Showing posts with label WWI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWI. Show all posts

Friday 13 September 2019

#167 The Regeneration of Mankind – THE SHELTERS WE WILL NEED during the Great Chastisements - Few will Support the Great Monarch at the Start – If we Turned to the Divine Mercy the Chastisements Would be Stopped but People will not Listen – France has Suffered Danger and Misfortune Since it Killed King Louis XVI


Ecstasy date February 9, 1914 – A Great Monarch or Angelic Pontiff prophecy

"To whom He has chosen, God will give all the graces and lights which will be necessary to know the means by which it will do everything possible for the regeneration of mankind, as God wants.”

(NOTE: this chosen person, either the Monarch or Pontiff is referenced here, he will be given the grace and knowledge by God on how to restore all after the chastisements that will strike the Church and the world.)


UPDATE - February, 1914 - (day not mentioned) - this particular revelation comes from a conversation Marie-Julie Jahenny had with a certain Monsieur Laine during which she repeated what she had said earlier about the Great King:

Marie-Julie: "God keeps in hiding him whom He will choose to save the Church and to rule over France. He will take the whole world away from the domination of the devil whose reign is at its peak, and whom God allows to be the master at the moment."

(Note: she has already revealed who the king is in past propheces, but nobody seems to recognise him, now, she simply says God now has him in 'hiding'. God is obviously blinding those not meant to understand, as when Our Lord said in the Gospels God hides His mysteries from the great of the world and reveals it only to the 'little ones', those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.)

(Source: “World Trends” Newsletter by Yves Dupont, July 1976. His source: the books of collected prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny by Fr. P. Ruberdel)


Ecstasy date June 16, 1914 - the SHELTER to survive the cataclysmic chastisements.

Our Lord: "My little loving souls, I have a time measured in this terrible ordeal when My righteous suffer and when My enemies rejoice, but the task will soon be shortened. In short, I will turn over the earth, I will sound the depths of the mountains, a voice of lamentation and of threats that will have all the accents of the great "Libera" reserved for the high mortality (death toll?) of the earth under the wrath of My Justice and under the rigours of My righteous anger.

My little loving souls, you will find your refuge in My Cross and My Sacred Heart, as My Sacred Heart is surmounted by the Cross and the Cross is the lightning rod and the shelter for My just ones. "

(NOTE: Our Lord is reminding yet again about the period of freedom He grants to the evil ones on earth, possibly Satan's century. This will be over when God strikes the earth and cleanses it by huge cataclysmic events. No doubt the Three Days of Darkness is meant here. One of our shelters during this dreadful time will be DEVOTION TO HIS CROSS and His SACRED HEART. If you haven't yet done so, place a blessed crucifix and image of the Sacred Heart in the heart of your home, honor them, and, practise the Nine First Fridays devotion to the Sacred Heart. More about the Three Days of Darkness, click here.)


Ecstasy Date July 16, 1914

"There will not be a multitude of men to direct to the throne of peace the man just and wise chosen to raise up the ruins of the Eldest daughter of the Church. (i.e France)".

(NOTE: this obviously a reference to the Great Catholic Monarch destined to restore the throne of France. There will be few supporters on his side when he appears. Those who recognise and support him will be in the minority.)


Ecstasy date June 26, 1917

The Sacred Heart: “Oh! How France wounds Me. My wound is so deep that the pain has pierced all My adorable and sacred flesh. I am wounded to the exterior by the (traitors?) from within that have made Me suffer so much, and it is made such that the pain pierces throughout. Look to the point where I am wounded.”

UPDATE!  New Post added, an ecstasy dated September 13, 1917, which has been given its own page.  Click here to go to the page.

Ecstasy Date February 20, 1919

Our Lord warned: “As long as My people will not return to the faith, I will punish in many ways. I test just souls, and I take their tests of pure gold to compensate Me and console Me. A very sensitive pain that is tearing My Divine Heart, it is that I see the faith fall, even in many of My dear ministers: the zeal, dedication, falling with the faith. Ah! My Divine Heart is grieved and saddened.

I assure you that on earth, for now, Satan wins, he is full of victories, he triumphs, he dominates, he loses souls, he is sowing disorder and anxiety in My most beloved of the chosen and the closest to My Divine Heart. Ah! If My people returned to mercy! At an instant, I will forgive all, I will forget everything, I will save all souls, I will take away the calamities, I will precipitate Satan with all his minions to the bottom of the abyss. But no, no, very few return to grace; indifference is everywhere, souls are lost without regret and precipitate into the abyss without reflection.  And yet My Divine Heart desires that the triumph is complete.

In this gathering that men do for peace on earth, in the midst of all of these councils, My Holy Name is still blasphemed instead of imploring the divine light. And still, there is nothing of the souls truly French. My Justice rumbles above the Earth, but for refuge you have My Divine Heart, you will have My victorious and triumphant Cross.

Since Louis XVI died on the scaffold, France is threatened with danger and misfortune.”

(OBSERVATIONS / NOTES: calamities and disasters in the world are sent to wake people up and make them turn back to God. He also tests just souls in order that reparation is made and Our Lord receives consolation. However, Our Lord complains many are losing the faith, even among His ministers. If the world returned to His Divine Mercy and repent, he would forgive and pardon ALL. However, no one will listen and souls are sending themselves to Hell. See more messages about the Divine Mercy given to Marie-Julie Jahenny, click here.

Our Lord then mentions the 'peace gatherings' – no doubt He is referring to the various peace treaty negotiations of WW I. The Great War is coming to an end at this point in time, yet, instead of thanking God in their tasks and asking for His grace during the proceedings, they still blaspheme Him. What is meant that there is nothing 'truly French' is that they have forgotten their Catholic heritage as seen in earlier posts by Marie-Julie Jahenny. France rejected its Catholic monarchy, and now after the chastisements of WW I , France is still rejecting God instead of returning to Him. Therefore, the chastisements are not at an end, His justice rumbles above the earth. Our Lord then reminds the faithful they have His Heart and Cross as their shelters for the coming chastisements. France will not peace until it has a king again, the king of God's choice, the Great Catholic Monarch. France has suffered misfortune since it killed Louis XVI.)


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Wednesday 6 September 2017

#49 Prophecy of the Four Crosses

Prophecy Come True -  WW I

October 26, 1877

Marie-Julie saw four crosses. (Our Lady explains their meaning). The first was for:

"France, your tears and your wailing have not been heard.

Second: Brittany, your moaning heart sighed to my Son. He has heard your voice.

The Third: Dear Vendée, how many times you have shed your blood for your faith. My blessings fall on you.

The fourth: Alsace and Lorraine will be reunited to France."


History time! The Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine was a territory created by the German Empire in 1871 after it annexed most of Alsace and the Moselle department of Lorraine following its victory in the Franco-Prussian War in France.

Here we see a prediction France will weep but its prayers will not be heard, although sections of France will continue to receive blessing and protection, ie. Brittany and the Vendée. Yes, Alsace and the Lorraine were annexed back into France after WW I in 1919 when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. So we can see why France would 'weep', it wept bitterly during WW I.


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Previous Post:  #48 France and Beyond will Suffer - JESUS WILL NOT BE MOVED BY PITY until JUSTICE is DONE

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