September 7, 1939
“My children, France is very guilty and deserves a punishment
from the Lord. But France is (dedicated) to My Immaculate Mother. I
do not want to strike them (France) too much! Do not expect to have
peace and tranquillity by men. I will do everything in My Sacred
Heart. I love France, visited several times by My Sacred Heart.
(i.e. the Age of Peace will not come by the plans or efforts of men –
it will come through the power of the Sacred Heart.)
sweet Mother who came to ask prayer and penance has already reduced a
great weight from My Justice. (i.e. Our Lady's intercession has
lessened the chastisements we deserve). I will destroy hardened
sinners; they will have but (some) time on earth to do evil. Look,
My little children, hell opens and the torments that await them.
Hell is the fire of My curse. My little children, pray, pray much.
Your prayers will be answered.
souls, friends of the Cross, I bless you. I bless your beautiful
title as friends and children of the Holy Cross that for Me will be a
great reparation and will also be a great privilege for My little
friends that I want to preserve to rebuild a new France for My
(Note: this seems to confirm the apparitions of Our Lady
Queen of France to Sr. Marie France who foretold when France is
restored and brings in the Age of Peace, it will be called 'New
France', for more on the apparitions of Our Lady Queen of France,
little children, come to the holy Table, come to the Banquet of the
Angels. I will purify France. (i.e. come to the 'Banquet Table' of
the Holy Mass).
Blessed Virgin: “The souls who pray and who suffer will be
protected by the goodness of your God.
my dear little children, and I will give you what you do not expect
(three times the Blessed Virgin repeated these words). Pray to the
end where everything will end with the peace of the Lord. (I.e.
persevere in prayer to obtain the Peace.) And it will be a joy
because the Divine Heart has given His word:
wash from yourself the mud where you have been buried and take up the
arms of a new King, the choice of the Divine Heart.' .” (i.e.
rise from the 'mud' of the Masonic Republic and accept the Great
Catholic Monarch destined to restore France. For more about the King chosen by God, click here.)
Post: #185 The TWO and THREE Days of Darkness – Those Devoted to Our Lady will be Protected