Saturday 25 April 2020

#184 An Eyewitness Account of Marie-Julie Jahenny during an Ecstasy on All Saints Day – She Sees One of the Higher Circles of Heaven

Ecstasy Date Nov 1, 1938 – An Eyewitness Describing Marie-Julie Jahenny's vision on the Feast of All Saints

It was the first of November 1938, I arrived at La Fraudais early in the morning, shortly after (her) return (from her) ecstasy in which on this solemnity, Our Lord gave to Marie-Julie to contemplate His Own in glory (i.e. the saints) ... .

Sitting on the small chair in front of her bed, she was usually always in possession of herself, but not that day! Because, she appeared to the contrary nor could she contain herself. In the excess of her happiness, (with) all the soul vibrating, she kept saying: "How Jesus is good! How Jesus is good! How happy I am! Oh, how Jesus is good!"

And so intoxicated with love she said again "How Jesus is good! And how I am happy," because in her excitement, she could not find other words.

I finally ventured, "You have seen Heaven, Marie-Julie?"

"Yes, my little friend."

Witness: "And all of yours?" (i.e. possibly, family and friends who have passed on.)

Marie-Julie: "All mine."

Witness: "Father, Mother, Angela?"

Marie-Julie: "And Rose ... all of Heaven." (NOTE: Her family were in Heaven!)

Witness: "What else?"

Marie-Julie: "I went up to (? text missing) of Paradise."

Witness: "On the summit? ... And there?" (NOTE: it was actually one of the higher circles of Heaven, but not the summit as we see from one of her answers.)

Marie-Julie: "I saw three Saints."

Witness: It was about that supreme glory where the greatest saints of the Catholic Church are. "Three Saints, Marie-Julie! I am going to guess who: Saint Joseph?"

Marie-Julie: "NO, (with firmness) he is much higher!" (NOTE: obviously she was not shown that higher circle.)

Witness: "Then, St. Mary Magdalene?"

Marie-Julie: "Yes, St. Mary Magdalene."

Witness: "St. Catherine of Siena?"

Marie-Julie: "Yes ... Yes." (Very quickly.)

Witness: "The third?"

Marie-Julie did not answer. What was meant by this silence with such happiness?
