Showing posts with label The Blessed Lilly Petals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Blessed Lilly Petals. Show all posts

Sunday 9 May 2021

#215 Our Lady of the Lillies - The Blessed Lily Petals




(From 'The Breton Stigmatist', pp. 63-65)

On Tuesday 23rd of June 1936, a young girl from Blain had brought Marie-Julie a lily that had been placed before the Blessed Sacrament at the parish church during the feast of Corpus Christi. This lily was placed in the arms of the big crowned statue of Our Lady of Lourdes which dominates the bedside of Marie-Julie and it remained there during the entire ecstasy.

During the ecstasy, replying to a total offering of Mare-Julie in her name and the name of all her friends, Our Lady said:

As a reward I have in my arms this beautiful white flower which recalls the most beautiful of my virtues...scatter this spotless flower...Everyone take a small bit home, it is I myself you will carry away, the Queen of Lilies, the Queen of Peace, the Queen of Prodigies, the Queen of Miracles.”

Then at the end of the ecstasy, at the last blessings, Our Lady said to Marie-Julie:

Give a small piece (of lily) to all my small children, it is the flower of my Jesus, with a delicious scent blessed on earth... There must be many lilies for Jesus.”

People present were under the impression that the lily placed in the arms of (the) Our Lady of Lourdes (statue) during the ecstasy took on the same freshness as when if it had just been cut.

On Tuesday February 2nd 1937, the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady, during her particular morning ecstasy, Marie-Julie thanked her for all the graces of protection from accidents, of preservation in accidents and cures granted to people who had recourse to the fragments of the lily.

Our Lady then confirmed her words of the preceding 23rd of June, when Our Lord interrupted her saying: “Remember My Mother, that I had given My blessings before thine.” (I.e. Our Lord blessed the lily placed before Him exposed in the Blessed Sacrament first before Our Lady.)

Then Our Lady continued: “I blessed this lily after my Divine Son, it will do many marvels...” and she asked Marie-Julie to have her invoked under the title of Our Lady of the Lilies.

Two days later on 4th of February, during the usual ecstasy, Our Lady said the following words:

Little friends, give me this title; Mother of Purity, Lily of Purity without stain. Spread my love on earth by this Lily which has adored Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle, by this beautiful Lily where Jesus has placed His purest graces, the most glowing love. I will give many graces, I will even work prodigies, I will give health back to the sick when they are touched by this beautiful Lily of purity.”... “Oh, little children of the earth, come to my heart, invoke me as Our Lady of the Lilies, Mother of Power, Mother of Prodigies...”

Then Marie-Julie said: “It does not surprise me, good Heavenly Mother, that a shower of graces overflowed from thy heart to fall on this Lily which thou hast watered with thy favours, this Lily the white corollas of which thou distribute to encourage us to have recourse to thee, predisposing us (to trust) to tell us that this Lily will take us to Heaven, as it took the Most Holy Virgin with her beautiful virtues, to the Kingdom of her Divine Son, to love and adore Him eternally. Jesus has said many times:

Mother, give thy graces to thy small children on earth, I give Mine, I mingle them with thine, thine with Mine, is it not the same things, so that it is two great blessings that flow on them from this blessed Lily; their eyes do not see them but the eyes of the souls, their souls are not unaware...”

Blessings and promises were renewed on different occasions, notably on 8th of April 1937, by the Blessed Virgin:

Oh, my little children, I bless you will all my heart, I bless you with the heart of Our Lady of Lilies.”

On 10th of June 1937, by Our Lord:

Little friends, I give your Lilies the same blessing that I gave those which protected you and which made you find the name so dear to My Gentle Mother of 'Our Lady of the Lilies', distribute them...I will work miracles, I will do extraordinary prodigies for My chosen ones on earth...”

And again on 18th of July 1939 - (Our Lord): "I bless the Lilies and give them My powers to relive poor suffering.”

During an ecstasy, Our Lord having spoken of roses, violets, etc., that were presented during ecstasies and which received blessings and graces, He added that nevertheless it was to the lily, as being her privileged flower, that Our Lady reserved her greatest benefits.

The bulbs of the lilies that were in the small enclosure behind Marie-Julie's cottage were removed on her request on 8th of December 1938. They were blessed by Our Lord, some during the ecstasy of the day, the others during the Way of the Cross the following day.

Our Lord promised that the lilies of those bulbs would be blessed as soon as they appeared (i.e. bloomed) on earth and it would be enough to present the flowers of the petals before the Blessed Sacrament exposed to have the same blessings and privileges of the preceding ones and that in this way the devotion to Our Lady of the Lilies would be assured and continued after the death of Marie-Julie.


NOTE: As the blessed petals must come from the specific lillies that bloom at Marie-Julie's cottage, it seems one must be present to be able to get a lily petal. I am not sure how this is done, or, if the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association' continue to distribute the lily petals, but you may try to contact them about it. Please note, contacting them is not easy to do – sometimes they answer, other times they don't.  Sad to say, they are not an official diocese-sanctioned pilgrim association or site, so things just aren't running right there at the moment.  

Their e-mail:

However, even if you cannot get a petal, it is obvious Our Lord and Our Lady would like her title of Our Lady of the Lilies to be honoured, and that we can do.


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