Showing posts with label Miraculous Return of Henry V. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miraculous Return of Henry V. Show all posts

Friday 20 January 2023

#140 B: Prophecy Marie-Julie's Work will be Brought to Light – Prophecy of the Heavenly Cortège of Mystics that Will Accompany the Great Monarch to the Walls of the National Assembly




Ecstasy March, 21, 1882. (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 95-97)

(NOTE: Jesus and Mary spoke to here in this ecstasy, but Herni Boucier leaves out this part of the ecstasy, unfortunately. He continues straight to a message given by the Holy Spirit Who comes in the shape of a Dove.)

Marie-Julie: “At the foot of the throne of Jesus, I adore my Savior from the depths of my soul. Now, I listen to the Dove of the Holy Spirit speak to repeat all his words well.”

The Dove: “Dear friends, a little more patience on earth, and all will enjoy profound peace altogether! For you, Marie-Julie of the Crucifix, spouse of Jesus, receive the light you need to faithfully accomplish the designs of the Lord! Dear friends, in His infinite wisdom, the Lord has gathered His faithful instruments. He intends for them to keep His words in silence, before the voice is given to all the hearts present in a day that must not be long (in coming?). Do you consent, my daughter, to change your painful thorns with those that I offer you and which are different in their pain from those of today?”

Marie-Julie: “Divine Holy Spirit, the crown that you offer to the gaze of my soul seems to me to have been so great that all that I have suffered may not be enough to efface them.”

(i.e. from the context, it seems she is saying all her sufferings are not enough to erase the crown of thorns she is currently wearing, the new crown shown to her by the Holy Spirit is too beautiful. She deserve the thorns.)

The Dove: “Contemplate well this precious offering which you will carry only a short time, but enough to let the heavenly ones see the glory and the reward that there is in this divine gift. This crown is not comparable to the one you wear for the love of Jesus. I have a part in all the divine works, but in this one particularly. I make myself the Director, the Comforter. In a word, it was I who gave these lofty instructions. To the crown that I bring today, I want to add a more distinguished radiance, various pendants and finials. This crown, I place it straight on the middle of the forehead, with a fairly visible trace and marked in width.”

(NOTE: there are times when Heaven exchanged crown of thorns Marie-Julie wore, and the change in the stigmata on her head was always announced in advance. People could witness the stigmata of the crown of thorns changing to the shape of the new crown she was given to wear.)

Marie-Julie: “Holy Spirit, I'm not commanding you, but I wouldn't like our dear interlacers to see it. May it be only for our dear friends!”

(I.e. Odd literal translation, Marie-Julie in her humility does not want this new change in the stigmata to be made to the general public, but only to those close to the holy mission.)

The Dove: “My daughter, I speak to you in front of the souls present, under the eyes of these men of merit who are helping to move everything forward at this moment.”

Marie-Julie: “Divine Holy Spirit, I willingly submit to your wishes.”

The Dove: “My dear friends, the Lord has plans for His victim. Her tongue will no longer be sealed with the bond of stillness, and the people who have never seen or heard the story of so much pain and immolation for the work of Calvary, this people will see with their eyes a new creature born of the love and wounds of her God. The dear friends could say: a new creature was born by the gifts by which He took away all resemblance to serve the joy and the good of His people, God has transformed, formed and reformed (her).

(i.e. an odd phrase that I'm finding difficult to translate, but basically, Our Lord is saying in the future people who had never heard of her sufferings will see their fruit – He is removing her former resemblance, and through her victim-sufferings is making her a 'new creature', completely renewed and transformed spiritually.)

(The Holy Spirit): Dear friends, the Lord deposits in her what He wants to let fall in hearts and on the world to save and protect it. Now take a rest, before entering the Book of gold!

Loyal victims and servants (I.e a reference to the designated victims souls suffering for the Work of the Cross and the scribes taking down the messages), you waited until the midst of the pain, the transformation of the earth....This time has existed for nine years under the empire of my power. I activate with fire the beautiful ripening, in the middle of spring.

(NOTE: Bourcier notes this indicates the years 1873 to 1882, but the 'nine years' could refer to some other time period as a prophecy is now about to be shared).

The Dove: “There must be a procession of spouses who have prayed for the reconciliation of this land lost without Me, a procession of spouses who go in triumph to seek the illustrious saviour (I.e the Great Catholic Monarch, Henry V) and lead him to the walls which form the hall of hell. (I.e the National Assembly of France). It is he who will make good and Christian families, children and old people happy. The procession of spouses is made up of Mélanie de La Salette, of Louis Lateau, of Sr. Oliva Marie du Christ-Roi, of Marie Martel, of Estelle Faguette. Of course, of Joan of Arc and St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, and hundreds of others.”


(OBSERVATION: this is an astounding prophecy, if the scribe transcribed the text properly and assuming Henry Bourcier printed the text correctly. A heavenly procession will go forth to meet and then accompany Henry V, the promised Great Catholic Monarch, as he makes his way to Paris to fight the enemy, he will go to the National Assembly. This procession or cortège will feature spiritual spouses of Our Lord, saints, and those who are mystics or to whom Our Lady appeared to. In several cases, this text to Marie-Julie seems to be added proof that the several of the mystics who were in question at the time are indeed authentic.

Mélanie of La Salette of course needs no introduction, and also Estelle Faguette is also not completely unknown, her vision was approved under the title of Our Lady of Pellevoison.

Louis Lateau from Belgium (1850-1883) was a mystic and stigmatist, and while she was deemed authentic, that her stigmata were not fake, and she is listed on the Miracle Hunter's site as 'authentic' under Marian apparitions, on March 5, 2009, strangely, the Vatican gave a negative answer to an inquiry wishing to further the cause for her possible beatification. However, this prophecy given to Marie-Julie seems to point out she is indeed authentic, and her cause will be made known by Heaven in the future.

Another interesting mention is Marie Martel, the main visionary of the Apparitions of Tilly: of the date of Marie-Julie's ecstasy is correct, 1883,  this set of visions which occurred in 1896 was predicted a good decade before they occurred!  The case of Marie Martel and these visions strangely was left to stagnate by the local bishop of the time who apparently did not want to cause trouble with the French government, but was never officially condemned, even if not officially approved. St. Pius X himself believed in this apparition, and so did officials at the Vatican, but were disappointed in how the bishop handled the case, which left it stymied. So it is still unapproved but not officially condemned. If this prophecy given to Marie-Julie is true, then the visions of Marie Martel are indeed authentic , again, foretold a decade before their occurrence.  No doubt this is a sign her case will also one day be cleared up. (Click here to read more about the Apparitions and prophecies of Tilly.)

The most surprising mention is Sr. Oliva Marie du Christ-Roi, a mystic from Brittany, who, similar to Marie Martel, her case was left to stagnate. Oliva Danzé was born in 1906 and she died in 1968. If this ecstasy attributed to Marie-Julie was accurately transcribed as dating from 1883, then that means she made a prophecy regarding Sr. Oliva before she was even born. Her case regarding the apparitions of Christ the King was not officially condemned, but strangely, she was continually persecuted eventhough she was received favorably by the Archbishop of Paris, and Pius XII was personally favorable to her visions and gave orders she be permitted to return to her convent. Again, Marie-Julie's ecstasy would point out Sr. Oliva is indeed an authentic mystic and she too will be vindicated when the Great Monarch comes. (Click here to read more about Sr. Oliva Marie of Christ the King and her prophetic visions.)


Go to:

Next Post: #141 Prophecies: Decimation of the Christian Population – Anti-Church Revolution to Hit when the French Army is Deployed Abroad and Security Forces Reduced in France – Warning Signs in Nature

Previous Post: #140 Prophecies: Special Messenger of God to the Count of Chambord - the 'Impure Victory' of the Tricolor - the Count's Death

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Sunday 8 January 2023

#139 B The Promised Great Monarch will Pierce Through the Blows of Death – A Star Will Appear and Shine for Three Days Announcing His Arrival



The Promised Great Monarch will Pierce Through the Blows of Death – A Star Will Appear and Shine for Three Days Announcing His Arrival

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 318-320)

February 28, 1882

The Sacred Heart: “The faithful people will not say longer now that the days drag on and that this slowness is a throbbing pain. (I.e. Not for much longer will the faithful say the coming of Our Lord's promises is slow and painful to wait for.) The true friends of the Lord wait in trust, though under clouds and in darkness. The rest of the faith is extinguished, the strength diminishes, evil makes great progress. And behold, the one who is called the oracle of the word of God will cause the weakness of faith to re-germinate and flow back. (i.e faith will grow once more, the tide will turn). It is he who will raise the courage of the people. It is he who will rise to an admirable degree of virtue. The Lord has his designs on him; he will pierce through the blows of death. God's friends will no longer have to wait to finally receive all perfect contentment in the glory of God.”

(i.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch, Henry V.)

Marie-Julie: “The love of the Sacred Heart fully promised the return of the savior and the resurrection of the earth. The triumph of the Cross will prelude this resurrection of the land and the return of the saviour of France. The pain will be all the less felt as you have suffered before. It will be the coming promise of the savior of France who will be the man of all gifts. He will not be present at the start of the events. The days of weeping will be shortened, because God has listened to the prayers and complaints of his people. The hour of miracles will break out with the clash of arms.  The intervention of St. Joseph and of St. Michael will be announced and will come true with the brilliant star that will come out at midday. It will leave the sun shining for three days. Everyone will turn to where dwells the man whose cloak of St. Louis must cover his shoulders. The luminous star will represent, will illuminate with its rays the true fighters and the elect of heaven who will accompany St. Michael, leader of the armies of heaven. The angelic troupe will support the fighters as King Henry V of the Cross approaches.

Our Lord: “The most beautiful lily that My Heart could give for the king of my choice, the most beloved of My Sacred Heart. The victorious Archangel St. Michael will receive the call for peace.   From the fight he will bring back My glorious soldiers, bringing back the standard of the lily, the most beautiful emblem of My designs.  He will stand low above the soldiers whom My voice, My commands and the lines of My divine words will guide, while hell is unleashed.

When the king Henry V of the Cross will have arrived on the stone posed by My gifts, that is to say on the step of the altar of the cathedral, the consecrating bishop will cover him with a cloak of gold. My Will having spoken, his army will follow him to the sanctuary where My prodigious Cross will have gathered my elect at his feet. On their knees, in tears and giving heartfelt thanks, the hand of the victims will trace on the forehead the victorious sign of the Cross, mark of the victory given to the few who will bring back to glory the man of My Heart. Under a pure and serene sky, I will give an awakening to all My creation. The angel in charge of the harmony of hymns will charm the heart of Marie-Julie under the clear sky and the cloudless day.

I make my just ones wait, I will largely reward their patience which I apply to the redemption of sinners; not of all, for many will perish and will not return to My sweet mercy.”


Go to:

Next Post: #140 Prophecies: The Special Messenger of God to the Count of Chambord (Henry V) - the 'Impure Victory' of the Tricolor - the Count's Death

Previous Post: #139 Prophecy: The Jews Will See Signs of Terror in the Sky When the Great Monarch Arrives

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny


Sunday 26 May 2019

#156 St. Michael - a Revelation about the Chosen Great Catholic Monarch – he is STILL the one called the Exiled 'Miracle Child' – He will come during the Crisis – Our Lady will Protect Him as Her Own Son

(Published ecstasies for 1890.)

September 6, 1890

St. Michael: "To bring back the king chosen and elect of God it is necessary that those in power are swept away. The poison remains on the throne, it must be purified, because there is another St. Louis that is to sit on the fragrant lily. (i.e the Great Monarch will be a saint like St. Louis IX – France will have 'another St. Louis'.)  The corpses of the enemies of the King will fall under the feet of those who accompany him on the throne where he must reign, to reestablish peace and make good flower everywhere. However, there will still be enemies standing, when the King takes possession, because he will come during the storm, (i.e the crisis to hit France) but he will be safe as the Mother of God protects him as her own son and has reserved him to be the heir to a merited crown that has delighted him. The days of exile will still have been hard and cost dearly to this faithful King, Catholic, but he will be most greatly rewarded. Let them say and affirm to men that he will never return. Listen to them and ask them if they are prophets!

I march over France; I watch closely, because the Lord is near. Another is waiting in solitude with resignation the call of his brothers to give beautiful flourishing days to that which the holy kings of long ago once governed so well. But be sure that when the moment when the decision will control the choice, be sure that it will not be the first one, the one that exile possesses in solitude. (i.e., a choice will be made for a king, the first contender to the throne will not be the true King who will be in exile.) There are still remnants of a family that also claims a place, a sceptre and a crown. But this race is not in the design of God, because its wickedness has been to make an innocent victim who gave his blood to keep his faith. It is Louis XVI, (and) that royal lady whose name is dear to France. The descendants of the murderous brothers claim to have a right to the throne that
has been contaminated by one of his race who ruled. But this family has a very poor background.

(NOTE: i.e., the Duc de Orleans, he had joined the French Revolutionaries and was a traitor to Louis XVI and Queen Antoinette – Heaven recognises them as martyrs. Orleans branch will try to claim the throne, but God is displeased with this family. They shall not take the throne.)

St. Michael: The one who waits, it is the one that they call the miracle child. This kingdom has not yet known his name, but much later it will know the depths of his heart. He is reserved for the great epochs."

(NOTE: once again, the exiled 'Miracle Child' is proclaimed by St. Michael to be the chosen king. Heaven already revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny in past prophecies that the chosen king is Henry V, the one called the MIRACLE CHILD – and that could be none other than Henri V the Count of Chambord, the last direct descendant of the Bourbon line and the legitimate heir to the throne of France who was called the Miracle Child by his supporters. He was born on St. Michel's feast day.  He was named in the prophecies while he was alive, and here in 1890, we see that even after his death which occurred in 1883 – he still remains the chosen king, and he is yet reserved for the great epochs. France did not want to know his name then, but they will in the future.

Our Lord revealed to Marie- Julie Jahenny that ALL the prophecies refer to him. Henry V the Miracle Child was and still is the chosen Great Catholic Monarch. There will be no other.  In other prophecies she was told he would be 'returned' to his subjects in such a manner that defies all of man's plans and in a way that only He as God can bring about.  She was told there would be 'resurrections' and that the 'lily' would resurrect, and that the miracles the future generations would see would resemble the Day of Judgement.   Read more about Henry V and the return of the promised king in Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies, click here.)


Monday 1 October 2018

#130 Rejection of Henry V Opened the Way for the Chastisements – His Miraculous Return will be Unforeseen and Cannot be Stopped

Ecstasy date July 12, 1881

Our Lord: "The time is near when many people will be shaken, where those who do not want to follow good laws will be under the great blow of regret. There is no more time! They wanted to leave for the abyss! It is open! They did not want My King, they have preferred the throne of infamous men. They have for some time. They will be very unhappy. They have wanted the abyss! They have arrived there. They despised the future of my servant. (i.e Henri V) They (the French) gave preference to the revolutionaries. This is their time. It is their time that begins and for the few, is the entry of major disasters by their fault. But hope! They all started with them, (i.e the coming disasters,) but heaven will preserve the friends of Its promise.”

(Image: Henry V, Count of Chambord).

(Observations: Our Lord laments that the French have despised the opportunity of restoring the absolute monarchy under Henry V, the Count of Chambord who was alive at the time. Christ an earlier prophecies had named him to be the Great Monarch of His choice and that ALL the prophecies refer to him. See post #127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to bethe Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him

By rejecting Henry V, the French have now opened the path to the chastisements, for they have chosen the Abyss. At the time, the path was now being set for the establishment of a Republic in France, and as we read in an earlier revelation to Marie-Julie, Democracy comes from Hell. See post #5 Democracy- Straight from Hell)

 UPDATE:  Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)    (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 70-71)  --- (Summary: Marie-Julie Jahenny Suffers More In Expiation - Christ Denounces Bastille Day, the Celebration of the Masonic Revolution that transformed France from a Catholic Monarchy into a Secular Democratic State – Bastille Day is a Day of Blasphemy Against Christ and His Church – Christ Complains Friday Fasting and Abstinence is no longer Observed – Apparently the Government's Attack on the Church will be Initiated on a Bastille Day before Signed into Law - Punishment is Coming)

Marie-Julie: “I see heaven opening and my soul penetrating this abyss of love, the homeland of the saints. The Lord sits on His Eternal Throne. I contemplate all of the Celestial Court prostrated before His adorable feet, like a family all around a Father, to implore grace and pity. I, also contemplate the Virgin May, the right hand and the other extended towards us. She is like a grieving Mother, immersed in pain that no mortal can fathom.”

The Lord said in a sad voice but full of kindness: “My children, I come to reveal to you the plan of terrible punishments which are now to come. My children, I bless you and I love you!”

Marie-Julie: “Inside my heart, I suffer a pain that I have never felt. It's like a sharp fire that seizes my whole body. There seem to be as many flames in this brazier as there are blasphemies spoken. The pain would be unbearable without the support of the Good God!”

The Sacred Heart: “I want to make you feel how horrible blasphemy offends and outrages Me. Moreover, presently, you will endure on the tongue this same living and inconceivable flame, to expiate the profane words, the insults to religion, the outrages to the Church, the songs of hell that these guilty tongues pronounce. (i.e the godless liberals who celebrate Bastille Day). Then, you are going to suffer in your hands an expiation of infamous objects (used to) only sadden Me, to make My apostles and My people suffer. Then there will be a pain in your feet that you have never suffered, a pain so deep that you will cry out before Me. This gift will expiate the crimes which they will commit by their steps and their procedures.  In spirit and in your head, there will be a pain that you have never felt, and will be just up until tomorrow morning, three o'clock; for the hour of hell is up to then and then and more. Tomorrow, Friday, you're going to feel this bitter taste deep in your heart and in your mouth. It is to atone for infamous words and that other crime: Friday food. (I.e. The lack of fasting and abstinence- meat eaten on Fridays, etc.)  More abstinence, more reserve! They no longer look on it is the forbidden day! (i.e. Meat is forbidden.)

Today, hell has erected its temples on earth: a day of outrage for heaven, a day of joy for hell. This day, of today, July 14 (Bastille Day), will cost dearly to those who will have celebrated it with the jubilations of hell. My Justice touches the top of their heads. One makes flow on the Spouse of My Heart, in the churches, this color of blood which will be poured in abundance in many cities of France, O ungrateful people! Today is where they will declare war on the Church, where they suspend it from the bottom of the heart, before signing the reality.  A large number of cities in France will be in terrible pain.  My children, it is the world that seeks the wrath of My vengeance. I am a God of clemency, I've held back My anger so far. They force Me, they urge Me to let My anger upon on the earth. My children, this day of today will justify this miserable French government. I am abandoned and forsaken. Today, I count a multitude of My Catholic priests and of the faithful who weep and groan in the depths of their homes.  My children, you are happy, you, in the depths of your solitudes! If you could penetrate into the midst of these debauched cities, your hearts would melt with tears and pains.”


Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)

Our Lord: "My children, There are only two things that consume the thoughts of the men of governmental authority: it is the Church, it is the King. These two things animates in the bottom of their hearts a passion that nothing will tarnish, and that because I destined My exiled servant to return to the land of his birth. (i.e in reference to the Count of Chambord, Henry V, true king of France who was in exile. ) He will be the aid and support of the Church, My Spouse, in the last fights that will hold him, to him, the foreign princes (i.e. will oppose him), jealous of a reign full of peace and loyalty to the Church and its Head. My Divinity will be torn; all My Power and My Kingdom will fall under the black paints of their abominable words."

(I.e, those who are against God's plan will paint the dogma of Christ's Divinity and all teachings of the Church with a black brush so to speak – Christ, His Church and even the dogma of His Divinity will be vilified.)


Ecstasy July 19, 1881

"After they (God's enemies?) will be avenged on everything, (after their evil persecutions and vengeance on everyone and everything) there will come the one (i.e. the Great Monarch) that the wonderful goodness of God has elected through all the dark clouds, although it may seem impossible. It is so veiled, that there is nothing apparent to the blind and for those who would never wanted to know his name, or the names of all those who resemble him in character and above all by the royal whiteness (i.e., the royal standard of the absolute monarchy, and anyone else like the king who supports the absolute Monarchy). All things are possible to God. This case is impossible with men, but when [well even] the universe is arranged to prevent this triumphant passage, God has His aids, He has His powers, and without effort, He will make him (the Great Monarch) master and saviour.”

(Observations: i.e. the King to come will be well hidden, including those united with him. The manner of his reappearance is so veiled that those blind to God's ways and also the evil ones who opposed God's plan that they will not see this coming about or even how this can come about. Of importance is the revelation the restoration of this King to the throne CANNOT by done by man. Only with God. Therefore, no man-made coup, revolution, or any other human plan or intervention can bring this restoration about. When the chosen king comes forth, it will be in such a miraculous manner that only God can can accomplish. Note again: the chosen King, the Count of Chambord, Henry V was still ALIVE at this time, and as Our Lord said, all the Great Monarch prophecies refer to him, the 'Miracle Child' so, he will be 'returned' in such a miraculous manner that is impossible with men, even when the Universe seems pitched against him. See Post #127 The“Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of Francewill Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him”.)

Our Lord: “Where the snake places its tooth, the bite is indelible. The time is near when the tooth of the serpent will rip the reputation, the honour, the royalty of the Friend of the Sacred Heart. But its bite will not reach; it will do nothing but traverse the areas from France to the foreign (borders). It must be that this strike passes and that violence discharges the foam of his (Satan's) rage. All this is close. Evil has come a long way to immense depths. No one can repair it without struggling, without a crisis, without fighting until blood (is drawn). (i.e it will take war and bloodshed to purify the earth and repair the damage.) All that remains is the final effort. Everything is there in this effort, his strikes, his iniquities, his terror as a whole. I said, everything is there. Words clear and cloudless. "


Ecstasy July 21, 1881

Our Lord:

My beloved people of France, I will have to enter the land which was the throne of St. Louis ... This same land, I am preparing for him who is despised of men and regarded as incompetent, because he is Christian and believes in his return to the land of his cradle. His shoulders will bear like Mine the mantle of abomination, as with those who hope to see him restore peace.”

(Note: The Count of Chambord, Henry V was often mocked by his critics and misunderstood by royalists supporters, even by Pope Pius IX couldn't understand Henry when he refused to compromise regarding the White Flag of his ancestors, See 'Marie-Julie Jahenny - The Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies of Henry V the 'Miracle Child').

Ecstasy continued: “I see (him?) coming from very close to the land of martyrs, on the soil where the Church has so often pronounced, by the mouth of the Holy Spirit on the Earth, the name of so many Christians worthy to go on altars, that is to say, those whose sanctity was recognized. " (i.e the king seems to come from close to the land of Italy where so many martyrs have been pronounced saints,in Rome.)

(Observations: Our Lord may actually be referring to Henry's future place of burial-the Count of Chambord lived in exile in Austria a this time, but would later be buried at the Bourbon crypt at the Franciscan monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Slovenia is right on the border with Italy. If I'm not mistaken, it seems Our Lord is revealing Henry will come from there when he comes to restore the peace--therefore, we have another hint at a miraculous resurrection. Our Lord said only He would be able to bring back the King, it will be impossible for mankind to do it.)