Showing posts with label La Salette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Salette. Show all posts

Saturday 22 June 2019

#160 Our Lady Weeps that the Secrets of La Salette were Kept Hidden – The Bishops will Grow Corrupt and Lead Souls Astray as they Search for Answers– The Earth will be Chastised – Then the Great Catholic Monarch will Come and Restore All

Ecstasy Date September 19th 1901 - On the Anniversary of the apparition at La Salette. (“The Breton Stigmatist”, pp. 26-27)

Our Lady: "Today my eyes still have a trace of the tears the I shed on that day, when I wanted to bring my children the Good News if they converted, but sad news if they continued with their iniquities ... Now is the time that these great promises will be accomplished that the Church authorities have despised.... They did not want the light! ... I have suffered a great deal for all of this. Pain oppresses my heart at this moment ... The most painful sword right now is to see the provisions that have been taken and that are in the making... It is to see the pastors detaching themselves from the Sacred Bond that directs and governs Holy Church (i.e. They are separating themselves from the Pope)...

My children, when I remember the day I brought my warnings to the Holy Mountain (La Salette), to the threatened world, when I remember the harsh reception of my words! ... not by all, but by many. And those who should have made them known to the souls, hearts and spirits of my children with great confidence, deep penetration, they took no notice! They despised them and most of them refused their confidence....

My Divine Son, who sees everything in the depths of consciences...who saw the contempt for my promises, made arrangements in Heaven for a measure of severity for all those who refused to make known my word to my children as a bright light, true and just...when I see what awaits the earth, my tears flow again.... (i.e the apostasy and the chastisements)

False apostles, under the appearance of honeyed words and false promises and tell lies soliciting my dear children to save their lives from the storm and the peril of blood...I assure you flee from the very shadow of these men who are none other the enemies of my Divine Son! (NOTE: in other prophecies, it was revealed to Marie-Julie that a time will come when a false religion would be forced upon the people by the government – many bishops will enter this false religion in order to save themselves and escape martyrdom, these false bishops will try to encourage the people to enter into this apostasy and leave the true Faith.)

Our Lady: I once again refer to the immense sorrow: I see some pastors at the head of Holy Church (Our Lady shudders)...when I see this irreparable outrage, the deadly example of which will be a disaster for my dear people, when I see this bond sorrow is immense and Heaven is greatly irritated...pray for those pastors whose weakness will cause the loss of a multitude of souls.  (Our Lady repeated this request for prayer three times.)

When I see the enemies presenting their many of those who are priests of my Divine son! When I see those souls allowing themselves to descend to the bottom of the abyss, I tell you this: I am surprised as the Mother of God Almighty, that my Son does not immediately open the Heavens to pour out the blows of His anger on His enemies who insult and outrage Him ...."


More revelations on the Same day: (Sept. 19, 1901)

Our Lady: "When the earth has been purified, beautiful days will return and the Saviour chosen by us, unknown to My children so far, will come."

(i.e the Great Catholic Monarch of prophecy. Note: the chosen king was actually revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny many years previously, but when the promised king died in 1883, people began to lose hope and forget him, he has become 'unknown' at this point and almost forgotten at this time in 1901, hence he is described as being 'unknown' by Our Lady, but Our Lord declared in another revelation to Marie-Julie that all the prophecies still refer to the man pointed out, Henry V the 'Miracle Child' of Exile, and that he would be 'returned' to his subjects during the 'great epochs'. Learn more, click here.)

Our Lady continues: "It is a very beautiful soul, it is a special flower of virtue and the adorable Heart of My Son starts to prepare for him his noble dignities and he will come in the name of the Sacred Heart with his chest decorated with the Adorable Heart of Jesus. The grace of Heaven will be with him and the ruins will be raised up."  (i.e. The Great Catholic Monarch will come in the name of the Sacred Heart and wear this emblem on his chest – he will raise up a ruined world after the chastisements.)


September 19, 1901 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, pp. 35-36)

Our Lady: "...These great promises that the very heads of the Church despised, they did not want to see the light. ... It is useless for the clergy to have illusions about the crooked roads and the abandonment of mental and vocal prayer. The poor people who understand have left the Church and seek diversion elsewhere...the poor people, poor France and poor clergy have lost the true light of Eternal Wisdom because of their selfishness..."

(NOTE: We see Our Lady warning the leaders, bishops, have despised Her promises, and, they will follow 'crooked roads' and will even abandon vocal prayer and the practise of meditation, which is necessary for the development of the spiritual life as well as for salvation. Without prayer, a soul will be lost to hell. Because the leaders will lead people in the wrong direction, the people will seek the truth elsewhere, but in the wrong places and will leave the Church trying to find the answer.   Our Lady declares it is the selfishness of the bishops that will cause this – they and the people they lead away from the Church will lose the true light of Eternal Wisdom.  Sounds very much like the time we are in with the 'modernists' attempting to change the Church from within, and people are now trying to seek happiness elsewhere, either in earthly pleasures, or seeking wisdom elsewhere, such as in eastern religions and meditation practises, yoga, reiki healing, etc, which as exorcists will confirm, can be a gateway for devils to enter as all pagan religions are devil-worship systems.  The Bible states all pagan gods are devils.)


Ecstasy of September 29, 1901

Our Lady “I still have in my eyes, the trace of tears that I shed on this day, wanting to give my children the good news, if they were converted, but the sad news if they persisted in their iniquity. They have made little of what I have revealed.

My children, when I remember, ever since that day when, on the holy mountain (La Salette), I brought my warnings to a threatened land … when I remember the harshness with which they received my words, not all, but many, and those who should have passed them in (to) the hearts of my children, with an immense confidence and a penetration profound, they have not made the case. They despised them, and for the most part, they have refused their confidence.

Ah well! I assure you that all these promises, my intimate secrets, will come true. They must pass visibly. When I see what awaits the earth,my tears flow again. When the earth has been purified, by the chastisements, of its crimes and all the vices which it is coated, the beautiful days will return with the Saviour chosen by us, unknown to our children so far.” (i.e. The earth and the Church will be restored after the purifying chastisements by the Great Catholic Monarch of prophecy who will bring the Age of Peace. See the Great Monarch prophecies of past ages by other saints and mystics, click here.)



Monday 4 February 2019

#141 Prophecies: Decimation of the Christian Population – Anti-Church Revolution to Hit when the French Army is Deployed Abroad and Security Forces Reduced in France – Warning Signs in Nature

(Image: Our Lady of La Salette)

Ecstasy Date, March 29, 1882

Our Lord, “I have repeated many times the secret of the humble daughter of the mountain. My Holy Mother carried the instrument of My passion. (In reference to La Salette?)

She said

The Christian plants (i.e. souls / believers) will be so sparse that the earth will resemble a desert than a land inhabited by Christians, who are so numerous however. There will be so few people remained in these parts that many churches will no longer be occupied, even by a single soul.  This will be according to the regions and according to the progress of iniquity.”


Ecstasy Date, April 20, 1882

(Note: The Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary Website has 'lumped' many sentences together under this date. I am unsure if the first paragraph is an observation offered by the Sanctuary webmasters, but I will leave the text as found on their site.)

"The military will be removed from France, (in the East and the Arab lands) and the security forces will be reduced. It is during this troubled period, infamous laws will be enacted, that among other things, establish a control of power over religion, the enslaving the clergy to the revolutionary power, persecuting all opposition, cutting all hierarchical ties with Rome.  Revolutionaries will introduce the implementation of a totalitarian regime with its expeditious justice of the opponents, surveillance, denunciations, etc this on top of famine due to the deficient crop and the calamities. (Earthquakes, epidemics on men and the animals). Torrential rains drawing away big delays in agriculture will be one of the signs / forerunners of this revolution."

(Observations by the Sanctuary Website? The rest are sentences from Marie-Julie's prophecies.)

"I will advise my friends through signs of nature. I will warn them."

"The civil war and epidemics will make many victims, especially in big cities." (i.e civil war is to strike France, then spread.)

"The enemies will fight between them!"

"This infamous law will come out with many others.  No one can escape it, or death at the bottom of the prisons. This law will work on whatever is most sacred."


Wednesday 6 September 2017

#52 Our Lady Speaks of LA SALETTE to Marie-Julie Jahenny

Our Lady Speaks of La Salette to Marie-Julie Jahenny

November 29, 1877

“I prayed,” Our Lady said, “I cried, I suffered. I went down to earth to warn them. I promised
salvation if they did penance ..

I announced to the clergy the fatal destructions, I made them hear my threats to it, it weakened in the fury and the storm. I cried on France. I have traced the path of the Cross. I opened fountains to wash the sick. I comforted my people, promising to save it.

All this has not affected the culpable. It stayed in crime, its punishment is at hand.” (France)


Observations: It is said that when Our Lady walked on the mountain at La Salette, her path followed the same contours as the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem. Our Lady confirms this by saying to Marie-Julie: "I have traced the path of the cross." A healing spring was also discovered under the rock on which she wept. Of interest, before the breviary was reformed, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows used to fall on the date when she appeared in La Salette.


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