your profession in the Heavens, eternal profession. The Christian life is as the religious life. Before pronouncing final vows, (i.e.) the (final) profession, a religious should learn in a novitiate, like a good worker must first be an apprentice, then afterwards confirmed as a professional. In the novitiate, there again, is change. This refers to the old man who must make way for the new man in us all. In this we are all novices and have a lot (that needs to be) converted in us. The cross is made for that. The cloister is a place of silence and prayer, away from the busy world. The novitiate (i.e. the Holy Novitiate of the Cross) is a school of meditation. Enter the School of the Holy Wounds of Jesus Crucified, that is where we learn, that is where intelligence (i.e. spiritual wisdom) develops.  
To enter the Wounds of Our Lord means understanding that He loved us to that point. (I.e. He loved us to the point of enduring torture and agony.) He who, as God is unchangeable, wanted to show us in His suffering humanity evidence of the truth of His love: "I carved your name in the palm of My Hands and in My Heart."

And, in your development, this Truth becomes Divine because the flow of the grace of Our Lord gives life, qualifies, makes fragrant, converts and transforms... The Cross is the portion of God, it was then the portion the Saints, it is your portion! Cherish it, plant it in the most beautiful garden of your heart, that is to say, in the most beautiful place, the more ornate, the richest! ...


Also, St. Francis of Assissi revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny that God has reserved great graces of protection for the Friends of the Cross  who defend this Mission of the Cross:

September 17, 1878: "  The small number of Friends of the Cross is chosen and blessed. It is God who wills it. It is for him (the friend of the Cross, are granted) the most beautiful divine promises ... God said: "It is above you, over you and around you that I rest My adorable glance. I want you to be devoted to My designs. I choose you to support, to defend the beginning of My work. I place you up in My work as a solid pole. (I.e. as a pillar.) You will lean it up, you will support it, you will carry it on your shoulders, when it will be under the greatest threats ... "

THE LESSONS of the CROSS taught to Marie-Julie Jahenny begin with post  #61 Visit of St. Alphonsus Liguori - "The Love of Suffering",   click here to start


Having problems accepting and loving the Cross?  Don't fret!  Our Lord gave Marie-Julie Jahenny additional promises to the "Wound of the Shoulder" Devotion, which includes the new promise:

  • “I will give them a tender love for the Cross. I will come to assist them at the time of death, with this cross and I will introduce them into My Heavenly Kingdom.” (April 12, 1878)

Find out more about all the new promises, click here. 


 Prayer of Protection and Love of the Cross given to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

(It would be good to venerate / hold a crucifix as you say it).

“I Salute You, I Adore You, I Embrace You,
Oh Adorable Cross of My Saviour!
Protect us, guard us, save us!
Jesus loved you so much!
Following His example, I love You!
Your Holy image calms my fears,
I feel nothing but peace and confidence.”
