Friday 27 April 2018

#118 Persecution of the Church – a Pope Held Prisoner in the Vatican – The Coming Desecrations and Martyrdoms

Ecstasy date August 10, 1880

"If the prisoner Martyr (the Angelic Pontiff to come?) calls by the voices of his friends and supporters, it will be forbidden, on pain of death, for any of this kingdom not to fly to his call … The Lord Himself will suffer a second Passion. But this second passion – as there can be only one for Him - it will be a passion for them that replace Him (i.e. stand in His place) and represent Him. For the souls He leaves to be done, what before, was done for Him; it will be a passion for those who command a worthy authority ... for those who come after the Victim shackled in the chains of Peter, martyr for the cause of the Lord. (i.e. the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops.) (Image: Peter in Chains).

All authorities will have to undergo this Passion in their paternal seats. They will have to flee to escape the pursuit, fierce prosecutions. The Church must see its Head under vengeful hatred. The temple of God is to be deserted.  In the beginning the Lord's ministers may, despite the threats, obey the laws of their sacred ministry. It will be by force that they will be dragged out of the Temple. Then the order will come to flee quickly.

The vengeance of hell will raise to the altars of the most infamous of all men (those possessed). They will take the place of the true servants of the Lord. Everything will be against the Faith and against the holy laws in their sacred ceremonies. The law will oblige parents to leave them pervert their children. These sacrileges will last 44 days. Many Christians will suffer martyrdom. These crimes will be followed closely, (by) the vengeance of the Lord. "


Observations: This appears to be a prophecy of what the Church will have to suffer when the great persecution breaks out. Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned the Angelic Pope will be like Pius IX and Leo XIII, a prisoner of the Vatican.

Rome shall suffer just like France, a genocidal civil war. From earlier prophecies we know it will start in Paris, then spread like wildfire throughout Europe. Click the following tag words, to see relevant posts: France to see the First of the Chastisments, Civil War, Chastisements to Begin in Paris Civil War to Destroy ParisFuture Persecution of the Church

Here in this vision, however, we see a plan that sounds dreadfully similar to the Socialist takeover that happened in many countries in the 20th Century: revolution is declared, full power is seized over church property albeit priests may be permitted to carry on duties for a time under government watch.

Then, the full attack usually begins. The State takes full control. Bishops and priests that refuse the government control will be harassed, persecuted, forced to flee. Churches were closed or desecrated.

In some instances, State churches appointed their own bishops, priests, etc. These invalid ministers spied on the population, held invalid services, and, tried to corrupt the youth with false teachings, which happened in France during the Revolution. The Cristero War of Mexico is another instance when the church suffered similar persecutions and the people took up arms to defend the faith. See the following video:

Here in this prophecy we see that they will attempt to do it again in this next genocidal revolution, and parents will be forced to take thier children to them so their faith is corrupted, parental control will be lost, those defending the true faith will be martyred, but it will last only 44 days.

As Our Lord said earlier on June 21, 1874: "I wanted to give France a King whom she refused, but the one I want to give her, she will accept and she will ask for him and place him on her heart. But before she has this king, France will undergo a crisis and a violent storm. The blood of Christians will mingle with the blood of the impious. The just will fall in small numbers, but some will because the blood of the good will help the wicked. But this time will pass quickly. There will be pools of blood. It will last a short time, but to you it will seem long."

Then then “Justice of the Lord” will come: that can only mean the great chastisements and the coming of the King who will free the Pope according to Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies.
