Showing posts with label No Merits without Suffering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Merits without Suffering. Show all posts

Thursday 9 June 2022

#133 B - We Must Suffer to Gain Merits – Everyone Has A Mission as a Member of the Church – Forgive those who Hurt You - St. Jerome Gives her the SECRET on HOW TO LOVE JESUS – Abandonment to the Holy Will




Ecstasy date September 30, 1881. 

 (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp.22-26)

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “If on earth we only enjoyed love without suffering, we would have no merit; the earth seems soft as a heaven. (But) there is no comparison between the heaven of the saints and the earth, which is the place where Christians hoard treasures for heaven as they walk through it.  To show us that we are on earth, Jesus leaves us love among pains, and pains among love.  This is the distinction between heaven and earth.   In heaven, we enjoy love.  On the earth, we also enjoy it, but not to the sublime degree.  This is the distinction. By the wonderful kindness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the saints can say: 'We have experienced sufferings. We ascended to heaven. We are now seated there among love. The earth also has suffering and love.'

Apparently, the is a description by Bourcier of what happens next:

(Bourcier: Marie Julie adds that Jesus, by a prodigy of goodness gave us His very Blessed Mother and the Cross to allow us to climb higher to him. Jesus asks to be loved and He says that the Cross is a wood fit to kindle the reign of love in our hearts. The Cross is a torrent of delights for souls. It is the intoxicating cellar where one comes to drink the wine that strengthens, It is the cellar where the wedding of the Divine Lamb with the soul is celebrated at all times. It is the hearth where Jesus descends to warm Himself with the souls united to Him, where all fed on the food of grace. It is the supreme vessel in which man embarks on the sea of holy love and which leads to the sacred refuge of the Heart of Jesus.

Marie-Julie testifies to her regrets at having understood so late the deluge of love flowing in our souls. Through battles, penances, tears and mortification, the holy daughter of La Fraudais strives to put only God in all her thoughts.)

Marie-Julie: “We are all on a mission on earth. The Fathers of the Church have the primary mission which descends from the Lord. It is the most glorious, the richest, the most triumphant, the most prodigious, the most respectful. In this fruitful mission, let us pray that their mission will become abundant!

Following the fathers of the Church, we too have a mission.  We have His children to serve, those who come to fight.   We have to defend religion under attack.  We have lips and a tongue, a word to silence those who despise Our Lord Jesus Christ.  We have to love our neighbour, to relieve him, to pray for him, to provide him with what he does not have. If we must, to tear out our heart to console his, if it is the will of Jesus.  How beautiful is our mission!

Can't we tell those who are far from God to come closer to Him? Can't our word touch their hardened hearts? When we have done what we could, Our Lord rewards our desire to see the soul return to His mercy. What a mission God entrusted to His children, to forgive those who, without doing so on purpose, were able to make them suffer!  Excuse those who make us cry; we are sure they do not do it on purpose.  Jesus acts through them to add diamonds to our begun crown.  Thus, He makes us climb the rungs of perfection.  One cannot attain total perfection on earth, but one can enter deeply into perfection here below. When one makes great progress on earth, this powerful advancement produces great merits.

Forgive! There is always time to forgive the many offenses.  Let us love those who are the cause of these merits.  Let us embrace them! Send them our smile! May our hearts have a special affection for these dear souls who make us suffer. Let us be proud to suffer for Jesus. He chose to share suffering: fear not to defend the Cross of Calvary! When they cast outrages on us, Jesus will be happy to see the goodness of His children. Tell others to keep silent. Let us not be afraid to tell him to still his created tongue to sing the praises of God. Let us not be afraid to tell him, and Jesus will reward us infinitely, a reward from the sweet and beloved Father.” [NOTE: I.e. Here it seems that while we must forgive, she says do not be afraid to tell others to stop using their tongues for evil outrages, such as calumny against another person, rather, our tongues were created to praise God. A correction like this is an act of charity.]

Marie-Julie then called upon St. Michael: “Come lead us, support us! For hell is empty, all the damned are on earth with their devouring fire, sowing a deluge of evils of all kinds. The Justice of God is near!

She continues: “O Mary, you, the Blessed Mother, calm the wrath of your Son! It is the one thing on earth that grieves the loving souls of Jesus.  Yes, the more one loves Him, the more this pain tears the heart.  I pray to my God to forgive me for letting this escape, but I'm not the only one suffering (from this).   It is not being able to do anything before Jesus.  He is always the first to act. If we do an act of love, His Heart sighed for us before ours. If we make an act of surrender, Jesus sent us the smile of His sacred lips before ours left earth for heaven. If we send Him a kiss of love, Jesus has sent the first and sweetest kiss of peace before our sigh is uttered. If we offer Him our heart before dawn, if before dawn we salute Jesus, His Heart greeted us before our salutation came out of our mouth.   If before dawn, we cast our gaze towards the distant heaven, 'My God, I love you!' He said before we could: 'I love you with all My Heart!´ It is an incurable pain for me that I could never do anything before you!'

(OBSERVATION / Possible explanation: I.e. It is a pain, that we as such sinners are dependent on God for every good act we conceive or do - cannot do one good act for Him without Him or His grace, that's how fallen we are, and that He knows what we are going to do before we even do it. This part of fallen human nature is a spiritual suffering for Marie-Julie.)

(Bourcier continues to describe the rest of the ecstasy: at the moment of the way of the cross, the Lord appeared to Marie-Julie under the appearance of a severe and rigorous Judge against sinners, but just and tender towards just souls. After a while, she saw Him in the form of the Ecce Homo, torn and bloody, that the holy guardian angels of souls make her see the crosses the souls under their care carry with serenity. Jesus stood at the top of Calvary and said:

Jesus: 'Come, My beloveds who have accepted the burden of the Cross! You have sinned, but you have repented. Come into My Love!'

Marie-Julie saw the guardian angels presenting to Jesus the souls they all guard. She saw Our Lady singing the Te Deum, assisted by the procession of virgins. It was a beautiful day, but for that it was necessary to pay more, and Jesus gives a heavier cross to Marie-Julie.

She then asked St. Jerome the secret of how to love Jesus, and the great saint responded that the beginning of this secret is to say:

"God's holy will be done! Then you have to go to the blessed Virgin. It is still necessary to say:

'My God, I submit myself to your Divine Will! If you want me to love You very much, be blessed! If you want me to have no love, always be blessed! Put me in the state You want, I will be as submissive and resigned to You in the hardest trials as if You placed me in the most consoling of your favours!'

And St. Jerome added: 


'Many times, walking in the secret of loving Jesus, you will kiss His Wounds and you will say to each one of them (the wounds):

'My Good Jesus, if you want me to be fervent, I am your child ! If you want me to be cold and arid, I'm still willing to accept it!'

(NOTE: this appears to be a revelation of a devotion to the five Holy Wounds, six if we add the Wound in the Shoulder: to acquire the grace to love Jesus perfectly, it seems we are to kiss each of the Wounds, perhaps on a crucifix, or if the crucifix is small, to kiss it the same amount of times, saying this small prayer of accepting God's Will regarding the grace to love Him.)

Marie-Julie then received the strike of the lance after speaking for a moment with the most Holy Virgin. Jesus then speaks:

Jesus: “Guard well the faith and confidence! The Cross will be the shield that will make you invulnerable!”

Our Lady: “My children, pray! My heart is sad, my eyes are two fountains of tears. My gentle hand removes all danger from you. My heart will be your asylum and your refuge against all dangers.” (With hands outstretched, she added:) “I am your Mother and I will never abandon you, never!”

Jesus: “I bless you with the outpouring of My Heart and by My Divine Wounds! My Heart remains open to you with that of My Mother whenever you want. Grace awaits!”



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 Next Post: #134 - Various Prophecies - Killer Plagues – The 'Three Times' of Persecution – Catholic Schools and Hospitals Need to be Privatised – Prophecy of the Film Industry and Modern Art? - Evil Books – Satan Will Rule Everything for a Time 


Previous Post: #133  WOE to Traitor Priests – SEAL OF CONFESSION Will be BROKEN – The  Bloody Civil War Hatched by Conspiracy – IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE SIDES- - PRECURSOR ANTICHRISTS WILL ROAM THE EARTH - Sacre Coeur will become a Rendevous for Conspirators

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny