Showing posts with label Music in Heaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music in Heaven. Show all posts

Saturday 4 September 2021

#183 B - A Duet of Love between Our Lord and Marie-Julie Jahenny


(Note: This post not in the book "We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny" as I've discovered this text on the "Marie-Julie Jahenny Association" website, hence the update number- #183 B)

  Here is a remarkable example of one of Marie-Julie's ecstasies in which heavenly music is witnessed. In some ecstasies it is shown she sings prayers, litanies and praises to God in melodies revealed by Heaven. One witnesses described them as something very similar to a Gregorian chant. In one revealing text we see that when Heaven came to celebrate Mass in her cottage, the angels and the Blessed Virgin sang with her, and even Christ Himself came not only to offer the Mass as High Priest but He also sang the Mass!

This time, on All Saint's Day 1937, we read of a singularly touching love duet between Marie-Julie and Christ, a beloved soul singing to her Beloved and He in returning singing to His Love. It is a wonderful example of Christ's passionate love for a soul as a Bridegroom has for His beloved. He loves each and every soul with such ardor He was willing die a horrific death for each and every one as if they were the only soul on earth, and yet His Heart is broken as so few return His love, but here, Marie-Julie returns it.

Of interest is Marie-Julie's desire of suffering to show her love, for as she was told there is no love without suffering, and no suffering without love – it was through suffering Christ showed His great love for us, and, as He said, we cannot be His disciple unless we take up our cross and follow Him, there is no better way to become united to Him. It is the only way. Marie Julie was told Heaven can only be entered through the Cross. (As a side note, regarding Christ's great love for us and His Divine Plan, I highly recommend the book: “This Tremendous Lover” by M. Eugene Boylan, O. Cist.R.)

(Image: Icon - Christ the Bridegroom receiving His Beloved)


The Duet of Love - November 1, 1937,

Marie Julie sings:

"My Beloved has passed over the earth!

My Beloved! I love Him.

I only have dear suffering here below!

It is Divine love.

And the presence of my Beloved!

My Beloved!

My soul thirsts for heaven.

It is watered in the holy chalice

That You drank Yourself!

However, I bear only the Cross, the suffering

The Cross, Love

My sweet motto that will change in heaven

Into a luminous star

Lit on the radiant forehead! I cannot sing anymore, my Beloved

My tongue, everything in me is suffering!”

Jesus answers:

You will sing in Heaven,

In the house of your Divine Bridegroom

You will form the alliance of this sweet union of souls

I will lift them up to heaven. "


"My Beloved, I languish for love ...

I die of love.

As I die, the earth will close to me

I have here below for my portion*

My Love and the Cross!

I have for no portion here below

But Your Love, the Cross, the Holy Altar.

There is my whole portion

On foreign land!

I have no other portion,

That of the love of my God

The Cross, the Tabernacle!”


"Soon Heaven will be your portion, I will take all souls

That you will have brought Me by prayer."


"I have for a portion

That of suffering and the Cross

Love, the Tabernacle!

Soon the Eternal Tabernacle, the Eternal Heaven

Where we will adore the Divine Majesty!

My Beloved has passed over the earth

But in Love He hid Himself

By leaving me with the Cross and suffering ...

I claimed Love, and He gave it to me!"


"I will nourish you with Love

Of the cross and suffering.

My Tabernacle is your refuge,

Come there, to that blessed Altar.

That I may tear you away, that I lift you up from the earth!

Your prayer is ardent, I want to reward you,

Do My Will, and your Heaven is won!”


"I'm dying of love for not being able to die

I'm dying of regret

To leave suffering on earth!

I'm dying of regret that I can't die

To leave the earth and inhabit Heaven!

Blessed souls! Help me,

Come tell us the sweetness of Jesus

Who gives the soul joy, peace, serenity!

Divine Jesus, I can no longer sing.

I can no longer speak.

I am a corpse of death,

Take me to heaven!

Grant my poor soul

To ascend to heaven ...

It is time to see us (together)

Divine Jesus! End my martyrdom! ...

O Heaven! Stay open!

Oh! Do not close!” 



* Portion - as in a share, or part of an inheritance


 Next Post: #184 An Eyewitness Account of Marie-Julie Jahenny during an Ecstasy on All Saints Day – She Sees One of the Higher Circles of Heaven

 Previous Post: #183 Tests of Dryness of Soul: Our Lord Hides Himself so We Search for Him – Interior Sufferings Gain Us Merits 


TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny