#84 St.
Michael – the “Pillar of Mud” Prophecy – Terror must befall
France – the Return of the King
(Note about
these particular visions of St. Michael: the
texts for this date (September 29, 1878) have been separated, it is
difficult to tell if they are all part of the same vision, or various
visions at different parts of the day. Please note, owing to the
difficulty of establishing a correct time line, they may not be in
the correct order.)
Michael grabbed his sword and showed the crowd the Sacred Heart. A
terrible cry rises. Men and demons seem mixed: we can no longer
distinguish the voices of Christians from that of hell.
“Saint Michael, what frightening screams!”
archangel approaches from the left with the fluttering banner of
the Sacred Heart. The cries are
screams: “There is the one who promised to close over us the doors
of the abyss!”
are murmuring and spit in the face of the Archangel. He then turns to
the right:
speak,” he says, “listen to my voice. Death is on your heads. The
fatal blow is ready. Look at the Sacred Heart that will be your
right side, (of the crowd) which is as bad as the left, responds:
to be enveloped in the Justice of Christ than to recognize His
Does this refer to all
the times when the various governments of France rejected Christ's
request through mystics such as St. Margaret Mary to have an image of
His Sacred Heart placed on the royal standard?)
hour of God is not far,” says St. Michael, “this profound terror
will (bring about) the triumph of the new France. But this triumph
cannot come before (if) Justice is not (pressed down) on this rotten
not expect anything of him who reigns as king and who, today, sits in
the same chair as the others – a chair that bears no mark of a
special power or much grander. His mind is in accordance with the
thoughts of others, his word to their word, his will to their will.
His power and authority are not more than he who is the last. Do not
expect anything from this side: he does not deserve any more respect
than all the rest.
the storm, his voice will cry as loud as the others, against all that
God has established. There is no strength in him; they lead him,
they have
directed him. This is the portrait of this
man; he is a pillar of
mud. Grieve about it, but do not give it much thought.”
“I will not think about it, good Saint Michael.”
Michael: “To reinstate the King chosen and destined by God, it is
necessary that all those who are present be swept away.”
on this first text:
is interesting to note that the voices on the right in the vision who
prefer Christ's Justice,which seem to represent conservatives, show
that they are just as bad as those on the left. Besides salvation
and damnation, only in politics do we hear of a “left” and
“right” side, terms that first started in France when conservatives and liberals seperated into different sides of the National Assembly. People will be “conservatives” in name only during this time foretold by St. Michael?
speculate this prophecy of a 'pillar of mud' refers to none other
than President Nicolas Sarkosy.
father was from the Hungarian aristocracy, his paternal ancestors
were ennobled by Ferdinand II of Hapsbourg in 1608. Of interest,
“Sar” and “Kos” in Hungarian mean “dirt” and
“mud” respectively. ‘Sar’
can also mean ‘mire’, while ‘sark’ means ‘pole’!
Sarkozy was raised Catholic, and it might be tempting to think he
could be the one to bring back a Catholic monarchy, or some type of
moral government, but considering President Sarkozy was married a
third time, completely against Catholic teaching, we can see the
similarities in the prophecy, if it indeed refers to him.
Michael warns he is a “pillar of mud” that rules like a king,
i.e. a “pillar” of society, but not pure. As they saying goes, a
man of clay. He is no better than the “others”, his voice will be 'their' voice indicating he will be a puppet for the evil ones that will try and undo all God has established, and that his
chair is not high and noble like that of a king's throne, obviously
referring to his leadership as President in a liberal, secular
democracy. In fact, the French do not view their presidents simply as
elected officials, they are viewed and treated as an elected 'king',
but obviously, St. Michael is pointing out their error in thinking
St. Michael says we, as Catholics, cannot expect anything from him,
and must wait for God to restore France to its former Catholic glory
under its rightful monarchy.
Two of St. Michael's revelations (September 29, 1878):

France, look at my flaming sword. It is a double iron, it is
sharpened on all four sides. Do you not tremble to undergo such an
operation by these sharp blades, this flaming sword? But France is
muted. She is become (as one) deaf to the plaintive words addressed
to her. She has no more (than) one understanding, (i.e. one mind), that
of evil, sin and revenge, because day and night they blow over her
their abominations and the belief that she will be saved by the power
of these unfortunate treacherous murderers, of those who have
tortured, torn, lost. It is they who bear that frightening horn (i.e.
a cornocopia?) that contains everything most hellish of Satan.
I say it openly, if God had not promised to save France, all these
people would be grieving, but the promise of God is to strengthen you
and reassure you. You have no fright to fear because you are promised
God's help. This region, your regions, will be protected, separated
from France in danger of perishing. (i.e., Brittany
and the Vendée will be spared.)
God will save France, but not without justice, or without rigour, it
is promised. France will be saved sooner than the majority think -
this great party (or majority), it is men who do not trust in God and
do not hope in God. France endured in the past few years a burning
thirst, but God in His loving mercy has sent suffering on Earth so
that, thereby, He is compensated. France still suffers yet this
thirst, but it will be refreshed in the blood of its friends and in
the blood of its enemies; that is to say that innocent
blood will be shed for the cause and for another cause higher again,
and the blood of the wicked will also be provided to meet the wrath
and vengeance of God.
hand of God no longer is sustained. So, the Father Almighty
has presented the Hand of His son to the Earth because of the crimes,
the iniquities piled like mountains one on top of each other. The
hand of God weighs down slowly and gently to a certain degree which
was recorded by the friends of God in (the) revelations, but when
this point is passed, and the Lord's hand touches, He will strike
rigorously. God will wait the time He has marked. There, it will not
be a long time, everything will be done without the French people
(who will) acknowledge God and will return to better dispositions. It
will be a terrible epoch that the Earth has never seen (before); no
eye, nor any alive, or dead, have seen what is reserved in this next
time; no punishment, no anger will ever be seen as the one reserved
to be seen by the children of God living in this era of offences and
attacks. That punishment will be seen by the eyes of the children of
God (but) who will not suffer the terrible revenge; it will be seen
by those who must endure it but seen by them shortly, (or
for a short time). Their eyes will
see a pain that they wished they were closed, never to reopen. (I.e.
they will envy the dead.) Oh! if the wicked knew well to penetrate
the Justice of the Inexorable Judge,
they would shudder, they would gémiraient (groan?) from fear and
who will see, do not be troubled, for you are destined to see what
those who lived centuries before you have never seen. Remember the
promise of your merciful Redeemer.
I say to you strongly and lovingly to hope in the mercy of God.
hour of God is not far and this profound terror must be to (bring
about) the triumph of poor France. For it cannot triumph, it is
impossible, (that is), this triumph cannot come before the Justice of
God is weighed down on this spoiled land, corrupted, infected with
all sorts of crimes.
want to tell you this secret: expect nothing, absolutely nothing of
men. To restore the King chosen and destined by God,” says St.
Michael the Archangel, “it is necessary that those who are
in (this present) moment are swept away because
the worthy King, this man of God, can not sit in place of the
hypocrite king who after many
years (of rule?) will no longer stench up the land, at least from
above .* (See
note below.) The poison is resting on the throne, it
must be purified because there is another St. Louis who will sit on
the fragrant lily.
Holy Archangel says:
corpses of the enemies of the king will be trampled under the feet of
those who will accompany him to the throne where he must reign,
restoring peace to bloom everywhere again, however, there will remain
enemies standing when the king will take possession because he must
come in during the course of the storm. But he will be brought safe
and sound because the Mother of God will protect him as her own son
and has reserved for him to inherit a merited crown that will delight
him. The days of exile will be long and cost dearly to the faithful
and Catholic King, but he will be more richly rewarded. Let men
affirm and say he will never return. Listen to them
and ask them if they are prophets.
of the Cross, when the reign of this King arrives, France will be
much weakened and depopulated, but God will reward France by many
wonders after having been sifted and made to suffer. Peace will reign
everywhere. After these terrible misfortunes reserved for France,
all other powers will also have their punishments because it is the
renewal of the entire universe. There will be (all) and everywhere,
in corners of the Earth inhabited by my other children, chastisements
and punishments of God because then peace will reign everywhere.
(i.e., the
great peace cannot come unless the earth is purified by chastisements
and suffering.) There
are powers, (i.e. countries,
officials ?) that I
cannot name, who will suffer for years because this terrible disorder
of threats and abominations, all this is nothing but punishment
God that sins attract.”
“The Holy Archangel then shows me the banner of the Sacred Heart
that I have always seen.”
Michael: “This is how we march on the borders of France, bearing
the banner and the sword. I hold under my feet all the enemies of God
and all (that is of) Freemasonry. I will exterminate them and the
Justice of God will complete (it) and will crush them under the
weight of His anger. Meanwhile, marching to France and on the borders
of France, we will accomplish our duty.
it is completed, when the kingdom of God will commence and peace
restored, we will march on Rome for France must devote itself to the
defence of the Holy See. The new Holy Pontiff is much more exposed,
more threatened than the one I received. (i.e.,
Holy pontiff will be more threatened and persecuted than his
predecessor.) By attacking his holy Temple, they
strongly make an attempt on the life of the Pontiff. If he is not a
martyr by the hands of barbarians, it is that God will make (by) him
a shining miracle that has no name. This spite also comes from your
France. Never (before) was the storm so strong, so powerful against
other pontiffs as that against him. He is already a martyr before
undergoing martyrdom. He suffers before the time has appeared, but he
offers his body and the blood of his veins for all his tormentors and
those who make strong attempts, terrible (plots) on his life. What
exiles (he has) to suffer, as that which martyrs endure.
hard, with tears implore the mercy of God. It is (high) time, and
even time passes. Cry, moan in pain on so many friends who will fall
by the blade of the sword, (by) mine, and (by those) of the warriors
driven by rage.”
/ Notes: (*) Who
is this “hypocrite king” that “stenches up the land”? The
Sanctuary / Friend of Marie-Julie Website says this revelation of a
'hypocrite king', refers to
Napoleon III, but Napoleon the Third was already defeated, the Paris
Commune had happened and the Third Republic installed by the time
Marie-Julie had this vision.
'hypocrite king' could be President Patrice de Mac-Mahon, who was in
office from May 24, 1873 to January 30, 1879. He was the only
monarchist of the Third Republic, and apparently supported the
restoration of the monarchy, forwarding the Count of Chambord as the
new king. Chambord was the younger son of Charles X. Charles X was
the younger brother to Kings Louis the XVI and XVIII, therefore the
Count of Chambord was the last of the legitimate claimants to the
throne under the Bourbon dynasty. President Mac-Mahon was also of
aristocratic blood, a Marquis, and he was later created Duke of
Magenta by Napoleon III.
if St. Michael's words were referring to President Mac-Mahon, it
appears President Mac-Mahon's attempts to restore the legitimate
monarchy the previous year were not genuine, or not pleasing to God.
In 1873, MacMahon and other royalists planned to present the Count of
Chambord to the National Assembly and have him proclaimed king, but as a constitutional monarch.
However, the Count refused, saying he would never forsake the White
Flag of the absolute monarchy with the fluer-de-lys for the Tricolour
of the revolutionaries, and rejected any plan to rule under a
Republican organized monarchy. A crisis ensued the following years as
all plans to restore the monarchy failed after this, entrenching the
Republicans and sealing the defeat of the royalists.
also note that while Mac-Mahon tried to suppress Republicanism in
France in support of a royalist restoration, he put an Orleanist in
office as Prime Minister, the Duc du Broglie, (i.e., a supporter of
the Orleans claim to the throne), and according to Marie-Julie's
visions, an Orleanist would never hold the throne as that family
turned traitor and supported the Revolutionary cause against King
Louis XVI, occasioning his murder. So, it appears the President was
not willing to cut ties with the Masonic branches who wanted to
control any restoration of the monarchy under their democratic
systems. In any case, St. Michael stressed no human endeavour will be
able to restore the French monarchy, and warned we are not to place
false hopes in any human attempt, rather, we must wait for God to
work the miracles He promised to sweep away the secularised
governments imposed on France since the Masonic Revolution. God
promises another great and holy king like St. King Louis, a
descendent of the “King and Queen Martyrs” as Marie-Julie told
the Marquis de le Franquerie. Above we learn the King he will be a saintly
man, and in matters of government will not be infected by Masonic
principles and will restore the Ancient Regime by God's power. In fact, he has already been named: Henry V, the Count of Chambord whom the Republicans rejected. In other texts we learn Our Lord promises to RETURN HIM TO HIS SUBJECTS, (click here for more info).
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