Message to
Marie-Julie Jahenny (Febraury 2, 1882).
children, I ask you never to trample upon the Cross,
not to follow the example of a huge crowd that will prefer to damn
its soul to save its body. Your refusal will soften your
when the persecutions break out, many will abjure the Faith to save
themselves, trampling upon the cross will be one of the conditions
demanded. The Faithful are told never to desecrate a cross,
instead, courageously refuse. Do not give up the Faith!)
date, February 4, 1882 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 56)

Observations and Reminders: earlier prophecies given to Marie-Julie
Jahenny have already revealed the identity of the Great Monarch –
he is Henri V, the one called the “Miracle Child”, which could
be none other than Henri Duke of Bordeaux and Count of Chambord, also
known as Henri V and the “Miracle Child” he was the legitimate
pretender to the throne of France.
important thing to note, he was ALIVE at the time of the earlier
revelations, and also for this prophecy on February 4, 1882. Note
it also states Marie-Julie would see his triumph FROM HEAVEN. She
would not see his triumph until AFTER HER DEATH. She died on March
4, 1941.
her ecstasies she was told that ALL the prophecies regarding
the promised Great Monarch refer to the exiled “Miracle Child” -
he was reserved for the great epochs – he would be 'RETURNED
to his subjects' amidst signs and wonders that would not be seen
again until the Day of Judgement, and the signs of his return will
resemble the day when Christ died on the Cross. As we know, the sky
darkened, the earth shook, and the DEAD AROSE AND APPEARED TO MANY.
She was also told France would 'resurrect', there would be many
'resurrections', the 'lily' would 'resurrect', and in one instance
the King was also called the 'lily'. See Marie-Julie Jahenny and Henri V, the Great Catholic Monarch, click here.)
February 9, 1882 (“The
Breton Stigmatist”, pp. 56-57)

the Great King will come to La Fraudais and set down the White
Banner. Where is La Fraudais? Click here.)
Ecstasy date February
9, 1882
Lord: "According to the longings of My power, you
will come, from time to time, sustain the hope of My apostles and my
servants; until the man of their desires will finally lift the veil …
I will send occasionally, the good news.
the heights of Heaven, you will descend just to the middle of My
servants who have to work twice that of today.”
Apparently, Our Lord has promised that
Marie-Julie will be permitted to come back to earth after her death
and grant consolations to those who await the coming of the Great
Monarch. Possibly, these faithful servants will have to work “twice
as hard” because the faith will be persecuted and it will not be as
easy to practise the faith as before during her time on earth.
is not unlike Pharaoh's harsh command to the Jews When they were
approaching the end of their centuries of bondage, he declared that
straw would no longer be brought to them and they had to search for
their own straw to make their daily tally of bricks, plus the number
had to be the same, thus increasing their workload and hardship. He
did this so they would have no time to go and make sacrifice to God
or believe Moses' “lying” words.
“Therefore he
(Pharaoh) commanded the same day the overseers of the works, and the
taskmasters of the people, saying: You shall lay upon them the task
of bricks, which they did before, neither shall you diminish any
thing thereof: for they are idle, and therefore they cry, saying: Let
us go and sacrifice to our God. Let them be oppressed, with works,
and let them fulfil them: that they may not regard lying words.”
(Exodus 5: 6-9)
can learn a lesson from this: when the times of persecution come from
those in the world who are more interested in building a worldly
kingdom, praying and sacrificing to God will seem “useless”, an
“idle” occupation, including the most important sacrifice, the
Mass! The world will try and keep us so busy, either with frittering
away our time with the latest fads and amusements, or overloading us
with work just to survive that we end up having no time for God. It
is interesting that an article entitled “Thoughts
of God Make Us Slackers, A Study Suggests” from by
Jennifer Welsh (October 29, 2011) appeared on Yahoo News declaring
that certain “studies” indicate people who think of God are
“lazy”, and yet, they can readily withstand temptation.
Lord: "From Heaven, you will see the
triumph of the Church hovering over the forehead of My
true servant Henry of the Cross, (The Great Monarch) He will comfort
the destitute, renew the devastated priesthood, weakened and fallen
like a branch under the saw of the worker. His charity will renew the
priesthood, he will raise the statues of My Mother, he will remount
the crosses (that were) insulted and cut into pieces."
again, another prophecy that the
Great Monarch would come after Marie-Julie's death, judging from the
words “from Heaven you will see”. The Great King will renew the
kingdom torn apart by civil war and religious persecution.)
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