Saturday, 30 November 2019

#172 Those Who Love the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded – A Good Will Suffices if you are Distracted During Prayer - Warnings: Evil Plots Hatched – God is Holding Back the Chastisements that Souls May Convert - When God Finally Strikes the Mountains will Entomb Many – Mary will Shelter Her Children with the Graces of Mercy and Peace


Ecstasy of June 25, 1924 - Message to the 'Friends', those at the time listening to Marie-Julie Jahenny's revelations, also, to future generations – Those who Love and are Grateful to the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded

The Divine (Sacred) Heart of Jesus:

"My little loving souls, My Divine Heart sighed long after the arrival of your beautiful souls, temples that I love, temples where I live. Oh! My Heaven of peace, Oh, My heaven where I (pour forth My sentiments). In My effusion My little spouses, you heal My wound.

My wound is deep. It is the spear that wounds Me, the spear of being unknown, of loved little, not adored, and especially (of not being) searched for.

(I.e. Our Lord is thanking those who love Him, they heal the spear-wound His Heart received by those who do not know Him, of not be loved, and loved very little at that, not being adored and in particular by souls not searching for Him.)

Our Lord: I love so much, My little spouses, I thank you for your hearts. They rise up to My Heavenly Father and in joy He said to Me:

"My Divine Son, attach great rewards to thank My children and Your loved ones."

It is so sweet to My Adorable Heart, it is so sweet to thank for a grateful heart for so much love and so many blessings.

This is a great joy to My Adorable Heart this thanks of your heart. It is a diamond that I fill with love. Thank you for your heart that I love. Ah! How precious it is to Me; it is a sweetness to My Divine Heart that receives so much bitterness (i.e. from sinners) and in Heaven I will give back with rewards. I love this thank you, I drink it as a refreshment. It warms My Divine Heart that is so forgotten by so many souls. I thank you so much this makes My Heart beat. It comforts me, and in Heaven there will be an immense joy for all eternity. "

UPDATE: (added to this post, September 29, 2024)

(Ecstasy date August 28, 1924) - St. Michael prays for the Command to be Given to Smite God's Enemies and Bring in the Triumph of the Sacred Heart - A Message of Hope for the Faithful

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, p. 243)

St. Michael (Speaking at the moment of the great day of Justice – i.e. the chastisements and restoration): “Lord, Lord, let us march! The enemies have triumphed long enough.  Give me Your word and I am victorious over evil. Let us march! Command, I am Your captain, and all the land where Your enemies dwell will be turned upside down; all the land where Your chosen ones dwell will remain intact.”



Jesus: “When they triumph against Me in the hall of hell (I.e. when they pass the evil laws in the Chamber of Deputies in Paris), I will say to St. Michael: ‘Raise your standard on which is engraved my Divine Heart! Pass through to the earth, the land where My friends who love Me live!’ At the same moment, My Divine Heart will burst forth Its power, Its glory, Its wonders, and an indefinable ray will bring graces to all souls, each according to their needs and desires. It is the accomplishment of My promises, it is joy in souls, it is the reward of faith and trust.”

(UPDATE - added to this page September 29, 2024)

Ecstasy date, September 2, 1924 – St. Michael Gives a Message of Encouragement about the Coming Victory

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, p. 243-244)


 Marie-Julie Jahenny: “There is a great silence, then nothing. And Jesus seems annihilated. The Archangel St. Michael standing, right next to the most Holy Virgin Mary, launches these words like a white flash:

St. Michael: “Friends and righteous ones, rejoice! My standard is deployed! The Divine Heart, hidden in the folds of Its mantle, projects a sweet brightness of hope. His Divine Reign is near! I arise, I am only waiting for the sacred order. I will exterminate Satan who has all power. (I.e. who had been granted considerable power.) I will overthrow the impious laws that are spreading at this moment and are relentless against the faith. I will set fire to these walls black with blasphemies, outcries against the faith, insults against the Church, fury against faithful Christians … For so long I have been waiting for this conquest promised by the Divine Heart, so good for the souls who love It!

I carry it, this conquest, on my standard, this banished Cross, this Cross that hears the insults of many mouths passing near it, the outrages and the contempt. I carry its glory with the Divine Heart. I carry it crowned at the top of the Divine Heart, because the adorable Cross was the choice of the King of Heaven, before His Heart was opened. He gave it to His friends saying: ‘Carry it, faithful friends, and I will glorify you with a glory that will rise just at the beginning of a persecution that is marked in My designs.’ I await this great hour. It advances as hell unleashed accentuates its victory that will not be long …

Dear friends of the Cross, I am the great St. Michael the Archangel, conqueror of hell, terror of guilty souls, the generous friend of the friends of the Creator … Invoke me well. The more I am prayed to, the greater the conquest of glory will be. I am the lieutenant of God, with your guardian angels I have His orders. I will be the faithful guardian of your dwellings, your lands and your possessions.”


Ecstasy October 21, 1924 – Do Not be Discouraged when Distracted in Prayer – A good will suffices

Marie-Julie Jahenny to Our Lady: "Oh! Good Mother, you do well to teach us. So often it is said: "Our Father" with the lips but not from the heart and a "vanqué ben" (a particular prayer?) without respect too."

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, the Divine Father does not always stop distraction and little reflection. He knows poor humanity, (i.e. the poverty of human frailty). A good will suffices for Him to give many graces and obtain His divine friendship, His holy friendship.”


Ecstasy date November 11, 1924 - Forewarning Signs of the Chastisements – The Powers on Earth will Attempt to Persecute the Church and Corrupt Children and turn them away from Our Lord-The Evil Ones are Awaiting a Great Leader

Our Lady: "My little beloved children, I have left many times this word when returning to Heaven:

'The forerunner of the great signs of doom and of protection for our little just ones, it will be the sharp sting of hate and vengeance against the Holy Church, the Holy Religion. Here, my little children, the first sign that you will announce well (or more than) the others, which are terrible because souls know what they do. They want to destroy the Name of my Divine Son, destroy His power, take away from our dear souls that sacred Name and efface it from the souls of little children.'

My dear and beloved children, I assure you my graces. I am your Mother and you are my children.

"My little children, Heaven can be nothing but good. Heaven is so great, Heaven is your home, Heaven is your rest, where you will live forever in peace and love. All will pass. The Earth has been visited, upset, dug into, its mountains melted and transported under the power of Justice. They (the mountains) will be the tomb of many, buried under the blows of Divine Justice. It is frightening, this is what sin causes, forgetfulness of the Creator, ungodly laws and now more than ever before."

"My children, my last words before my graces: There is little everywhere plots hatched by the wretched souls who have no faith, which work together for terrible things. Crime is their pleasure of all these infamous subjects; from one end of the earth to the other they rejoice, they await the decisive moment of the great leader to walk in bands with the refinement of their conscience without justice, without mercy, their thirst for gold and human flesh."

(NOTE: this is NOT the Antichrist but another evil leader whom the evil ones will follow.)

"There, my little children, my last word, but let nothing frighten you. This is a warning from my mother's heart."

"As I did on the Holy Mountain, (i.e at La Salette) make known to my faithful (said 3 times) to my chosen souls that I shelter (them) under the veil of my mercy and my peace (said 2 times). Little children, this word has passed (i.e. from God):

'If they do not convert, I will strike, if they reject My word, it is to aggravate the Divine Justice.'

They rejected it, it was despised and more.

Well, I repeat as on the Holy Mountain:

'My little children, make it known to my beautiful souls, to my loving souls, make it known to your friends which are mine.'. "

The Divine Heart to Our Lady: "I gave them to you, I have chosen them to support you, to strengthen you in the same love as you love Me all, beloved souls, this union of compassionate charity, devout and generous.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: "Thank you, adorable Divine Heart, good Mother of Heaven you rise up to the feet of the Saviour."

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, it is for infamous sinners I place my lips on the feet of the living and glorious Saviour to ask forgiveness."

Our Lord replied: "No forgiveness without justice. (i.e. a repeat of an earlier ecstasy in which Our Lord said a time would come when the earth would not receive His Mercy or forgiveness until it was cleansed by His justice.)

Our Lord: There is a long time that I await, that I am patient, that I do good for My revilers for, the great culprits." (i.e. He waits and does not strike immediately that sinners may convert.)


Friday, 22 November 2019

#171 Evil Has been Given Free Reign - We Must Pray for the Reign of the Sacred Heart to Come to End the Evils – France is Chosen to Fulfill Our Lord's Great Designs

Published texts for the years 1922 and 1923


Ecstasy date November 24, 1922

Our Lady: "I will not take off my mourning veil that (or, until) on the beautiful morning of the dawn of peace, when my soil will be purified, when my just ones sing the" Te Deum" of thanksgiving for the period of the time of peace, marked by the Divine Will. He (or, it) can rise up this time again, until 40, but not much more."

(NOTE: 'mourning veil' – Our Lady was appearing with a black veil to Marie-Julie Jahenny due to the sins infecting the earth and the punishment that must strike it as result. She says she will not take it off until 'her soil' i.e. France which is dedicated to her, is purified.

The prediction of the the number '40' is mysterious – either it could be in reference to a year – i.e. that the current peacetime that they were enjoying after WWI will not last past 1940, we note WW2 happened in 1939. Or, the '40' could be in reference to 2040, or, the length the Age of Peace itself will last, i.e 40 years. It's hard to tell what Our Lady meant here.)


Ecstasy Date November 26, 1922

Our Lord: "My little loving souls, I had made this beautiful earth that you tread. I have created it with great fervour and noble sentiments. The reign of crime advances. I have permitted all, troubles, tribulations, wickedness of men ... I left everything according to consciences and to My turn ... I will rise up terribly to finish the reign that puts off My holy laws, the reign of bitterness that fills My just souls, that reign that makes so much evil (against) Me, losing so many souls who rush into eternal misfortune. I will save you through the great flood of My Divine Justice ... I left everything before I rise up, (i.e. He left the evil reign on earth run it course to the fullest) but now the measure is full and My hour is coming …

It will come, the reign of My Sacred Heart. They do not ask of Me this great wonder, especially at the foot of the Holy Altar. (i.e. at Mass)  I wish it was a resounding cry, a cry of desire, a call to faith, to end the frightening evil that loses so many souls."


UPDATE - (new post added October 15, 2022)

Ecstasy January 23, 1923 – The Signs Preceding the Triumph of the Cross and the Reign of the Sacred Heart - (Source: Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp116-117)

The Sacred Heart: “I still leave a moment of delay to the will of free men and my priests. But afterwards, I will rise in all My power. I will show the first signs of My Justice, many terrible earthquakes, signs in the firmament where the stars will go out. Many souls will be lost by great scandals and above all by terrible conduct towards the Church, My Spouse and My dwelling. There will be a great dawn of light and love which will open the intelligence of My dear apostles. And throughout all of this kingdom (that is) plunged in sin, My righteous will rise to proclaim the first light that will issue from My Divine Heart, which will spread Its Divine Rays over the righteous and beloved of the earth.

My little souls, this is the great solemn hour when My Divine Heart with all Its glories will protect (you), before the sky is covered with black shadows and My promises are fulfilled.  The earth will be turned upside down, souls in sin will be terrified, demons on the earth will spread great noises.

(OBSERVATION: This reference to stars going out, the earth convulsed and demons on earth making great noises again sounds like a warning about the Three Days of Darkness, which will be the last great horrific chastisement before the Age of Peace and the Triumph of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Right now, we are in the 'protective period' of Mercy, as it was also foretold to Marie-Julie Our Lord was granting a period of Mercy to the Earth before the time of His Justice and great chastisements. Now, it is time to place ourselves under the protecting and direction of the Sacred Heart.)

The Sacred Heart:  There will be many false prophets to complete the loss of many souls who will no longer have faith or trust in Me, the Creator and the Redeemer of all things.

Follow day after day all the calamities of the earth, its evils and its disasters, everything that will happen there. (i.e apparently, pay attention each day to the signs.)  It is by these signs that you will know that the reign of My Divine Heart and that the Triumph of the Cross will be near.   My little souls, already carry in your hearts which are the dwelling place of Mine, carry this sweet hope. From today I come to found it, (i.e this holy hope and the coming triumph). Judge the first ray of the splendors of marvels and wonders. I will shower you with immense joy and true happiness that will make you forget the days of trial. They will have passed away and the divine Sun of powers and wonders will have transformed all My people who will be at peace, enjoying the happiness that My great tenderness has in store for them. You hunger and thirst for all of these favours. Well then, My infinite power will satisfy you. My greatest suffering is that I will not be able to give this benefit to so many friends who offend and outrage Me, who have deserted My tenderness, My temple, My holy table, and My Spouse, My Holy Church. ”


Ecstasy date March 1, 1923

Do not be discouraged,” says Jesus, “I give leave to the enemy of your souls, because it is the last limit of his effort. He feels approaching the hour of the great Justice. I am tired of so many sins, so many offences. I have only let out a breath from My mouth for the whole world to be shaken to its foundations.

I am frightened (i.e. as in dismayed / disturbed) however by this great Blow announced for so many years and which is not that far away. I love France so much. I have chosen it for the accomplishment of My great plans.”

(OBSERVATIONS: it appears Our Lord is talking about the period of freedom Satan was given on earth – it is about to run out, but the stroke of Divine Justice that will be needed to purify the earth dismays even Our Lord, for He doesn't want to punish us. However, France is the chosen country to bring in the renewal, as so many other prophecies have foretold. Our Lord says France is particularly chosen for His plans – and we know it will bring in the Reign of the Sacred Heart, aka the Age of Peace. See the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecy Timeline, click here.)


UPDATE - (added to this post Sept. 24, 2023)

Hope for the Faithful - Vision of the 'Rainbow of Joy' and the 'Grape Clusters' of Graces – Signs of the Coming Reign of the Sacred Heart

Ecstasy date February 2, 1924

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier pp. 100-101)

Jesus: “My little souls, the chastisement is not for you. Look instead at this rainbow where it is written: 'Love, prodigy, jubilation' It is the beautiful reign of My Divine Heart which issues today from the deepest Blood of My sacred breast. I will show you the brilliance of this prodigy and all the wonders that will come out of it. The time is not long when tears will be dried, when My friends will rejoice, after having groaned and implored.”

Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, how beautiful it is, this great, much larger Sun from which torrents of graces flow like clusters. I'm not wrong. I can’t find anything fairer (to describe it other) than a bunch of grapes.”


The Sacred Heart: “In this cluster that was formed, what love, what wonders, what prodigies! It is time for Me to bless My righteous who pray, who suffer, who cry and who carry My Cross. It is such a great joy for Me to come at the beginning of the great days of prayer and penance, of sacrifice, and above all the memory of so much love that I have for My beloved children. (i.e. It was coming up to the season of Lent.) I want to rejoice in the very short wait when I will fill you with My sweet blessings. I will transform (you) in My Divine Heart, under the torrential rains of My graces and My blessings”

Marie-Julie: “O Divine Heart, when You speak like that, the soul is joyful. But when You speak of Your rigors, there is in it an indefinable agony of suffering, pain and sadness. When the Divine Heart speaks, His divine Mother kneels at His adorable feet. (Note: The French uses the word 'divine' in the general sense with Our Lady and not in the strict theological sense which only refers to God / Our Lord as Divine.) When He brings forth the great all-Divine reign from His Sacred Heart, Our Lady rejoices. Her face is radiant. She says thank you, happy to see so much faith crowned, (she) desires it to be fulfilled. It is a heaven that is found in the Divine breast of the Sacred Heart. It touches the great rainbow where is written everywhere the reign of His Sacred Heart so desired by the Church, and in particular by the friends of the Cross.”

(Observations: it is unclear if this is just a symbolic vision she sees regarding the future, of if indeed a prophecy that when the Reign of the Sacred Heart commences, a rainbow will appear with the words as described. Considering the prophecies of the chastisement 'black and blue' rainbow in her visions, there just might be a miracle rainbow that will then come as a sign the Age of Peace will soon commence.)



Wednesday, 13 November 2019

#170 Satan is in a Fury to do Evil – A Call to Meditate Upon Our Lord – God's Justice is Threating the Earth and Waiting for Conversion, but the Earth Has Grown so Evil He will Have to Strike Severely or else Souls Will Not Return to Grace – A Call to Come to Holy Communion - Merits Gained by Suffering Last Forever

Published Texts for 1921


Ecstasy date January 27, 1921

The Blessed Virgin: “My dear beloved child, I promise to be with you, to help you, help you and assist you. I love you so much! My dear beloved child, fear nothing. Satan in his fury is searching everywhere to do evil. His power has limits ... and our protections are stronger.

The Blessed Virgin: “My dear child, I love your “Ave Maria”. I so love the simplicity of your requests! Ask a lot, ask abundantly, and our graces will not be denied you.”


Ecstasy date April 7, 1921

Our Lord: "My little souls, think of Me. To think of Me, it is a communion, it is a delicious bread.

To think of Me, it is to nourish yourself from My substance and all that I carry in My Divine Power. To think of Me it is a foretaste of beautiful Heaven, it is a treasure that is not understood on the earth. The whole divine glory, it is the great day My Divine Cross all brilliant with splendour, spreads its great rays as many calls, tongues and in voice to gather under its branches laden with divine flowers and fruit. At this moment the earth will be rich in fruits and flowers. The vine will have grown, flowers appear, the tall meadow grasses will be mowed and nature so beautiful will be lined (adorned) with glory, glory by My Divine Power. "

"I threaten the Earth, I show My strictness. Some souls stop to consider what I endure, but most live madly in sin, in indifference, in ingratitude. For now, I leave it see My Justice (in order) to touch souls. Few, very few ponder this Justice that threatens the Earth. By holy prayers, I raise a little My arm well weighed down over the Earth, (i.e. prayer holds back His Hand, it causes Our Lord to withhold His punishments from falling)  but the great evils which are reserved, from one moment to the the other may press My Justice. If I do not strike severely, greatly and terribly, souls will never return to grace. It is frightening, so many souls in sin. It is frightening, faith dead in souls. It is frightening, vice, wickedness, hatred in which so many souls live on Earth. How I am forgotten, offended. Never has the world been more perverted and evil against charity. I complain because I am understood. I complain because I find compassionate souls. All of this small group that I form and I draw into My heart."

"My little souls, come to Me who am delighted to visit you. Do not be afraid. I am the Resurrection and the Life. Ask Me, you will please Me. Ask Me many graces, you will please Me. I am a loving friend just waiting to give. What a joy it is for Me to give to you. It is a joy for all of Heaven. The Angels and Saints in Heaven are singing of this sweet treasure of the Holy Eucharist. Ah! It is a concert (heard) in all of Heaven, this voice:

'Come witness the divine Reception of little souls. Come, whole Court of Heaven, the Divine King gives to His beloved spouses. O wonder of wonders! We understand it in Heaven, we see all the splendours and the glory of this immense joy. Jesus gives to His beloved. Kneel, kneel, repeat the great Archangels, the apostles and the martyrs, the whole Court of Heaven kneels, the great Mystery of miracles descends into the souls that will one day form the Court of the King.'

These are the joys of the homeland of the Saints waiting until you come to increase the number of these holy souls. "


Ecstasy date April 21, 1921

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Suffering passes, to have suffered never passes.”

(i.e. Suffering does not last, and, one day there will be no more sufferings, but to have suffered never passes as the merits gained by suffering and sacrifices lasts forever.)

The Divine Heart: “My little soul-spouses, your sufferings are to My eyes the diamonds of a beauty that makes My Divine Heart thrill with joy. What a great feast in Heaven on the beautiful morning of our eternal nuptials.”

Marie-Julie: “I have lived with my crucifix, I want to die with my crucifix. Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, our Mother.”


Friday, 1 November 2019

#169 Our Lady's Month of May – Prophecy of WW2 and Possibly WW3 – Faith will Diminish - France will Pass Evil Laws and the Arts will be Changed into a Horrible Form to Further Diabolical Aims

Published Texts for 1920

Ecstasy Date April 15, 1920

The Blessed Virgin: “Oh! my little children, in the next month that will be dedicated to me, (i.e. May was approaching), by your holy prayers, your fervent and holy communions, I will bring many souls to heaven.”

(NOTE: this text is shows that Our Lady can intercede and save many souls by our devotion to her through through the month of May by our prayers and the Masses we attend. May is particularly dedicated to her.

Of historical note: many interesting Marian events happened in that May of 1920:

*) May 1, 1920. Pope Benedict XV recognised the Marian image in Senglea, Malta under the title of Maria Bambina honouring the nativity of the Virgin Mary, granting the decree of its canonical coronation on 1 May 1920, subsequently crowned by Archbishop Mauro Caruana on 4 September 1921. The image which once adorned a Catholic galleon was shipwrecked in 1618 near the Dalmatian islands and was rescued to the present town, which also celebrates its feast on September 8.

*) 1920: Our Lady was proclaimed the Queen of Poland by Pope Benedict XV. The feastday was set to May 3.

*) May 13, 1920: Pilgrims in Fatima defied government troops to install a statue of the Virgin Mary in the chapel. Also on this day, St. Gabriel Possenti, (St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows) who was devoted to Our Lady and her Sorrows was canonised on this day.

*) May 16, 1920 – Blessing of the Land of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, USA. At 9:30 a.m. on May 16, 1920, Archbishop Giovanni Bonzano, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, celebrated Mass and blessed the site of the future National Shrine. More than 6,000 people attended the event, including 1,500 Knights of Columbus and 500 Daughters of Isabella. This significant event marked the beginning of the National Shrine’s construction process.

*) May 20, 1920: St. Pope John Paul II was baptised. He was particularly noted for his devotion to Our Lady, and Fatima.)


Ecstasy of November 16, 1920 

Our Lord noted bitterly to Marie-Julie:

I filled the whole earth with My blessings, I sent sufferings, the chastisements to bring back My poor people to the faith. (i.e. WWI had ended just a few years previously.) Very few were affected, very few have understood the greatness of the punishment that strikes the poor land (France) that was once the beautiful Kingdom of My Blessed Mother.”

(NOTE: Our Lord apparently is saying so few have understood why they were punished by war / chastisements at that time, so few have repented and come back to Him and His Mother. The next revelation on the same day shows another punishment was going to be sent – WW 2, also, the text seems to hint at WW3).

Our Lady: “Oh! my dear children, I lean towards your hearts to me so dear. I weep constantly over the great evils that threaten more and more my Kingdom, poor Kingdom, (i.e France) so beautiful in the past, when souls loved me and glorified me.

My little children, I always come with my black veil that I have not taken off since the great punishment that fell on this poor land that gave us so many martyrs to crown in Heaven, so much suffering of my poor children! (i.e. WWI)

My little children, I want to say: still today the cruel and barbaric souls have not disarmed their rage, their fury against the poor children of my kingdom. (i.e. the Germans). My little children, a hatred in the heart leads them, an insatiable vengeance is still against the poor children of my Kingdom, an ambition at times terrible. There is an agreement among themselves as to renew the terrible sufferings that have passed. (i.e. They want to start another war – which was WW2) But I guard my Kingdom. In their efforts and their vengeance I will drive them back. They will come back again. My divine power (i.e. divine because it is granted by God) will stop their anger but they will do much harm. My little children, I want to warn you so that you will not be surprised.”

(NOTE:  "My divine power" - there could be a typo 'ma' - 'my' instead of 'mais' meaning 'but', however, as 'ma' is in the text, I've included 'my'. Even so, this may still be the correct wording.  'Divine' can be used here as her power is granted by God who is Divine, she is NOT saying she is Divine.  Even St. Louis de Monfort sometimes used 'divine' when describing Our Lady's intercesory power, the 'divine Mary', (and yes, I've seen it in his books) it was explained by his biographers / editors that of COURSE he knew she wasn't divine! It was automatically understood this was NOT an indication she was Divine, but that all her power came from the Divine, as she was the Mother of the Divine and therefore has a unique grace as Mother of God and Queen of Heaven of calling on the Divine power of God in a way no other of His creatures can, and that is how the term was meant. It is possible the French use this term and understand all this - St Louis de Monfort was French, Marie-Julie was French, bother were from the same region of Brittany, and, Our Lady may have deemed it was all right to say this as people from France would or should understand this.

About the wars: Our Lady said that when they renew the war, which was WW2, she said she would drive them back, and the Germans did lose that war too. But note she also said right after she would drive them back that 'they would come back again' – is this a hint of WW3?   Other mystics have foretold the Germans will one day again invade France around the time when the civil war and the major chastisements will hit in earnest, then the Great Monarch will come. See the other Great Monarch prophecies by thesaints, click here. Marie-Julie also mentions several times there would be THREE major punishments over France, etc, and that the King would come in the THIRD.)


Same Day:

Our Lord: Our Lord: “I want to tell you again how much I suffer, how My Divine Heart is afflicted. I see a multitude of very guilty souls, well corrupted when there is no longer the smallest seed of faith. My little faithful friends, they are the souls that I pronounce the name with sadness that are in power, whose meetings are in the Hall of Hell, (Chamber of Deputies) in this capital city (Paris) where I have yet many beautiful souls. But I will save them, I do not want them to perish.

Right now I want to reveal to you that a work opens, it is done with the blackest ingratitude,  with the refinement of an unprecedented evil against the holy Religion, against the Holy Church, against the clergy and against the pious, My little loving souls. All the demons of hell are attending this deliberation to destroy everything, to erase everything, even up to I who Am eternal, Who is infinite. When you see these new wicked laws come out, you will say with sadness: "This is the very goodness of our Father who has us prepared in advance, for His Divine peace and His divine love, to support these horrible laws." They will go to the point of effacing the arts and to remake them under a hideous form, terrible and all that they prepare and approach.”

(NOTE: Our Lord mentions the 'terrible laws' that will come out – this must be another warning about the evil 'Red' government that will rise up that was mentioned to Marie-Julie, and that will suppress the Church and all her moral teachings. Our Lord also warns they will destroy the arts to achieve their purpose of effacing God and His laws from the minds and hearts of the people – and it is obvious this is not just the plastic arts, but the other humanities and liberal arts – such as theology, philosophy, history, law, etc.  The evil is described as 'refined' - meaning so smooth and subtle, we will hardly notice how it is being slipped in until it is almost too late.

We are seeing this take effect in the world right now to pave the way. Universities have become ultra left liberal breeding grounds, and many so-called Catholic universities are anything but Catholic! Theology and philosophy courses have become liberal and slanted away from anything resembling the conservative side. You can now be 'any gender you want', and we see now history is being rewritten or erased, statues are being pulled down.  If someone doesn't agree with a historical figure, they are now being 'air brushed' from history.   Socialism and even Communism are now becoming popular among the younger generation. We are told to hate Columbus for his 'tyranical destruction' of the indigenous peoples' pagan worhsip and to be ashamed of our Christian missionary history. Even literature departments are not spared – several years ago I browsed every major college website in the USA and the UK with an English department, and all of them either have a professor whose main subject is 'Queer theory or culture', or, their department offers courses on 'queer' culture and literature, etc. Parents who think English Lit is okay, or the arts, probably have no idea what colleges are teaching these days! If you are conservative at all now, you will hardly stand a chance at a university campus.)
