Sunday 26 June 2022

#171 B: Marie-Julie is Beloved by the Sacred Heart, she Converts 1,000 Sinners Each time She Kisses the Crucifix – Marie-Julie Jahenny's Love and Suffering has Merited the Great Monarch for France, but we also need to PRAY HE BE SENT – A WARNING REGARDING BRITTANY: it will LOSE the Graces of Preservation Reserved for it if it Continues to Fall into Sin, but there still will be Shelters for Devout Souls




Ecstasy Date June 17, 1924. (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp.61-63)

The Sacred Heart to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

 “Every time you kiss the feet of your crucifix, I give you a thousand sinners. (i.e a thousand sinners are converted). This is the answer given for so much love! This thirst that devours Me, you can appease it.   Ask me for the conversion of a thousand sinners, a thousand souls under the influence of evil, whom I have redeemed and saved. I make My love drift into souls. In its intoxication of fire and peace, it travels through the seven palaces of My beloved.”

(NOTE: 'seven palaces' – apparently, this is a symbolical reference to the state of the interior spiritual life as stated in St Theresa of Avila's book, 'The Interior Castle' in which she explains her vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, which she interpreted as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God.)

(The ecstasy continued). 

 Jesus: “It (His Divine love) wounds, it heals, it crucifies and restores life.   O loving soul! You are immortal, (i.e. the soul), you can soothe My wounds, because I am pure Love, I am mixed with beauty and clarity. If My Divine Love takes the breath away from His immortal Spouse, lean on Me! I will be your rest and the pillow of love where I will listen to all its beats (the beating of her heart) in My Divine Heart. I do not know how to (further) show you My excesses of tenderness.

Marie-Julie: “Divine Love, enough! Your love is such a great suffering that all the martyrdoms of the body are nothing. It's a torrent from heaven!”

The Sacred Heart: “I want to put you to sleep in My love.  During this sleep, an arrow, a dart of fire will wound the righteous souls at the altar where I come to rest in the Holy Eucharist.  It is the fifth palace where I come to consume Myself in you and consume you in Me.   It is the nuptial throne where the Divine Holy Spirit renews His contract as Bridegroom.  Beloved soul, your dowry is Me! What can you give Me in exchange for this mighty infinite treasure?”

Marie-Julie: “O tender Spouse! I am a poor groaning soul, hungry for the desire to love you in the love of the fiat invented by Love.”

The Sacred Heart: “I answer: My beloved, this fiat is your way to Heaven. It was Mine to go to My Father, to sit on His right. I ask you for a dowry: it is little! I only ask you to love Me for all the souls who do not love Me. You will give Me a heaven of love, a starry heaven, a heaven of glory. I am quenched, (i.e His thirst for love), I am satisfied. What do you want as a reward?”

Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, I want to expiate, my lips glued to the foot of the Divine Crucified. I want to die without pleasure, because we have lived without pleasure. Die for your pleasure, in your Divine Will. To die one morning under the gaze of the Virgin Mary, with the assistance of St. Joseph, covered with the wings of Your holy angels, with the smile of St. Francis and Your blessed ones who rejoice near You. O my adorable Jesus! I am subject in everything to your Holy Will, poor little speck of dust under Your gaze.

(Henri Bourcier adds the following comment: “It is this “fiat” of Marie-Julie which will partly earn Brittany the graces of preservation. But let’s not delude ourselves.”)

Our Lady: “Brittany is lost. The graces that were reserved for it will be taken away from it, for its faith is weakening, its impiety is accentuated, its evil will is widening, so that justice will pass everywhere on earth. You will have a refuge where you will be protected. The Divine Heart of my Son, the heart of my most holy mother St. Anne, and that of my spouse, St. Joseph. The adorable Holy Cross will suffice, like a treasure, to protect its children and enclose them in my maternal bosom.

(Boucier's comment – Our Lady complains that we don't beg her enough to send Henry V of the Cross, the saviour of France. Jesus then says:)

Jesus: “My Heart is open!  It would be (open) much more if they asked for the coming of King Henry V of the Cross.   You don't claim it enough!(I.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch.)

(Boucier's comment again here: “It is one of the three missions that Jesus has confided to Marie-Julie by placing her on the Cross every Friday, to merit the King for France to such an extent that Jesus Himself said ...)

Jesus: “He is your King! It is you (Marie-Julie) who merited him for France.”

(Boucier notes again: The power of the love of Marie-Julie will have earned us an era of peace, rest and happiness until the end where, says Jesus, I will shake the earth forever and where I will open the heaven for eternity.)

(MY OBSERVATIONS: We have seen in other ecstasies that Marie-Julie has merited the Great Monarch Henry V of the Cross for France, but we must pray for him to be sent, it will please the Sacred Heart.  Also, Marie-Julie's sufferings as victim soul helped give Brittany the promised graces of protection during the chastisements, but here, there is a startling revelation that the continuation of those graces of protection for Brittany are also CONDITIONAL depending on the faith of the people there if Brittany falls further into sin, it will be LOST and will not be protected like it was, for Our Lady says the Justice of God will then pass EVERYWHERE.  However, Our Lady still has promised spiritual refuges for the devout souls as we saw above.)



Go to:

  Next Post:  #172 Those Who Love the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded – A Good Will Suffices if you are Distracted During Prayer - Warnings: Evil Plots Hatched – God is Holding Back the Chastisements that Souls May Convert - When God Finally Strikes the Mountains will Entomb Many – Mary will Shelter Her Children with the Graces of Mercy and Peace


 Previous Post:  #171 Evil Has been Given Free Reign - We Must Pray for the Reign of the Sacred Heart to Come to End the Evils – France is Chosen to Fulfill Our Lord's Great Designs


 ***  Learn more about the Great Catholic Monarch prophecies, click here.


 TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny