Friday 31 August 2018

#129 Prophecy of a 'Horrible Religion' Resembling Islam will Lead Many Astray - Many Bishops will Enter the New Heretical Christian Religion

Ecstasy date June 9, 1881

Our Lord:

My deepest pain, it is owing to this kind of joy in Christian hearts--who were Christians, but who have lost grace – it is seeing this joy when the power of mortal men will order throughout the kingdom, a horrible religion, as opposed to that which exists today and that makes the happiness of My people.”

(Note: In other words, Our Lord sees many people who call themselves Christian but are not. They will rejoice at the introduction by men of a new religion that appears Christian, but operates contrary to the way Christ established his Church. Since it will be 'ordered throughout the kingdom' it will be imposed on the populace. The fact that Christ says they are not in the state of grace indicates those followers who are contrary to certain dogmas of the faith and wish to set up a religion that panders to their worldly ideas of Catholicism / Christianity. Basically a heretical faith.

Our Lord: "I am inconsolable. I see running there, to escape from death and rouse themselves from imposed suffering, multitudes of Christians.”

(i.e. Rather than face death or sufferings that will be inflicted on them if they stay in the True Faith, they will enter the false religion.)

Our Lord “I see them embrace the religion of a merry heart, without thinking about Me, on the Church, of their baptism and all that is good for the Christian soul ... by manifesting these signs to My people (i.e., the warnings and chastisements), I want to bring back My people, before the punishment, because I love them. I see eagerly entering this guilty, sacrilegious, infamous, in a word, a similar (religion) to that of Mahomet (sp. Muhammad)

(Note: this false religion will teach an 'easier path' that is 'merry' and therefore easier to follow. Probably a religion that will concentrate on worldly happiness and 'anything goes' if it feels 'good' rather than attaining everlasting happiness through sacrifice and carrying the cross. This new religion will resemble Islam, which refutes the godhead of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe Jesus is only a prophet but not the Divine Son of God. Here Our Lord reveals The 'Horrible Religion' will be Arian in nature, the Arian heresy will once more raise it's ugly head.)

Our Lord: “There I see Bishops entering. By seeing these Bishops, many, so many, and in their suite all their flock, and without hesitation to rush into damnation and Hell, My Heart is wounded to death, as at the time of My Passion. I am going to become an object of horror for the most part of My people. All youth will be spoiled and soon will fall in a putrefaction the smell of which will be unbearable. "

(Note: Many bishops will enter the false Arian-style religion and bring many to damnation with them. This could be the Great Apostasy Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned about. 

 See Posts below for more prophecies on this:

(Also during that time, youth will be spoiled through sin and obviously sins of impurity as Our Lord's example of a pure virginal life filled with sacrificial suffering will be 'an object of horror'.  

Looking further into this prophecy, one may question how the dour religion of Islam could be made into a 'happy' false Christian sect to lead people astray, but we are already on the road.   Consider this:  Islam allows a man to easily divorce a wife, all he has to say is one sentence out loud he is divorcing her and she instantly repudiated.    We could have a religion that permits easy divorce, no longer will the true, Traditional Catholic teaching be upheld with regards to marriage, i.e. 'until death do you part'.   Also, in Islam, men are allowed to have up to 4 wives, i.e. polygamy.  Considering the recent controversial introduction of "Amoris Laetitia" (The 'JOY of Love') which has proposed allowing divorced Catholics who have civilly remarried to receive Communion without having had their previous marriage licitly annulled by the Church, is this 'sanctioning' their second civil marriage? If so, that means a woman or man can have more than one husband or wife and receive Communion!  We might dare to suggest this is a cunning form of polygamy.  Could we indeed be seeing the beginning of the a 'church' of a 'merry heart' that will permit people live an easy life with no regard for Christ's teachings that in the end will lead people into perdition?  Food for thought.)

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Saturday 18 August 2018

#128 Various Prophecies: God's Promise to Brittany – Heaven's Praise of the Great Monarch – Punishment of the "New Nineveh" – England Betrayed by a Queen

Note: These are various prophecies recorded from March to May 1881.  They were published in the fragments you see here on the “Friends of Marie-Julie” Website. If there were more revelations in the ecstasies for these days, they have not been published yet as far as I am aware.


Ecstasy Date March 24, 1881

Our Lord made her (Our Lady) the guardian of our Brittany and she obtained from her Son (to write it) on the page of a book hidden under His divine robe. His Mercy would be willing to be touched, but so few souls pray, so many outrage Him."

(Observation: the promises that Brittany will be protected by Our Lady is written on a book hidden under the Divine robe of her Son.  Apparently, it seems the chastisements might be mitigated if mankind turned to His Divine Mercy, but many will not. Instead, humanity will continue to outrage Him! See more about Our Lord's revelations concerning His Divine Mercy to Marie-Julie Jahenny, click here.)


Ecstasy of May 12, 1881, (and November 29, 1881), (“The Breton Stigmatist” p. 56)

The Great Monarch is called by Our Lord and Our Lady "The Man of God", "The Chosen of the Eternal", "The Prince and salvation of his people".

(Observations: the promised Great Monarch must be a very great man indeed to have earned such high compliments from Heaven! The mystic priest Père Lamy who had many visitations from Our Lady and the angels once remarked that Heaven or even Our Lady rarely compliments mankind, for what can Heaven find to compliment in poor fallen humanity? However, he once heard Our Lady say about a saint, “He is a great saint”, and Pere Lamy was taken aback, declaring she never speaks a compliment unless it is highly deserved! The saint must have be great indeed to have earned the praise. To find out more about the promised Great Catholic Monarch, click here.)


Same day, May 12, 1881,

(Our Lord ?):

"My children, punishment was promised to the city of Nineveh, and now a severe punishment, a terrible punishment is promised to the new Nineveh that I loved so much and that which is My kingdom."

(Observations: this could be Rome as it is the city where the Vatican is situated and would also come under great punishment as we have seen in the previous prophecies, however, it could also be Paris.  Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold the city would be destroyed, and barely a handful will be saved. Other mystics have foretold it will never be rebuilt.

Of interest, at this time Paris was truly the great new Nineveh of Europe having just undergone the massive reconstruction and modernisation project started by Emperor Napoléon III and directed by his prefect of the Seine, Georges-Eugène Haussmann, between 1853 and 1870. Old Paris disappeared as medieval neighbourhoods were demolished and reconstructed, making way for the now famous wide avenues, new parks and squares, the annexation of the suburbs surrounding Paris, and the construction of new sewers.  What we now know as the classic architecture of central Paris was all due to this massive civil refurbishment project. However, the glistening new city also became the libertine capital of Europe with every vice catered to and a double-lifestyle was quietly accepted as normal. For instance, it was an 'understood thing' that one part of the week men would take their mistresses to the opera, while the rest of the week they took their wives. There were also certain cafés where men would only take their mistresses, but not their wives.  This is only one instance of the depravity occuring and will continue to occur.  Hence it it quite possible Heaven was calling Paris the New Nineveh.  The city will be destroyed and never rebuilt.)


Ecstasy Date May 18, 1881

"At that time, England will have betrayed its people under the empire (or influence) of a queen; on her descent from the throne, things will not happen as the Lord demands (or requires)."

(I.e. When the chastisements come, England will have been betrayed by a queen's influence. Will it be a Queen of England, or another queen? Of interest, the prophecy says this queen will 'descend the throne' – possibly a prediction of abdication? 

Also,  the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny describe even democratically elected leaders as seated on 'thrones', perhaps on account of them usurping power that truly belongs to a monarch.  Hence, there could be a female leader that will betray the English people.)
We can only wonder and wait to see how history unfolds. Might be related to the prophecy of England divided into four parts in post #148, click here.)


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Sunday 15 July 2018

#127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him

Ecstasy date March 22, 1881 

"ALL My veritable prophetic words, O KING OF EXILE, call YOU and acclaim YOU. Without deferring too much, I will return to your subjects and your people he who bears on his head the same flower that you love. This flower is the lily, O King, MIRACLE CHILD, do not prepare to come from exile under a thick dust stirred up by the fury of the murderers of your country. You will prepare to come on the edge of this land that was foreign to you. From the north of the borders your noble person will pass through the legions who only wait for you to rise up a vengeance. But, as the day of darkness, their eyes will be veiled, the exile will be returned and My Justice will be accomplished. You will pass to reclaim the sceptre of glory. You will temper the tip in the blood of the Romans, in the defence of the Sovereign Pontiff, the bond of all the faithful. I have profound words of life and encouragement. I have found on the earth wise messengers ready to obey, to carry these words ... "

(Image: Henri V, the Count of Chambord, 'The Miracle Child' and King of exile.)


(Observations: Our Lord reveals in this prophecy that the 'exiled king', the one called the 'Miracle Child', is the Great Monarch chosen by Him, and that ALL His prophetic words regarding the Great Monarch are indeed about Henri V the Count of Chambord. His throne was taken from him and he had to go into exile, he was also called the 'Miracle Child' by his supporters, and, as many prophecies state, the Great Monarch would be the last king of France. Henri V was indeed the last in the direct line the Bourbons, the true Kings of France. This prophecy was made was he was yet living. Christ promises he will RETURN HIM to his subjects.

In an earlier prophecy given to Marie-Julie, it is also confirmed that the one called “Henri V” is the chosen king, as we see here ALL His word refer to Henry V, the Miracle Child, King in Exile. See post # 16 The Path of Henry V: Three Contenders will Vie for the Crown

God revealed through clues how He will return the King. See also: “Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies of the 'Miracle Child”

Regarding the rest of this prophecy, Christ promises to bring the exiled king back into France, but legions of evil ones will rise up to prevent his entry. Christ says their eyes will be blinded as in the Days of Darkness, they will not see how or when he will come until he passes through. Of interest, Christ reveals 'who' these legions will be using a veiled clue by the words 'a thick dust stirred up by the fury of the murderers of your country'.

The 'dust' must be the 'dust of the foreigner' as seen in an earlier prophecy, i.e the least desirable of foreigners whom will be allowed in to France by those who govern the country and will be 'stirred up' to cause the revolt, hence, the government is called the 'murderers' of France in this prophecy. See post #122 Our Lady Arrives in Black (Chastisement Warnings, including the 'Dust of the Foreigner')

In another prophecy, it is revealed a handful of conspirators will start an infernal revolt: See #41 PARIS- INFERNALLY INSPIRED CONSPIRACIES to START THE REVOLT - a VIOLET FIRE

However, it will come to nothing, Christ will ensure the Great Monarch passes safely, and, as other prophecies regarding the Great Monarch state, once he secures France, he will go to aid the Pope, for Italy and Rome will also be convulsed with revolts. The King will free the Pope. Together, they will restore Christendom.


Sunday 1 July 2018

#126 A Week-Long Earthquake – France and England Will Cry Out in Terror – Strange Thunder Will Sound

March 8, 1881

The earth will shake from this place until sunrise, the space of six days. A day of rest and (on) the eighth day, the trembling will begin again. France and England will respond with their cries of despair. The land will shake so hard that the people will be thrown up to 300 steps (pas = paces /steps?). The thunder will sound more brightly than in the months that will lead up to the end of the world, with a strange noise.”

(Observations: the strange thunder may be or is related to the chastisement St. Joseph already foretold to Marie-Julie Jahenny in a previous vision. See # 59 St. Joseph - WARNINGS: A GREAT APOSTASY - Strange Lighting , Thunder, Plagues)



Sunday 24 June 2018

#125 The Conversion of the Jews and the Great Monarch – Rome will be Terrorized for Three and a Half Years

January 18, 1881

Our Lord: "In My eternal wisdom, I intend to reserve the life of an immense number of Jews, because I want to confound them on the day of My rejoicing. The blasphemous eyes of all those souls will be opened because I want them to see My power. I reserve for them that they see with their own eyes the radiant star that I will lead out of exile (the Great Monarch) in a frightful storm of fire and under the sign of My anger...."

(Observations: according to Catholic teaching, the Jews will convert at the end of time just before the Second Coming of Christ. Our Lord confirms this teaching to Marie-Julie Jahenny, the 'day of His rejoicing' is an obvious reference to His Second Coming, and explains that the chastisements and the arrival of the Great Catholc Monarch will be instrumental in their conversion near the end.

The Jews that formerly rejected the revelation that Jesus truly is the promised Messiah will see by the punishment of the earth and the signs accompanying the Great Monarch that Christianity is indeed the True Faith.   However, it is quite possible even after all of these signs, many Jews will not yet convert until the very end, for even Our Lord says the king will come under a 'sign' showing His Anger, seemingly as if all of this will still be for nothing.  The Douai-Rheims Bible notes that Elias at last will be sent to convert hardened Jews in the End times. (Malachias 4). 

 (Also see post # 139 The Jews Will See Signs of Terror in the Sky When the Great Monarch Arrives)


January 25, 1881

The poor Eternal City (Rome) will be delivered, during three and a half years, to a continual terror."

(Observations: no further explanations are given. Whatever the punishment will be, it will cause terror without a respite for three and a half years in Rome.)


Wednesday 13 June 2018

#124 WOE to UNFAITHFUL PRIESTS and BISHOPS – Also, Prophecy of a Pope in Exile

Ecstasy year 1881 (specific date for this particular warning either lost or not provided):

Our Lord to Marie Julie Jahenny:

"WOE to the priest who does not reflect on the enormous responsibility which he will have to give back to Me. And the pastors of the Church (the bishops) what will they do for the faith? The great number are ready to give (up) their faith to save their bodies.... The suffering they cause (the Church) will never be repaired. In a short time the pastors of the Church will have spread scandals everywhere and will have given the last sword thrust to Holy Church."


UPDATE - this section newly to this post on April 12, 2024)

Ecstasy of January 6, 1881  -  Miraculous Consolations will be sent during the Punishments - Great Signs in the Sky - The Sanctuary of the Cross - The Signs to Watch out for in Nature

(Source – “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 358-361)

The Dove (of the Holy Spirit) :

The earth tells again beyond the seas the power of God, hidden in the Cross, on the earth transformed by the gifts of His miracles ... The eternal goodness of the Lord has placed the tip of His immortal finger on the great uprising of the earth and on all the powers of the weak man. The Lord will stop the course of everything that comes from the mouths of men. He will launch My mysterious lightning bolts to strike them in the brilliance of His power, to make shine in their open waking eyes His Cross which has suffered all their contempt, all their useless words and all their thoughts which will never be realised. (I.e. their evil plans will come to nothing.) The tongue, which for so long had dared to insult his Cross, will remain like ice, without movement, in view of the works of His eternal power.

Before the peace of God, before the peace between men who are lost and (those) who had resolved to deliver His people to more and more immense pain, before harmony is re-established between them, God, the author of all graces, will have already made it rain three times from the three heavens that He governs.

In the first heaven, expected (hoped for) by the earth and by hearts eager to drink from it, in this heaven will be a transparent Cross, opening like a flower to the rays of the sun. The Cross will open, letting its marvellous and mysterious gifts burst forth: they will be so immense that the earth will not be able to contain them (Henry Boucier’s note: a preliminary announcement of the miracles of all kinds that will be granted to La Fraudais.) Faithful hearts in the alliance of God in will collect a prodigious height of graces to attest to its wonders from afar. The tenderness of the Lord sees all things ready. The erring man will harden himself in evil. I do not know a solitary corner where the foot of the impious will not come, except you, O heaven of Brittany!

I have reserved for you, Brittany, three different heavens which follow each other at a fixed distance. When the last one opens its sparkling door, the heaven ( or the sky?) will have poured out much in your place. The wonders will not stop happening afterwards.

O France, in a very short time, you will disappear under the lugubrious veil of the accumulated cries of the multitude of perverted souls who delivered you to your occupying enemies whose desires have not been satisfied for the last wars of 1918 and 1945.

(NOTE: If Henry’ Boucier’s book has ecstasy date is correct, then this was a prediction of WWI and WWII down to the very years, and, a horrifying prediction that the evil governmental powers that opened up France to these war and invasions, the government literally let Germany walk in in WWII, are going to do so again – this time, France as formerly known will ‘disappear’ wit whatever force is going to be let in this time! This could be a prediction of the ‘Red State’ that will rise, change everything about France, and, even let in open to foreign invaders as seen in her other prophecies.)

O France, you will rise up with great difficulty! Your faithful friends will present to you the star which, alone, can make your honour and your faith green again, which can plant in your heart the royal flower, the lily which your iniquity has withered until today and which must only bloom again after you have been overthrown, tumbled under the shovel of blasphemy and stirred under the spade wielded and driven by profanation and impiety.    (i.e. a prediction of the arrival of the Great Monarch and the restoration of the absolute Catholic Monarchy of France. It will only happen after France has brutally suffered this punishment.)

Marie-Julie: “I now return to the two cherubs who remained on their knees the whole time the Dove spoke. They opened their golden book and I read under the fiery arrow coming out of the Heart of Jesus, an arrow which carries all the instruments of the Cross of the God-Man:

(The words): 'I feel attracted by all the hearts which love Me on earth and who are sealed to My Cross to live and die there. When, in a glory that will warm them all, I come down to this place where I want to inhabit and never leave it, I will bring with Me immense gifts. It will no longer be from heaven that the dazzling course of My glory will spread. (Note by Boucier: possible prediction of the tabernacle that was placed in her cottage on August 15, 1978 to keep the blessed Sacrament) It will be this same roof, under the same cover of the humble cell that I will launch with joy all the most distinguished torrents to this day, all the heavens prodigious with glory that the earth will not have seen since I have, after Me, imprinted My deep wounds on My chosen creatures and destined in My grace, from the first, until that of this day. All the heavens, (or skies) of past times will not have a mark of grandeur as distinct as that of this era where I want more than ever to show the brilliance of My power and avenge the pride of the earth, by bringing out on it wonders that the first world did not have the honour and the unique consolation of seeing, as My people today are destined (to see). I will raise for Myself in this place a magnificent palace, a temple which will only be built by the hands of the most beautiful prodigies.”

(OBSERVATIONS: ‘first world’ - in the second letter of St Peter chapter 2 we find the apostle described the world before the Deluge as the ‘original world’ before it was cleansed by water, and therefore the world afterwards could be considered a ‘second world’. So, it could be Christ is saying that there will be new marvels in the heavens that are reserved for the era after the coming cleansing chastisements that the ancient world never saw before – judging from the prediction here, it will be greater than even the rainbow given to Noah! The prophecy goes on to once again pronounce the promised Sanctuary of the Cross on the site of Marie-Julie Jahenny’s cottage.)

The Sacred Heart: “I will cause it to bloom, on the 14th of January, in the middle of a harsh and cold winter which will still be mixed with sadness and distress, in the center in this new year, because peace will not yet be at the height of the most beautiful triumph, but it will be yet at the last effort and the call promised to the one who will bring back the bread of peaceful days. (I.e. the Great Monarch).

(OBSERVATIONS: Judging from the context of these words, the triumph is not yet complete with the reign of peace, the wars or time of chastisement will not yet be over, it will be at the latter part when the call of the King is made after which he will bring the peace when a consoling miracle will happen at the Sanctuary of the Cross, which obviously must be in its construction phase if walls are mentioned in the next paragraphs. The miracle may be a miraculous blooming of flowers in the midst of a harsh and cold winter. Also, predictions of heavenly music has been made before regarding the construction of the Sanctuary.)

The Sacred Heart continues: “In the middle of the frost and a thick mist, I will play a melodious concert of three to five voices. This concert will first be lost in the higher regions; a moment later, I will play a louder concert. The air, despite its harshness, will have a delicious scent. I will have gathered almost all My victims, brothers and sisters, and all My friends, when there will be a very distinct light under the walls of My temple, for three to five minutes. Through this clarity the mist will vanish, the frost will slowly melt, and a group of Doctors of the Church – mixed with those of my greatest saints who loved and preached the Cross – will descend together and lay on the heart of the first victim (this is Marie-Julie) a flowering branch which will have as many flowers as I want victims to publish My glory. With My eternal finger, I will record the destiny and employment of each of My servants and maids. There is a Cross. (I.e this seems to be a prediction of a great apparition that will happen regarding the Doctors of the Church and saints.)

The Sacred Heart: “The elements of creation, water and fire, will serve as instruments of the Justice of God to punish and chastise unfaithful men.

The year of entry into the events is a year of rains as regular as they are violent; it will be almost useless to sow and plant, apart from healthy, high and irrigated land. Plants will reach their flowers without producing fruit. There will only be a quarter of the harvest. They will have a winter in the summer. This wet year which will introduce us to events will be followed by a harsh winter which will itself be followed by a year of very low drought. A fiery sun we will (use to) usher into a series of plagues, including other terrible illnesses and sudden deaths.”

(OBSERVATIONS: so, it seemed the year leading into the beginning of these events before the miracles of the ‘bloom’ and the miraculous music will first be very wet and cold, the summer will almost be like winter. Planting will be almost impossible in certain areas that are not high and irrigated. There will be bad harvests, no fruit will produce. Perhaps a food shortage will occur? The winter of that year will be very harsh. Perhaps this is the harsh winter spoken of in which the miraculous bloom will occur, then the miraculous music sent as a consolation and to keep up hope because, the year after that will be hot – a drought will occur. The sun will be fiery in its heat. Plagues will happen, illnesses and even sudden deaths will occur. Our Lord had warned the full height of the peace and triumph will not have happened yet as the call of the King must happen. The peace will only be finally established through the Monarch.)


Ecstasy date January 11, 1881

"The Church will no longer have its voice, that, still today, speaks highly, (or loudly). The Bond of the Faith (the Pope) will drink soon in exile, the bitterness of a long and painful martyrdom. His heart, filled with anguish, will not live as one might say any more in his person; but it (or he) will provide everything for his children, for his flock and for the infallible Church."

(Observations / possible interpretation: the Church will be choked silent, or perhaps this exiled Pope will be silenced – eventhough he will not be permitted to 'speak' as strong as the Popes in Marie-Julie's time, he will still be a leader and provide for the Church and the flock. Apparently, the Church will enter a type of persecution to where it's voice will not be heard or listened to, but the exiled Pope will still have his authority from God and provide for the Church. During this time of persecution, there will STILL BE A POPE, and the CHURCH IS STILL INFALLIBLE.)


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Previous Post #123 Visions of the Holy Spirit as a Dove – France is Dying – Prediction of Marie-Julie's Death – The Great Monarch will Come Afterwards

Sunday 27 May 2018

#123 Visions of the Holy Spirit as a Dove – France is Dying – Prediction of Marie-Julie's Death – The Great Monarch will Come Afterwards

Ecstasy date December 16, 1880

Marie Julie: “The dove (i.e., the Holy Spirit as a dove), shows me a branch of lilies. The stem is wilted and the leaves withered like a flower that has been long exposed to the sun. It says:

The Dove: “This is France, the countries of the victims and of all children of God. Here is this kingdom faded, broken, cut, almost lifeless, without hope. Accept the stem of the wilted lily.”

Marie-Julie: “O Dove, I dare not touch it because its crime was the cause of its disgrace.”

Dove: “Soon on this stem, you shall seal your lips and with the last dying breath of your heart tell him (Our Lord?) how you prayed for her (France), how you have suffered. Coming out of this world, you will come to Heaven to seek the triumph and acclaim its noble victory.”

(I.e. a prediction that the restoration of France will not happen until after her death, she will go to Heaven and intercede for the restoration / victory to happen.)

The Dove: “Before even, God needs a huge sacrifice, it is necessary that His victims are immolated and that their wounds become so broad as the deep rivers. But the One who gilds of His love all the losses of deep wounds, it is the One who will descend in the midst of His friends, bringing the most glorious thrones of triumph.”

(i.e. however, sacrifices are needed first from her and her friends, hence they are still left on earth as victim souls. But their pains will be rewarded with thrones of triumph.)


Ecstasy of December 28, 1880

After the evocation of the terrible combats, (i.e. the call for war) the Dove (Holy Spirit) said,

"This will be the eve of the great triumph, where loyal friends united in procession, will be brought to the French borders, to raise the white noble standard that I have destined for the new France. One who is called to renew through immense difficulties, according to the perishable world. (i.e. coming of the Great Monarch, see Henry (Henri) V, Prophecies of the Great Catholic Monarch, the 'Miracle Child' ).

According to My Eternal Power, he is called as a man enveloped in miracles; his cloak will safeguard his noble person and the whole court that assist him, united to the friends of France. They will lead with songs of victory to the point where there will be many battles, struggles, dethronements, bloodshed, undignified revolts, before he mounts to sit, this noble and worthy son of Saint Louis, on that chair from which the stain is not yet cleared."

(i.e. 'on that chair from which the stain is not yet cleared' – meaning: there must be much bloodshed and revolts to purify the kingdom and also clear the corrupt governments that sit on the seat of power in France that rightfully belongs to the Great Monarch who is a descendant of St. Louis IX. Corrupt France must be completely purged before the Great King can take his rightful place.)


Sunday 13 May 2018

#122 Our Lady Arrives in Black – Religious Houses will be Persecuted – Deadly Plagues - THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS and THREE YEAR FAMINE AFTERMATH – The Dust of Foreigners Will Enter France

Ecstasy date November 4, 1880

Marie-Julie Jahenny; "The Church, with a veiled sigh, comes to resound at the doors of my broken soul the echo of its dying voice. The supreme pontiff launches an agonising word (message) to his people, to the children of whom he is a father. It is a sword for my soul. (...) I see it all in my mystic Sun. Oh, how I suffer!"


Ecstasy Date November 30, 1880

Our Lady: “I salute you, my children, from my mother's heart and with all my affection. I come to establish my throne in the midst of you.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Thank you, good Mother! We also salute you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Our Lady: “My children, do not be sad, if you see me descend like this dressed in an outfit of deep mourning.”

Not a piece of her clothing bears white, nor any joyful colour. Her forehead is veiled to the eyebrows. She is very sad and said:

Our Lady: “It is not because of you, my children, I wear this black dress, this is the cause ... His heart beats with pain, I see It – it is because of this unfortunate hour, which for many days, will envelop you and complete the loss of this unfortunate kingdom that was so dear to me and still is. I say long (many), it is because of the depth of pain these days include …

I am mourning for the rest of the last houses of virgins who live in prayer. An hour is decided that will break their intimate rest and cause the shedding of tears of regret. All these houses will be broken, sooner than any of you who have the faith are able to conceive. (I.e. religious houses and convents will be closed.)

Suddenly Hell will roar. This cry will never cease. The ministers of my Son will be sent back to their homes and scattered among the people. When the hand of the perfidious man will arise for the third time on the rest of the houses of grace which, by their prayers, have held back the wrath of my divine Son, when that hand will land for the third time, it will go through, without exception of any person, not even the families of faith who stay at home, in prayer. Their homes will be tainted by the entry of formidable men. (Note: more about the persecution of the Church, it seems it will happen in three 'waves' or 'stages', religious houses will be targeted, but even the homes of the faithful will not be spared persecution in the final stage. Also, see post # 134, click here. )

Only my Son and I are aware what follows their designs. These designs lead to the overthrow of the guilty, complete and perfect of all things.”

Marie-Julie: The Virgin lifts up a little of her black dress that hides her feet, and shows me a large black crown that has only a few white dots. She draws it from her feet and takes it in her virginal hands.

Our Lady: “Here it is,” she says, “unhappy crown, that before was so white, so admired by all foreign kings, and famous to the ends of the world. Today, under this sorrowful form, is the crown of France. It will retain this heartbreaking colour until the day when the man of God, my Son will raise France from its ruins. It will, in tears, take this melancholy diadem and place it around its forehead, raising, with a broken heart, this kingdom fallen into the ruins of the most heinous and the most guilty. In this crown, my children, all France is enclosed, except you, O Brittany!

I did not want placed, this black crown, not even on the tip of your lands, oh Brittany that I love, but my Son has a corner reserved for the most painful test. I will intervene when I can.” (i.e. Brittany will be spared most of the chastisements, but a corner of it will still be tested.)

The Holy Virgin held up, with both hands, the crown to heaven and said:

My Son, of all my people who are threatened, keep Brittany protected by my mother (St. Anne) and protected by my goodness, oh! at least keep the rest of Your homes that are sacred to You, keep in peace, your Apostles, faithful, let them rest."

Our Lady is silent. We hear this word, the voice of God speaking as a judge, penetrating into the depths:

'My Mother, in a short time, there will be no peace or rest; in a short time, there will be more freedom for evil, for fire, blood and death.'

These are the words I heard, loudly and truthfully. Our Lady places the crown at His feet and said:

O France so dear, I look at you with an eye wet with tears. I see this crown rising from your feet. You will put it on your head. You will come to mercilessly push the weapon of death into the hearts of your generous fighters, the sword of death.”

Her voice swoons like a mother to whom death has taken away what she holds most dear. The Blessed Virgin, her eyes fixed on France, said to it:

O France! For you so many times I cried and interceded. I only ask a single act of charity; save the cradle of innocence, leave life to the angels of the earth, so they can attract to you the beginning of mercy. ('Leave life to the angels' - Is Our Lady begging that France does not legalize abortion? This is not the first time Marie-Julie was forewarned about the sin of contraception / abortion that would come to France: see post  #104 St. Vitalis of Milan – Prophecy of Contraception, Chastisements Will Follow – Submission to the Cross and the Will of God Thwarts The Power of the Enemy)

My child it is out of the goodness that I warn you of the approach of these fatal calamities, and of all major disasters. My children, very close to this place where you will stay peaceful, at the beginning of this great and last storm that will bring a bright future, (I.e. at the beginning of the last and greatest of the persecutions and chastisements) you will see fall very near evils so great and so numerous that you will be in agony to see so many suffer all around you.

My children, you will see fall on the world deadly diseases that will leave no time to be prepared to appear before my Son. (We will not have time to receive the Last Rites, the diseases and plagues will spread and kill rapidly. See Remedies for the Chastisement Plagues and Diseases)

The lightnings of heaven will succeed with a rapid violence. Fire from heaven will travel the earth to an appalling width: the vengeful lightning will burn any point that produces the fruit. Cultivated lands will be devastated by the power of this fire; grasslands will be burned and reduced to a land completely stripped. The fruit will not appear, all the branches of trees will be dry to the trunk.

Children of Brittany, you will use, to keep your crops, that which the goodness of my Son has revealed to you: it is the only way to save your food. (Note: the only remedy I have discovered revealed to Marie-Julie on how to save crops is to sow into the ground blessed St. Benedict exorcism medals in the form of a cross in the fields where food is grown. This must be the method described.)

My children, for three days the sky will be on fire, furrowed by fear of divine wrath. What saddens me, is that this anger will not stop the forces of hell. They are neither afraid of my Son nor hell. It needs be that these times pass. The danger of France is written in heaven by the power eternal. I can not intercede, I am not anything more than a mother without power.

For many years the earth will produce nothing. France will be unhappy, even after its triumph. For two or three years, she will feel the ruins and the deep misery. The misery will be great, although my people is clear (of it?). Prayer will bring the blessing. My son and I will have mercy on this long penance.

My children, pray for the Church, pray for all your ministers, pray for the Pope, for they will make an attempt (on his life) in his days.

This place is also riddled with vengeance, and evil will be immeasurable, despite the faith of many of my people. The evil, that I see so close, to my heart leaves a wound that will last forever: a considerable loss of souls, the faith ruined, baptism soiled. All these acts of cowardice, that I see, change into bad Christians many of my children. France will perish - not all but many will perish it will be saved with a much smaller number...

O France, they will bring, even in your place, the dust from abroad. (I.e. 'dust' - an expression meaning the 'least desirable'. ) You will not be (able) to return these foreigners. You were so noble, your nobility will be lost. (The least desirable of foreigners will come and change France from within.) I have seen all pass on the earth. Never - I tell you with a mother's heart – never have I seen under my watchful eyes such crimes, such misfortunes: violations, sacrilegious attacks. It is now that I see all this pain. Oh! Pray, my children! I will stop the pain. Rest, my children.”
