Showing posts with label Relief for the Souls in Purgatory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relief for the Souls in Purgatory. Show all posts

Thursday 2 November 2023

#165 B - The Charity of the Souls in Purgatory – Importance of the Due Respect and Attentiveness Expected of the Priest when Saying Masses for the Dead – Holy Souls we Help Release from Purgatory will Intercede for Us at Our Death and Protect us from Satan's Last Attacks


Ecstasy date November 14, 1905

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 272-274)

Our Lady: “The souls of Purgatory are admirable, confirmed in grace. Their patience in their tortures is always equal. Their ardent desire is the longing to see their Divine Spouse. In this holy place, they recognize each other, they often console each other because they see the sorrows, the pain, the suffering of those they have left behind. They also see the ingratitude of those (i.e. on earth), the complete forgetfulness of those souls they left behind in the midst of tears and who had promised not to forget them.”

(OBSERVATION: in the next section Our Lady gives an example of what it is like for the souls in Purgatory).

Two souls are side by side; There's only one hour left for purification (for one of them): 'What joy! Only one hour left and I will see the Divine Spouse face to face, full of tenderness, whom I glimpsed during my judgment!´ The other still has three months of suffering left. It is not alone; this soul has lost several of their loved ones who preoccupy them, who form the basis of their concern. They cry, they as themself: 'Where is my father? I haven't met him!' Or else, it's a brother: 'I didn't hear his voice!' The one who goes (i.e. is released to heaven) says to them: 'My sister, courage!' Your father is here. He is not in the same place as us. We are in the place where souls complete their purification of the slightest imperfection. My sister, look at this oven, this dark prison! It is immense, it is an expanse that our eyes have difficulty defining and plunging to the bottom, on all sides without width.´

If you could see, my dear children, what tender charity! And this soul who is soon going to heaven adds: 'Do not cry, beloved sister! When I am in heaven, by the grace of the Divine Spouse, I will inspire my dear benefactors to pray to transform your three months into three weeks!' Sometimes as soon as the judgment is made, Jesus says: 'Dear soul, it is for six months that you have condemned yourself to suffer.' The Holy Virgin Mary is there, St. Joseph, the Guardian angel, the patron saints who say: ´O Divine Son, O Divine Spouse, if the good souls of the earth are multiplied, (i.e. if enough good souls pray for them) you will shorten the expiation!´ And Jesus responds: 'To the extent of the holiness of prayers, to the extent of indulgences well earned, to the extent of the Holy Sacrifice worthily celebrated! But the priest must think many times about the soul for whom he is celebrating. His thought in the holy mysteries will (then) have a double fruit.'   Often, many souls still remain (in Purgatory) because the Holy Sacrifice is celebrated sometimes without even a thought for the soul for which they pray, for whom they apply all the merits of the holy Passion. Oh! They will pay dearly for these distractions, these failures of faith at the holy altar! They don't think about their responsibility.

During this entire month dedicated to these dear prisoner souls, (November) I assure you that heaven has crowned an innumerable multitude of these holy souls. (i.e. many are released during this month.) Rejoice in it! In heaven, the first request they make, after thanking my Divine Son, myself and my holy spouse Joseph, is to ask for the graces to assist you in your life and especially on your deathbed. They beg Divine Love. They ask Him to come and get you, you who opened the gates of heaven to them with the Immaculate Queen ... ”

Jesus: “I grant it to you, even before the last breath. ...

(NOTE: i.e. He grants the request of the released souls, even before the last breath of the person they are interceding for. The next lines seem to be Our Lord's directions to the souls in Heaven we help to release from Purgatory – He tells them to help us in our last moments and they will be a fortress for us against Satan's last attacks upon our souls as we come before our Judgement).

Jesus: “ ... Approach the souls that I love, you will make them feel the grace that you carry. You will be a fortress against the last struggles of Satan who will not leave them before arriving at the Holy Tribunal. There he will try again, but he is pushed back to the bottom of the abyss.”

Our Lady: “My beloved children, you who have the consolation of knowing those you love are happy, (i.e. for those who may have received the signal graces of knowing their family members souls are saved), (also remember to)  pray for the souls who no longer have anyone of their own on earth! Because often, these poor souls don't have a prayer (said for them). Finally, let the charity of my dear children think about this. If you saw them in Heaven, these radiant and resplendent souls! (i.e if we could only pictured them released from Purgatory and as saints interceding on our behalf, this should excite our charity for them even further.)  They are suns, globes of love and beauty. The soul is reflected in these braziers, as if the Face of Jesus were encompassed in a sun. They are splendors of glory, all bearing the palm. It is according to how they pleased the Divine Spouse. Sometimes it is the palm of the cross, sometimes it is the palm of love, sometimes it is a torch of love, sometimes it is a luminous book. In these pure souls, all the lights, all the knowledge are arranged. These dear souls (in Purgatory) are much more with you (i.e closer to you) than they were on earth. They see your crosses, your pains, nothing is hidden from them. They have a clear vision of all your tenderness for them and, in blessing you, they bless you with me.”



Next Post: #166 More Warnings About Satan's Period of Freedom on Earth – A Precursor Antichrist Period - Churches, Crosses and the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated – Children will be led to Damnation before the Age of Reason – Religious will be Possessed and do Preternatural Wonders

Previous Post: #165 St. Joseph: the Punishments will be Increased as No One Paid Attention to La Salette – He wants us to Pray to Him - More Details of the Third Crisis: St. Michael will Appear with His Armies, There will be No Sacraments to Sustain Us, The Great Catholic Monarch will Come, Peace will Occur at His Coronation

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny


Sunday 15 October 2023

168 B - Marie-Julie Jahenny Prays for A Good Death – A Short Daily Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory that Will Release a Soul Each Time it is Said: This Prayer will also Sanctify those Who Say it and Apparently Promises a Happy Death




Ecstasy November 13, 1919

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 271-272)

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Good Mother, give me a sweet, holy and pure death on the virginal pillow of purity of your Immaculate Heart!”

Our Lady: “My little children, you will pray this beautiful prayer to me every day.  It is very short but it delights me, it transports me, it delights the whole of heaven, and it consoles the blessed:

I now unite with all the angels and all the saints to deliver those souls who had such little desire to see you, who worked so little to conform to the desire of thy Divine union!”

Each time, I will smile at you and I will take from Purgatory a beautiful soul that I will introduce to heaven; a soul who has lived holy and pious and to whom some imperfection still remains. It is a little prayer that will sanctify you on the pillow of my Immaculate Heart, it is this little prayer that will deliver the souls of Purgatory who have lived in purity but remain imperfect. I have introduced a good number of them, crowned with glory; they pray for you and love you. Have this great charity. Offer your exercises of piety for the poor abandoned souls, poor souls who suffer without being relieved by their poor parents. Let souls arise from their dark fury, and I carry them into the heavens to the eternal Throne to be crowned. There are so many forgotten, abandoned souls! I promise to come with them to look for you on earth.

(OBSERVATIONS: Marie-Julie had asked for the grace of a pure death on the 'pillow' of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that is, with her head resting on her Immaculate Heart like a child with its mother, and, Our Lady said by this prayer we can sanctify ourselves on the 'pillow' of her Heart. Therefore, helping the Holy Souls this way obviously ensures a pure and happy death Marie-Julie asked for.   Also, it is interesting Our Lady mentions the souls of forgotten children, apparently, parents who have lost children don't think to pray for them, perhaps thinking they are 'innocent angels already', but we cannot judge. Many souls are left in abandonment in Purgatory because people do not pray for them, or think certain souls are in 'no need' of prayers! We have to beware of that and remember to pray for all who have died.)

Our Lady: “I return to the great joy I have through you holy prayers, the fruits of your Holy Communions, of your work in the duty of (your) state (in life), of your pain and your sufferings. I bring them to my Divine Son. He doubles them with grace and blessings; and I then carry them into the holy place of atonement. (Purgatory). I pour out all these graces on the holy souls closest to heaven. If you only saw the joy and gratitude of those closest to heaven! (Who are released?) It is a joy that resounds throughout heaven:

'Thank you, dear benefactors, liberators! Thank you, kind souls! When you come to share our happiness, we will come to meet you, we will witness your glorious coronation, and we will give you the eternal kiss of peace.'

Think of yours that I have crowned! These beautiful souls smile at you from heaven to earth.” (I.e. 'yours' - souls either related to us, or whom we knew on earth.)




Go to:

 NEXT POST: #169 - Our Lady's Month of May – Prophecy of WW2 and Possibly WW3 – Faith will Diminish - France will Pass Evil Laws and the Arts will be Changed into a Horrible Form to Further Diabolical Aims


PREVIOUS POST: #168 – Our Lady Reveals why Answers to Our Prayers Sometimes Seem Slow to Happen

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny



Sunday 8 October 2023

#159 B - The Graces of the Brown Scapular – Graces for the Souls In Purgatory who Wear the Brown Scapular – The Sufferings In Purgatory and the Various Means to Help the Holy Souls.


(NOTE: I have discovered the previous post regarding the power of the Mass was only a short clip taken from the text dated July 16, 1901. I have found more of this text, and, this reference to the Mass was made at the end of a discourse on the Brown Scapular and Purgatory, so, I have made a new additional post featuring this part of the text. Of interest, this ecstasy encouraging more devotion to the Brown Scapular is proof the Purple Scapular shown to Marie-Julie was never meant to replace the Brown.)


UPDATE: (New section added here to this post February 11, 2024)

  It is a pity Henry Boucier did not keep this text together in his book, I've just found it and now and so I am placing it here in the proper sequence.) 



Ecstasy of July 16, 1901 – The Graces of the Brown Scapular - Our Lady Confirms the Promise of Salvation and Mentions Extra Graces She Grants at the Moment of Death for Those Devoted to this Scapular

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, p. 184)

Marie-Julie: “I salute You, O Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Mount Carmel! I salute You, all radiant with beauty, with goodness and with glory! I salute You in union with all of heaven prostrate at Your feet who repeats to you the eternal ‘Magnificat’ that the earth cannot understand.”

Our Lady: “My children, it is the Queen of Heaven Who comes to visit you by her graces and her presence. I come to speak with you and console you.”

Marie-Julie: “Our Lady bears on her chest the scapular of Mount Carmel. It is nothing but light and splendour, like a sun shining with all kinds of rays. I see a multitude of souls wearing the scapular on their chest.”

Our Lady: “My children, if you only knew what protection, what graces this precious habit spreads in souls! I present to Satan this holy image: it is enough to make him let go (of a soul) at the moment of death. I assist them all and, often, I obtain for them in their last moments immense graces which shorten years of purgatory. I have never allowed a soul who has worn it all its life to perish and fall prey to Satan. My breast is its last pillow. (i.e. the dying soul has the grace to rest their head on the Immaculate Heart). This is where I support it. This is where I remind it of the sufferings of the Passion of my Divine Son and my maternal love at the foot of the cross. I myself close the eyelids of my consecrated children. I clothe the soul with the holy habit of my purity, to present it to my Divine Son.”



(Continuation) Ecstasy date July 16, 1901

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 269-271)

Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, before going into communicating our intentions and our needs that we have on earth, I ask you to grant us the grace of Saturday, of the Sabbatine Privilege, to all of us, the friends of the Cross.

(i.e. the Sabbatine Privilege is an additional grace revealed by Our Lady for those who wear the Brown Scapular: those who wear the Brown Scapular and fulfil the extra requests to receive this privilege will be released from Purgatory on the first Saturday after their death. Marie-Julie seems to be asking for this grace for those who are friends of the Cross, which usually means those who support the mission that has been revealed by Heaven to her. I do not want to try and read too much into this, but it seems she is asking that they may receive this privilege even if they don't manage to fulfil the necessary obligations attached to the Scapular for it. So, she is asking for a big request! It is hard to tell if Our Lady grants this, as it seems she speaks generally of the Saturday grace. Maybe this polite evasiveness is a 'no'! The conditions have to be fulfilled.)

Our Lady: “My children, often this favour is granted on the Saturday after the departure of the soul. I introduce many souls into heaven, but others are a little further away. However, always on Saturday, I have special tenderness to introduce my children into the beautiful heaven of eternal love.”

Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, do the faithful who wear the Brown Scapular stay in purgatory for a long time?”

Our Lady: “My children, sometimes at the end of Friday, I introduce my elect the following Saturday. Sometimes it is only fifteen days before; sometimes, for less pious souls to honour me on Saturday, I leave them for a month. But this fire is not very severe. Their greatest suffering is to see the beauty which charmed them, dazzled them, delighted them, this holy Face of Jesus which flooded them with delight.

My children, I cannot give these great graces to the souls who wear my holy scapular with so much indifference and carelessness and, often, leave it aside. I suffer from this contempt, and the torment of these souls in Purgatory is very great, very painful because of this abuse.”

(OBSERVATION: it appears Our Lady gives the various degrees she can help release a soul in Purgatory depending on how devoted they were to her and the Brown Scapular. Those who were devoted and fulfilled the conditions for the Sabbatine Privilege are released on the Saturday as promised. Others, while not fulfilling the Privilege conditions but were devoted to Our Lady get a shorter sentence in Purgatory, others, who are less devoted to her may remain a month. Also, it seems those who died with some fervour of devotion to Our Lady suffer less from the fire there. In all, the graces we gain depend on our faith and fervour. She cannot give much help to those who are cold and indifferent to her, or treat the scapular with indifference, and do not habitually wear it. The worst pain the souls have Purgatory is after seeing the Adorable Face of Jesus, they are unable to enter Heaven and are separated from Him until they are purified.)

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, grant us more and more this devotion to your holy scapular! Tell us if, in this fire which is not cruel for us, the desire to repay Jesus brings about a respite for negligent souls.”

Our Lady: “My children, Purgatory, it is a day without night, without rest for the soul which purifies itself there. The soul must have a day without night. The flames must penetrate its immortal being.”

(i.e. There is no rest there. Workers on earth can work at night from the their labours, but in Purgatory there is no period of time for rest or repose. And, the souls cannot help themselves, they must be purified.)

Marie-Julie: “Does the soul praise Our Lord Jesus Christ during this time?”

Our Lady: “The soul praises Him in itself through ardent desires to enjoy His presence.”

Marie-Julie: “Its praises must soften the fire that purifies it...”

(I.e. it seems Marie-Julie is wondering that surely, such praise earns some relief for the soul? Either Marie-Julie herself is still trying to grasp the state of helplessness of the souls there with regard to themselves, or, she might be asking this for the benefit of the witnesses present so they can hear an answer?)

Our Lady: “The soul thus restrained has admirable patience. The soul knows that this time of purification must be accomplished. It adores the Will which makes it suffer to deserve the reward. The time seems long to the soul, because of its ardent desire to see Jesus. The more it advances towards heaven, the more its desire increases, the more it is purified, the more the soul's desires for heaven cause its torments.”

Marie-Julie: “The souls of Purgatory must not be sad despite their sufferings to purify them?”

Our Lady: “My beloved children, go and enter these furnaces where the heat is excessive. Without being led by Jesus, myself and Joseph, a soul by itself could not resist it. This gentle presence is necessary so that souls can endure these burning heats. I assure you that, every morning, the freshness of the Blood of my Divine Son always falls on these souls, as many pray for them. This drop of the Adorable Blood softens the fire so much! Often I pass through this place of suffering. I approach the foyers where all souls are purified. I ask them: 'Did you feel a little freshness?' And they answer me: 'Oh! Heavenly Mother, look to the degree to which the holy mysteries have elevated us! We were on the burning stone of the hearth, and the holy sacrifice (i.e. the Mass?) brought us more than halfway up the path of purification.' If souls are on the surface (of Purgatory) (above) of their past deep pain, all it takes is a few more prayers. Then, they leave the fiery hearth to immerse themselves in eternal freshness.

Often, the crown of 'Ave' of a rosary (i.e. a rosary said for a depart soul) makes the soul fly to heaven. Only one Communion, (i.e. offered for a soul), and the soul white as my purity flies into the bosom of the Eternal. Often, it takes even less than an invocation, a 'Pater' (Our Father) or an 'Ave' (Hail Mary) in honour of the holy (brown) scapular. It is an immense wealth, these are graces so abundant that I cannot enumerate them. Ah, my children! What power is the holy sacrifice of the Mass! It is only in heaven that you will penetrate the immense effectiveness of this prodigy of power, happiness, wonder and deliverance!”

(OBSERVATIONS: Our Lady lists the help and the consolations the holy souls receive They receive grace from Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph to endure the torments of Purgatory. Those who pray for the Holy Souls, those prayers make the Precious Blood to fall on the souls and give them great relief, and, also helps to lessen their sentences, depending. Sometimes a Holy Communion offered for them may release a soul, or a few prayers, but most important of all is the Mass and the Rosary. These help the most.)

Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, thank you with gratitude!”



NEXT POST: #160 - Our Lady Weeps that the Secrets of La Salette were Kept Hidden – The Bishops will Grow Corrupt and Lead Souls Astray as they Search for Answers– The Earth will be Chastised – Then the Great Catholic Monarch will Come and Restore All


PREVIOUS POST: #159 Our Lady Reminds Marie-Julie Jahenny and Us of the Immense Power and Grace of the Mass


TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny