Showing posts with label A GREAT APOSTASY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A GREAT APOSTASY. Show all posts

Friday 31 August 2018

#129 Prophecy of a 'Horrible Religion' Resembling Islam will Lead Many Astray - Many Bishops will Enter the New Heretical Christian Religion

Ecstasy date June 9, 1881

Our Lord:

My deepest pain, it is owing to this kind of joy in Christian hearts--who were Christians, but who have lost grace – it is seeing this joy when the power of mortal men will order throughout the kingdom, a horrible religion, as opposed to that which exists today and that makes the happiness of My people.”

(Note: In other words, Our Lord sees many people who call themselves Christian but are not. They will rejoice at the introduction by men of a new religion that appears Christian, but operates contrary to the way Christ established his Church. Since it will be 'ordered throughout the kingdom' it will be imposed on the populace. The fact that Christ says they are not in the state of grace indicates those followers who are contrary to certain dogmas of the faith and wish to set up a religion that panders to their worldly ideas of Catholicism / Christianity. Basically a heretical faith.

Our Lord: "I am inconsolable. I see running there, to escape from death and rouse themselves from imposed suffering, multitudes of Christians.”

(i.e. Rather than face death or sufferings that will be inflicted on them if they stay in the True Faith, they will enter the false religion.)

Our Lord “I see them embrace the religion of a merry heart, without thinking about Me, on the Church, of their baptism and all that is good for the Christian soul ... by manifesting these signs to My people (i.e., the warnings and chastisements), I want to bring back My people, before the punishment, because I love them. I see eagerly entering this guilty, sacrilegious, infamous, in a word, a similar (religion) to that of Mahomet (sp. Muhammad)

(Note: this false religion will teach an 'easier path' that is 'merry' and therefore easier to follow. Probably a religion that will concentrate on worldly happiness and 'anything goes' if it feels 'good' rather than attaining everlasting happiness through sacrifice and carrying the cross. This new religion will resemble Islam, which refutes the godhead of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe Jesus is only a prophet but not the Divine Son of God. Here Our Lord reveals The 'Horrible Religion' will be Arian in nature, the Arian heresy will once more raise it's ugly head.)

Our Lord: “There I see Bishops entering. By seeing these Bishops, many, so many, and in their suite all their flock, and without hesitation to rush into damnation and Hell, My Heart is wounded to death, as at the time of My Passion. I am going to become an object of horror for the most part of My people. All youth will be spoiled and soon will fall in a putrefaction the smell of which will be unbearable. "

(Note: Many bishops will enter the false Arian-style religion and bring many to damnation with them. This could be the Great Apostasy Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned about. 

 See Posts below for more prophecies on this:

(Also during that time, youth will be spoiled through sin and obviously sins of impurity as Our Lord's example of a pure virginal life filled with sacrificial suffering will be 'an object of horror'.  

Looking further into this prophecy, one may question how the dour religion of Islam could be made into a 'happy' false Christian sect to lead people astray, but we are already on the road.   Consider this:  Islam allows a man to easily divorce a wife, all he has to say is one sentence out loud he is divorcing her and she instantly repudiated.    We could have a religion that permits easy divorce, no longer will the true, Traditional Catholic teaching be upheld with regards to marriage, i.e. 'until death do you part'.   Also, in Islam, men are allowed to have up to 4 wives, i.e. polygamy.  Considering the recent controversial introduction of "Amoris Laetitia" (The 'JOY of Love') which has proposed allowing divorced Catholics who have civilly remarried to receive Communion without having had their previous marriage licitly annulled by the Church, is this 'sanctioning' their second civil marriage? If so, that means a woman or man can have more than one husband or wife and receive Communion!  We might dare to suggest this is a cunning form of polygamy.  Could we indeed be seeing the beginning of the a 'church' of a 'merry heart' that will permit people live an easy life with no regard for Christ's teachings that in the end will lead people into perdition?  Food for thought.)

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Wednesday 13 June 2018

#124 WOE to UNFAITHFUL PRIESTS and BISHOPS – Also, Prophecy of a Pope in Exile

Ecstasy year 1881 (specific date for this particular warning either lost or not provided):

Our Lord to Marie Julie Jahenny:

"WOE to the priest who does not reflect on the enormous responsibility which he will have to give back to Me. And the pastors of the Church (the bishops) what will they do for the faith? The great number are ready to give (up) their faith to save their bodies.... The suffering they cause (the Church) will never be repaired. In a short time the pastors of the Church will have spread scandals everywhere and will have given the last sword thrust to Holy Church."


UPDATE - this section newly to this post on April 12, 2024)

Ecstasy of January 6, 1881  -  Miraculous Consolations will be sent during the Punishments - Great Signs in the Sky - The Sanctuary of the Cross - The Signs to Watch out for in Nature

(Source – “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 358-361)

The Dove (of the Holy Spirit) :

The earth tells again beyond the seas the power of God, hidden in the Cross, on the earth transformed by the gifts of His miracles ... The eternal goodness of the Lord has placed the tip of His immortal finger on the great uprising of the earth and on all the powers of the weak man. The Lord will stop the course of everything that comes from the mouths of men. He will launch My mysterious lightning bolts to strike them in the brilliance of His power, to make shine in their open waking eyes His Cross which has suffered all their contempt, all their useless words and all their thoughts which will never be realised. (I.e. their evil plans will come to nothing.) The tongue, which for so long had dared to insult his Cross, will remain like ice, without movement, in view of the works of His eternal power.

Before the peace of God, before the peace between men who are lost and (those) who had resolved to deliver His people to more and more immense pain, before harmony is re-established between them, God, the author of all graces, will have already made it rain three times from the three heavens that He governs.

In the first heaven, expected (hoped for) by the earth and by hearts eager to drink from it, in this heaven will be a transparent Cross, opening like a flower to the rays of the sun. The Cross will open, letting its marvellous and mysterious gifts burst forth: they will be so immense that the earth will not be able to contain them (Henry Boucier’s note: a preliminary announcement of the miracles of all kinds that will be granted to La Fraudais.) Faithful hearts in the alliance of God in will collect a prodigious height of graces to attest to its wonders from afar. The tenderness of the Lord sees all things ready. The erring man will harden himself in evil. I do not know a solitary corner where the foot of the impious will not come, except you, O heaven of Brittany!

I have reserved for you, Brittany, three different heavens which follow each other at a fixed distance. When the last one opens its sparkling door, the heaven ( or the sky?) will have poured out much in your place. The wonders will not stop happening afterwards.

O France, in a very short time, you will disappear under the lugubrious veil of the accumulated cries of the multitude of perverted souls who delivered you to your occupying enemies whose desires have not been satisfied for the last wars of 1918 and 1945.

(NOTE: If Henry’ Boucier’s book has ecstasy date is correct, then this was a prediction of WWI and WWII down to the very years, and, a horrifying prediction that the evil governmental powers that opened up France to these war and invasions, the government literally let Germany walk in in WWII, are going to do so again – this time, France as formerly known will ‘disappear’ wit whatever force is going to be let in this time! This could be a prediction of the ‘Red State’ that will rise, change everything about France, and, even let in open to foreign invaders as seen in her other prophecies.)

O France, you will rise up with great difficulty! Your faithful friends will present to you the star which, alone, can make your honour and your faith green again, which can plant in your heart the royal flower, the lily which your iniquity has withered until today and which must only bloom again after you have been overthrown, tumbled under the shovel of blasphemy and stirred under the spade wielded and driven by profanation and impiety.    (i.e. a prediction of the arrival of the Great Monarch and the restoration of the absolute Catholic Monarchy of France. It will only happen after France has brutally suffered this punishment.)

Marie-Julie: “I now return to the two cherubs who remained on their knees the whole time the Dove spoke. They opened their golden book and I read under the fiery arrow coming out of the Heart of Jesus, an arrow which carries all the instruments of the Cross of the God-Man:

(The words): 'I feel attracted by all the hearts which love Me on earth and who are sealed to My Cross to live and die there. When, in a glory that will warm them all, I come down to this place where I want to inhabit and never leave it, I will bring with Me immense gifts. It will no longer be from heaven that the dazzling course of My glory will spread. (Note by Boucier: possible prediction of the tabernacle that was placed in her cottage on August 15, 1978 to keep the blessed Sacrament) It will be this same roof, under the same cover of the humble cell that I will launch with joy all the most distinguished torrents to this day, all the heavens prodigious with glory that the earth will not have seen since I have, after Me, imprinted My deep wounds on My chosen creatures and destined in My grace, from the first, until that of this day. All the heavens, (or skies) of past times will not have a mark of grandeur as distinct as that of this era where I want more than ever to show the brilliance of My power and avenge the pride of the earth, by bringing out on it wonders that the first world did not have the honour and the unique consolation of seeing, as My people today are destined (to see). I will raise for Myself in this place a magnificent palace, a temple which will only be built by the hands of the most beautiful prodigies.”

(OBSERVATIONS: ‘first world’ - in the second letter of St Peter chapter 2 we find the apostle described the world before the Deluge as the ‘original world’ before it was cleansed by water, and therefore the world afterwards could be considered a ‘second world’. So, it could be Christ is saying that there will be new marvels in the heavens that are reserved for the era after the coming cleansing chastisements that the ancient world never saw before – judging from the prediction here, it will be greater than even the rainbow given to Noah! The prophecy goes on to once again pronounce the promised Sanctuary of the Cross on the site of Marie-Julie Jahenny’s cottage.)

The Sacred Heart: “I will cause it to bloom, on the 14th of January, in the middle of a harsh and cold winter which will still be mixed with sadness and distress, in the center in this new year, because peace will not yet be at the height of the most beautiful triumph, but it will be yet at the last effort and the call promised to the one who will bring back the bread of peaceful days. (I.e. the Great Monarch).

(OBSERVATIONS: Judging from the context of these words, the triumph is not yet complete with the reign of peace, the wars or time of chastisement will not yet be over, it will be at the latter part when the call of the King is made after which he will bring the peace when a consoling miracle will happen at the Sanctuary of the Cross, which obviously must be in its construction phase if walls are mentioned in the next paragraphs. The miracle may be a miraculous blooming of flowers in the midst of a harsh and cold winter. Also, predictions of heavenly music has been made before regarding the construction of the Sanctuary.)

The Sacred Heart continues: “In the middle of the frost and a thick mist, I will play a melodious concert of three to five voices. This concert will first be lost in the higher regions; a moment later, I will play a louder concert. The air, despite its harshness, will have a delicious scent. I will have gathered almost all My victims, brothers and sisters, and all My friends, when there will be a very distinct light under the walls of My temple, for three to five minutes. Through this clarity the mist will vanish, the frost will slowly melt, and a group of Doctors of the Church – mixed with those of my greatest saints who loved and preached the Cross – will descend together and lay on the heart of the first victim (this is Marie-Julie) a flowering branch which will have as many flowers as I want victims to publish My glory. With My eternal finger, I will record the destiny and employment of each of My servants and maids. There is a Cross. (I.e this seems to be a prediction of a great apparition that will happen regarding the Doctors of the Church and saints.)

The Sacred Heart: “The elements of creation, water and fire, will serve as instruments of the Justice of God to punish and chastise unfaithful men.

The year of entry into the events is a year of rains as regular as they are violent; it will be almost useless to sow and plant, apart from healthy, high and irrigated land. Plants will reach their flowers without producing fruit. There will only be a quarter of the harvest. They will have a winter in the summer. This wet year which will introduce us to events will be followed by a harsh winter which will itself be followed by a year of very low drought. A fiery sun we will (use to) usher into a series of plagues, including other terrible illnesses and sudden deaths.”

(OBSERVATIONS: so, it seemed the year leading into the beginning of these events before the miracles of the ‘bloom’ and the miraculous music will first be very wet and cold, the summer will almost be like winter. Planting will be almost impossible in certain areas that are not high and irrigated. There will be bad harvests, no fruit will produce. Perhaps a food shortage will occur? The winter of that year will be very harsh. Perhaps this is the harsh winter spoken of in which the miraculous bloom will occur, then the miraculous music sent as a consolation and to keep up hope because, the year after that will be hot – a drought will occur. The sun will be fiery in its heat. Plagues will happen, illnesses and even sudden deaths will occur. Our Lord had warned the full height of the peace and triumph will not have happened yet as the call of the King must happen. The peace will only be finally established through the Monarch.)


Ecstasy date January 11, 1881

"The Church will no longer have its voice, that, still today, speaks highly, (or loudly). The Bond of the Faith (the Pope) will drink soon in exile, the bitterness of a long and painful martyrdom. His heart, filled with anguish, will not live as one might say any more in his person; but it (or he) will provide everything for his children, for his flock and for the infallible Church."

(Observations / possible interpretation: the Church will be choked silent, or perhaps this exiled Pope will be silenced – eventhough he will not be permitted to 'speak' as strong as the Popes in Marie-Julie's time, he will still be a leader and provide for the Church and the flock. Apparently, the Church will enter a type of persecution to where it's voice will not be heard or listened to, but the exiled Pope will still have his authority from God and provide for the Church. During this time of persecution, there will STILL BE A POPE, and the CHURCH IS STILL INFALLIBLE.)


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Previous Post #123 Visions of the Holy Spirit as a Dove – France is Dying – Prediction of Marie-Julie's Death – The Great Monarch will Come Afterwards

Sunday 4 February 2018

#106 Prophecy of the ABANDONED CHURCH

Ecstasy date March 29, 1879

"The abandoned Church will be without its supreme Head who governs and directs it. For quite a long time the Church must deprived of all prayer, all offices, exiled from God and the Saints.  They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy."


Notes / observations: since the Church has always taught as formal doctrine that the papal succession will never be broken, and a true mystic will never make a prophecy against doctrine, not to mention this is a 'bleeding chunk' quote from the Marquis de Franquerie's book without any additional texts yet released for this particular date by the "Friends of Marie Julie / Association Website", it is difficult to put this in its proper context.  Therefore we must not jump to conclusions this is a prophecy endorsing Sedevacantism.

However, notice the phrase 'abandoned Church' - it is possible this prophecy warns that the 'Authentic Church', so to speak, will be abandoned by those who should lead and protect it.  

Since the iconoclasm that occurred after Vatican II with the suppression of the Latin Mass, not to mention the latest doctrinal catastrophe of "Amoris Laetitia" permitting divorced and invalidly remarried / co-habitating couples to receive Holy Communion, the announcement to experiment in allowing married priests, the suggestion of having women deacons, and the latest agreement with the Communist Church of China to the detriment of of the Underground Church, not to menton the recent scandal to break, i.e. Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Episcopal Conference telling the German media that “one must encourage priests” to give encouragement to homosexual unions, which could include public blessings that would take a “liturgical” form, we can see that the True Catholic Church has been abandoned by many of its leaders and practically left by itself to fight for and defend True Doctrine.  In this sense, the prophecy has indeed come true.


Wednesday 6 September 2017

#59 St. Joseph - WARNINGS: A GREAT APOSTASY - Strange Lighting ,Thunder, Plagues

ST. JOSPEH gives DIRE WARNINGS of a GREAT APOSTASY to Mare-Julie Jahenny- WOE TO APOSTATE PRIESTS! Prophecy of a POPE CAST ASIDE, (possibly, the "Angelic Pontiff", or the pope that rules before him.) The Church can only be cleased by many victims and martyrs. The "Triumph" will not happen until the bloodshed is complete.


(March 19, 1878)

“My children,” said Saint Joseph, “you have to trample underfoot apprehensions. You (should?) no longer tremble at the approach of the anger of the Lord. You must stay calm and never leave. It is a privilege granted to the children of Brittany. (I.e. a message to the faithful of Brittany in this paragraph: Brittany France shall be spared most of the chastisements, they are not to be afraid of the Lord's Anger, nor should they leave Brittany.)

Close to my Divine Son, I pleaded for the triumph of the Church, which is dear to me. I am also its protector.

I saw the tree of faith support three terrible struggles, but I have not seen any leaf wilting. (i.e the 'Tree of Faith' will not die despite these three unnamed great struggles it will suffer.)

I pleaded the cause of the church and I said: ´My Son, I wish that You give it the triumph, but without victims or bloodshed.´


Then I pleaded for peace and tranquillity for the Holy Father. My Son said,

(Our Lord): ´The Holy Father will suffer torments that are beyond his powers. He will be discarded and thrust aside, pushed and shoved, like the sea when it braces.´”

Marie-Julie: “Saint Joseph, I do not know what you mean by the word: braces.”

“My child, it is when, in the storms, the clouds collide, driven by contrary winds. I asked the triumph of the Holy Father and My Son said:

(Our Lord to St. Jospeh): 'Father, WHEN THERE WERE ENOUGH VICTIMS AND BLOODSHED, that is when, as it is written, THE HOUR OF ITS TRIUMPH.' (I.e. there will need to be many victims / suffering souls in addition to martyrs to purify the Church before the Triumph.)

St. Jospeh: See, my child, HOW THE EVIL WILL BE GREAT. People will not comprehend before how they came. (I.e how these great evils could be.) With tenderness and generosity, I pleaded for the poor priests of the Church. My Son said:

(Our Lord to St. Joseph): 'My Father, My zealous apostles, My priests, will have a share of consolation, however, they will suffer since they are the pillars of the Church. BUT WOE TO HIM WHO WILL MOUNT THE ALTAR WITH A CONSCIENCE VEILED, WOE TO HIM WHOSE HEART WILL BE ON FIBRE TO THE RIGHT AND THE OTHER TO THE LEFT!'

I argued ABOUT THIER APOSTASTY and my Son said:

'THAT'S WHAT GIVE ME THE MOST PAIN! To see those in the priesthood apostatize, who were dedicated to My service! My father, when all these infamies HAVE SPREAD ACROSS THE  WORLD, the earth will be in the biggest scandal.'

I pleaded for unfortunate France and my Son said:

'My father, I see France in a terrible ugliness. She is so dirty that no source (i.e. font / spring) could wash it.'

(St. Jospeh): My children, my son called France: 'the flood of iniquity.' Despite His curses, my Son accords the gift of protection to several families who are charitably behaved in faith and gratitude for divine grace. They will be protected, but they will flee, like me when I fled to Egypt.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “But, Saint Joseph, we do not have Egypt, not us.”

St. Joseph: “Brittany will be (your) Egypt. I also spoke strongly in favour of religious communities and behold, my children, my Son's word:

'All these cloisters, these places of peace, will suffer much and from them will issue a large number of martyrs. Those who set traps in My Church will pursue after the cloistered souls.'

“My children,” adds St. Joseph, “PLAGUES OF ALL SORTS ARE RESERVED FOR THE EARTH. Plagues and calamities will come with this time. To indicate mortality, in some places, they will place the pall on the Church! It will be that CORRUPTION AND LAWLWSSNESS WILL ISSUE FROM THESE PLAGUES.

I warn, since my Son orders it. My children, in these next few years, there will be extraordinary phenomena. You must be warned so that you may be without fear. My son told me:

'Father, to you I entrust these revelations, let them be made known to My people.'



These extraordinary signs will NOT come from my Son, (i.e they are not of a supernatural origin, but still natural even if stranger than normal.)

My children, do not worry, these flashes will do you no harm, but they will reach others. It must be that the power of my Son is manifested in a noisy manner, since UNBELIEF IS SO GREAT!”

(i.e. great signs will be given to waken up a faithless generation to conversion.)


Our Lady: "In a hundred years heaven will have harvested its crop ... even before the hundred years are up."