Showing posts with label Persecutions from Slander and Envy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persecutions from Slander and Envy. Show all posts

Monday 18 December 2017

#100 St. Cassian of Imola – At Times One Must Beware the World More than Demons – The World is Murderous and Merciless

Ecstasy date December 3, 1878

This is my name, I am St. Cassian, Martyr. I was tormented by my students, of whom I was the instructor chosen to teach them the truths of the Catholic religion. Here are the projects that were plotted against me (by) my students.

(“It seems that these pagan students had been pushed to make this gesture by the imperial magistrate, accusing their teacher for his refusal to worship idols.” Note: This note in parenthesis appears to be an observation added by the curators of the “Friends of Marie-Julie/ Sanctuary Website”.)

St. Cassian continued:

Seeing me absorbed in contemplative prayer, the evil spirit aroused great discord among my students. And it was, on one night, all assembled together, they pierced me with arrows and then with razors as strong as swords. They bound me and then closed (gagged?) my mouth. It is at their hands I suffered martyrdom.

One group fled quickly. Only two, tormented by remorse, stood next to my lifeless body covered with wounds. They felt pressured to confess their crime. One of them went to the minister who absolved and forgave and immediately, the justice of men entered my house and there, the crime of these young hearts was found.  (It appears from the context of the following sentences the saint is referring to the Justice of God, not earthly magistrates.) But I obtained close to God, that they (all his students) would be spared and they would escape the justice they would have to suffer.  The Angel brought the rolled banner containing this request for forgiveness and they were spared. But they were regarded as the executioners of a father (i.e. a priest?) and as the workers of infernal malice.  Three were struck by sudden death and the two remorseful ones later became repentant and solitaries (hermits?) to atone for their crime.

God generously rewarded His martyr. After my death, the Saviour allowed to dwell at the place of my martyrdom a blazing star that was visible every day. Those who came, in that place, prayed with reverence, and the Saviour accorded them wonders. At the place of my martyrdom a chapel was built that bears my name.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, we see (or, must be on guard) around us, sometimes, the world is more dangerous than the demons. The demons do not give death to man and the world makes attempts on the life of man. The world loves the murder of its brothers and sisters. It has no mercy when when the rage of the dark prison cells pushes it in the biggest depth of evil. (? Probably an expression Marie-Julie could understand but is not explained to us here. Apparently, the saint is saying the rage of the world against the followers of Christ reaches its height when it begins to throw them into prisons, outright public persecution, etc.)

Dear brothers and sisters, let us put our trust in God our Father and say to our Guardian Angels, "Mount your guard around us, because traps are stretched against all men." The blackness of jealousy torments the hearts of men against their brothers!

Why this cruel jealousy? Because, again, souls who love God and who love Him with all their might, are hated and persecuted. It is a Divine Seal, dear brothers. You wear it visibly, not invisibly. That is why they read in your words and in your heart, in your face, your strength and all the good that lives in you, it says that you are the chosen souls, blessed, surrounded by the tenderness of God. That is what causes the rage of men who do not like God or His religion.

Dear brothers and sisters, like the example of the Divine Crucified, submit yourselves and forgive all your enemies. This forgiveness opens the door of Heaven, softens the heart of God and gives the soul an invigorating dew.

Dear brothers and sisters, you will have on earth but one sure refuge, it is in the Adorable Wounds of the Saviour that you are safe, in this prison of love and tenderness.

The world suffers and endures a kind of martyrdom that is sometimes more painful than the agony of the iron, the martyrdom of execution, because the world makes it languishing, tormenting without a subject. (i.e., the suffering the world gives is long, laborious, and appears pointless.)  The world crucifies slowly, while the martyrdom of iron is rapid.

The Lord has His eyes open to the sufferer, who is accused, persecuted, slandered. God makes the road shine on which he travels, loaded with mountains of all kinds of persecution.  Before you where you walk you see a band of elite and of the Blessed.
These are your Guardian Angels who bear your cross, the mountains of your persecution. And you walk on, you, dear brothers and sisters, unloaded and freely. The men believe you are laden under the weight so heavy while you feel the lightness of loving blessing …

Walk bravely through this life of suffering, watering it with our sweat and our tears. The Eternal Spouse comes to meet those who suffer and mourn, held by chains of captivity without reason and without crime. The Lord will wipe away the tears from His chosen and shows them the eternal crown and their names inscribed on His Heart.

Courage! You who are still in death. (I.e. in this world still subject to death and sorrow.) Soon you will be in life when there will be no sorrow, no tears, no anxieties. It is eternal happiness. Pray, dear brothers. I will pray for you. The Hand of the Lord threatens to strike. His angry look says to the earth to be on guard. His promise consoles and strengthens the just and crushes the sinners (the unrepentant) like a speck of dust.

In Heaven, we are happy. In Heaven, all are nourished with love. Heaven, we live in delight. Heaven, we adore, we love, we enjoy the delights of love. Dear brothers and sisters, I wish you the triumphant arrival of happiness ...”


Notes: Saint Cassian of Imola (a city in northern Italy) was martyred c. 250 AD. According to the laus of the Roman Martyrology (1930 Rome edition): “The birthday of holy Cassian the martyr. When he refused to worship idols, the persecutor summoned certain boys whose hatred Cassian had incurred by acting as their schoolmaster, and afforded them (through his teaching) the opportunity of killing him. As their efforts were puny, so was his suffering bitter above the ordinary and his death protracted.” Feast Day, August 13 

(Image: statue of St. Cassian by Adam Baldauf, b.1580- d.1631. )


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Saturday 21 October 2017

#79 St. Francis of Assisi - Reveals the Special Protection Afforded to the Friends of the Cross

Ecstasy of September 17, 1878

St. Francis of Assisi: “Brothers of the Cross, do not worry about what people will say to you! In what will be done against you! Keep the peace and hope that the road that leads to honour and glory is open to you ...

Why are you not attacked face to face? (i.e. only from behind and out of sight by enemies and opponents?) Because God has poured into you respect that you have earned in devoting yourself to His glory. It is this respect from God, which prevents insults and prevents enemies from approaching in front of you, with head and eyes elevated. That is why they respect you by force. There is still something that contains them; they are attacked by themselves, without knowing how they are held by an invisible power that blows upon them, "You will respect the soul chosen by God, you will respect the body of the man and all its movements that are dedicated to the work of thy God." This is the breath they do not see or know or hear, but they feel it …

Dear Brothers of the Cross, why do they tear your reputation? It is that you are men of flesh tempered and re-tempered in the Divine source which is reserved for true and faithful servants of God. That is why you are strong as iron tested by fire. (I.e. the greatest persecutions caused by slander is reserved for true servants destined to be doubly tempered.) But they cannot tear your honour, because this honour is not a natural honour like all the others. This honour comes only from God, of His cross, His promises. It comes only from the Divine Will, as the confidence that (befits) my brothers in God. Why invent them? (I.e. why do God's enemies invent sufferings / slanders? The following passage is a little unclear. Text could be missing.) Because the jealous honour of the enemies of my God elevates them (His enemies), it gives work, it leaves them no rest. This is an honour, a pride that living in vice, in anger, a vengeance of all your enemies who are the enemies of Jesus Christ ... (i.e. the evil one also have a sense of honour they try to maintain amongst themselves as they destroy God's servants, like a 'thieves honour'.) This anger comes from jealousy, pride, desire that God should not be defended, that His name not be respected, that His Cross has no defenders, that all He does is forgotten and annihilated. That is why you suffer for God, for His Name, for His Cause …

The small number of Friends of the Cross is chosen and blessed. It is God who wills it. It is for him (the friend of the Cross, are granted) the most beautiful divine promises ... God said: "It is above you, over you and around you that I rest My adorable glance. I want you to be devoted to My designs. I choose you to support, to defend the beginning of My work. I place you up in My work as a solid pole. (I.e. as a pillar.) You will lean it up, you will support it, you will carry it on your shoulders, when it will be under the greatest threats ... "

Victims and servants are to help Our Lord to support the work, (i.e. to spread the Glory of the Cross) the walls of the work, to place beautiful cut and polished stones. What a great crown of glory! What an honour !...”


Note from the “Friends of Mary Julie / Sanctuary Website”:

St. Francis of Assisi was the spiritual father of Marie-Julie of the Crucifix, who was a tertiary of the Franciscan Order. The Seraphic Father guided and supported her through the path of light and love, of the total gift of herself. (I.e. during the Holy Novitiate of the Cross) Of course he knew from personal experience. The mission of St. Francis, in the renewal of the Church is essential: "Go, Francis, and repair My Church." These words that resounded in the chapel of Assisi are still valid. The reconstruction work (i.e. the Renewal) will be the cooperation of Heaven and the faithful of the earth.”


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Tuesday 3 October 2017

#70 St. John-Francis Regis - Sufferings of the Cross Worthy of Holy Envy –– the Mortal Danger of Slander - Unless God Intervenes Slanderers Will be Lost

St. John-Francis Regis visits Marie-Julie Jahenny – Sufferings of the Cross in these evil times Worthy of Holy Envy – Slanderers: how they behave – the Mortal Danger of Slander - Unless God Intervenes Slanderers Will be Lost

Ecstasy August 13, 1878

I have come to give a word on behalf of God at the entry of your Holy Novitiate. We are at the foot of the Cross, and we wait and we hope to go into our sweet and Blessed Country.

What is this earth, what is suffering in comparison with endless happiness? Our life on earth is short and Our Lord has measured our years. Let us commence, it is time to live for God and for Heaven.

If the adorable Lord descended now, upon a bright cloud to judge and condemn, how would He find any just in this fair land of merit? It is frightening! ... Today, what injustice! What hidden infamies! What veiled slander! How do they persevere, those souls who commit them?

This is how they do it.

First they try to stifle remorse, but it follows them everywhere. In conversations, in their companies, their words are beautiful, clear as glass. But the reasoning of the soul, at the bottom of their interior, no one hears and it is frightening. The soul moans, cries, suffers, because it is the only thing in these men that belongs to the Sovereign Good. (I.e. the rest of these sinners has become completely evil in thought, word and deed.)

Slander is like a worm, it eats into the soul of the most beautiful and chaste virtues, and then, after being eaten whole, the soul can not become master because it is opposed by the evil human mind, by human nature so angry and so cruel. The soul can no longer prevail, and if God does not come to its aid, it is forever doomed …

Wait with patience! The time of the Lord is open to Heaven. But what a surprise for the headstrong! (The stubborn sinners who refuse to repent.) But what joy for the few (i.e. the righteous that suffer on earth) that I envy their position on earth, because I would have the honour to suffer for my God! Heaven, I come to their aid!

How admirable is the way of the Cross! It is worthy of envy!

How great are its merits! O Royal Way! Vive la Croix, the treasure of the true chosen ones ...”



St. Johan-Francis Regis was born at Font-Couverte in the diocese of Narbonne in Langedoc, France. At the age of eighteen he entered the Society of Jesus at Béziers, was ordained in 1631, and from that moment knew no rest spending himself in preaching the Gospel to the uneducated farmers of Languedoc and Auvergne, providing for prisoners and fallen women, establishing confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament, and effecting everywhere numerous conversions among the Protestant Huguenots. He died while preaching a mission on December 30, 1640, and was canonized in 1737. (New feast day June 16, traditional feast day December 31.). 


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Previous Post #69 St. Paul - Suffering Opens Heaven - Persecutions from Slander and Envy gain us the most Merits - "Friends of the Cross" will Suffer Persecution- Why Slander is horrible in God's Sight

Next Post #71 St. Gregory the Great - PROPHECY Echoing Leo XIII's vision to Come - CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE CHURCH

Prophecies: Table of Contents


Wednesday 27 September 2017

#69 St. Paul - Suffering Opens Heaven - Persecutions from Slander and Envy gain us the most Merits - "Friends of the Cross" will Suffer Persecution

Visit of St. Paul the Apostle – Suffering opens Heaven and marks our place in Glory – the Persecution caused by Slander and Envy is Highly Meritorious – How best to suffer this type of persecution – Marie-Julie Jahenny and the “Friends of the Cross” will suffering a 'double persecution' because this mission is a 'double work'

Ecstasy of August 12, 1878

May the Peace of the Lord be in your soul and your spirit, and with all the friends of God. I am Saint Paul. I come to say a word on behalf of Our Lord before the entry of your Holy Novitiate.

Look first at our Lord on the Cross, and this glance will lead us to suffer. Let us meditate on the Sorrows of a God, and we will suffer bravely the trials of life.

God was the last of men by shame, by the ignominy, by insults. Why would we not wish to suffer? Do we wish to be above the Divine Master?

It is not only the pains of life that opens for us the door of heaven and mark our place in glory. He who does not suffer is not the disciple of God, and does not know Him. We are esteemed to be treated as His favoured ones.

If we are chained by the authority of men, if we can not leave, let us be silent. An hour will come, when we will speak to the authority of this land, which is not that of (or not by ) the authority of man. (Note: the bishop who approved her, Fournier of Nantes was dead by this time, after which Marie-Julie Jahenny was persecuted by the diocese and forbidden to receive the sacraments. This phrase by St. Paul saying a time will come to speak to 'the authority of this land' could indicate a warning to the current reigning bishop who was permitting the persecution due to slander and envy as we see in the next sentences....)

It is a thousand times better to be silent and suffer all things, (by those) who speak, with envy and jealousy. These two ways of persecution are horrible in God's eyes, the eyes of One who sees everything.

I prefer, I would rather have been chained for Jesus Christ, than to have been delighted to be ravished up to Heaven. There, however, was the joy, happiness without suffering, without alteration, it was perfect joy, but I did not suffer anything and I did not merit anything. (Observe: St. Paul's transports to Heaven gave him heavenly joy and he did not suffer, but in this joy without suffering he did not gain merits!)

Our adorable Lord, in the designs of His infinite Mercy, also wants us to be stoned at the hands of treacherous language. The slanderous tongue is more dangerous than a double-edged sword, because the blow of the sword can be cured or relieved, because it only extends to the depth and width of the blade, while the stroke of language extends everywhere. In one day, it will spread around the world, and who can stop it? (Note: this explains why God sees the sins of slander and envy as 'horrible' because they do so much more damage than a physical injury, hence, suffering these things silently without complaints grants great merits.)

Our Father the Creator is pleased to test us in different ways, friends tried, but friends of God.

When God wants to do a solid work, especially when He wants to establish the Friends of the Cross (I.e. Marie-Julie Jahenny's mission?) who worked from the beginning and are determined to work until the end, the persecution must be greater, because it is a double work.

Our Lord, choosing friends of the Cross, requires that the blows are deeper because the work will be more beautiful. The more disciples, the more suffering. It is the sign of a great work. It is a sure sign. Do not be afraid! ...”

Notes: these last encouraging words are not only directed to Christians in general, but it seems in a particular way to Marie-Julie Jahenny and those entrusted to spread devotion to her Great Work of the Cross, which will come after that of the Sacred Heart and will be the work of the restoration of the Church and the world in France and beyond. It is through the Cross that the Victory will be gained after the chastisements. As Heaven told her, the Great Monarch to come will write everywhere 'In hoc signo vinces' as a sign of Heaven's miraculous intervention on his behalf:

May 11, 1877: "The Cross will defeat the greatest heroes (of the enemy). They will bring it to the face of the enemy and it will give them the victory ... You Christians, who will spend a terrible moment, take the Cross for support ... When the elected King and Saviour of France has seen the triumph of France, he will write everywhere “in hoc signo vinces;” by this sign you will conquer! (i.e. The sign given to Emperor Constantine.) France will be under the banner of the Sacred Heart, the Cross and Mary."

And again:

October 27, 1887. The Sacred Heart to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

Blessed Margaret Mary was chosen to publish the glory of My Sacred Heart, and you, you are chosen to publish the glory of My Cross. She is the victim of My Sacred Heart, you are the victim of My Cross. The Work of My Cross is beautiful and grand, it will quickly follow the Work of the Sacred Heart.”


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Previous Post #68 St. Thomas Aquinas Returns - Sufferings Perfect - True Happiness - Peace Amidst Sufferings

Next Post #70  St.John-Francis Regis – Sufferings of the Cross in these evil times Worthy of Holy Envy – Slanderers: how they behave – the Mortal Danger of Slander - Unless God Intervenes Slanderers Will be Lost