Showing posts with label Prophecy: the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophecy: the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated. Show all posts

Thursday 9 May 2019

#153 The First Chastisement Began with the Death of the Count of Chambord – Prophecy: the BLESSED SACRAMENT will be DESECRATED

(Note: there probably are more revelations that Marie-Julie Jahenny received in 1883, but these are all that have found so far that have been published during that year.)


Ecstasy date October 17, 1883: revelation about the death of the Count of Chambord, Henry V.

"It will rest where the Good God has placed us, and much prayer. France did not deserve the one who was to save it, God has removed him from the earth; It is the first chastisement."

(OBSERVATION: The Count of Chambord had died on August 24, 1883, the eve of the feast of St. King Louis IX, his ancestor.  God had named the Count as the Great Monarch destined to restore the world and the Church, but France did not deserve him at the time, and therefore 'removed' him.  The people's rejection of the king opened the way for the chastisements.  See #130  'Rejection of Henry V Opened the Way for the Chastisements – His Miraculous Return will be Unforeseen and Cannot be Stopped' God promised he will be 'returned' and it was revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny that Henry V the 'Miracle Child' was still 'reserved for the great 'epochs'. She would see the great victory of the chosen king after her own death, and she died in 1941!   See more about Marie Julie Jahenny, Henry V the Miracle Child and the Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies', click here.)


Ecstasy on the same day: October 17, 1883 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 32)

Prediction the Blessed Sacrament will be profaned during the time of corruption:

"They will be thrown in the mud."

"The wicked will commit all kinds of horrors. The Holy Hosts will be dispersed on the roads. They will be discovered in the mud. The priests as well as the faithful will pick them up and will carry them on their breasts."

(OBSERVATION: this prophecy has already come to pass, this has already been happening for quite a number of years around the world, however, this is a particularly poignant prophecy when we consider the rash of church desecrations that have happened in France in the last several years since 2015.  Image above: desecration of the church of Dijon, February 2019.  See this link for a list of other recent desecrations in 2019, click here.)
