Showing posts with label The Graces and Power of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Graces and Power of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Show all posts

Thursday 2 November 2023

#165 B - The Charity of the Souls in Purgatory – Importance of the Due Respect and Attentiveness Expected of the Priest when Saying Masses for the Dead – Holy Souls we Help Release from Purgatory will Intercede for Us at Our Death and Protect us from Satan's Last Attacks


Ecstasy date November 14, 1905

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 272-274)

Our Lady: “The souls of Purgatory are admirable, confirmed in grace. Their patience in their tortures is always equal. Their ardent desire is the longing to see their Divine Spouse. In this holy place, they recognize each other, they often console each other because they see the sorrows, the pain, the suffering of those they have left behind. They also see the ingratitude of those (i.e. on earth), the complete forgetfulness of those souls they left behind in the midst of tears and who had promised not to forget them.”

(OBSERVATION: in the next section Our Lady gives an example of what it is like for the souls in Purgatory).

Two souls are side by side; There's only one hour left for purification (for one of them): 'What joy! Only one hour left and I will see the Divine Spouse face to face, full of tenderness, whom I glimpsed during my judgment!´ The other still has three months of suffering left. It is not alone; this soul has lost several of their loved ones who preoccupy them, who form the basis of their concern. They cry, they as themself: 'Where is my father? I haven't met him!' Or else, it's a brother: 'I didn't hear his voice!' The one who goes (i.e. is released to heaven) says to them: 'My sister, courage!' Your father is here. He is not in the same place as us. We are in the place where souls complete their purification of the slightest imperfection. My sister, look at this oven, this dark prison! It is immense, it is an expanse that our eyes have difficulty defining and plunging to the bottom, on all sides without width.´

If you could see, my dear children, what tender charity! And this soul who is soon going to heaven adds: 'Do not cry, beloved sister! When I am in heaven, by the grace of the Divine Spouse, I will inspire my dear benefactors to pray to transform your three months into three weeks!' Sometimes as soon as the judgment is made, Jesus says: 'Dear soul, it is for six months that you have condemned yourself to suffer.' The Holy Virgin Mary is there, St. Joseph, the Guardian angel, the patron saints who say: ´O Divine Son, O Divine Spouse, if the good souls of the earth are multiplied, (i.e. if enough good souls pray for them) you will shorten the expiation!´ And Jesus responds: 'To the extent of the holiness of prayers, to the extent of indulgences well earned, to the extent of the Holy Sacrifice worthily celebrated! But the priest must think many times about the soul for whom he is celebrating. His thought in the holy mysteries will (then) have a double fruit.'   Often, many souls still remain (in Purgatory) because the Holy Sacrifice is celebrated sometimes without even a thought for the soul for which they pray, for whom they apply all the merits of the holy Passion. Oh! They will pay dearly for these distractions, these failures of faith at the holy altar! They don't think about their responsibility.

During this entire month dedicated to these dear prisoner souls, (November) I assure you that heaven has crowned an innumerable multitude of these holy souls. (i.e. many are released during this month.) Rejoice in it! In heaven, the first request they make, after thanking my Divine Son, myself and my holy spouse Joseph, is to ask for the graces to assist you in your life and especially on your deathbed. They beg Divine Love. They ask Him to come and get you, you who opened the gates of heaven to them with the Immaculate Queen ... ”

Jesus: “I grant it to you, even before the last breath. ...

(NOTE: i.e. He grants the request of the released souls, even before the last breath of the person they are interceding for. The next lines seem to be Our Lord's directions to the souls in Heaven we help to release from Purgatory – He tells them to help us in our last moments and they will be a fortress for us against Satan's last attacks upon our souls as we come before our Judgement).

Jesus: “ ... Approach the souls that I love, you will make them feel the grace that you carry. You will be a fortress against the last struggles of Satan who will not leave them before arriving at the Holy Tribunal. There he will try again, but he is pushed back to the bottom of the abyss.”

Our Lady: “My beloved children, you who have the consolation of knowing those you love are happy, (i.e. for those who may have received the signal graces of knowing their family members souls are saved), (also remember to)  pray for the souls who no longer have anyone of their own on earth! Because often, these poor souls don't have a prayer (said for them). Finally, let the charity of my dear children think about this. If you saw them in Heaven, these radiant and resplendent souls! (i.e if we could only pictured them released from Purgatory and as saints interceding on our behalf, this should excite our charity for them even further.)  They are suns, globes of love and beauty. The soul is reflected in these braziers, as if the Face of Jesus were encompassed in a sun. They are splendors of glory, all bearing the palm. It is according to how they pleased the Divine Spouse. Sometimes it is the palm of the cross, sometimes it is the palm of love, sometimes it is a torch of love, sometimes it is a luminous book. In these pure souls, all the lights, all the knowledge are arranged. These dear souls (in Purgatory) are much more with you (i.e closer to you) than they were on earth. They see your crosses, your pains, nothing is hidden from them. They have a clear vision of all your tenderness for them and, in blessing you, they bless you with me.”



Next Post: #166 More Warnings About Satan's Period of Freedom on Earth – A Precursor Antichrist Period - Churches, Crosses and the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated – Children will be led to Damnation before the Age of Reason – Religious will be Possessed and do Preternatural Wonders

Previous Post: #165 St. Joseph: the Punishments will be Increased as No One Paid Attention to La Salette – He wants us to Pray to Him - More Details of the Third Crisis: St. Michael will Appear with His Armies, There will be No Sacraments to Sustain Us, The Great Catholic Monarch will Come, Peace will Occur at His Coronation

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny


Monday 3 April 2023

#108 B – Marie-Julie is Brought to Our Lord's Throne and Witnesses all the Masses on Earth as they are Celebrated





Ecstasy of November 3, 1879

Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 137-140.


Marie-Julie: “May Our Lord Jesus Christ be praised loved and adored in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar!

This morning, after having finished my prayer, I heard a voice which said to me: 'The earth is a place of sufferings, the Lord wants to make it disappear for a moment by opening the heavens, His residence.' After these words, I was delighted in ecstasy and very close to my unique Treasure (i.e. Our Lord) … He said to me: 'I give My blessing to all the victims and to all the friends of the Cross.' His smile was a real and mysterious consolation. He led me to His adorable throne. He said to me as He rose in glory: 'I want you to be present at the Holy Sacrifices which are celebrated on earth!' (i.e. all the Masses on earth).

“After making me enjoy a fullness of happiness, Our Lord gave me a place at His side.  He was transfigured in a very high glory.  All the angels prostrated offered their prayers to Him. I also offered Him mine and He received them kindly.   Heaven was adorned with altars and the ministers (the priests) ascended with more or less respect.   I attended all the celebrations.

(OBSERVATIONS: she mystically sees all the Masses said on earth, there seems to be representation of them all shown in Heaven at the same time they are said on earth? One seems to get a sense that she is shown how Heaven and earth are joined at that point in time when the Mass is said. She sees which priests ascend their altars with due reverence and respect, others are less respectful, possibly lukewarm.)

(Marie Julie's words continue): “The angels prostrated themselves, sunk in reverence.  I saw all the consolations of Our Lord. I noticed many seraphim at the altars. There were ministers who were not men of the earth. (i.e. very saintly or holy priests). They were like seraphim clothed in a most noble glory. All the ornaments were changed. It was the liveliest and most penetrating emanation. Many of the angels surrounded the altars and poured incense there. Below the tabernacle, angels were in a circle. To the right and left of the priest were seraphim serving him. I am unable to tell their respect and the glory of Our Lord. (i.e. she has no words for it.) Other ministers were not similarly adorned. Their sanctity (or holiness) was less brilliant. The angels who attended rejoiced less. When it was time for the 'Credo', the angels sang and offered to Our Lord the faith of the peoples. It was a triumph of glory to God. Our Lord was present everywhere at once, pouring out streams of blessing. At the moment of the Elevation, all the ministers shone and the others seemed to rise in very dazzling rays, (i.e. the holier priests were more dazzling). Our Lord made me distinguish the victims of the Cross.

(Note: the victims were victim souls chosen by Our Lord at La Fraudais along with Marie-Julie Jahenny. We known Fr. David her confessor was one of them.)

Marie-Julie: “At the Elevation of the Host, I saw the Child Jesus in beauty or really… He had his little hands extended over His wide-open Heart and, around Him, a very beautiful white flame. At this moment, the ministers were as if in a joy that I cannot describe. But, Our Lord was sadder at an altar where the priest was less penetrating (i.e. less spiritually perceptive) and less respectful. There, all heaven, in celestial glory, sang 'Hosanna' (i.e. the 'Sanctus'). At this moment, a crowd of angels surrounded the Child Jesus. At the 'Pater' (Our Father), He still had His arms raised and extended. He spread floods of graces, and everyone became resplendent.

At the moment of the Communion of the priest, all of heaven threw flames into the priest's breast. It became a real heaven, and Our Lord seated on flames rejoiced and was bursting with happiness. In other breasts it was dark, and the flames were less radiant. The Adorable Victim showed His wounds. It was the most penetrating moment of pain I have ever experienced. Our Lord poured out His graces to the full in the breast of the good priest who was surrounded as if by entwined flames of love.

At the moment of the 'Agnus Dei', Our Lord appears in a torrent of flames. He receives the word: 'blot out our sins!'. There He takes on a very high glory and He says aloud: 'I forgive!' And all the angels present to Him the regrets of the hearts (i.e. the repentance in the hearts of those attending).

At the moment of the Communion of the faithful, Our Lord clothes Himself with such an inflamed love to where one could die of love. Groups of angels surround the tabernacle and, when the priest opens this abode of love, they spread perfumes and sing sublime hymns. When the priest takes the holy ciborium and raises the Host, his hands are all aflame. His words are collected by the seraphim and the Holy Host is changed into Child Jesus having the five wounds, marvel of love. The angels surround the priest and, at his side, they carry torches. As he distributes Holy Communion, the angels weep with emotion; and the holy ciborium and the priest are in a cloud of the purest flames. I saw the smile of the Child Jesus entering hearts, but His smile was not equal for all. In very worthy hearts, He enters on much more dazzling flames. This Word is framed in a white sun; this descends into the hearts. Returning to the altar, all give thanks for the souls. Having arrived at the altar, the priest appears in the rays of a rapture; it is Our Lord who fills him with His graces for having served Him with so much respect. At the Blessing, Our Lord is with the priest. How marvelous is the Divine Sacrifice! How I desire that it be known. What a wonder! I then came to (out of the ecstasy), intoxicated with all the treasures of love.”


Next Post: #108 C - A Christmas Vision: Marie-Julie Jahenny is Given Gifts by Our Lady and the Child Jesus – Prophecy of the Nail and Her Miraculously Perfumed Heart

Previous Post: #108 - War Against the Church – Crime Carried to the Altar –Messages Continued by the Sacred Heart and St. Michael

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny




Wednesday 12 June 2019

#159 Our Lady Reminds Marie-Julie Jahenny and Us of the Immense Power and Grace of the Mass

Ecstasy date July 16, 1901

Our Lady "My children, what power (is) the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not until (you are in) Heaven that you penetrate the immense efficacy of this prodigious power, of happiness, of wonder and of deliverance."

(Note: the “Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Website” brings to our attention that Marie-Julie asked the favour to attend all Masses until the end of the world...while she could not be granted this in life, now that she is in Heaven, perhaps she was been given this grace after death and attends all Masses along with the other angels and saints?)

Marie-Julie Jahenny: "I want to suffer until the End of the world. I want to attend all Masses until the end of the world."


(OBSERVATIONS: this short text reminds of the power and grace contained in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our Lady says we shall never truly appreciate the gift of the Holy Mass until we are in Heaven.   Let us take advantage of this great grace to attended Mass as often as possible and with as much attention and reverence as possible!

Attending Mass is one of the greatest good works you can do. 

There are 75 graces one can receive for assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the ultimate sacrifice on Calvary re-enacted Each Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is equal to Christ's sacrificial suffering and death for us.
  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most powerful atonement for our sins.
  • At the hour of our death the Holy Sacrifices of the Mass we have heard will be our greatest consolation.
  • Every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be counted for us at our Particular Judgement and bode well in our pleading for God's mercy.
  • At each Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we can diminish more or less temporal punishment due to our sins, according to our fervor.
  • When we assist devoutly at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we render the greatest homage to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord.
  • Christ supplies for many of our negligences and omissions.
  • At the Confiteor Jesus forgives the venial sins which we have not confessed and the power of Satan has over us is diminished provided we are firmly resolved to forsake our sins.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we afford the greatest possible relief to the Souls in Purgatory.
  • One Holy Sacrifice of the Mass heard during our life will be of more benefit to us than many heard for us after our death.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we are preserved from dangers and misfortunes which otherwise might have befallen us.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we shorten our stay in Purgatory.
  • Every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass wins for us a higher degree of glory in Heaven.
  • Our Lord ratifies in Heaven a true Priest's blessing upon us.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass a multitude of holy angels, present but unseen, kneel with us in adoration with reverential awe.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we are blessed in our temporal goods and affairs.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Christ offers Himself for us as the all-powerful Victim, reconciling us to the heavenly Father Whom we have offended.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Christ also makes reparation for many of our sins of omission, when we have left undone the good that we might have done.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Jesus removes many of the imperfections attached to our good deeds.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Our Lord forgives us the sins, unknown or forgotten which we have never mentioned in confession due to our forgetfulness or ignorance.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Christ offers Himself as a Victim to make satisfaction at least of our debts and transgressions.
  • Each time you assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we do more to pay the penalty due to our sins than by the work of the most severe penance.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Jesus places to our credit a portion of His merits, which we may offer to the eternal Father in expiation for our offenses.
  • When we assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Christ offers Himself for us as the most efficacious peace offering, interceding for us as earnestly as He interceded for His enemies on the Cross.
  • At the Consecration His Precious Blood pleads for you as countless as the drops which issued from His sacred veins.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each of Christ's Adorable Wounds His Sacred Body bore, is a voice that calls aloud as Mercy for us.
  • For the sake of this propitiatory Victim, the petition offered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be granted far sooner than those that are offered at other times.
  • Never can we pray so well as when we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
  • The above is true because Christ unites His prayers to ours, and offers them to His heavenly Father.
  • Jesus acquaints the God-Head with our deeds and the dangers to which we are exposed in order to makes our eternal salvation His particular concern.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the Angels who are also present, plead for us and present our poor prayers before the Throne of God.
  • On our behalf a Priest - serving as alter Christus - offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Mass, by virtue of which the evil enemy will not be suffered to approach us.
  • The Priest says the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for us and our everlasting salvation by offering the Holy Sacrifice to the Father Almighty.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we are ourselves empowered by Christ to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the Priest representing us both for ourselves and others.
  • By offering this Holy Sacrifice, we present to the Blessed Trinity the most acceptable of oblations.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we offer an oblation precious indeed, equal to that of Heaven and of greater value than all things on earth.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we offer an oblation precious indeed, for it is none other than the True Presence of the Man-God Himself.
  • By this Sacrifice we honor God as He alone is worthy to be honored.
  • Also by this Sacrifice we give infinite satisfaction to the Most Blessed Trinity.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we present this glorious oblation as our gift, for Christ Himself gave Himself to us.
  • When you hear the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass devoutly we perform an act of the highest worship.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we pay the most profound reverence, the most loyal homage, to the sacred humanity of Our Lord.
  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the best means whereby to venerate the Passion of Christ and obtain a share in its fruits.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass it is also the best means of venerating the Blessed Mother of God and increasing her joy. Those who do not have a missal to follow, often pray her holy Rosary.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we give greater honor to the Angels and Saints than by reciting many prayers.
  • When we assist devoutly at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we also enrich our soul more than by any other way in the world.
  • By assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass worthily we perform a good work of the highest value.
  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a single exercise of pure Faith, which will receive a great reward.
  • When we bow down before the Sacred Host and the Sacred chalice at the Consecration, we perform a supreme act of adoration.
  • For each time that we gaze reverently upon the Sacred Host, we will receive a recompense in Heaven.
  • Each time we strike our breast with compunction at the Confiteor, Agnus Dei and Domine non sum dignus some of our sins are remitted to us.
  • If we would ever hear Mass in a state of mortal sin, God would offer us the grace of conversion.
  • Conversely when we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in a state of grace, God grants us an argumentation of grace.
  • When we assist devoutly at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Holy Mass we spiritually eat the Flesh of Christ and imbibe of His Blood.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we are privileged to behold with our own eyes Christ hidden under the sacramental veil and beheld by Him.
  • When we receive the Priest's benediction, both at after the two Confiteors and final blessing it is confirmed by Christ in Heaven.
  • Through our diligence in assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we also obtain corporal and temporal blessings.
  • Furthermore, we will be preserved from many misfortunes that would otherwise befall us.
  • In addition we will also be strengthened against temptation which would otherwise have vanquished us.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass it is for us a means of obtaining the grace of a holy death.
  • The love which we have shown for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will secure for us the special succour of Angels and Saints in our last moments.
  • The remembrance of the Masses heard in our lives will be a sweet solace to us in the hour of death and inspire us with confidence in the Divine Mercy.
  • When we assist devoutly at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we can be assured we will not be forgotten when we must stand before the strict Judge for such practice of the faith will incline Him to show us favor.
  • We can atone for our sins by worthily assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during our lifetime, and that should lessen our fear of a long and terrible Purgatory if we have already - to a great extent - atoned for our sins.
  • One Holy Sacrifice of the Mass devoutly heard will do more to mitigate the pains of Purgatory than any act of penance, however difficult to perform.
  • One Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in our lifetime will be of greater service to us than many said for us after death.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we have faith that we will attain a high place in Heaven, which will be ours for all eternity.
  • Our felicity in Heaven will, moreover, be increased by every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that we assisted at on earth.
  • For the suffering Souls in Purgatory we can procure abundant refreshment and relief by devoutly assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
  • If it is not possible to have Mass said for our departed friends, by devout assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we can release them from the tormenting flames.
  • No prayers offered for our friends will be as efficacious as a single Holy Mass heard and offered on their behalf.
  • We can amply recompense all our benefactors by hearing Mass for their intentions when we devoutly assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
  • The greatest aid and consolation we can give to the sick and the dying is to assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them.
  • By this same means we can even obtain for sinners the grace of conversion just as St. Monica did for her son Augustine.
  • When we assist worthily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we can also earn for all faithful Christians saving and salutary graces.
