Sunday 19 January 2020

#175 Have CONFIDENCE in the DIVINE MERCY – Jesus is Easy to Please – TRUST IN HIS MERCY - He Asks to be Invoked as “FATHER OF MERCY”

Ecstasy date July 23, 1925

Jesus: "It is so easy to please Me: a good will suffices Me, your trust in My mercy will erase everything, pardon all, there remains nothing but love as a beautiful white flame that rises and descends, the Beloved visiting His beloved, it is His beloved visiting its Beloved. Here is for Me My Heaven on earth: your beautiful souls who make reparation and compensate Me in receiving Me and visiting Me. (i.e in the Blessed Sacrament)

My little spouses, do you know what name I love so much? That on which I smile and My Heavenly Father is happy:

"Father of Mercy": it is My joy.

You delight Me. It is My Name that I love because I am only Mercy. It is a joy for all of Heaven.

Ask of Me under this beautiful name "Father of Mercy, grant me, accord me."

You will feel in your souls a very sweet and penetrating grace, and I will add a sweet consolation."

Marie-Julie: (To another spiritual spouse of Our Lord): "Dear little sister, it was not long ago that this desire is expressed by our dear Spouse and in His presence I have never once invoked it (i.e. His Divine Mercy) that I did not feel a benefit, an emotion, a force, a gentle patience. I have tasted it, I found it ... and it is such a great comfort to our beloved Jesus, so forgotten and so helpless in His Holy Tabernacle.”

Jesus, The Beloved: "I unbosom Myself as a wide sea, like a sea of tenderness in your beautiful souls. It is a delicious bread for My Divine Love that is always hungry for love. O! How I love to come to you to speak of My Love, especially of the one I love you and that one (with which) you love me. You love Me in My love. Mine is yours and yours is Mine. I will stop, I will bless you with all the grace that I have."

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, I will bless you with all the drops of myself. I make dew drops of graces and all these drops are a blessing that I spread on you and your souls, for all your loved ones and your families a blessing that will give a sweet and holy death, a blessing that will touch the heart of the sinner before entering into eternity, a blessing that will give strength in suffering and the sweetness in the trials, a blessing the fruits of which will fall on so many thousands of abandoned souls in Purgatory, groaning yet subjected in desire to see me face to face, a special blessing of protection that will be the forerunner of grace of the great blessings at the time of justice, terrible, full of rigour for the guilty, a blessing of strength and of courage in suffering.”
