Showing posts with label Prophecy: Marie-Julie Jahenny will be found incorrupt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophecy: Marie-Julie Jahenny will be found incorrupt. Show all posts

Sunday 18 April 2021

#212 Continuation: Sanctuary of the Cross – Prophecies: Marie-Julie Jahenny will be Incorrupt – No One Will be Killed during the Construction of the Sanctuary – Members of Her Family Will Also Die before the Work Starts




Continuation of the Sanctuary of the Cross revelations taken from various dates and times.


(May 4, 1877)

Our Lord: “I break the tip of the thorns, My Victim . Do you know why the small white flowers bear so many graces (where) they flower? There will be no hindrance in these graces. At your death, the Cross, at your resurrection, a great establishment. Already the three victims have made a long (extensive?) work. Others will join them with tears of joy and happiness. (i.e. this seems to refer to Marie-Julie, her father confessor Fr. David who was also a victim soul, and to one other person who was the beginning of Marie-Julie's mission. Others will follow in the work of the Cross.)

Our Lord: “Tell My servant from Me that your sleep in the breast of your mother earth will not be long.” (i.e. this seems to be a direction to tell her father confessor that she would not be long laid in the earth after her death.)

The Divine Father (God the Father):

O My Son, You have thought of the new Mission of the Cross that will be established among the troubles of the storm. I also hope to have a small part in the Mission of the Cross.

My Son, You will have a large number of works, I want them under My guard. I will cooperate in this mission.”

Our Lord (to Marie-Julie):

Since I have started a great mission and that I have revealed My secret for four years, I have marked this little corner of My gifts. To show that you are all of Me, I will protect your body even in the breast of the earth.” (A prophecy Marie-Julie's body will be incorrupt?)


(May 8, 1877) – Marie -Julie Jahenny is the simple country child Our Lord has chosen for this Mission of the Cross. He visited other souls and found them wanting before He chose Marie-Julie for the work.

Our Lord to Marie-Julie: “Here, where you are, will be found the source of the Cross. The walls of your cell will fall, the stones will be transported; new stones will build Me a Sanctuary and there, will remain humility and poverty. Hear the names of My Victims and of the Sanctuary of the Cross. My Ministers dedicated to the Cross will begin this great mission, they will be called the Fathers of the Resurrection of the Crucifix (or, the Fathers of the Crucifix of Resurrection depending on how this is translated). This here is the source of My graces, the source of My Cross. This is where My Cross will rise by a simple country child. Oh! If your family knew / the designs I have over her, as she is modest and restrained in all; How she acts towards everyone with prudence. If the villagers knew the value of your poor cottage.

I intended to do a Work through the Cross. I visited many souls; I saw their frivolity, two doors opened, one for Me, the other for Satan. And I left them.

I spoke to you, it will be your house for the Sanctuary, one of the most revered of the century. I can give a great blessing to this land. The earth that you did trample, will be trampled by very respectable people who have trodden well the ground of Rome where the Pope lives. My Victims are not disquieted about from where will come their support. I will provide everything, I will send them the treasures that come from My Adorable Hands. My victims will lack nothing. They are like your family, they will not have gold but grace that is the richest of treasures.

When that Sanctuary will rise, already there will be several members of your family that will follow you. (i.e. members of Marie-Julie's family will also have passed away before the Sanctuary is built.) Your family will leave this roof: This place will belong to the Cross.

Later, little brothers and little sisters will take shelter under the wing of the Cross. It will be their education and their salvation! The Cross will come upon the earth when the Dove (Holy Spirit) will be sated with persecutions. Dove, you were chosen by Me. When My Cross will be as light as a breath, you will spread your wings and you will carry it in solitude, and this solitude will be changed into a place well frequented.”


(October 27, 1877)

St. Margaret Mary said to Marie-Julie: “Little Sister, Heaven can be bought only by suffering.”

Then Our Lord added: “The Work of My Cross is beautiful and great. Also, it will rise in glory. It is powerful and immense, it will quickly follow the Work of the Sacred Heart.”


The next text starts with a note from the “Friends of Marie-Julie Association”. It was foretold the Sanctuary would have a path leading to it with fourteen stations of the Cross, and it appears some local priests were wondering how the fourteenth station would be laid out or place. It appears this vision told them.

(The Association): In the ecstasy of February 9, 1878, collected by Mr. Hermary and Father Guitteny, pastor of Gâvre, it is discussed at length the question of a cross path where the fourteenth station will be found at the Sanctuary. A few days later, Father Guitteny attended an ecstasy when there was still a question on the Sanctuary. When the ecstasy finished, the priest of Gâvre described the plan of the future Sanctuary on the indications of Marie-Julie:

Here we are, My children, in this boat of the Cross.(i.e., Our Lord shows the symbolical image of a boat, possibly an 'ark' representing His Sacred Heart)

This is the entrance to the Sanctuary; here is where I have raised for you a large house of love, contrition, conversion. To the right of us you will see the chosen Victims to conduct this Work through the pitfalls.

My children, do not be surprised if the trials are large, it is (because) the Work is great. This is where I want to live among you. This Sanctuary will cost much, but it will not cost anyone's life.” (i.e., no one will be killed while working on its construction.)

Our Lord then addressed the first victim (i.e. one of the victim souls connected with this work) and said:

Rest on My Heart, give me your mind /spirit and tell Me how your faith has grown.”

Our Lord puts him on His Heart, His Chalice of Love, saying again:

You have drunk many times that bitter cup, tell Me, first Victim, that which you said to My Heart in that deep silence when your tears flow.”

The first Victim responds (apparently Marie-Julie as she is the foremost victim in the work is often referred to as the 'victim'.):

My sweet Jesus, my heart has a sweet repose. I thank You and accept Your Heart, anything that You want.”

Our Lord continues:

Love will now be her rest, her gentleness, her life in all her pains.”

The first Victim is rising, Love has awakened her heart, all her troubles are forgotten.”


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TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny