Wednesday 22 April 2020

#183 The Tests of Dryness of Soul: Our Lord Hides Himself so We Search for Him – Interior Sufferings Gain Us Merits

Ecstasy Date March 2, 1933:

The Divine Heart: “In your fears, leave all pass, My little souls, to My Divine Mercy and give the present (to) My Divine Love.

Marie-Julie: “In the aridity of the soul we complain to Jesus, we say to Him, "Where are you Jesus?” (i.e. during periods of dryness of the soul when we feel no consolations, it feels as if Our Lord is not near.)

He replied: “I am here, I am veiled so to make you search for Me, you that I love so much, My little souls.”

Marie-Julie: Lord so many souls cry: “I have no love.” (i.e. they feel no love through this dryness of spirit, or, feel they are not able to love.)

He replies: “Dear soul, no matter whether you are in desolation and suffering as long as I am consoled. Ah well, I Am that will reward your trials in love, love stronger than death. My love can not die, it lives in your soul beyond death.”

When asked for the conversion of sinners, He answered:

The love sleeping in these poor souls, it (love) will wake up in the hour of My Divine Will. All this is allowed to make My best friends (earn) merit, their pain will be an awakening of love in the soul of the sinner, it is a small stone of testing on which I will kindle the fire of repentance followed by love. That is the excess of My goodness.”

(I.e. Our Lord seems to be saying that love 'sleeping' or unfelt in those suffering the dryness of spirit, they will feel God's love again when the Divine Will wishes it. Until then, this pain of dryness they offer up will gain them merits and also awaken love in the soul of sinners that they pray for, that is, lead to their conversion. It is a test God gives His followers that will kindle the fire of repentence and then love in the hearts of poor sinners for whom they offer up their interior sufferings.   Leave this interior suffering to the Divine Will.)


Ecstasy date July 19, 1934 – continuation of the lesson on interior sufferings

The Divine Heart:

Pains, of the heart I give them to you as to reward you. (i.e they help us gain merits.)

I do not afflict you above your strength. If there had been no misery Mercy would not have been invented.

I want to see all My loving souls to receive My Cross with open arms and kneeling, do not murmur.

I permit, little souls, that you do not feel anything in your souls, it is the great moment of merit.” (i.e., when no consolation is felt.)

(NOTE: Observations on the phrase, “ If there had been no misery Mercy would not have been invented.”    This is a reminder of an earlier message given on September 24, 1925 regarding the sufferings we feel when we sense our imperfections. (See post #178, click here.) This is another interior suffering Our Lord permits us to feel, how we seem to get nowhere when striving to eradicate faults and imperfections - Our Lord says He doesn't take away all our struggles to overcome our faults as the suffering in attempting to gain mastery over ourselves even in the little things allows us to earn Heaven and gain merits. Hence, these sufferings are a Mercy as we gain merits, Our Lord beautifies our souls. We must persevere. His Mercy in the end will blow away these sufferings and imperfections.)
UPDATE (new post added here Oct. 1, 2023)
 Ecstasy date January 8, 1935. - Go to Jesus Through the Heart of Mary - Do not Forget Your Guardian Angel - A simple Morning prayer to your Guardian Angel

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, p. 266)

Our Lady: “Come to my Immaculate Heart! To go to that of Jesus, go through this maternal Heart and I assure you that you will go to Jesus, all forgiven by the thousands of perfumes of my innumerable virtues that you desire. With my holy spouse (St. Joseph) and your Guardian Angel, I will lead you. Do not forget this angel who directs and protects you. He is near you every day and he rests beside you at night. He counts all your sighs. He is there, he guards you. He covers you with his golden wings and wears a large white cloak decorated with stars. He is there to protect you. Do not forget, this guardian angel who will lead you with me into the depths of Heart of Jesus! There, there is no more pain, no more anguish, no more sorrow! Love softens everything.”

* Morning prayer to the Guardian Angel:

(Note: Henry Boucier includes this prayer here, so we can assume it was revealed Marie-Julie, or, she was inspired to pray this.)

Good morning, my good angel!

To you I commend myself.

You have guarded me during the night;

Please, guard me this day! Amen!

(If this prayer is said in the evening, you may change 'Good morning', to 'Good evening', and 'day' for 'night' etc.)
