Showing posts with label Help Convert Sinners by Meditating on the Passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help Convert Sinners by Meditating on the Passion. Show all posts

Sunday 27 September 2020

#200 Our Lady confirms She is the Mediatrix of Graces – Meditate on the Passion and Offer it to Our Lady for Three Minutes for the Salvation of Sinners – Our Lady is Our Powerful Intercessor – Make a Simple Act of Love to Atone for Those who do not Love Our Lord and to Comfort Him

Ecstasy during an anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Pontmain, January 17. (Year of the Ecstasy not given)

The Blessed Virgin: “It is I who gave to you, by the Adorable Heart; it pleases Him so, my beloved little children, that everything passes through me! What passes through me, your Mother, is great, holy, pure, is loving. (i.e. the Sacred Heart has ordained graces pass through her, i.e. she confirms she is the Mediatrix of graces.)

I came here (to Pontmain) with the Cross, with all the instruments of the painful torture unto death of my Divine Son for the salvation of souls. Oh! Think of this Passion; offer it to me for the Beloved, who died of love; offer it to me meditating for three minutes on all that He has suffered!

Oh! I assure you that He then turns His sweet eyes to the greatest sinner in the world and your thoughts of His sorrowful Passion, It is for Him like a drop of mercy. He said:

'Receive, sinner, from your Creator, by the little souls, your sisters of the Earth, receive a drop of mercy that they asked Me for you, thinking of My Sorrowful Passion.'

(i.e Our Lady is asking we meditate for three minutes on Our Lord's most Sorrowful Passion and offer it to her for sinners—sinners will receive a drop of Christ's mercy.)

My little children, I often have the sorrow to hear this word from the sinner:

'Keep for yourself your gifts, you, I do not know! I refuse them, I do not want to break with my past.'

(i.e so many sinners reject the graces of Our Lady, and, do not want to make a break from their sinful ways.)

The Blessed Virgin: “What tears shed, what sorrows transpierce my heart, but this charity on your part: the thought of the painful torment will earn you great merit. I myself harvest  from your lips and I bear it to the Divine Crucified, to the immense love that is only forgiveness.

(I.e. she takes our prayers to her Divine Son for the conversion of sinners.)

Pray still, the sky is very black, pray again, it is full of justice, evil, calamity, misfortune that will affect the souls and bodies, and before many days you will see from the painful disasters from those who inhabit the room of hell (The Chamber of Deputies in France).

All hell is up, all hell is armed, hell has its legions of guilty souls, impure, vengeful, real torturers. There is all (this) in Hell: the revenge, cruelty, insult to Heaven! I do not want to sadden you, you will experience protection, strength and hope in your Beloved. Mine are both extensive and I am closer to you because I am less (raised?). 


(i.e. difficult to translate, but it appears Our Lady is reminding us that Hell will be unleashed soon during the chastisements, i.e. the anti-Catholic wars, etc. But, Our Lady promises to protect those devoted to her. She says she is closer to us because as a human she is not as exalted above humanity as her Son who is both Divine and human.)

Marie-Julie: “It is true, good Mother, Jesus is as in the top of Paradise, His Divine Father is higher. I do not see the Heaven of the Father nor the Heaven of the Divine Son. Good Mother, what are the first two Divine Persons and the Holy Spirit who is the third of the rays of love extending throughout the world, but for the righteous, good Mother?”

(I.e. Marie-Julie seems to say the Holy Trinity is so pure and exalted only the righteous and pure may dare approach them directly.)

The Blessed Virgin: “And for sinners who return to Me, I am the fourth, the lowest, closest to you, my little children (she smiles) closest to the Earth. I descend, I ascend, I always descend, full of graces. I bring back the Earth to the Beloved, the graces obtained through your prayers. He offers them to appease His Father as the Divine Father is very angry.

(I.e. Our Lady says she is the next after the Trinity, she continually reconciles sinners to the Trinity, we may approach her as she is the closest to us. She comes to us to bring graces, and, ascends to bring our prayers to the Father and appease His Divine Wrath. She is our powerful intercessor.)

Marie-Julie: “Good Immaculate Mother, what (can we) do to comfort, this sweet and loving Jesus in our souls?”

The Blessed Virgin: “Oh! The love for so many souls who do not love Him, tell Him in the simplicity of your heart:

'I want to love You for so many souls who do not love You!'


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 Next Post #201 Revelations on theChastisements – the Great Catholic Monarch Arrives when Paris Burns, He will Liberate the Holy Pope – King Louis XVI will be Beatified, Raised to the Altars


Previous Post: #199 A Canticle of Prayer and Love by Marie-Julie Jahenny – Also, the Merits and Graces Earned from Persecutions

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny