The visions and prophecies of a Catholic mystic approved since 1875.
Sunday, 6 October 2019
#168 – Our Lady Reveals why Answers to Our Prayers Sometimes Seem Slow to Happen
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Fascinating story: The Connection between Marie-Julie Jahenny's Mission of the Cross and Ven. Madre Teresa de la Cruz of Peru
(*) Montreux: “Months later we spent the winter in Switzerland. Fr. Tissot's book fell into my hands: "The Inner Life." I read it avidly finding in him the spirituality that suited my spirit and his reading guided my spirit more towards the only purpose for which we were created, also in a definitive way”.
(*) Florence 1906: “We went to Italy and went to church to be able to go to Confession. A priest came out and I confessed without asking him any questions or any less confidence. (My rough translation – she probably meant she did not confide in him the questions in her soul regarding a possible vocation.) Then the Father told me: 'Do not worry about knowing what God wants from you when the time comes, it will be made known to you'. I did not tell the Father that I was responding to a concern of my soul and I only thanked him for his advice, leaving me very happy because it seemed to me that St. Joseph had given me that grace.” (i.e. of receiving an answer.)
(*) Rome - From April to June 1906: “The visit to His Holiness Pope Pius X and all the monuments full of holy memories and venerable relics clarified, as expected, the idea of vocation in my soul. A great desire to serve the Holy Church woke up (in me) as something within my reach. Sharing these desires with my sister Maria, although reserving them from the rest of the family. We agreed to wait for the Blessed Virgin to give us (interior) light in Lourdes and in the meantime we would live as perfectly as we could in the current state in which we were, to expect the light we needed to decide our lives.”
“If you are looking for an ideal, here you are; if you want love, here you come; if you want a model here you have it”.
A priest she confessed suggested her vocation might be to join one of the convents in France, but she felt like none of the convents she considered were the answer to the 'call' she received.
Teresa was inspired by the accounts told of Marie-Julie, her spiritual abilities to read souls, her stigmata and the suffering of the Passion, and of course, this revelation of a future order dedicated to the Cross. It seemed this was the vocation she was called to.
She asked if the ladies when they returned to Brittany would they please ask Marie-Julie what her vocation was, and if she was to follow the call to join this promised order of the Cross.
While Teresa and her family were in Geneva, the following reply was sent back from Marie-Julie in May 1907, with spiritual advice, obviously from Our Lady:
Returning to Paris in June 1907, they prayed and waited, sorry that they didn't receive any more details about the path to take, but they felt they were going in the right direction and waited for more details from La Fraudais. They then received the advice from a prophetic ecstasy of Marie-Julie that they were to first seek a spiritual director before proceeding with discerning her path. Marie-Julie interceded for them again upon the request of one of the Breton ladies and Our Lady responded:
(Image: a photo of Marie-Julie's cottage pasted in Maria's biography of the family's trip to Europe - the photo is placed at the head of her chapter on discovering their vocation, showing how important the two sisters considered their introduction to Marie-Julie and her revelations regarding their call to the religious life centred on the Mission of the Cross. Photo provided by the archives of the Canonesses. which is much appreciated.)
Marie-Julie's sister entered her cell and announced us, she sent to say that she was praying the Rosary, so we had to wait for it to end. After a few moments they invited us in. As soon as we cross the threshold, we find ourselves in front of the stigmatized one. She was sitting on her bed, with the villager's touch on her head. (Sic. Possibly a local traditional cap is meant.) On her forehead stood out, from the first glance, a red line that crossed her from one temple to another, formed by a scab that covered a wound to lose itself in the hair. A crucifix, a small statue of the Virgin and a Rosary. the stigmatist had in her hands the red crusts of the stigmata, circular and about a centimeter in diameter above, and the palm torn and deep, exactly as they stood out as see in the images of the Sacred Heart, and on the ring finger a small band of white cloth that covered, as the ladies told us the mystical ring. (I.e. Marie-Julie had received a mystic espousal ring of blood around her finger.) Her face was common, rather round than aquiline, and her eyes small and not very expressive. She received us very kindly and with great naturalness and simplicity. The ladies told her that we were from such a distant country, that we had to spend thirty days at sea to return to it, which attracted her attention. To greet her we hugged her and kissed the stigmas of her hands, which she tried to withdraw, but we didn't make any observations about it, because the ladies had told us that we shouldn't do it.
When it was time for the "Angelus" she made a sign to the lady indicating that it was time for prayer, and began to pray, we all did the same. Gradually she picked herself up more deeply and her breathing became deep and noisy as if she went into agony with a stronger one of the others (I.e a stronger ecstasy?) stretched out and was numb like a corpse. The spectacle was impressive, as is the death, (i.e. Marie-Julie lived out Christ's death on the cross) and I remember that there was a time when I was almost sorry to witness it.
She was silent for an hour or so, in this interval we prayed the Rosary in a low voice. At the end of that time, without waking from her dream she began to articulate the following invocations: Verbum caro factum est et habitabit in nobis (...) After this some salutations to the Blessed Virgin joining the blessed, her director whom she called with The name of "Marie Bernard" (i.e Abbé Daurelle) and the people present and after having prayed for sinners said "La Saint Vierge est la". (i.e the Holy Virgin is there.) Then began a long speech of the Blessed Virgin changing tone, as if repeating a dictation, which we have kept very few notes, because Magdalena, who was the one who always wrote, (i.e the Breton Lady whom Ven. Teresa met) told us that on that occasion I was very excited, and that I could do it. And we, back in the house, wrote only what we could assure was accurate with the testimony of the two. It was this beautiful speech, full of heavenly tenderness and divine poetry and in a high and correct language, very different from the faulty and rustic one she used in her normal state.
After finishing this speech, Marie Julie shuddered saying "Notre Seigneur" (Our Lord) and began her dictation again (...)
I do not know for sure, but this was either at the time Bishop Fournier of Nantes first began his official investigation into Marie-Julie Jahenny, or, it must have been around the time Marie-Julie was unjustly denied the Sacraments after Bishop Fournier was was transferred to another diocese before his death. There were appeals made to Rome on her behalf, and as Leo XIII was the pope to lift the unjust decree, perhaps it was Fr. Daurelle who was sent to investigate the matter. As it turned out Cardinal Rampolla ruled that the order to forbid the Sacraments was unjust, and Pope Leo XIII ordered that Marie-Julie once again receive the Sacraments. I also learned Fr. Daurelle sent copies of the accounts of her ecstasies to Rome as part of the official investigation into her mystical experiences.
(Image: Fr. Daurelle, spiritual director of Ven. Teresa de la Cruz, and, one of the priests appointed by Pope Leo XIII to investigate Marie-Julie Jahenny. I wish to thank the archivist of the Canonesses for sending this rare picture.)
Of interest, the archivist also said that Fr. Daurelle's real name was Jean Bautista, but that Our Lady had given him the new name of Marie Bernard, which we saw in the testimony of Ven. Teresa. (After the religious name of St. Bernadette of Lourdes?) The archivist also said that the Diocese of Savenay in the Pays de la Loire region informed them that everything concerning Marie-Julie Jahenny and Fr. Daurelle is archived with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. We can only hope that when Ven. Teresa's cause for beatification is reviewed again, this close connection with Fr. Daurelle will bring Marie-Julie forward as a case worthy of canonisation as well!
I wish to thank the archivist of the Canonesses in Peru for all this information. Biography and photos from the Official Site of the Canonesses of the Cross.
(*) The Offical Facebook page for the Canonesses of the Cross - they also accept prayer requests! Click here.
(+) Learn more about Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Holy Novitiate of the Cross, click here.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
#54 B – UPDATE – Marie-Julie's Prayer of Complete Surrender– Jesus is Pleased and Reveals He has Placed Secrets in Her Heart that the World will Witness One Day
Friday, 13 September 2019
#167 The Regeneration of Mankind – THE SHELTERS WE WILL NEED during the Great Chastisements - Few will Support the Great Monarch at the Start – If we Turned to the Divine Mercy the Chastisements Would be Stopped but People will not Listen – France has Suffered Danger and Misfortune Since it Killed King Louis XVI
Monday, 9 September 2019
#166 More Warnings About Satan's Period of Freedom on Earth – A Precursor Antichrist Period - Churches, Crosses and the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated – Children will be led to Damantion before the Age of Reason – Religious will be Possessed and do Preternatural Wonders
(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 274-275)
Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, when we see the joy of the blessed, how we would like to share their happiness! Good Mother, how long is our exile!”
(i.e. after seeing the joy of the blessed in heaven, apparently during this ecstasy, life on earth seems a long exile, particularly for Marie-Julie as she was promised heaven ‘soon’, but Heaven needed victim souls. Sr. Lucia of Fatima said the same thing – Our Lady promised her heaven ‘soon’, and she lived for many decades. Sr. Lucia noted ‘soon’ felt so long! ‘Soon’ is very short for Heaven, but decades feel like a long exile to us!)
Our Lady: “My dear child, this exile is shortened, but my Divine Son is in great need of reparations of victim souls to raise the vibration of their faith and their prayers to his Throne. (‘Vibration’ – a literal translation from the French. Could be an archaic reference to ‘vibrant’, as in vibrant faith and prayers.) My dear children, I would like to thank you again for your holy and fervent prayers and especially for your indulgences for the poor delivered souls. (I.e of Purgatory.) I took away many from that place who had expiated for everything; they enjoy glory. They thank you and pray to Jesus for you, for their dear benefactors and benefactresses. There are still many of these souls (in Purgatory) who had come with the promise of masses and indulgences. When I pass among them, they say to me: ‘We came here with many Masses, and everything is forgotten; they no longer pray for us!´ (I.e. there are many souls still in Purgatory whose family on earth had promised masses and to offer indulgences for them, but they were forgotten.)
“My dear children, pray again, for there are many abandoned souls, and the places left empty are quickly filled. (i.e. the places left by souls that are delivered quickly filled by new arrivals.) There are some who only need Communion (offered for them), a Stations of the Cross (said for them). These are friends that you have placed in heaven and who will come with me to bring you graces. The offering of Holy Communion is a grace that surpasses all other graces. (i.e. the souls we help release by these means will be our friends and accompany Our Lady to bring graces in return for their release. Masses and offering Communion for them is the great help and brings the greatest graces.)
“On December 8, my feast day, I promise you that I will take many of these to heaven, friendly souls whom you have known and loved.”
(‘Friendly’ – a literal translation here, probably Our Lady means these souls will become even closer friends in Heaven as benevolent benefactors.)
Marie-Julie: “My Good Mother, for this beautiful day, take us all very close into your Heart!”
Our Lady: “That day, my children, (December 8), I will be rich in graces. It is the day when Heaven is most festive!”
(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 18-19)
Jesus: “With the love of My Divine Heart, the greatest sorrows become victorious; the heaviest, most tiresome worries become graces through My Heart. If I test you, it is because I love you! I do not test My enemies, I leave them to themselves throughout their lives. Friends of the Cross, I want to tell you with My tenderness that the trials of the moment and of the present time are a proof of predilection. Later, they will appear as a mark of My greatest tenderness.
From all the pains that sin has caused Me to suffer, I have made a heap of precious gold. In this heap of gold changed into a cross, I wrote on the door of this heap of suffering: 'I only give My crosses to My dearest friends.' It is the most precious gift I can give. Life on earth is very short,, but later, in My Heaven, all the crosses will be changed into crosses of gold and love. I want to rivet the friends of the Cross to the love of My Blessed Sacrament, Divine Nourishment which will be their strength in the days of great sacrifices. I will tell them: these rewards are not for Me, but for you! However, I do not want you to serve Me to obtain your consolations, but for Mine.” (i.e. Our Lord seems to be saying here not to serve in order to be consoled according to your ways, that is, a type of self interest, instead we are to accept the consolations God sends as He sees fit).
(UPDATE – this section added to the blog March 12, 2023)
Ecstasy of October 19, 1911 ~ The Holiness of the Priesthood – yet Scandal and Apostasy was Going to Come Soon From Priests and Bishops
(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 135, 137)
Our Lady: "The priesthood is a shining sun, and in
its rays is the ray of the Sacred Heart. The priesthood is a star of
whiteness. The threads of predilection and purity ascend to the true
and eternal priesthood. Arrived there. The Divine Eternal Priesthood
makes this priesthood of my favoured sons even more beautiful. It
sanctifies it, it beautifies it. What a wealth of glory comes from
the Divine Priesthood of my Son! These are riches of glory and
graces near me, Queen of the Priesthood.
Our Lady also gave a serious prophecy on this day regarding the
lukewarm priests not living up to their great vocation back then, and
what it was going to lead to ....)
Our Lady: "I see a
great offence being committed every morning. It is that many priests
go to the holy altar without preparing themselves, without thinking
of the holy mysteries they are going to celebrate, they are in a
hurry to come down from the holy altar in order to be more free with
all the questions and conversations. My Divine Son is of little
importance in their human thoughts. They themselves are hardly aware
of it. They do their duty because they have to, without thinking of
doing it well. Not all, but many! You will see the scandals by the
princes of the Church: bishops, pastors, etc. Apostasy is not far
off. The scandals will come. All evils are increasing and nothing
touches my people but a few who see and groan.”
(OBSERVATION: From the context, it sounds like Our Lady was warning of the liberal laxity that would enter into the Church, the priests will want to just simply due their duty as they have to, but hardly thinking of Christ, which means, not thinking much of His holy Will either, for after fulfilling their obligatory duties due to necessity, they then really want to engage in 'conversations' and 'questions', which sounds like theological disputes of the day, also, perhaps, synods and conferences, and obviously, not ones pleasing to Heaven since apostasy will come from it. This may be a cryptic reference to the heresy of Modernism in this text, a heresy which has craftily crept in and infected the Church right now. Apparently, when this evil falls, many of the faithful will be indifferent, or even conditioned due to the gradual increase of evil they weren't paying attention to, like the 'frog in the boiling pot' analogy, and only a few will see what will be happening in the Church and complain. We certainly see this coming to pass before our eyes, the Church has seen nothing but scandal after scandal appear from the hierarchy.)