Monday 19 February 2018

#108 War Against the Church – Crime Carried to the Altar – Messages Continued by the Sacred Heart and St. Michael


Ecstasies of September 1879


Our Lord (September 1879, day?)

I have not found any power capable of being united to My Divine Heart. Do not count on men to save France as the number of the good will be so small, so small that their voices will no doubt be good and their desires admirable for a good cause, but when they want to talk about it, the greater number, the stronger, will stifle their Christian voices.”

(Observations: Circa the time of this vision, the few good people who wanted to restore the monarchy under Henry V, the King chosen by Christ, would be overpowered by the majority against the motion. See the previous post, #107, click here.)

Our Lord: “At the time I will save My people, it will not be by any power of men, My Divine Heart alone will save the kingdom which will no longer be in a shameful disorder where the impious reign in full triumph. … (I.e. we must not expect any government to be able to restore the promised Great Monarch).

I complain to the souls of My affection and My complaint brings me a balm. I complain and My plaint brings Me a reparation, a reparation that smooths the passage of crimes so treacherous that have torn Me.” (i.e. when Our Lord complains, He receives prayers and sacrifices of reparation that give Him consolation.)


Ecstasy (September 29, 1879)

St. Michael: "Scandals will pass before your eyes. Just pray and invoke the Divine Mercy. You should expect to see it at all. The heart of the Church is more than a bleeding wound. It does not demand (or request) the conversion of poor sinners. Today, crime is carried to the altar … the Lord is offended by those who should serve Him." (See additional Divine Mercy messages given to Marie-Julie Jahenny,click here.)


St. Michael (Same Day): “"There is a law for which they aim. The ministers of God will continue on. They will be robbed, in all but that which is absolutely necessary. The time will come when they will be forced to dress like the common man to escape the infernal cruelty of their enemies.

These enemies want the church to be the scene (or theatre) of infernal dances. This is what they seek, and this, unfortunately, too, especially in those cities where the Faith is degenerated. There will even be priests who will not have the courage to defend the religion. For God, this is the pain that is the most heartbreaking. 
It is the celebration of the Mysteries of the Holy religion which enrages the most enemies. They think that, if it were not for the Mass, the people who live in remote country places would be easy to change.  They hope to lead them into their schemes with money . . . This will come to pass shortly before the terrible fighting.  Such is the idea the enemies of religion will come up with: They will send out pedlars (agents) with the wages of hell." 

(Observations: this came true with the socialist uprisings in Europe and Russia. In Spain during the Spanish Civil War, for one example, churches were confiscated, infernal mocking plays were performed in the sanctuaries of churches, graves were desecrated. Priests and nuns were forced to abandon their clerical habits, and also bribed to leave the church. It will happen again in the future when the civil war breaks out in Paris, spread through France, then through Europe.   Images: (above) a Republican anti-clerical death squad showing off and mocking the Catholic images they have seized. (below), graves desecrated by the Spanish Civil War Republicans, the bodies dragged out into the street and put on display outside the church.)


St. Michael (Same Day):

"The Lord sees all the evil that wants to triumph, He sees Satan make tents on the land and assembling his friends to complete the final effort to overthrow. Never was a time so terrible, but do not be afraid! I will walk on the line with you. I will walk this line from France to Rome with my flaming sword …

I come to destroy the wicked by the Lord's command.

'War to Christ and death to the Church!'  That is what they sing, the wicked!

They are just prolonging the existence of the afflicted. Without their prayers, the hour of God would not be suspended. (i.e. the faithful who are afflicted have been suspending the promised chastisements by their prayers, without which the chastisements would have come sooner.)

St. Michael: It is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that soothes the irritated anger of the Lord."

(A revelation the Mass offered in reparation soothes the anger of the Lord, and therefore helps stave off the chastisements.)


Ecstasy September 29, 1879 (messenger not mentioned in this text):

"The august Pontiff must also suffer all kinds of torments. Your voices, will they not plead for him who will be in chains, surrounded by enemies? His irons will be much heavier than the august victim who has just been harvested (“The august victim” who had just been harvested / died was, Pius IX). They will desire his death because they want the destruction of the Catholic Church."

(This must be a prophecy concerning the Angelic Pontiff that will reign during the time of the Great Monarch. Here it is foretold the Pontiff's trials and persecution will be worse than those of Pope Pius IX. They will seek his death.)


Saturday 10 February 2018

#107 War Against the Church – the True Faith will be Abandoned – We Must Hope in the Sacred Heart and His Promise of the Great Monarch

Ecstasy date July 10, 1879

Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

My children, when I look on earth at your mortal residences, My eyes fill with tears.

Now My hour is not much farther.

My mercy is so wide, for My real friends, that I can not express the greatness, but also My Justice is so frightening that if I am developing a spark, I will cause you a pain incurable.

My children, do not be frightened. Now I can no longer wait.

The more I do for My people, the more it offends Me and makes Me suffer. There will never be peace, unity, charity and happiness, as (long as) my Justice will not come on earth. (I.e. the punishment must come to cleanse the earth before the restoration can happen.)

Everything is despised everywhere: My love, My goodness, My Cross, my Tabernacle.

My people seem to go about in disbelief. What tears My Divine Heart, it is the war that they have declared on the holy temple in which I make My home to console and fortify souls.

My children, it is not only a war, it is a terrible fury. The spirit of the most part of men is tainted, corrupt to the last fibre.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “It is true, my Jesus.”

Our Lord: “Religion, every day, is weakening. Soon it will be almost deserted by the whole world, but it will reign in the isolated souls, prosecuted, beaten cruelly and without mercy.

Soon, in large parts of this land of the dead, there will be no more sanctuaries. The apostles will have fled. (The bishops?) The holy souls weep over the ruins and the abandoned. The road ahead will lead there, in no time. See how they insult and how they offend Me.”

Marie-Julie: “It is true, my Jesus”

Our Lord: “Oh! Soon, the land of my creation, (France), oh! How soon you will contain victims without life! Soon, land of My creation, you will have a shaking finery: the blood of the apostles and of Christians who remain in the faith!”

Marie-Julie: “I see the hand of Our Lord raised and surrounded by a large lightning flash. This flash is so strong, every day, we wait and prepare ourselves.”

Our Lord continues:

I have waited long enough and I invited enough, enough I begged. The ungrateful had their triumph, it is time that the righteous enter into the joy. I have only one word to tell you: not to be surprised, (about the chastisements) until the day I will come and proclaim: 'enter now in the peace of the land that has come to you from heaven'.

Do not expect anything from men here below and I mean absolutely nothing - but wait while all is (under) evil. They do not have that force, that power, (i.e. to bring the promised Age of Peace). Sinners of the earth have only one desire: to feast on evil, to feed on all sacrileges. The smell of their breath is terrible.”


Next published ecstasy, August 5, 1879

Our Lord: “Do not look for another saviour. Do not rely on men! My Divine Heart alone will save the kingdom. (France)

Do not expect anything of the rulers of today. A big storm will soon emerge from the Room where Hell, (Chamber of Deputies in Paris) where the good will not win the victory that they hope, but God will keep them to reward them because our Lord wants them to be at the head of procession of the King.

(Note: Our Lord may be referring to the French Royalists who at that time still attempted to restore the monarchy via democratic means. Their cause did not win out at the time as the 'Miracle Child', Henry V, refused to accept a constitutional monarchy and defended the White Flag of the absolute monarchy, but Our Lord promises that the 'good' who supported him will be 'kept' and will not only see the arrival of the promised Great Monarch, Henry V, but to be at the head of his triumphant procession.)

Our Lord: “Do not lose heart, everything is written in My Heart, and next to this writing, I have placed a lily. This lily will be France resurrected after many troubles, many penalties, many fights. (I.e. the fleur du lys, the symbol of the absolute monarchy of France. See more about the prmmised return of Henry V, the promised Great Monarch here.)

The earth will be in places a red sea. The blood of Christians will make torrents, but they will not lose courage on the eve of the terrible fighting. The earth is about to be watered with the blood of My children. I will save your homeland in My Justice and the strokes of lightning from My wrath. I warn you, you, all My servants to wait in trust and hope.

What pains Me the most is that many Christians refuse to believe in the Promise of My Divine Heart, (I.e. that France will come under the rule of the Sacred Heart via the Great Monarch), and that many souls go so far as to say:

"If the Heart of God had wanted, this miracle would have happened long ago before now."

What makes Me suffer the most is that I, in chastising and punishing, populate hell with souls.”

(I.e., by having to punish the earth, those who refuse to convert are sent to their demise sooner as their lives are cut short. It is why Our Lord holds off on punishing the earth in the hope sinners may reflect and be saved. Let us not forget to pray for sinners, as Our Lady reminded us, so many sinners go to Hell because no one prays for them.)


UPDATE: Also, a Message of Miracles to Come through Marie-Julie:

(August 5, 1879) – (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri-Pierre Bourcier, p. 14)

Our Lady to Marie-Julie Jahenny: “If you saw Heaven and the great preparations that my Son is doing there! I heard Him saying to the angels:

'I am going to begin on earth a wonder that I have been planning for a long time. I will do it with many glories and marvels! My Mother, what I will operate on earth in the heart of my spouse!”

(OBSERVATIONS: a prophecy regarding the miracles that will come through Marie-Julie, especially in the future and the miracles that will happen to her heart after death.)


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Sunday 4 February 2018

#106 Prophecy of the ABANDONED CHURCH

Ecstasy date March 29, 1879

"The abandoned Church will be without its supreme Head who governs and directs it. For quite a long time the Church must deprived of all prayer, all offices, exiled from God and the Saints.  They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy."


Notes / observations: since the Church has always taught as formal doctrine that the papal succession will never be broken, and a true mystic will never make a prophecy against doctrine, not to mention this is a 'bleeding chunk' quote from the Marquis de Franquerie's book without any additional texts yet released for this particular date by the "Friends of Marie Julie / Association Website", it is difficult to put this in its proper context.  Therefore we must not jump to conclusions this is a prophecy endorsing Sedevacantism.

However, notice the phrase 'abandoned Church' - it is possible this prophecy warns that the 'Authentic Church', so to speak, will be abandoned by those who should lead and protect it.  

Since the iconoclasm that occurred after Vatican II with the suppression of the Latin Mass, not to mention the latest doctrinal catastrophe of "Amoris Laetitia" permitting divorced and invalidly remarried / co-habitating couples to receive Holy Communion, the announcement to experiment in allowing married priests, the suggestion of having women deacons, and the latest agreement with the Communist Church of China to the detriment of of the Underground Church, not to menton the recent scandal to break, i.e. Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Episcopal Conference telling the German media that “one must encourage priests” to give encouragement to homosexual unions, which could include public blessings that would take a “liturgical” form, we can see that the True Catholic Church has been abandoned by many of its leaders and practically left by itself to fight for and defend True Doctrine.  In this sense, the prophecy has indeed come true.


Sunday 28 January 2018

#105 St. Sergius – Young Martyr Dear to Our Lord: We are to Call Upon His Intercession – A Word of Encouragement

Note: According to the “Friends of Marie-Julie / Sanctuary Website”, Our Lord Himself recommended to witnesses of this ecstasy to pay attention to the life of St. Sergius, a youth that was a living image of the slain Lamb, he is particularly dear to Heaven.

St. Sergius was 15 years old and was martyred during the persecution of Diocletian in the early fourth century.

According to this information, he is not to be confused with the soldier saints St. Sergius and St. Bacchus, nor St. Sergius of Radonezh of the Russian Orthodox church. It is more likely he and his parents were one of the thirty-three martyrs who died with St. Cyriacus as there is a St. Sergius mentioned among their number in the Roman Martyrology. They died under Diocletian 304 AD.  If that is the case, St. Sergius is giving details about his life and martyrdom and that of his companions that was previously unknown.


I am Saint Sergius. I suffered martyrdom in the spring of my age. I was very learned in the Holy Catholic religion by my father and mother whom I was a very religious treasure of innocence and purity. Seeing my devotion flourishing, the heavens made a distinction on my forehead, while amidst my companions. (i.e. had a miraculous mark or sign that was visible on his forehead.)

One day, the emperor who had made so many victims, learned the strength of my faith and passion for Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. The sound reached his ears that my father, my mother and I went to visit in secret the Sanctuaries of God, hidden in the underground (the catacombs). We went there at night, to visit Our Lord. We were discovered. Our retreat was sacked and we had no more places where we could hide. I was denounced by many of my acquaintances who had denied the faith for their lives and were allied to the Emperor. I was seized and brought before the Emperor who posed to me very advanced questions, despite his cruelty. I answered and I was adamant. Heaven manifested on me in the palace, a bright wonder. Suddenly I was surrounded by a shining light, my forehead seemed adorned with a crown of martyrdom. I felt a strength, a love, a tenderness that I could not express. The Emperor sent his servants who examined the miracle and he remained silent for a moment. Then, soon, rage, anger, blasphemy rang around me and I was sentenced to death with my father and mother.

Many fellow Christians were chained and condemned to the same punishment. But their courage was less than mine. I spoke, I encouraged and congratulated the happiness of dying for Jesus Christ. There, the Emperor himself held a helmet of fire over his head and said, to insult me,

"I want you to suffer this torment until the time when you will decide to trample under your feet your false thoughts and ideas of Christ. "

I answered immediately: "You are a great man. You have the power to kill and give freedom. But my choice is made, I choose death."

These words excited his wrath. He had me beaten, tortured and then stoned. There were all sorts of torments that I have suffered with my family. My father persevered in martyrdom. My mother died and flew to heaven before us. She was called first.

The Emperor ordered us to be stripped from the arms to the shoulder and we had our arms pierced by long awls and broad blades. Then I was suspended from a pole by the tendons of the arms ... Then, our bodies were crushed in a mill. The Emperor ordered our torn flesh dispersed. But Heaven decreed otherwise. The Lord sent the Angels to pick up our flesh in shreds and they carried them to a safe place on a high mountain. Here, our bodies were buried with honour by the hands of the Elect of Heaven and they regained their form as they were before our martyrdom. The Lord did many miracles for us!

Call upon me in your interior and exterior pains. I suffered since the age when I had knowledge. (i.e., attained the use of reason.)

A word on behalf of Our Lord.

I too have seen die at the hands of ungodly men, the ministers of the Lord. It is their courage that still has the advantage of being (decorated) like mine. After the pain comes the reward. Sooner or later, the greatness of God will be manifested in His children! ...”


Previous Post: #104 St. Vitalis of Milan – Prophecy of Contraception, Chastisements Will Follow – Submission to the Cross and the Will of God Thwarts the Enemy

Saturday 20 January 2018

#104 St. Vitalis of Milan – Prophecy of Contraception, Chastisements Will Follow – Submission to the Cross and the Will of God Thwarts the Enemy

Note: St. Vitalis was a victim of persecution in the 1st century in Milan with his wife, St. Valeria, mother of St. Gervase and St. Protase. He is described as a wealthy citizen of Milan, who was put to death in Ravenna. It was St. Ambrose, who in 393, ordered that a search be made for the relics of the martyrs of previous centuries, and it was by this that their relics were discovered. The Basilica of Ravenna was named after St. Vitalis.

Despite this, these martyrs were considered "legendary" for years, and pronounced so in 1969, but here, St. Vitalis visits Marie-Julie Jahenny and confirms his and his wife's existence, also giving details of their martyrdom. Their Feast Day is April 28.  (Image: Martyrdom of St. Vitalis of Milan)


Ecstasy date December 17, (1878?)

I am Saint Vitalis. I was martyred with my wife Saint Valeria. I suffered death for God and the Holy Church for not wanting to deny my God Who made me a Christian ... I was seized, bound and then stoned to death with lead balls. Our bodies were pierced through and through. Then they forced very sharp awls through all parts of the body. Then we were again sifted and stoned. Then we were buried alive in pits filled with lime and earth. This is where our souls took their flight. My wife and I were not separated. We were chained and buried in the same pits. We rested long after burial in this great city watered by the blood of martyrs.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, arm yourself with invincible courage to face the evils that threaten you. The Lord sends His soft Divine light and that will serve you to foresee and will make you feel the hour when pain will fill the earth with a cry of alarm and sobs. This day of pain is in full strength ... What attracts this pain? This cry of alarm? They are sins, crimes, scandals, abominations ... This is the bouquet of the earth.

I do not speak of you, Brittany, but to you, land of France, which was once a noble name, you who had such a great reputation. Today, you are trampled underfoot by your corrupters and your friends. Your bowels are hardened mercilessly for your children ... Previously, this land was covered with the blood of martyrs. It was fruitful with a seed of grace. Today, I see from Heaven, the Justice of the Lord in anger against the land of France. I see its lightnings close to falling heavy (upon you). A single fibre holds them and still stops them ... There only Heaven can make this miracle of victory in this desecrated land …

(Note: “Your bowels are hardened mercilessly for your children.” This could be a prophecy concerning contraception that was introduced in France in 1967, and throughout the rest of the world. The name 'contraceptive' is misleading in many cases as certain ones do not prevent conception from taking place. Many are actually contragestives, they prevent a fertilised egg, human life, from implanting in the womb, and in a sense, 'hardens' it. The new baby is unable to develop and starves to death. Some cause the uterine lining to shed after implantation, which would make it chemical abortion. The infamous 'Morning After Pill' is a contragestive, certain IUD devises are also contragestive.)

St. Vitalis: They do not tremble, the men that rule the earth, but God is the Governor of Heaven and earth. Persevere in prayer and the Lord's anger will not reach those whom he has promised to protect … Remember that we are all crucified on earth. It is suffering that raises us in triumph, and triumph leads to eternal happiness.

Meanwhile the protection of peace, let us rest in silence on the Cross of our Lord, say to Him with submission and resignation: "Lord, here we are, do with us as You please!" This word can defy and reverse the designs of your enemies … You are on earth where you merit to win the so precious treasures that Heaven (sends for) rewards. Continue your way and at the end you will receive the crown of victors!”


Previous Post #103 St. Celestine of Alexandria – The Crucified Christ Alone Gives Strength to the Christian – A Warning to Pastors (Priests / Bishops)

Thursday 11 January 2018

#103 St. Celestine of Alexandria – The Crucified Christ Alone Gives Strength to the Christian – A Warning to Pastors (Priests / Bishops)

The Crucified Christ Alone Gives Strength to the Christian – A Warning to Pastors (Priests / Bishops)

Ecstasy date December 16, (1878?)

(Note: This saint is not Pope St. Celestine I, as this visitor mentions they were martyred under the 'great persecution' and an 'emperor' ordered his torture and execution. I am able to find only one mention of a St. Celestine who was an early martyr of the Church. Apparently, he was martyred with Saturninus, Neopolus and Germanus, but no details remain of his death. Saturninus was martyred in Alexandra under Diocletian in 304 AD, although the Roman Martyrology states Satuninus died in Rome. If this Celestine was the same that died with Saturninus, he died the same year and shares the same Feast Day, May 2.

Catholic Online” states that St. Saturninus “ … was put to death at Alexandria, Egypt, during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian. With him died the otherwise unknown Neopolus, Germanus, and Celestine.”

Hence, it appears St. Celestine is indeed the martyr of Alexandria confirming his existence to Marie-Julie: is this a sign not to discredit an early forgotten saint simply because they are 'unknown' or declared to be 'legendary'? )


St. Celestine: “I am Saint Celeste (Celestine), Martyr. My name is known, but not in your country, (i.e., not in France). I suffered for the glory of Our Lord in the time of great persecution, the days when heaven was collecting so many souls that our Bridegroom crowned ... They wanted me to deny God or they (would) put me to death. I preferred to give my life and guard the Grace of my Christian soul. When they saw that I remained adamant, the Emperor ordered his servants to tie my hands behind my back, and I received three shots in the heart by lancets. I persevered in my refusal. I was covered with heavy chains and they tied me on a rack. They covered my body with worms, they made them enter through openings in my flesh. Then my body was locked in a kind of iron shirt, spiked, which tore me. I was then thrown into a mud flat and then my body was thrown about the place and trampled so it no longer (looked) human. With a large number of martyrs, I was thrown into a river. (When) the calm and peace were restored, we received burial at the hands of Christians who had escaped the hands of the cruel emperor.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, if the Christian faithful did not have before their eyes the Divine Crucified, it would be painful to face the cruelty of men. The Crucified God is the Book that preaches the faith and courage of the Christian soul. You will not find any strength, or hope outside of this Divine Model. This is where the knowledge of your souls, your minds, your thoughts lie. Lock yourself in the Doctrine of the God-Man, meditate in silence the size of its truths, and there you will feel the courage to face anything, peril, pain and death ...

And you, Pastors, you must first climb the holy mountain where the sacrifice is accomplished in the sacrifice which is also a martyrdom. Be sure that the Lord will soon bring out the rigour of His promises because everything is at its height. (i.e. the chastisements.) Today, evil wins. It (evil) has entered the City (Paris) and the Lord is abandoned ... Do you know who holds back the Justice of the Lord? It is your prayers, it is the sacrifices and dedication of those who, through love, share the suffering of each other. These are the (followers) of the Lord! It is the smallest number! This is the blessed herd!

The temples of the Lord are regarded with a fierce eye by most of the inhabitants of this land. The souls of the Pastors horrify them and this thought bubbles inside them: "I hope to lay hands on you and tear away your power!" Do not be afraid! The Mercy of the Lord is upon you!”


Tuesday 2 January 2018

#102 St. Julius - The True Servant of God is Never Downcast - Submission to the Will of God is a Powerful Spiritual Weapon


Ecstasy date December 12, (1878)

(Note: it is unclear which martyr is visiting as there are several martyrs named Julius. The visitor gives clues in that he died under an 'emperor' during a persecution period, but not long before peace was established. It is possible he died under Diocletian just before Constantine came to power.)

I am St. Julius, Martyr for the cause of God, for supporting the infallibility of the Church of God ... I was arrested, shackled and tortured … But the threats and torture have not shaken my faith and my courage. I was thrown into a dark cell, loaded with heavy chains for three mornings. I was flogged. My whole body was dripping with blood, torn. When interrogated again, I answered the Emperor: "I want to die a Christian in the Catholic Faith." I was then tied to a huge iron post which contained hot coals. I was burned on the kidneys. I was then sawed into pieces. They broke my arms, my feet. Finally, my body was sawed in half and thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil. That is how my martyrdom ended. I gave my soul to God in the most cruel torments, but with the greatest and the sweetest joy …

It was not much later, when peace was restored, that the bodies of martyrs received burial. God kept our flesh intact. (i.e. were incorrupt.)

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Our Adorable Lord, from Heaven, communicates to us the divine graces. He makes us heirs and heiresses. Today, as before, the Lord pours abundant blessings on earth. The reapers are the least numerous! Blessed is he who reaps the blessings of the Lord! The true servant of the Lord is never cast down, never disturbed. There is in him superhuman strength, communicated by God's grace …

Do not fear the wrath of men. They have many words, they seem very strong, but soon comes a breath of heaven upon them, they are as low as the reed! The power of God shows proud man that his voice is nothing! …

Let the world make a calvary for you, but never allow it to help you mount there!

(I.e. as the saint explains below, don't let the world after persecuting give help, comfort, or aid, we must take up the cross and declare we suffer all according to God's Will and for His glory, not the world's.)

When the throne (i.e the cross) will be prepared for you, go up quietly with the Lord's help, with the help of Mary, your Guardian Angels, your patron saints, your Brothers and Sisters of Heaven. Do not ask those in this world to help you! When you come to the place of Calvary, tell the world and those who led you there: "We want to be slain here by the Will and the Hand of the Lord. Go away, you who have raised the mountain and planted this calvary, let us meditate in silence the humiliations of a suffering God! ..."

You are all engaged in a great battle. Equip yourself with powerful weapons. Here is one for you: It is the weapon of the Holy Will of God, holy submission to the Holy Will of God ... The world shouts "Death to Christians! Death to your Faith! Death to Pastors! Death to the subjects of the Cross! Death to the Spirit!" But the Cross triumphs, it is the death of hell, it is the Weapon that is resistant to all! Courage! ...”


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Tuesday 26 December 2017

#101 Our Lady - “I Will Never Let you Suffer Alone!” - Love for Our Lady Gives Christ Delight

Ecstasy date December 12, (1878?)

It is I, who come to tell you a word of tenderness and love before entering the Holy

My children, I love you! I love the earth! I love the souls for whom I have suffered so much at the foot of adorable Calvary! Today, my children, I look for hearts to love me, so I give them my love. I come to help them in their sorrows and pains, and my Name of grandeur is forgotten! It is ingratitude!

My children, you who know the tenderness of my heart, oh love me for these souls that I visit, I assist, and who ignore the gift of my kindness and the love of my goodness!

My children, be sure that I will never forget you, I will never let you suffer alone! I will always be with you, I will be close to you, I will hold your hand for you to pass through the most difficult, the most dangerous, the most difficult (ways).

My children, oh if you knew what glory and what joy you procure for my Divine Son, when you love me! When my Son becomes radiant with joy and tenderness, He says to me:

"Open your treasures, Mother, for this soul who loves you and who, loving you, delights Me."

My children, I am pained in considering this land that is the work of my Divine Son and I see all the ingratitude to Heaven! I see the blasphemies, the iniquities, sins spread over the earth like a heavy rain.

My children, of all my pain that is the most sensitive, is to see that a great part of my
children live in (a state) of oblivion and remain there. They forget that one day they will make a strict account before my Son …

My children, do not be afraid. Under the cloak of a protective Mother, what have you to fear?

Pray, my children, for the wicked without faith or religion, they arrive little by little to their goal by their infernal work of impiety. Pray, my children, my Son does not diminish His anger. ... I bless you all.


Interesting: on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12) made famous for the apparition her image on St. Juan Diego's tilma / cloak, she says to Marie-Julie: “My children, do not be afraid. Under the cloak of a protective Mother, what have you to fear?”


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Monday 18 December 2017

#100 St. Cassian of Imola – At Times One Must Beware the World More than Demons – The World is Murderous and Merciless

Ecstasy date December 3, 1878

This is my name, I am St. Cassian, Martyr. I was tormented by my students, of whom I was the instructor chosen to teach them the truths of the Catholic religion. Here are the projects that were plotted against me (by) my students.

(“It seems that these pagan students had been pushed to make this gesture by the imperial magistrate, accusing their teacher for his refusal to worship idols.” Note: This note in parenthesis appears to be an observation added by the curators of the “Friends of Marie-Julie/ Sanctuary Website”.)

St. Cassian continued:

Seeing me absorbed in contemplative prayer, the evil spirit aroused great discord among my students. And it was, on one night, all assembled together, they pierced me with arrows and then with razors as strong as swords. They bound me and then closed (gagged?) my mouth. It is at their hands I suffered martyrdom.

One group fled quickly. Only two, tormented by remorse, stood next to my lifeless body covered with wounds. They felt pressured to confess their crime. One of them went to the minister who absolved and forgave and immediately, the justice of men entered my house and there, the crime of these young hearts was found.  (It appears from the context of the following sentences the saint is referring to the Justice of God, not earthly magistrates.) But I obtained close to God, that they (all his students) would be spared and they would escape the justice they would have to suffer.  The Angel brought the rolled banner containing this request for forgiveness and they were spared. But they were regarded as the executioners of a father (i.e. a priest?) and as the workers of infernal malice.  Three were struck by sudden death and the two remorseful ones later became repentant and solitaries (hermits?) to atone for their crime.

God generously rewarded His martyr. After my death, the Saviour allowed to dwell at the place of my martyrdom a blazing star that was visible every day. Those who came, in that place, prayed with reverence, and the Saviour accorded them wonders. At the place of my martyrdom a chapel was built that bears my name.

Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, we see (or, must be on guard) around us, sometimes, the world is more dangerous than the demons. The demons do not give death to man and the world makes attempts on the life of man. The world loves the murder of its brothers and sisters. It has no mercy when when the rage of the dark prison cells pushes it in the biggest depth of evil. (? Probably an expression Marie-Julie could understand but is not explained to us here. Apparently, the saint is saying the rage of the world against the followers of Christ reaches its height when it begins to throw them into prisons, outright public persecution, etc.)

Dear brothers and sisters, let us put our trust in God our Father and say to our Guardian Angels, "Mount your guard around us, because traps are stretched against all men." The blackness of jealousy torments the hearts of men against their brothers!

Why this cruel jealousy? Because, again, souls who love God and who love Him with all their might, are hated and persecuted. It is a Divine Seal, dear brothers. You wear it visibly, not invisibly. That is why they read in your words and in your heart, in your face, your strength and all the good that lives in you, it says that you are the chosen souls, blessed, surrounded by the tenderness of God. That is what causes the rage of men who do not like God or His religion.

Dear brothers and sisters, like the example of the Divine Crucified, submit yourselves and forgive all your enemies. This forgiveness opens the door of Heaven, softens the heart of God and gives the soul an invigorating dew.

Dear brothers and sisters, you will have on earth but one sure refuge, it is in the Adorable Wounds of the Saviour that you are safe, in this prison of love and tenderness.

The world suffers and endures a kind of martyrdom that is sometimes more painful than the agony of the iron, the martyrdom of execution, because the world makes it languishing, tormenting without a subject. (i.e., the suffering the world gives is long, laborious, and appears pointless.)  The world crucifies slowly, while the martyrdom of iron is rapid.

The Lord has His eyes open to the sufferer, who is accused, persecuted, slandered. God makes the road shine on which he travels, loaded with mountains of all kinds of persecution.  Before you where you walk you see a band of elite and of the Blessed.
These are your Guardian Angels who bear your cross, the mountains of your persecution. And you walk on, you, dear brothers and sisters, unloaded and freely. The men believe you are laden under the weight so heavy while you feel the lightness of loving blessing …

Walk bravely through this life of suffering, watering it with our sweat and our tears. The Eternal Spouse comes to meet those who suffer and mourn, held by chains of captivity without reason and without crime. The Lord will wipe away the tears from His chosen and shows them the eternal crown and their names inscribed on His Heart.

Courage! You who are still in death. (I.e. in this world still subject to death and sorrow.) Soon you will be in life when there will be no sorrow, no tears, no anxieties. It is eternal happiness. Pray, dear brothers. I will pray for you. The Hand of the Lord threatens to strike. His angry look says to the earth to be on guard. His promise consoles and strengthens the just and crushes the sinners (the unrepentant) like a speck of dust.

In Heaven, we are happy. In Heaven, all are nourished with love. Heaven, we live in delight. Heaven, we adore, we love, we enjoy the delights of love. Dear brothers and sisters, I wish you the triumphant arrival of happiness ...”


Notes: Saint Cassian of Imola (a city in northern Italy) was martyred c. 250 AD. According to the laus of the Roman Martyrology (1930 Rome edition): “The birthday of holy Cassian the martyr. When he refused to worship idols, the persecutor summoned certain boys whose hatred Cassian had incurred by acting as their schoolmaster, and afforded them (through his teaching) the opportunity of killing him. As their efforts were puny, so was his suffering bitter above the ordinary and his death protracted.” Feast Day, August 13 

(Image: statue of St. Cassian by Adam Baldauf, b.1580- d.1631. )


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