Showing posts with label Promise of the Sacred Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promise of the Sacred Heart. Show all posts

Monday 19 February 2018

#108 War Against the Church – Crime Carried to the Altar – Messages Continued by the Sacred Heart and St. Michael


Ecstasies of September 1879


Our Lord (September 1879, day?)

I have not found any power capable of being united to My Divine Heart. Do not count on men to save France as the number of the good will be so small, so small that their voices will no doubt be good and their desires admirable for a good cause, but when they want to talk about it, the greater number, the stronger, will stifle their Christian voices.”

(Observations: Circa the time of this vision, the few good people who wanted to restore the monarchy under Henry V, the King chosen by Christ, would be overpowered by the majority against the motion. See the previous post, #107, click here.)

Our Lord: “At the time I will save My people, it will not be by any power of men, My Divine Heart alone will save the kingdom which will no longer be in a shameful disorder where the impious reign in full triumph. … (I.e. we must not expect any government to be able to restore the promised Great Monarch).

I complain to the souls of My affection and My complaint brings me a balm. I complain and My plaint brings Me a reparation, a reparation that smooths the passage of crimes so treacherous that have torn Me.” (i.e. when Our Lord complains, He receives prayers and sacrifices of reparation that give Him consolation.)


Ecstasy (September 29, 1879)

St. Michael: "Scandals will pass before your eyes. Just pray and invoke the Divine Mercy. You should expect to see it at all. The heart of the Church is more than a bleeding wound. It does not demand (or request) the conversion of poor sinners. Today, crime is carried to the altar … the Lord is offended by those who should serve Him." (See additional Divine Mercy messages given to Marie-Julie Jahenny,click here.)


St. Michael (Same Day): “"There is a law for which they aim. The ministers of God will continue on. They will be robbed, in all but that which is absolutely necessary. The time will come when they will be forced to dress like the common man to escape the infernal cruelty of their enemies.

These enemies want the church to be the scene (or theatre) of infernal dances. This is what they seek, and this, unfortunately, too, especially in those cities where the Faith is degenerated. There will even be priests who will not have the courage to defend the religion. For God, this is the pain that is the most heartbreaking. 
It is the celebration of the Mysteries of the Holy religion which enrages the most enemies. They think that, if it were not for the Mass, the people who live in remote country places would be easy to change.  They hope to lead them into their schemes with money . . . This will come to pass shortly before the terrible fighting.  Such is the idea the enemies of religion will come up with: They will send out pedlars (agents) with the wages of hell." 

(Observations: this came true with the socialist uprisings in Europe and Russia. In Spain during the Spanish Civil War, for one example, churches were confiscated, infernal mocking plays were performed in the sanctuaries of churches, graves were desecrated. Priests and nuns were forced to abandon their clerical habits, and also bribed to leave the church. It will happen again in the future when the civil war breaks out in Paris, spread through France, then through Europe.   Images: (above) a Republican anti-clerical death squad showing off and mocking the Catholic images they have seized. (below), graves desecrated by the Spanish Civil War Republicans, the bodies dragged out into the street and put on display outside the church.)


St. Michael (Same Day):

"The Lord sees all the evil that wants to triumph, He sees Satan make tents on the land and assembling his friends to complete the final effort to overthrow. Never was a time so terrible, but do not be afraid! I will walk on the line with you. I will walk this line from France to Rome with my flaming sword …

I come to destroy the wicked by the Lord's command.

'War to Christ and death to the Church!'  That is what they sing, the wicked!

They are just prolonging the existence of the afflicted. Without their prayers, the hour of God would not be suspended. (i.e. the faithful who are afflicted have been suspending the promised chastisements by their prayers, without which the chastisements would have come sooner.)

St. Michael: It is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that soothes the irritated anger of the Lord."

(A revelation the Mass offered in reparation soothes the anger of the Lord, and therefore helps stave off the chastisements.)


Ecstasy September 29, 1879 (messenger not mentioned in this text):

"The august Pontiff must also suffer all kinds of torments. Your voices, will they not plead for him who will be in chains, surrounded by enemies? His irons will be much heavier than the august victim who has just been harvested (“The august victim” who had just been harvested / died was, Pius IX). They will desire his death because they want the destruction of the Catholic Church."

(This must be a prophecy concerning the Angelic Pontiff that will reign during the time of the Great Monarch. Here it is foretold the Pontiff's trials and persecution will be worse than those of Pope Pius IX. They will seek his death.)


Saturday 10 February 2018

#107 War Against the Church – the True Faith will be Abandoned – We Must Hope in the Sacred Heart and His Promise of the Great Monarch

Ecstasy date July 10, 1879

Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

My children, when I look on earth at your mortal residences, My eyes fill with tears.

Now My hour is not much farther.

My mercy is so wide, for My real friends, that I can not express the greatness, but also My Justice is so frightening that if I am developing a spark, I will cause you a pain incurable.

My children, do not be frightened. Now I can no longer wait.

The more I do for My people, the more it offends Me and makes Me suffer. There will never be peace, unity, charity and happiness, as (long as) my Justice will not come on earth. (I.e. the punishment must come to cleanse the earth before the restoration can happen.)

Everything is despised everywhere: My love, My goodness, My Cross, my Tabernacle.

My people seem to go about in disbelief. What tears My Divine Heart, it is the war that they have declared on the holy temple in which I make My home to console and fortify souls.

My children, it is not only a war, it is a terrible fury. The spirit of the most part of men is tainted, corrupt to the last fibre.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “It is true, my Jesus.”

Our Lord: “Religion, every day, is weakening. Soon it will be almost deserted by the whole world, but it will reign in the isolated souls, prosecuted, beaten cruelly and without mercy.

Soon, in large parts of this land of the dead, there will be no more sanctuaries. The apostles will have fled. (The bishops?) The holy souls weep over the ruins and the abandoned. The road ahead will lead there, in no time. See how they insult and how they offend Me.”

Marie-Julie: “It is true, my Jesus”

Our Lord: “Oh! Soon, the land of my creation, (France), oh! How soon you will contain victims without life! Soon, land of My creation, you will have a shaking finery: the blood of the apostles and of Christians who remain in the faith!”

Marie-Julie: “I see the hand of Our Lord raised and surrounded by a large lightning flash. This flash is so strong, every day, we wait and prepare ourselves.”

Our Lord continues:

I have waited long enough and I invited enough, enough I begged. The ungrateful had their triumph, it is time that the righteous enter into the joy. I have only one word to tell you: not to be surprised, (about the chastisements) until the day I will come and proclaim: 'enter now in the peace of the land that has come to you from heaven'.

Do not expect anything from men here below and I mean absolutely nothing - but wait while all is (under) evil. They do not have that force, that power, (i.e. to bring the promised Age of Peace). Sinners of the earth have only one desire: to feast on evil, to feed on all sacrileges. The smell of their breath is terrible.”


Next published ecstasy, August 5, 1879

Our Lord: “Do not look for another saviour. Do not rely on men! My Divine Heart alone will save the kingdom. (France)

Do not expect anything of the rulers of today. A big storm will soon emerge from the Room where Hell, (Chamber of Deputies in Paris) where the good will not win the victory that they hope, but God will keep them to reward them because our Lord wants them to be at the head of procession of the King.

(Note: Our Lord may be referring to the French Royalists who at that time still attempted to restore the monarchy via democratic means. Their cause did not win out at the time as the 'Miracle Child', Henry V, refused to accept a constitutional monarchy and defended the White Flag of the absolute monarchy, but Our Lord promises that the 'good' who supported him will be 'kept' and will not only see the arrival of the promised Great Monarch, Henry V, but to be at the head of his triumphant procession.)

Our Lord: “Do not lose heart, everything is written in My Heart, and next to this writing, I have placed a lily. This lily will be France resurrected after many troubles, many penalties, many fights. (I.e. the fleur du lys, the symbol of the absolute monarchy of France. See more about the prmmised return of Henry V, the promised Great Monarch here.)

The earth will be in places a red sea. The blood of Christians will make torrents, but they will not lose courage on the eve of the terrible fighting. The earth is about to be watered with the blood of My children. I will save your homeland in My Justice and the strokes of lightning from My wrath. I warn you, you, all My servants to wait in trust and hope.

What pains Me the most is that many Christians refuse to believe in the Promise of My Divine Heart, (I.e. that France will come under the rule of the Sacred Heart via the Great Monarch), and that many souls go so far as to say:

"If the Heart of God had wanted, this miracle would have happened long ago before now."

What makes Me suffer the most is that I, in chastising and punishing, populate hell with souls.”

(I.e., by having to punish the earth, those who refuse to convert are sent to their demise sooner as their lives are cut short. It is why Our Lord holds off on punishing the earth in the hope sinners may reflect and be saved. Let us not forget to pray for sinners, as Our Lady reminded us, so many sinners go to Hell because no one prays for them.)


UPDATE: Also, a Message of Miracles to Come through Marie-Julie:

(August 5, 1879) – (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri-Pierre Bourcier, p. 14)

Our Lady to Marie-Julie Jahenny: “If you saw Heaven and the great preparations that my Son is doing there! I heard Him saying to the angels:

'I am going to begin on earth a wonder that I have been planning for a long time. I will do it with many glories and marvels! My Mother, what I will operate on earth in the heart of my spouse!”

(OBSERVATIONS: a prophecy regarding the miracles that will come through Marie-Julie, especially in the future and the miracles that will happen to her heart after death.)


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