Saturday 18 August 2018

#128 Various Prophecies: God's Promise to Brittany – Heaven's Praise of the Great Monarch – Punishment of the "New Nineveh" – England Betrayed by a Queen

Note: These are various prophecies recorded from March to May 1881.  They were published in the fragments you see here on the “Friends of Marie-Julie” Website. If there were more revelations in the ecstasies for these days, they have not been published yet as far as I am aware.


Ecstasy Date March 24, 1881

Our Lord made her (Our Lady) the guardian of our Brittany and she obtained from her Son (to write it) on the page of a book hidden under His divine robe. His Mercy would be willing to be touched, but so few souls pray, so many outrage Him."

(Observation: the promises that Brittany will be protected by Our Lady is written on a book hidden under the Divine robe of her Son.  Apparently, it seems the chastisements might be mitigated if mankind turned to His Divine Mercy, but many will not. Instead, humanity will continue to outrage Him! See more about Our Lord's revelations concerning His Divine Mercy to Marie-Julie Jahenny, click here.)


Ecstasy of May 12, 1881, (and November 29, 1881), (“The Breton Stigmatist” p. 56)

The Great Monarch is called by Our Lord and Our Lady "The Man of God", "The Chosen of the Eternal", "The Prince and salvation of his people".

(Observations: the promised Great Monarch must be a very great man indeed to have earned such high compliments from Heaven! The mystic priest Père Lamy who had many visitations from Our Lady and the angels once remarked that Heaven or even Our Lady rarely compliments mankind, for what can Heaven find to compliment in poor fallen humanity? However, he once heard Our Lady say about a saint, “He is a great saint”, and Pere Lamy was taken aback, declaring she never speaks a compliment unless it is highly deserved! The saint must have be great indeed to have earned the praise. To find out more about the promised Great Catholic Monarch, click here.)


Same day, May 12, 1881,

(Our Lord ?):

"My children, punishment was promised to the city of Nineveh, and now a severe punishment, a terrible punishment is promised to the new Nineveh that I loved so much and that which is My kingdom."

(Observations: this could be Rome as it is the city where the Vatican is situated and would also come under great punishment as we have seen in the previous prophecies, however, it could also be Paris.  Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold the city would be destroyed, and barely a handful will be saved. Other mystics have foretold it will never be rebuilt.

Of interest, at this time Paris was truly the great new Nineveh of Europe having just undergone the massive reconstruction and modernisation project started by Emperor Napoléon III and directed by his prefect of the Seine, Georges-Eugène Haussmann, between 1853 and 1870. Old Paris disappeared as medieval neighbourhoods were demolished and reconstructed, making way for the now famous wide avenues, new parks and squares, the annexation of the suburbs surrounding Paris, and the construction of new sewers.  What we now know as the classic architecture of central Paris was all due to this massive civil refurbishment project. However, the glistening new city also became the libertine capital of Europe with every vice catered to and a double-lifestyle was quietly accepted as normal. For instance, it was an 'understood thing' that one part of the week men would take their mistresses to the opera, while the rest of the week they took their wives. There were also certain cafés where men would only take their mistresses, but not their wives.  This is only one instance of the depravity occuring and will continue to occur.  Hence it it quite possible Heaven was calling Paris the New Nineveh.  The city will be destroyed and never rebuilt.)


Ecstasy Date May 18, 1881

"At that time, England will have betrayed its people under the empire (or influence) of a queen; on her descent from the throne, things will not happen as the Lord demands (or requires)."

(I.e. When the chastisements come, England will have been betrayed by a queen's influence. Will it be a Queen of England, or another queen? Of interest, the prophecy says this queen will 'descend the throne' – possibly a prediction of abdication? 

Also,  the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny describe even democratically elected leaders as seated on 'thrones', perhaps on account of them usurping power that truly belongs to a monarch.  Hence, there could be a female leader that will betray the English people.)
We can only wonder and wait to see how history unfolds. Might be related to the prophecy of England divided into four parts in post #148, click here.)


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