Showing posts with label Peace Amidst Crosses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace Amidst Crosses. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 October 2017

#85 St. Pantaleon - Without the True Faith Man is Always Unhappy – The Difference between Souls Influenced by God or Satan

#85 St. Pantaleon - Without the True Faith Man is Always Unhappy – The Difference between Souls Influenced by God or Satan

Ecstasy date October 1, 1878

I am Saint Pantaleon cruelly put to death for the Faith, for defending the rights of the Church. It is under those barbaric emperors I shed my blood. I was tortured severely. I was sentenced to death after suffering nine interrogations. I had always supported the right of God, and I kept my faith. I received my sentence by the Emperor and judges without fright and without fear. I had a kind of crucifixion terrible with pain and suffering. I had my legs and knees pierced by a sort of iron needle which had three branches. I suffered untold pain, my bones were crushed. In the other part of my body, this is what I had endured. My body was sawn into pieces with a iron saw whose teeth were very long and very sharp. I had my head split in two from the mouth. God gave me the grace to suffer a little less time than many other martyrs who have suffered the same fate. They threw my flesh to animals who refused to feed on it. They ordered to throw me into the river but the Will of God stopped those men. I was brought back (i.e. for burial) by colleagues who risked death in doing so, and I was buried in blessed ground because God saw to that.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear Brothers of the Cross, we are all in this life, the heirs of the glory of Heaven. That is why we must suffer in our souls and our bodies. You who have faith, dear brothers in the Lord, you should be happy! Because it is only in the Faith that makes the happiness of man. Without this Faith, man is always unhappy. God chose you for His instruments on earth. He needs you.

We all know, dear brothers, that all the works of God are traversed (i.e. crossed, as in persecuted), on the earth and exposed to the contradictions of men and the devil. But for us there is something easy to notice, it is that the souls who live for God and persevere in God ascend the degrees of patience and resignation in all the contradictions. Only souls led by God truly have such courage. The soul under the influence of Satan weakens soon, grows bored and rests as a mass of beaten dirt where it can neither hope, nor move, nor live because it is in a torment of despair, the torment of hell. This should reassure you. (i.e., these signs to tell the difference in the movements of the soul and detecting what comes from God should set us at peace.)  It's also a reminder we must never get discouraged when carrying our crosses!  In another vision we learn we displease Our Lord when we let our inner peace be disturbed!  See post

 #76 St. Abraham (of Kidunaia?) to learn more.)


Notes: St. Panteloen is venerated as one of the “Fourteen Holy Helpers”. Like several of the saints that visited Marie-Julie, St. Pantaleon has offered a correct account of his death, and thereby confirmed the assertion that many of the traditional details about his martyrdom are inaccurate legends.

St. Pantaleon, whose names means “the All-Compassionate”, was the son of a rich pagan, Eustorgius of Nicomedia, and had been instructed in Christianity by his Christian mother, Eubula. Afterwards he became estranged from Christianity. He studied medicine and became physician to the Emperor Maximinianus. He was reconverted to the Faith by the priest Hermolaus and afterwards continued to provide his skills as a physcian wihtout charge. Upon the death of his father he came into possession of a large fortune. Envious colleagues denounced him to the emperor during the Diocletian persecution. The emperor wished to save him and tried to get him to renounce his faith, Pantaleon, however, openly confessed his faith, and as proof that Christ is the true God, he healed a paralytic. Notwithstanding this, the emperor regarded the miracle as an exhibition of magic and condemned him.

According to the death-legends now shown to be false, Pantaleon's flesh was first burned with torches; upon this Christ appeared to all in the form of Hermolaus to strengthen and heal Pantaleon. The torches were extinguished. After this, when a bath of liquid lead was prepared, Christ in the same form stepped into the cauldron with him, the fire went out and the lead became cold. He was now thrown into the sea, but the stone with which he was loaded floated. He was thrown to the wild beasts but these fawned upon him and could not be forced away until he had blessed them. He was bound on the wheel, but the ropes snapped, and the wheel broke. An attempt was made to behead him, but the sword bent, and the executioners were converted. Pantaleon implored heaven to forgive them, for which reason he also received the name “All Compassionate”. It was not until he himself desired it that it was possible to behead him.

He died in 305 AD, apparently at Nicomedia. Feast Day, July 27.


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Wednesday 25 October 2017

#82 St. Pamphilus - ALL Christians called to Enter the Novitiate of the Cross - How to Bear Abundant Fruit in the Novitiate

St. Pamphilus - God's Enemies are Filled with Hatred more than ever before: Charity has been stifled in their hearts – Accept persecutions and sufferings from enemies WITHOUT RETALIATION, without defending yourself or murmuring – Persecutions become great treasure for us – Explanation of the Holy Novitiate of the Cross - To Enter the Holy Novitiate is to enter into the Wounds of Christ: He suffered for LOVE of us without complaint.

Ecstasy date September 26, 1878

I am Saint Pamphilus martyred under the sacrilegious Emperors for God and His Holy Name, for the holy Religion, for the consolation of Christians. It was in the prime of my age I suffered martyrdom before the judges of the Emperor. I defended my faith and the name of my God until the last moment of my painful martyrdom. I was laid on a rack of very sharp points on which I was gripped by wide bands of iron also spiked in all directions. I could hardly breathe on this instrument of torture. I had placed on me one day, a band of red-hot iron from the fire. Nothing is sweeter than to suffer when you do it for the glory of God! I was crushed, broken, ground, by these instruments of torture invented by malice and cruelty of men. I was then thrown in boiling oil. My body was nothing but one wound, my blood was mingled with this oil. Then I was hung on a tree forming a cross in front of a wall. There I was again tortured. I had my body pierced through and through with iron awls. The greatest pain was felt in my heart, when it was pierced through. Then I had my nails pulled out, my teeth broken, my eyes torn from their place. This is where I expired in pain and tortures.

My love for Jesus at Calvary was so strong that I wanted to suffer for years to pay for this recognition of happiness and love. I also had an ardent love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He was my support, my strength and my happiness. I was tortured like so many Christians who have won this crown. My martyrdom took place during the height of the persecutions of the Church.

Now a word on behalf of Our Lord.

In the past, our Lord had enemies, all (of) His had enemies, the Church had enemies. Today there are more. Today, the enemies of our God have no conscience, they no longer think, so to speak, no more heart. Hatred has stifled the charity of their hearts living in their bodies. Ah well! Dear Brothers of the Cross, be happy and cry with happiness, to have enemies (to help you) get closer to the One who wants to shower you with grace and happiness. Do not retaliate. Look at Calvary and see the Charity of Our Lord (ready to) break forth at any moment to engulf you, to consume you, to regenerate (in you) this Holy Charity that takes you and pushes you to do everything, to suffer everything, to endure everything for the God of Calvary. All the persecutions that must follow you from life to death, only increase your happiness to develop a knowledge of profound peace. And with that peace you glimpse the mysteries of the powerful goodness of Our Lord. Brothers and sisters, you can say at all times:

"We wear flowers, we breathe their fragrance, because at any time, we will suffer, at all times we will rise on persecutions."

This is your flowers and their fragrance! The fragrance of the persecution do not stop the clouds or the heavens. It goes to heaven to the feet of our Bridegroom on His eternal throne.

Dear Brothers of the Cross, take your nourishment in the Sacred Wounds of Jesus, in your dejection and your abandonment. Go to this divine meal. Come, you, souls that God has chosen for Him to win souls for Him, to present Him flourishing graces after your work, after your mission accomplished! What joy! What transports (of happiness) to have placed the souls around His eternal throne! Live love among thorns! How sweet it is to speak the language of love! This language draws on the cutting edge of thorns, the weight of the cross of God. Dear Brothers, study your sermons and conversations at the foot of the Crucifix and feel the sweet effects of love that has engulfed the Seraphim and Cherubim. On earth, brothers of the Cross, you are fed by a valuable and strong Food, it is the Food of our dear Spouse, it is His grace, His love, His tenderness. It gives you everything. It invites you to this Banquet. Go with happiness, go for strength, go where your soul will expand in this pure love that no creature can give. Your hearts will become fountains while your eyes were dug in their sources, that is to say, in tears.

Our heart, in this fountain, swimming, swims, overflowing with joy, but of secret joy, joy that is not known to mankind in the body, or in the miseries of the body. This joy is only known to God, of His Sacred Wounds. Why the secrecy? This is to make you earn, brother called by grace, to the participation and the distribution of wealth, property, of the glories of the Lord thy God! In this passage of time you all have to be like lambs being sacrificed on the Cross, without complaining, without murmuring, without saying, "My God, why this pain?" It is time for sacrifice, it is the hour when the Lord's sheep will be sacrificed by language, by the mind, by the vengeance from the enemy's heart.

The sacrifice is admirable. The sighs of your hearts repeats to God a song of love and thanksgiving. Why? Because you do not try to defend yourself, to apologize. You wear what you are given, you load on your shoulders the cross that they have prepared for you and is far from being fair, because they do not believe it just, nor justified in the righteousness of God. To the eyes of the world, in the eyes of your brothers, you appear guilty. (i.e. as a Christian following God's laws you will be made to be the criminal). Leave it be, leave it go, let yourself be despoiled of this first cloak. (i.e., Do not worry about what people say and think of you. Ignore human respect.) This is not the most beautiful, most perfect. It is probably the cloak that saves innocence, (i.e. the right to defend your good name) but it is not the cloak of innocence. (I.e. this right is not innocence itself.) This one is more hidden, they (your enemies) will not achieve it. (i.e. they will try and make themselves out to be the righteous and take away your innocence, but God and those with eyes that see know the truth.) What joy! Tremble with happiness and love, because you are called by the name of the martyrs, martyrs of patience, martyrs by submission, martyrs by charity and resignation, martyrs by the loving love, that is to say, by the love that loves God. Oh! Your portion is beautiful! Ah! If only those who cause your martyrdom knew your peace! …

Live in God's love. Love is then at the foot of the Cross. Make the Novitiate of the Cross, Novitiate of peace, novitiate of love, cloister of Hope before making your profession in the Heavens, eternal profession. The Christian life is as the religious life. Before pronouncing final vows, (i.e.) the (final) profession, a religious should learn in a novitiate, like a good worker must first be an apprentice, then afterwards confirmed as a professional. In the novitiate, there again, is change. This refers to the old man who must make way for the new man in us all. In this we are all novices and have a lot (that needs to be) converted in us. The cross is made for that. The cloister is a place of silence and prayer, away from the busy world. The novitiate (i.e. the Holy Novitiate of the Cross) is a school of meditation. Enter the School of the Holy Wounds of Jesus Crucified, that is where we learn, that is where intelligence (i.e. spiritual wisdom) develops.

To enter the Wounds of Our Lord means understanding that He loved us to that point. (I.e. He loved us to the point of enduring torture and agony.) He who, as God is unchangeable, wanted to show us in His suffering humanity evidence of the truth of His love: "I carved your name in the palm of My Hands and in My Heart."

And, in your development, this Truth becomes Divine because the flow of the grace of Our Lord gives life, qualifies, makes fragrant, converts and transforms... The Cross is the portion of God, it was then the portion the Saints, it is your portion! Cherish it, plant it in the most beautiful garden of your heart, that is to say, in the most beautiful place, the more ornate, the richest! ...


Notes: St. Pamphilus was a martyr of Asia Minor, a native of Berytus in Phoenicia. He studied at Alexandria under Pierius, and then settled at Caesarea in Palestine, where he was ordained priest. One of the greatest biblical scholars of his day, he fostered learning and protected all students. His household became famous for its practise of fraternal love, slaves and domestics being treated as sons and brothers. The historian Eusebius assumed the name “Pamphili” in gratitude for the favours received from St. Pamphilus. After years of imprisonment and repeated tortures, he was martyred under Galerius in 309 AD. With him suffered his deacon and ten companions. Feast Day, June 1.

The “Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary Website” offers the following commentary:

... Galerius hated Christians and was very cruel. He wanted to impose, in order to maintain unity in the vast empire that threatened to break apart, the same religion on all subjects, (that is), the worship of gods and the Emperor. From 295 the persecution raged in the army (the massacre of the Theban legion - 6000 victims, including St. Maurice and St. Exupère who refused to sacrifice to the gods). It was a "cleansing" of civil society. There successively appeared four edicts:

-Destruction of all the churches and sacred books
- Imprisonment of clerics
- Order the priests to sacrifice to pagan gods
-Order all Christians to sacrifice to idols and to worship the emperor

For the glory of God, many Christians refused to submit and were slaughtered by methods of "ethnic cleansing" that our twentieth century can not boast of having forgotten. It was not until the Edict of Constantine in the year 313 to stop such persecution in the East.”

These observations from the “Friends of Marie-Julie” are not misplaced, considering how Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints continually warned Marie-Julie about the coming trials and persecutions the Church would face, including martyrdom, pronouncing the Church will finally be liberated by a Holy Monarch who will bear the sign of the cross and declare like Constantine: “In this sign, you shall conquer,” ushering in the greatest era of the Church and the promised period of peace.


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Wednesday 18 October 2017

#76 St. Abraham (of Kidunaia?) - The Beginning of the True Love of God is Inner Silence and the Spirit of Detachment - God is Displeased When We Let Our Inner Peace be Disturbed

St. Abraham, Hermit – Perfection Gained by Spiritual Detachment – The Beginning of the True Love of God is Inner Silence and the Spirit of Detachment - God is Displeased When We Let Our Inner Peace be Disturbed

Ecstasy date September 10, 1878

I am Saint Abraham, Hermit. (Possibly St. Abraham Kidunaia) I am a solitary who lived in the desert and I am known here on earth. I come to say a word on behalf of Our Lord before entering the Holy Novitiate.

Let us all pray and do penance because today penances are rare, the pleasures are great. (I.e. the opportunity to do penance is not there as in the past and worldly earthy pleasures abound.) Consider our very short passage on this earth, and in this thought, we love God more. Let us love Him for those who do not love Him. Let us all be solitaries (i.e. hermits) on earth, that is to say, we enclose ourselves in the Love and the Secret of God. We live in this strength, live in the love that Our Lord gives us so generously. It is tender, it is extremely sweet to suffer on earth, especially when God allows the complete detachment of all things in order to be occupied with Him alone in our hearts and thoughts. If there is a life of happiness on earth, it is this, a detached life, a life all consumed in the Holy Will of God. In death our will will find perfect peace. If a soul is to serve God well, if it would love Him dearly and enjoy His tender Love, it will be detached, it separates itself from the frivolous love that exists on earth, I mean love in creatures. If we are to find the Creator, if we wish to talk to Him, if we want Him to be the only witness of everything we do, we must break the human bond that still prevents us from reaching the highest perfection. Why seek away from God, pleasure, happiness and satisfaction? Where are they to be found? Could there be a new source (for these things), after we we no longer live on earth?”

Marie-Julie: “Oh, no, good saint, there is no new source for that!”

St. Abraham: “Why do we find while in the maintenance of the world, (i.e., while they still live on earth) a kind of strength, courage and expansion? Because they are not entirely dead to the human creature. There is still a long way to go, there is a strong bond to break and our wills to master. How can this be done, if souls continue to do their own will? This is what happens. They climb in the beginning to a certain degree of progress. Once there, they have no more courage. It happens that the creature goes back, it needs a human support. At this degree, where they rest for some time rather than climb the mountain, sometimes they descend more strongly than when they climbed, thanks due to this kind of carnal love.” (I.e. attachment to the things of the world and people as a source of happiness and comfort keeps one from making progress in spiritual perfection.)

Marie-Julie: “Good saint, I did not know that it is like that.”

Saint Abraham: “It is a kind of love that God does not love because often it is not pure, it is imperfect, and they often believe that they see clearly when they see darkness. We are all (placed) on earth to love our Father, our Creator. He alone can no longer be enough? He alone is no longer as powerful as before? Since seeking far from Him to satisfy their heart is not in this love, they will look for a way to fortify and console themselves because the love of the creature is often a great depravity among souls who come together to console and strengthen themselves with a pinch of dust, since the creature is nothing but corruption and imperfection.

On the earth, our Divine Saviour, who so loved us, wants us to love Him. Let us retreat into ourselves and let us say this word that I have often pondered:

"What will it serve to have been satisfied, that I would use these hours without the Presence, without thinking of God? These are hours which are not counted, which are not marked among the number of merits."

When one lives alone with God, how happy they are! All worries seem to vanish because only God makes us so happy while we live, so to speak, in perfect love. All on earth was created to love us, to suffer and to relieve us. (Note: he seems to say here when were are completely attached to God alone, then we truly live in the world, but not of it, the earth then becomes as God intended for us, a means to perfection and not something to drag us down, as what happens when we become attached to things of earth first without God.)

Never has the number of ingratitudes been greater than today. One no longer loves to relieve his neighbour, they no longer like to do something to repair his attacked honour. Why? Because they are weak and that they are cowards and they still have an attachment that is not broken. (i.e. Ingratitude, slander, lack of charity are vices of weak cowardly souls that are still attached to the things of earth.)

We enter into silence, and most importantly, we move away from the noise of the earth to serve God, to taste how sweet it is to love Him on earth. This is the beginning of true love. Life is full of miseries, it is full of torments, pain and worry, we keep our peace in the midst of the biggest problems. It is a sign that God has dug in us, the beginning of the source of peace. We carry our crosses, more or less burdensome on earth and sometimes it happens that our crosses are frightening in their gravity.

(Next sentence is a rough translation: During our life, it is not that God weighs down our miserable body, the world is mixed there.) If while on this earth we are never perfectly tranquil it is because we sometimes see, sometimes we experience another pain that comes to crown the pain that (before) was moderate. Soon this trouble is so great that one can not measure it, explain it or understand it. Guard peace, let us be tranquil. God watches over us. God protects us and helps us by His grace and His love. Keep the peace, it pleases God. By disturbing His peace, you displease God … (I.e. no matter how great they are, let no troubles, sufferings or anxieties disturb your inner peace gained by the spirit of detachment.)

Let us obey God as He is leading us, who commands and who orders us... The victims of the Cross have to bear the Cross. Is it not the richest, most beautiful, the most in loving? Why do they (the victims) need anything else, when God gives them a rich treasury overflowing on all sides? The Cross is to be their union, their companion, their rest, their support, consolation, their hope and their home on earth.”


Note: this must be Abraham Kidunaia (d. c. 366) as the Rev. Alan Butler wrote the following description of him in his “Lives of the Saints” Vol 3. (1866) which corresponds with his message to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

St. Abraham converted his desert into a paradise, because he found in it his God, whose presence makes Heaven. He wanted not the company of men, who enjoyed that of God and his angels; nor could he ever be at a loss for employment, to whom both the days and nights were two short for heavenly contemplation. “Whilst his body was employed in penitential manual labour, his mind and heart were sweetly taken up in God, who was to him All in All, and the centre of all his desires and affections. His watchings were but an uninterrupted sacrifice of divine love, and by the ardour of his desire, and the disposition of his soul and its virtual tendency to God, his sleep itself was a continuation of his union with God, and exercise of loving him. He could truly say with the spouse, I sleep, but my heart watcheth. Thus Christians, who are placed in distracting stations, may also, if they accustom themselves, converse interiorly with God in purity of heart, and in all their actions and desires have only his will in view. Such a life is a kind of imitation of the Seraphim, to whom to live and to love are one and the same thing. “The angels,” says St. Gregory the Great, “always carry their Heaven about with them wheresoever they are sent, because they never depart from God, or cease to behold him; ever dwelling in the bosom of his immensity; living and moving in him, and exercising their ministry in the sanctuary of his divinity.” This is the happiness of every Christian who makes a desert, by interior solitude, in his own heart.”

About St. Abraham's life, Rev. Butler wrote:

St. Abraham was born at Chidana, in Mesopotamia, near Edessa, of wealthy and noble parents, who, after giving him a most virtuous education, were desirous of engaging him in the married state. In compliance with their inclinations, Abraham took to wife a pious and noble virgin: but earnestly desiring to live and die in the state of holy virginity, as soon as the marriage ceremony and feast were over, having made known his resolution to his new bride, he secretly withdrew to a cell two miles from the city Edessa; where his friends found him at prayer after a search, of seventeen days. By earnest entreaties he obtained their consent, and after their departure walled up the door of his cell, leaving only a little window, through which he received what was necessary for his subsistence. He spent his whole time in adoring and praising God, and imploring his mercy. He every day wept abundantly. He was possessed of no other earthly goods but a cloak and a piece of sackcloth which he wore, and a little vessel out of which he both eat and drank. For fifty years he was never wearied with his austere penance and holy exercises, and seemed to draw from them every day fresh vigour. Ten years after he had left the world, by the demise of his parents, he inherited their great estates, but commissioned a virtuous friend to distribute the revenues in alms-deeds. Many resorted to him for spiritual advice, whom he exceedingly comforted and edified by his holy discourses.

 A large country town in the diocese of Edessa, remained till that time addicted to idolatry, and its inhabitants had loaded with injuries and outrages all the holy monks and others who had attempted to preach the gospel to them. The bishop at length cast his eye on Abraham, ordained him priest though much against his will, and sent him to preach the faith to those obstinate infidels. He wept all the way as he went, and with great earnestness repeated this prayer: “Most merciful God, look down on my weakness: assist me with thy grace, that thy name may be glorified. Despise not the works of thy own hands.” At the sight of the town, reeking with the impious rites of idolatry, he redoubled the torrents of his tears: but found the citizens resolutely determined not to hear him speak. Nevertheless, he continued to pray and weep among them without intermission, and though he was often beaten and ill-treated, and thrice banished by them, he always returned with the same zeal. After three years the infidels were overcome by his meekness and patience, and being touched by an extraordinary grace, all demanded baptism. He staid one year longer with them to instruct them in the faith; and on their being supplied with priests and other ministers, he went back to his cell.”


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Wednesday 13 September 2017

#68 St. Thomas Aquinas Returns - Sufferings Perfect - True Happiness - Peace Amidst Sufferings

St. Thomas Aquinas visits again - Suffering perfects a soul and unites it to God - Suffering a Little-Known Treasure - Suffering is Never Without Reward - Suffering with Inner Peace gives us True Happiness - God Tests through Sufferings to see if we are True Christians - Perfection a Great Virtue Beloved of God and Attained through Suffering -  How to Be Peaceful Amidst the Cross -

Ecstasy August 8, 1878

“I wish you peace, I wish that peace be in your soul in your heart, in your mind.”

Marie-Julie: “It's St. Thomas Aquinas, He is radiant with glory at the foot of the Cross. He
said to me:

'It is I who come to say a word on behalf of the Lord, at the entrance of your Holy Novitiate. 

God created us to love Him and serve Him. All happiness is to love God, and all the joy you taste in the love of God, this is the peace one experiences. Our Lord gives us His goods so generously that there is no heart on earth able to thank Him as He desires, what the Divine Master ... (missing text here?) 

Suffering perfects us and unites us to our Beloved. Our Lord watches over us with such kindness and generosity, He wants our happiness, He wants to give us His rich rewards.  Let us rejoice in the suffering on this earth, that our heart beats with joy, happiness and gratitude! Suffering is a little-known Treasure. If known, this Treasure would also become for us an immense source of comfort, happiness and joy. 

God is pleased to test us on earth, because he wants to see if we are true Christians ...
Our Lord never gives suffering or pains without rewards. When we have trouble on earth, we must always keep a joyful heart of recognition (of this). Suffering proves (or tests) peace and peace proves happiness. All the happiness consists in love of Our Lord and His Cross. We must suffer with a sweet and holy patience, because it is in suffering that is perfection. 

Perfection is an eminent virtue, a virtue that is pleasing to God ... The higher the flood of persecutions pass over us, the more God will love us and God will draw His Glory in our
pains ..

Our Cross of the earth is enriched with diamonds and pearls because we bear no irritation, because we carry them with calm, because we want only good for those who wish us harm. This thought, is it not capable to give courage to the soul?

Our souls are such a great price and are so dear to the eyes of God He loves them with a tenderness and kindness that can not be explained here below. Our adorable Lord, by creating our souls, made them with all His love, all His Goodness, but He wants our souls to love Him in return and that they give thanks for all the benefits He gives them in this life. .. . 

Walk with courage, do not worry about anything! Love God, serve Him faithfully. Walk in the way of the Cross with certainty, it is the Way of the Chosen, the Royal Way! I would still live on earth to suffer for the glory of my God!”


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Sunday 10 September 2017

#67 St. Vincent Ferrer - the PLAGUE of DEGREDATION - Pastors will be Punished by Scandal - Inner Peace Amidst Crosses

St. Vincent Ferrer visits Marie-Julie Jahenny - SOULS WEAKENED because pastors and ministers are INFECTED with the "PLAGUE OF DEGREDATION" - God is preparing the punishments but waits for sincere wills to return to Him - Pastors and Ministers will be PUNISHED THROUGH SCANDAL - A WARNING WILL BE GIVEN FIRST - God more comforted by single people living in the world who live the Faith rather than priests who fail in their duty in the care of souls - we know God is within us when we retain and feel peace within while amidst Crosses and Persecutions

Ecstasy August 5, 1878

“That,” he says, “is what comes (or, why it is that) souls today are much weaker than before. The faith of the Pastors is not entirely pure, because their charity is not single, it is accompanied by a kind of evil called the plague of degradation, it is the lack of charity, it is the lack of respect we should all have for each other since we are all children of the same Father and of the same Mother, the Blessed Virgin. 

God does not strike yet, He waits and in waiting, He suffers from all sides, but He prepares and He waits for a long time for the return of sincere wills.

 I begin by saying a word, it is this: if the Pastors and the souls entrusted with the painful responsibility of those souls created by God, (i.e. to lead souls to salvation through Catholic Truth) if they do not change, they do not conform in perfect faith, if they do not conform in charity ordained by God and order it especially (with regards) to themselves, God will soon make seen in and by them, a subject of scandal. This is how God is preparing. In the great surprise of His inscrutable designs, God will send them by His Divine Power, a serious warning that will be everywhere at once, it will be found even with those souls who have to follow the straight line given by the Pastors. 

God will strike in secret, He will strike in public for God complains for some time so strongly that it is impossible to understand the manner of these complaints as they are rigorous and mixed with justice.

 I pronounce this word which is very terrible, because God calls me, and God wills it. Here, at the foot of the Cross, I can affirm on behalf of God that God is a thousand times more comforted by the many souls who have no dependants, who living in the world are not in the priesthood but live well in their state. (I.e, single people who live the Faith.) God is a thousand times more comforted by this part than He is from many of his servants engaged in the painful paths of the direction of souls on Earth, I speak of God's ministers.  (i.e He is comforted more by those single inthe world who truly live and practise their Faith when compared with priests who fail in their duty and lead souls astray in the process.)

God cannot suffer for much longer so many injuries and so many injustices, so many infamies and so many veiled crimes. If you knew today how on earth how many iniquities there are veiled to the eyes of souls and the eyes of the body of this world, you would be in a terrible fright. God sees, God knows, God will judge. 

Take courage, they do not frighten us, but God's word will not be held back much longer, (i.e the promised punishments) mind this word. 

Oh! How sweet are the ways of the Cross when one has God as their Father and for support! What can we fear when we do the will of God and when we mind peace amid the waves of persecution and anguish? This is the true character of the operations of God in us, it is peace and the enjoyment of peace, it is the calm and courage that exist within us. I wish that all those who persecute God and His Cross, might know the peace and courage of the friends of the Cross because they are upset and confused, they would be in a kind of  astonishment which I will call an almost amazing and miraculous faith in midst of all this desolation. 

Courage and perseverance, God will accomplish it. God lets pass this effort, this terrible effort in a short time, His adorable Voice will pronounce an end and give to those who have suffered, the happiness of rejoicing in peace and in joy.  This is my last word that I extend to the victims
and to the faithful and devoted friends of Jesus.”


Notes: Sy. Vincent Ferrer (c. 1350-1418) A native of Valencia, Spain, he entered the Dominican Order at an early age and soon became the advisor of the King of Aragon and of the Avignon Pope, with whom he sided in good faith.  To heal the schism of the papacy he travelled through Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy, preaching pennance, working miracles and converting thousands, being endowed with the gift of tongues.  When it became clear to him that the Avignon party was not in the right, he turned his efforts towards bringing them into obedience under the ligitimate pope.  It was St. Vincent, who under God, was the primary cause of the cessation of the papal schism.  He died at Vannes, Brittany, France.  Feast Day, April 5.

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