Monday 3 April 2023

#108 B – Marie-Julie is Brought to Our Lord's Throne and Witnesses all the Masses on Earth as they are Celebrated





Ecstasy of November 3, 1879

Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 137-140.


Marie-Julie: “May Our Lord Jesus Christ be praised loved and adored in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar!

This morning, after having finished my prayer, I heard a voice which said to me: 'The earth is a place of sufferings, the Lord wants to make it disappear for a moment by opening the heavens, His residence.' After these words, I was delighted in ecstasy and very close to my unique Treasure (i.e. Our Lord) … He said to me: 'I give My blessing to all the victims and to all the friends of the Cross.' His smile was a real and mysterious consolation. He led me to His adorable throne. He said to me as He rose in glory: 'I want you to be present at the Holy Sacrifices which are celebrated on earth!' (i.e. all the Masses on earth).

“After making me enjoy a fullness of happiness, Our Lord gave me a place at His side.  He was transfigured in a very high glory.  All the angels prostrated offered their prayers to Him. I also offered Him mine and He received them kindly.   Heaven was adorned with altars and the ministers (the priests) ascended with more or less respect.   I attended all the celebrations.

(OBSERVATIONS: she mystically sees all the Masses said on earth, there seems to be representation of them all shown in Heaven at the same time they are said on earth? One seems to get a sense that she is shown how Heaven and earth are joined at that point in time when the Mass is said. She sees which priests ascend their altars with due reverence and respect, others are less respectful, possibly lukewarm.)

(Marie Julie's words continue): “The angels prostrated themselves, sunk in reverence.  I saw all the consolations of Our Lord. I noticed many seraphim at the altars. There were ministers who were not men of the earth. (i.e. very saintly or holy priests). They were like seraphim clothed in a most noble glory. All the ornaments were changed. It was the liveliest and most penetrating emanation. Many of the angels surrounded the altars and poured incense there. Below the tabernacle, angels were in a circle. To the right and left of the priest were seraphim serving him. I am unable to tell their respect and the glory of Our Lord. (i.e. she has no words for it.) Other ministers were not similarly adorned. Their sanctity (or holiness) was less brilliant. The angels who attended rejoiced less. When it was time for the 'Credo', the angels sang and offered to Our Lord the faith of the peoples. It was a triumph of glory to God. Our Lord was present everywhere at once, pouring out streams of blessing. At the moment of the Elevation, all the ministers shone and the others seemed to rise in very dazzling rays, (i.e. the holier priests were more dazzling). Our Lord made me distinguish the victims of the Cross.

(Note: the victims were victim souls chosen by Our Lord at La Fraudais along with Marie-Julie Jahenny. We known Fr. David her confessor was one of them.)

Marie-Julie: “At the Elevation of the Host, I saw the Child Jesus in beauty or really… He had his little hands extended over His wide-open Heart and, around Him, a very beautiful white flame. At this moment, the ministers were as if in a joy that I cannot describe. But, Our Lord was sadder at an altar where the priest was less penetrating (i.e. less spiritually perceptive) and less respectful. There, all heaven, in celestial glory, sang 'Hosanna' (i.e. the 'Sanctus'). At this moment, a crowd of angels surrounded the Child Jesus. At the 'Pater' (Our Father), He still had His arms raised and extended. He spread floods of graces, and everyone became resplendent.

At the moment of the Communion of the priest, all of heaven threw flames into the priest's breast. It became a real heaven, and Our Lord seated on flames rejoiced and was bursting with happiness. In other breasts it was dark, and the flames were less radiant. The Adorable Victim showed His wounds. It was the most penetrating moment of pain I have ever experienced. Our Lord poured out His graces to the full in the breast of the good priest who was surrounded as if by entwined flames of love.

At the moment of the 'Agnus Dei', Our Lord appears in a torrent of flames. He receives the word: 'blot out our sins!'. There He takes on a very high glory and He says aloud: 'I forgive!' And all the angels present to Him the regrets of the hearts (i.e. the repentance in the hearts of those attending).

At the moment of the Communion of the faithful, Our Lord clothes Himself with such an inflamed love to where one could die of love. Groups of angels surround the tabernacle and, when the priest opens this abode of love, they spread perfumes and sing sublime hymns. When the priest takes the holy ciborium and raises the Host, his hands are all aflame. His words are collected by the seraphim and the Holy Host is changed into Child Jesus having the five wounds, marvel of love. The angels surround the priest and, at his side, they carry torches. As he distributes Holy Communion, the angels weep with emotion; and the holy ciborium and the priest are in a cloud of the purest flames. I saw the smile of the Child Jesus entering hearts, but His smile was not equal for all. In very worthy hearts, He enters on much more dazzling flames. This Word is framed in a white sun; this descends into the hearts. Returning to the altar, all give thanks for the souls. Having arrived at the altar, the priest appears in the rays of a rapture; it is Our Lord who fills him with His graces for having served Him with so much respect. At the Blessing, Our Lord is with the priest. How marvelous is the Divine Sacrifice! How I desire that it be known. What a wonder! I then came to (out of the ecstasy), intoxicated with all the treasures of love.”


Next Post: #108 C - A Christmas Vision: Marie-Julie Jahenny is Given Gifts by Our Lady and the Child Jesus – Prophecy of the Nail and Her Miraculously Perfumed Heart

Previous Post: #108 - War Against the Church – Crime Carried to the Altar –Messages Continued by the Sacred Heart and St. Michael

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny