Showing posts with label National Assembly will be Destroyed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Assembly will be Destroyed. Show all posts

Sunday 12 July 2020

#192 FIRE WILL FALL FROM HEAVEN and MINGLE WITH THE FIRE OF HELL – the Destruction of Paris described as 'Sodom' – the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY will be Destroyed – The Sacred Heart Complains Against France

Date of Ecstasy Unknown

"The fire will fall from heaven upon Sodom (Paris) and mainly on the room of hell, (Chamber of Deputies/ National Assembly) where they make bad laws; it will be swallowed up in its place, it will be like a great (sandpit or quarry) which, until the end of the world, they will not be able to approach without a shudder of horror. The fire of Heaven will blend with the fire of Hell. Water will be similar to fire ... This place will collapse over a large distance around ... Never, will they forget these marks of God, remaining visible on a land where there are such beautiful shrines dedicated to the Holy Immaculate Mother."


OBSERVATIONS: this is agreement with the prophecies of other mystics that Paris will be destroyed and never rebuilt after the great chastisements and the Three Days of Darkness, the ruins of the city will be left until the end of the world as a sign of God's Justice. It is interesting that the aftermath will be compared to a quarry /sandpit: Paris is completely hollowed out underneath with old gypsum mine tunnels, the collapse of the city would literally make it one huge open pit.

No doubt the mention of the fire from Heaven and Hell mingling not only refers to the wars, but also the Three Days of Darkness when the Fire of Heaven will fall from the sky and cleanse the earth before the Age of Peace and the renewal, we note the fire and chastisement will not come from natural sources if the element of water shall take on the nature of fire according to the prophecy above.


Ecstasy date unknown - The Sacred Heart Complains Against France

Sacred Heart: “The people of (the) chastisement is guilty, but My French people. (They say):

I have not visited this people, My Divine Heart has not been revealed there. I did not send My Holy Mother to open sources of grace; the grace of Heaven did not fall in France as in those countries where the punishment comes.”

(i.e., Our Lord seems to be listing out the excuses of the ignorant sinners that doubt the graces given to France.)

These souls do not know Me much, a great number do not participate in My graces. (i.e. the Protestant countries outside of France)   But France knows Me, it has known me. She is very guilty, has tarnished her faith, honour and dignity. If I save her, I save her freely, because the number of My just ones is very small compared to the unjust.” (i.e. there will be too few just souls left making reparations, so it will be a pure act of the Sacred Heart's mercy that He will step forward and save France.)


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