Sunday 24 June 2018

#125 The Conversion of the Jews and the Great Monarch – Rome will be Terrorized for Three and a Half Years

January 18, 1881

Our Lord: "In My eternal wisdom, I intend to reserve the life of an immense number of Jews, because I want to confound them on the day of My rejoicing. The blasphemous eyes of all those souls will be opened because I want them to see My power. I reserve for them that they see with their own eyes the radiant star that I will lead out of exile (the Great Monarch) in a frightful storm of fire and under the sign of My anger...."

(Observations: according to Catholic teaching, the Jews will convert at the end of time just before the Second Coming of Christ. Our Lord confirms this teaching to Marie-Julie Jahenny, the 'day of His rejoicing' is an obvious reference to His Second Coming, and explains that the chastisements and the arrival of the Great Catholc Monarch will be instrumental in their conversion near the end.

The Jews that formerly rejected the revelation that Jesus truly is the promised Messiah will see by the punishment of the earth and the signs accompanying the Great Monarch that Christianity is indeed the True Faith.   However, it is quite possible even after all of these signs, many Jews will not yet convert until the very end, for even Our Lord says the king will come under a 'sign' showing His Anger, seemingly as if all of this will still be for nothing.  The Douai-Rheims Bible notes that Elias at last will be sent to convert hardened Jews in the End times. (Malachias 4). 

 (Also see post # 139 The Jews Will See Signs of Terror in the Sky When the Great Monarch Arrives)


January 25, 1881

The poor Eternal City (Rome) will be delivered, during three and a half years, to a continual terror."

(Observations: no further explanations are given. Whatever the punishment will be, it will cause terror without a respite for three and a half years in Rome.)
