of September 1879
Lord (September 1879, day?)
have not found any power capable of being united to My Divine Heart.
Do not count on men to save France as the number of the good will be
so small, so small that their voices will no doubt be good and their
desires admirable for a good cause, but when they want to talk about
it, the greater number, the stronger, will stifle their Christian
Circa the time of
this vision, the few good people who wanted to restore the monarchy
under Henry V, the King chosen by Christ, would be overpowered by the
majority against the motion. See the previous post, #107, click here.)
Lord: “At the time I will save My people, it will not be by any
power of men, My Divine Heart alone will save the kingdom which will
no longer be in a shameful disorder where the impious reign in full
triumph. … (I.e. we must not expect any government to be able to
restore the promised Great Monarch).
complain to the souls of My affection and My complaint brings me a
balm. I complain and My plaint brings Me a reparation, a reparation
that smooths the passage of crimes so treacherous that have torn Me.”
(i.e. when Our Lord complains, He receives prayers and sacrifices
of reparation that give Him consolation.)
Michael: "Scandals will pass before your eyes. Just pray and
invoke the Divine Mercy. You should expect to see it at all. The
heart of the Church is more than a bleeding wound. It does not demand
(or request)
the conversion of poor sinners. Today, crime is carried to the altar
… the Lord is offended by those who should serve Him."
(See additional Divine Mercy messages given to Marie-Julie Jahenny,click here.)
Michael (Same Day): “"There is a law for which they
aim. The ministers of God will continue on. They will be robbed, in
all but that which is absolutely necessary. The time will come when
they will be forced to dress like the common man to escape the
infernal cruelty of their enemies.
enemies want the church to be the scene (or theatre) of infernal
dances. This is what they seek, and this, unfortunately, too,
especially in those cities where the Faith is degenerated. There
will even be priests who will not have the courage to defend the
religion. For God, this is the pain that is the most heartbreaking.
It is the celebration of the Mysteries of the Holy religion which
enrages the most enemies. They think that, if it
were not for the Mass, the people who live in remote country places
would be easy to change. They hope to lead them into their schemes
with money . . . This will come to pass shortly before the terrible
fighting. Such is the idea the enemies of religion will come up with:
They will send out pedlars (agents) with the wages of hell."

Michael (Same Day):
Lord sees all the evil that wants to triumph, He sees Satan make
tents on the land and assembling his friends to complete the final
effort to overthrow. Never was a time so terrible, but do not be
afraid! I will walk on the line with you. I will walk this line from
France to Rome with my flaming sword …
come to destroy the wicked by the Lord's command.
to Christ and death to the Church!' That is what they sing, the
are just prolonging the existence of the afflicted. Without their
prayers, the hour of God would not be suspended. (i.e. the faithful
who are afflicted have been suspending the promised chastisements by
their prayers, without which the chastisements would have come
Michael: “It is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that soothes the
irritated anger of the Lord."
revelation the Mass offered in reparation soothes the anger of the
Lord, and therefore helps stave off the chastisements.)
September 29, 1879 (messenger not mentioned in this text):
august Pontiff must also suffer all kinds of torments. Your voices,
will they not plead for him who will be in chains, surrounded by
enemies? His irons will be much heavier than the august victim who
has just been harvested (“The
august victim” who had just been harvested / died was, Pius IX).
They will desire his death because they want the destruction of the
Catholic Church."
must be a prophecy concerning the Angelic Pontiff that will reign
during the time of the Great Monarch. Here it is foretold the
Pontiff's trials and persecution will be worse than those of Pope
Pius IX. They will seek his death.)