Showing posts with label Chastisements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chastisements. Show all posts

Sunday 5 March 2023

#167 B - If People do Not Repent or Recognize God during the Period of Mercy, the Wars and the Fire of Heaven will Fall




Ecstasy June 27, 1916 (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp 99-100)


The Sacred Heart: “I come to bring you My divine peace, I open My Divine Heart for a long time. I welcome your prayers. I eagerly drink the perfume of your faith…. I am going to leave (off) for a moment. I will suspend My Justice which lowers itself every day, (which grows) more and more heavy. At the end of this time marked in My tender mercy and in My most tender love, (i.e at this merciful suspension of his justice), if I do not see souls return, nor return to their faith, nor penetrate (i.e perceive) My Divine power which holds everything, graces and justice, justice and graces, My Justice will manifest. Do not forget this promise. The furnaces of heaven will upset the earth, and Satan, the great tyrant of the underworld, with his awful howls and fearsome blows, will be victorious. It is for this great moment of salvation and misfortune that I leave My Divine Heart open.

You, Marie-Julie of the Crucifix, the beloved spouse of the Blessed Sacrament, do not forget this, you the confidante of My Sacred Heart, do not forget! I complain bitterly, I find so few souls to embalm My raw wound and so pitifully torn. Tell them! If there was only the power of men to stop this chastisement, it would be of infinite length and, in withdrawing, it would leave few living, few harvests! You oblige Me to tell you that the Divine Justice is continually doubled by so many offences and errors.

(OBSERVATION: As Our Lord mentioned the 'furnaces of Heaven', no doubt He is talking about the Three Days of Darkness which will be a rain of supernatural fire, not just darkness that will cleanse the earth, the time of God's great Justice. Hell will also be let loose and every demon will be permitted to slay all those not prepared for this time. This will be Satan's great but short victory as he lays waste and claims the souls of sinners. Our Lord seems to be saying here that if the withdrawing of the chastisement were left only to mankind's prayers and sacrifices, it would not be enough nor would be effective: mankind's efforts could not make enough reparations for the sins committed, they are so great. The chastisement would have to be extremely long to make any sort of reparation, and then, the long duration of punishments on the earth would leave so few souls left alive, and, very very left to be saved as well. Our Lord told Marie-Julie in other visions the world had grown so corrupt, everybody would fall and be lost, not one soul would be saved if He did not step in with the chastisements. His mercy will shorten the time for the sake of the elect lest they too should fall because if He left it go too long, there would be very few souls left alive on earth when it is all over, and corruption will even win over the elect if left unchecked.)

(Our Lord's message continued:)

Spouse of My Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart, I would not want to hurt your great soul that I love so much, where I like to remain its support, its help, its peace and its heaven. The men in power want to make this state of affairs last. They have sold out the kingdom of My holy Mother to Satan. (France.) They multiply the blasphemies and the insults to Our Lady and to My Divine Majesty. My Divine Justice will take measures without measure, if My Divine Father does not yield, if He does not give His Divine Mercy for this poor land. Oh! What a miracle it shall take to save such a guilty world! It is worse than My first Passion for the salvation of men! It takes miracles, yes, to save My poor children! It is justice struggling in the face of mercy. When the blood from the cannons stops flowing, the blood from the knives will complete the decimation.

(NOTE: no doubt a reference to the civil wars in Paris and France that will be part of the chastisements – people will be killing each other in the streets and it will be an utter decimation before the Three Days.)

Our Lord: “Confidant of My Sacred Heart, in My joys and in My sorrows, do not be afraid of suffering. I will appease the holy anger of My Father. But for that. I need your faith.

Serve Me without consolations, serve Me in your faith, without signs. Serve Me with the holy confidence you have in Me. If I find it in you, this holy faith animated by total confidence, nothing will happen to you without My allowing it. I withdraw My love from the hearts of the souls I have set ablaze. I gives them suffering to pray and atone. The heart that loves Me can have no joy when My Heart is offended, blasphemed, forgotten, betrayed and misunderstood.”

(NOTE: i.e. a spiritual dryness and / or a 'dark night of the soul', with no spiritual consolations. Our Lord is promising protection if the soul still serves in faith. And, it was also revealed to Marie-Julie when Christ is served like this in all holy confidence, He perfects the soul even more, and the soul earns more merits than when serving with consolations).

Our Lady: After my Jesus, I come to tell you: do not be discouraged, leave everything in my virginal hands. I can do everything by my grace for the dear children whom I love.”


Go to:

Next Post: #167 C-  Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements

Previous Post: - #167 The Regeneration of Mankind – THE SHELTERS WE WILL NEED during the Great Chastisements - Few will Support the Great Monarch at the Start – If we Turned to the Divine Mercy the Chastisements Would be Stopped but People will not Listen – France has Suffered Danger and Misfortune Since it Killed King Louis XVI 

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahnney

Tuesday 13 September 2022

#167 C - Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements



Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – The Sacred Heart and the Cross are One – Devotion to Both Repairs the Outrages against Christ – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements


Ecstasy date September 13, 1917 - (Source: Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique," Henri Boucier, pp. 113 -115.)

Our Lord: “By My Cross, it is I who lives in you, it is I who breathes in you, it is I who loves Myself in you, it is I who gives Me thanks in you, it is it is I who make you all shine in (her) beauty, all of you shine in (her) goodness, all of you shine in the mysteries of My divine Cross. My little souls, by espousing My divine Cross, I bequeathed to (her) My immense loves, My treasures of grace, My divine breaths (i.e inspirations).

(NOTE: I have kept the French reference to the cross in the feminine as Our Lord is specifically pointing out His cross as His mystical Spouse here).

It is Love which made me choose the Cross, it is Love that formed and wove it. This adorable Divine Cross, it seemed so beautiful and resplendent to Me that I chose it. I espoused her and, in espousing her, I chose a little bit of her for each of you. This parcel has passed through all My loves: love of peace, love of purity, love of sacrifice, love of all tenderness and the love of knowledge.

My little souls, I invite you, come to My feet. The Adorable Cross is planted in My Sacred Heart.

Come and listen to Its delightful language. Come learn of the divine knowledge of a generous love that surpasses all sacrifices. Come listen to Its enchanting appeal, come study Its great and sublime knowledge, knowledge that rises to the summit of the highest mysteries and the most admirable wonders.

What does My Divine Heart say? It is Love that invented the Cross. It is the generosity of the Divine Heart that formed it. It is the light of My Sacred Heart which made the study of knowledge, of elevation to the most sublime mystery, which reveals Itself before Its splendor, becomes Its beauty and all Its glory.

Oh! (My) little beloved souls, listen to the wonderful language of the Cross. She will teach you the wonders of Love. Each marvel has its divine language to operate, to melt, to sanctify the soul in love. I forget the offenses. I forget the insults, I forget the ingratitudes, while I speak to your souls, I speak only of love, only of soft and sweet delights. See how deep your love for Me goes, it makes Me forget the insults, forget My Justice, forget the continual contempt that rises from the earth to My Divine Heart.

I want you to celebrate with Me the glory of My Holy Cross. Cross despised, cross rejected, cross insulted and rejected by so many souls who loved her and who today despise her.

In heaven, when you are with Me, your Divine Spouse, (note: obviously speaking to Marie-Julie here), I will give her to you as a palm, My Cross purer than gold, My Cross, the marvel of prodigies, My Cross, the bed lined by suffering, My Cross, the lightning rod of My Justice, My Cross, the rebirth of a new, purer and more Christian love in living faith.”

(NOTE: apparently, at the same ecstasy Our Lord also said):

I want to tell you that in the mercy reserved for the earth by my tender goodness, this resurrection of a very guilty world will only come through My Divine Heart. This resurrection will be joined to the great resurrection that My Sacred Heart has in store for you.

The Sacred Heart and the Cross will operate miracles, astonishing prodigies, a few hours before the great fatal blow where souls fall into the abyss through their sins. For so long I have warned the sinner who does not want to change his life; I will rise in My Justice and in a second millions of souls will be harvested after many warnings. My patience has borne everything, My goodness has given to the just and to the sinner My blessings, My light, health, life; My little souls, yet I get weary. It is you who prolong the existence of grace, the life of the guilty by your love for Me.”

(NOTE: Our Lord is speaking of the Age of Peace, which will only come through the Sacred Heart. It will come after the great chastisements to cleanse the earth, which will terminate with the Three Days of Darkness. However, Our Lord said to Marie-Julie in another ecstasy, He does not wish to send the chastisements as a great multitude of souls still obstinate in their sins and who have ignored all warning sings will be lost, therefore, He wishes the time of MERCY before it to be prolonged in the hope the world converts, which is only done through prayer, repentance and sacrifices. Here, we see Our Lord at the time accepted the sacrifices, it was helping to Him forget the insults and outrages of the world, and thereby hold off the chastisements. Devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Cross, a life of sacrifice and penance help hold off His justice and prolong the time of mercy. 

 But note: He warned even then He was getting weary by the outrages. The chastisements will eventually come as the sins of the earth will become too great, and, Our Lord warned in another ecstasy devotion to the Sacred Heart will wane, and even be terribly attacked. Our Lord foretold His Cross and Sacred Heart will warn the earth by various miracles a few hours before the chastisements break forth.)

* Click here to see the other prophecies given to Marie-Julie regarding the Period of Mercy before the time of God's Justice and the chastisements.




Go to:

 Next post: BONUS POST - The Connection between Marie-Julie Jahenny's Mission of the Cross and Ven. Madre Teresa de la Cruz of Peru


Previous Post: #167 B - If People do Not Repent or Recognize God during the Period of Mercy, the Wars and the Fire of Heaven will Fall


TABLE of CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny 



Tuesday 18 August 2020

#195 REMINDERS of the CHASTISEMENTS, Keep Your SACRAMENTALS OF PROTECTION CLOSE - A Reminder of the Promised Great Catholic Monarch to Come – A Possible CRYPTIC PROPHECY regarding the Feast day of the Queenship of Mary as a TIMELINE CLUE Regarding the Chastisements

Prophecies dated the Holy Octave of the Assumption 1920 

God's Justice and Mercy – also, a possible cryptic prophecy about the Queenship of Mary

The “Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association” had the following prophecies gathered and placed under the date “August 17, 1920” - the commentator on the Website said they were prophecies which they felt should be gathered together, rather than split them apart.


Note from the Sanctuary Website: We have grouped the following seven ecstasies under the same title. It would be arbitrary indeed to title each differently – save only to retain the details that separate them - because the teaching they give us is the same. It could give the reader of this compilation a sense of repetition, however, for those who can appreciate these revelations, it is not. We listen to these words as variations of the same theme, repeated and enriched over a single symphony. Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin reveal to us, by successive small steps, the economy of Providential action in the world.”

(My own personal NOTES and OBSERVATIONS: Some words are missing from the original texts, they were replaced by dots (...) by the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Association”. Also, since the Website has placed this text around August 20, and, Our Lady speaks of a Holy Octave, also about the bright day of “15”, we know these following messages took place sometime during the Octave of the Assumption in August in 1920 when Our Lady set aside her clothes of mourning she wore when giving a warning and came in glory for her feast day to give consolations.

We see from the context of the messages here she is lessening the sufferings of the victim souls since it is her special feast octave, but also admits she cannot do this all the time – Our Lord was complaining His mother is so merciful, she deprives Him of the sufferings the victim souls offer Him in atonement from the sins of the world!)


The Blessed Virgin to Marie-Julie: "My little children, I come (dressed) in all white for purity, all radiant with beauty, resplendent with virtues. I have brought you the gentle joys of heaven. My little children, in the Holy Octave there is no more sadness on Earth for my little children who love me. Every day is for my little children who love me a joy and every day is for Me in Heaven, a great joy to receive their prayers, greetings, full of grace, their sighs filled with blessings and also their joys and sorrows. My little children if you saw the number of immeasurable graces that I give you every minute, every second. Oh! My well beloved little children, your soul would break the weak bonds that hold your beautiful souls in your bodies. It is for this great grace that my Divine Son said these words:

'Mother, I give you leave to shine forth all your wonders on earth for My well beloved and dear spouses, for your beloved and dear children. My Mother,' Jesus said, 'who can and who could bear the brightness of so many wonders, the brilliance of so much glory, the glory of so much joy, the glow of so much sweetness? Oh, My Holy Mother, you (steal) all My souls from the Earth to Heaven and who supports for Me the weight of My justice, who atone for so many crimes, so many crimes in an age of perversion, destruction, crimes, blasphemy, impurity and all sorts of vile slander.'

(i.e., Our Lady and her glorious consolations lessen the sufferings of her followers so much, Our Lord has less sacrifices to appease His Justice and prevent it from striking the earth!)

Our Lady: "My little children, that is why I moderate my graces so sensitive, my wonderful miracles, my vivid tenderness, my boundless powers, my little children, but today I left the black veil of mourning for the dawn of the 15, (i.e. August 15) while all the octave I will bless you all white, pure and smiling, but after this Holy Octave I will take again the mourning veil ... My little children for the great days of terrible misfortunes do not be discouraged, they are not yet come. (i.e., at that time.)

My little children, I surround you with all my protection, I cover you with my white mantle that eliminates Justice, which returns the terrible punishment reserved for people who go unto ingratitude unto ingratitude.

Little children, I will send my wishes. Stay calm and confident in one who loves you dearly and that comes only to bless you and make you rejoice.

My children, if it were in my power to take away your pain, all suffering, oh my heart is happy and comforted.

My little children My Divine Son said:

'Oh, My Good Mother, you want to remove the merits of My beautiful little soul-spouses, (i.e the sufferings of the victim souls and those who make sacrifices) it is they who console Me, they are lightning rods for the Earth where My Justice will not pass because I will fill with happiness the little faithful souls when I sieve out of the world the unrepentant sinner, soul perverted, the guilty soul I will make it into dust and his body will become a stench on Earth. My little soul-spouses, I will send after the great flood, a dew fruitful and powerful to cleanse the Earth, which will disinfect the dust of bodies corrupt and impure.'

(NOTE: this must refer to an earlier revelation that God intends to strike the evil with such a plague they will be turned to dust, and, a dew will come cleanse the earth of all their corpses. Also, a flood will hit through tidal waves during the chastisements, possibly a reference to the huge month-long earthquake that will lead up to the 3 Days of Darkness. More about the 3 Days of Darkness, click here.)

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, I am frightened by this terrible disaster. With what admirable patience, My Divine Son, is still awaiting the return of souls. With what guilty blood and what pure blood! All these blows (i.e. the chastisements up until then) have not touched the hardened hearts, have not brought back the beautiful faith of the past, all these blows have not brought back the souls into His grace or His love.

Little children, the Earth is guilty, it will pay its debt well broad and deep.

My little children, all the earth will not be destroyed. We will protect our children, we will keep them to repopulate the Earth, to raise the faith, to preach the sublime doctrine of charity, unity, fraternity."

"My little children, I assure you that among the blows of Justice there will be for you, my little children, great signs (said 3 times) of graces, protections and wonders all divine. (i.e. great signs and miracles to console the few faithful left.)

My little beloved children I want to calm you, I want to reassure you. Always keep close your objects of protection, your blessed candles, your medals and other objects from which flow all the blessings of Heaven, blessings of protection, blessings of all heavenly favours, blessings that keep far (from you) the cries of Satan running through the air and the earth, blessings that will calm the storm unleashed by the Luciferian voices."

(i.e. Our Lady obviously means our rosaries, sacramentals, and the new sacramentals of protection revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny, as will as the 100% blessed beeswax candles. For more info on all these,click here.)

Marie-Julie: "I do not know that word, I always fear of being wrong and doing wrong." (i.e of imparting the message incorrectly).

The Blessed Virgin: "No, do not worry. My little children present understand my motherly language of protection and salvation. My little children, there (you?) will not be, in this storm, of the cries from hell, (when) there will be all the lost souls of the earth, all those souls who give themselves to Satan by offending my Divine Son, all those souls who live in sacrileges and spells. I am the mother of light.

My little children, understand me clearly. My dear children I give you all the warnings that are most needed in the Holy Octave of my Immaculate Ascension, my little children, the soul must renew the whole earth by my poor kingdom. "(3 times)

(NOTE: yes, the word 'ascension' is used in the original French text, but with the passage of time, this turns out to be not to be a theological error: the term 'Immaculate Ascension' along with other clues in the text of 'Holy Octave' may not be referring directly to her Assumption itself – this could be a cryptic prediction hiding in the text regarding the year 1969 and mean something quite different. Marie-Julie often is given very cryptic prophetic clues about future events that are ot clear until the events themselves unfold. See the Observation footnote below marked “###” for an explanation.)

Marie-Julie: "Dear little sisters, (i.e., to the spiritual spouses) there are great sighs in the heart of the Virgin Mary when she said three times: "My poor kingdom. "

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, this great servant and King will come out of the Divine Heart. (i.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch who will restore all.) He will have the faith of Saint Louis, his emblems as King will be the Lys, (i.e., the Fleur de Ly of the absolute monarchy of France) not like today. (i.e. his government will not be like those of today, aka, democratic.)

My little children, they are armed with death, bloody armies, armies who only know how to handle ...the persecution against the Holy Religion ... "

"My little children, I will give you my Divine Son, and the whole court of heaven a blessing for all your intentions, a blessing of holy and gentle death, a blessing of protection in danger, a blessing to be protected from sudden and unexpected death, and a blessing of peace and union, in a word, my little children, a blessing to all your desires, to any object presented in front of me. My children, I gave you my lights (spiritual illumination) and now I go back to Heaven, Heaven, where your loved
ones rejoice always smiling and happy. They are all at my feet, richly rewarded. They say, 'Oh! Good Mother, comfort those we have left (behind on earth).'


(###) OBSERVATIONS: There is an interesting phrase used in the text, 'Immaculate Ascension' – people could jump to the conclusion this is a theological error as we know Our Lady was assumed into Heaven, she didn't ascend herself, HOWEVER, the French use the term 'assumption' and 'ascension' regarding Our Lady's Assumption interchangeably, and, it appears we seem to have a new qualifier added here with the word 'Immaculate' - she mentioned this passage three times as if to say 'pay attention' - and, Our Lady keeps mentioning the 'Holy Octave' of August, the 'end of the Octave'.  Note how this particular text was combined with a reminder of the Great Monarch to come, so in all we see a 'royal message' attached to 'Immaculate Ascension' of August in the 'Holy Octave'.

Of interest, the traditional Octave day of August after the Assumption was REPLACED in the NEW CALENDAR. In 1969, Pope Paul VI moved the feast day of the QUEENSHIP OF MARY to August 22 in the Octave in order to emphasize the close bond between Mary's queenship and her glorification in body and soul next to her Son. The Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Church states that "Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of the universe, that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son" (Lumen gentium, 59)

Therefore, she was not incorrectly referring to the Assumption by using the term 'Immaculate Ascension' – we see a cryptic reference to her Queenship, for when one claims a throne, they ASCEND the throne, and she is Queen by virtue of being the IMMACULATE Mother of God. She may be referring therefore to her Immaculate, Heavenly ascension to the throne as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Since these messages came within her Holy Octave of August and the Assumption in 1920, it is possible she was cryptically foretelling to Marie-Julie the future change of the date of the Queenship of Mary feast day to August 22, which happened in 1969 right at the time of Vatican II. 

 She said this time she would give her WARNINGS – or, a hint we would be entering the times we were warned about. Interestingly, she noted she would be returning to her clothes of mourning after the 'Octave was done', i.e. a cryptic hint that when the date of her Queenship was changed to the end of the Octave, things would get worse on earth from then on.  This is not to say she didn't approve of the change of date for her feastday in 1969, the Church can move feastdays, like it did with the feast of Our Lady of Victories which became the Feast of the Holy Rosary, and the date for that changed too.  So, this seems just to be an indication that we are to watch the signs of the times from 1969 onwards. 

Marie-Julie's prophecy also coincides with the “St. Jacinta prophecy” regarding the year 1972: the little saint of Fatima received a private revelation from Our Lady warning if the earth did not repent, it would get worse from that year onward and the earth would eventually be chastised, in particular, by a frightening supernatural chastisement from the sky.

In all, this cryptic reference to the 'Immaculate Ascension' is another amazing indication of a real prophecy from Heaven as how could anyone in 1920 know the date of the Queenship of Mary was going to be changed from May to August when the feast did not even exist then?  The feast of the Queenship of Mary was originally created by Pope Pius XII on 11 October 1954, which is 34 years before this revelation was given!

This is not the first time Marie -Julie has given an amazing cryptic prophecy on this level -  for instance, she foretold that Pope Leo XIII's 'footprints at the foot of the altar' would be 'reduced to ashes by the flames of Hell',  i.e. obviously predicting the Leonine Prayers would be removed from the Mass- and she predicted this several years before Pope Leo XIII even had his famous vision that inspired the composition of the prayers in the first place.  (See this prophecy, click here.)

Only a real mystic could make prophecies like this.


Saturday 30 November 2019

#172 Those Who Love the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded – A Good Will Suffices if you are Distracted During Prayer - Warnings: Evil Plots Hatched – God is Holding Back the Chastisements that Souls May Convert - When God Finally Strikes the Mountains will Entomb Many – Mary will Shelter Her Children with the Graces of Mercy and Peace


Ecstasy of June 25, 1924 - Message to the 'Friends', those at the time listening to Marie-Julie Jahenny's revelations, also, to future generations – Those who Love and are Grateful to the Sacred Heart will be Rewarded

The Divine (Sacred) Heart of Jesus:

"My little loving souls, My Divine Heart sighed long after the arrival of your beautiful souls, temples that I love, temples where I live. Oh! My Heaven of peace, Oh, My heaven where I (pour forth My sentiments). In My effusion My little spouses, you heal My wound.

My wound is deep. It is the spear that wounds Me, the spear of being unknown, of loved little, not adored, and especially (of not being) searched for.

(I.e. Our Lord is thanking those who love Him, they heal the spear-wound His Heart received by those who do not know Him, of not be loved, and loved very little at that, not being adored and in particular by souls not searching for Him.)

Our Lord: I love so much, My little spouses, I thank you for your hearts. They rise up to My Heavenly Father and in joy He said to Me:

"My Divine Son, attach great rewards to thank My children and Your loved ones."

It is so sweet to My Adorable Heart, it is so sweet to thank for a grateful heart for so much love and so many blessings.

This is a great joy to My Adorable Heart this thanks of your heart. It is a diamond that I fill with love. Thank you for your heart that I love. Ah! How precious it is to Me; it is a sweetness to My Divine Heart that receives so much bitterness (i.e. from sinners) and in Heaven I will give back with rewards. I love this thank you, I drink it as a refreshment. It warms My Divine Heart that is so forgotten by so many souls. I thank you so much this makes My Heart beat. It comforts me, and in Heaven there will be an immense joy for all eternity. "


Ecstasy October 21, 1924 – Do Not be Discouraged when Distracted in Prayer – A good will suffices

Marie-Julie Jahenny to Our Lady: "Oh! Good Mother, you do well to teach us. So often it is said: "Our Father" with the lips but not from the heart and a "vanqué ben" (a particular prayer?) without respect too."

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, the Divine Father does not always stop distraction and little reflection. He knows poor humanity, (i.e. the poverty of human frailty). A good will suffices for Him to give many graces and obtain His divine friendship, His holy friendship.”


Ecstasy date November 11, 1924 - Forewarning Signs of the Chastisements – The Powers on Earth will Attempt to Persecute the Church and Corrupt Children and turn them away from Our Lord-The Evil Ones are Awaiting a Great Leader

Our Lady: "My little beloved children, I have left many times this word when returning to Heaven:

'The forerunner of the great signs of doom and of protection for our little just ones, it will be the sharp sting of hate and vengeance against the Holy Church, the Holy Religion. Here, my little children, the first sign that you will announce well (or more than) the others, which are terrible because souls know what they do. They want to destroy the Name of my Divine Son, destroy His power, take away from our dear souls that sacred Name and efface it from the souls of little children.'

My dear and beloved children, I assure you my graces. I am your Mother and you are my children.

"My little children, Heaven can be nothing but good. Heaven is so great, Heaven is your home, Heaven is your rest, where you will live forever in peace and love. All will pass. The Earth has been visited, upset, dug into, its mountains melted and transported under the power of Justice. They (the mountains) will be the tomb of many, buried under the blows of Divine Justice. It is frightening, this is what sin causes, forgetfulness of the Creator, ungodly laws and now more than ever before."

"My children, my last words before my graces: There is little everywhere plots hatched by the wretched souls who have no faith, which work together for terrible things. Crime is their pleasure of all these infamous subjects; from one end of the earth to the other they rejoice, they await the decisive moment of the great leader to walk in bands with the refinement of their conscience without justice, without mercy, their thirst for gold and human flesh."

(NOTE: this is NOT the Antichrist but another evil leader whom the evil ones will follow.)

"There, my little children, my last word, but let nothing frighten you. This is a warning from my mother's heart."

"As I did on the Holy Mountain, (i.e at La Salette) make known to my faithful (said 3 times) to my chosen souls that I shelter (them) under the veil of my mercy and my peace (said 2 times). Little children, this word has passed (i.e. from God):

'If they do not convert, I will strike, if they reject My word, it is to aggravate the Divine Justice.'

They rejected it, it was despised and more.

Well, I repeat as on the Holy Mountain:

'My little children, make it known to my beautiful souls, to my loving souls, make it known to your friends which are mine.'. "

The Divine Heart to Our Lady: "I gave them to you, I have chosen them to support you, to strengthen you in the same love as you love Me all, beloved souls, this union of compassionate charity, devout and generous.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: "Thank you, adorable Divine Heart, good Mother of Heaven you rise up to the feet of the Saviour."

The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, it is for infamous sinners I place my lips on the feet of the living and glorious Saviour to ask forgiveness."

Our Lord replied: "No forgiveness without justice. (i.e. a repeat of an earlier ecstasy in which Our Lord said a time would come when the earth would not receive His Mercy or forgiveness until it was cleansed by His justice.)

Our Lord: There is a long time that I await, that I am patient, that I do good for My revilers for, the great culprits." (i.e. He waits and does not strike immediately that sinners may convert.)


Monday 2 September 2019

#165 St. Joseph: the Punishments will be Increased as No One Paid Attention to La Salette – He wants us to Pray to Him - More Details of the Third Crisis: St. Michael will Appear with His Armies, There will be No Sacraments to Sustain Us, The Great Catholic Monarch will Come, Peace will Occur at His Coronation

Ecstasies and revelations from the year 1905.


March, 19, 1905 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39) – Apparition of St. Joseph – Why do we Pray to him so little?

St. Joseph, after announcing that the punishments will be increased because no one took any notice of the warnings given by Our Lady at La Salette added: "Ah! I am invoked very little... And yet, I come immediately after Jesus and Mary, who take pleasure in keeping their treasures at my disposition...And note well, I have more pleasure in granting your request than you have of having them granted... Why? Yes, why do you invoke me so little?"

(New dated post added to this section April 12, 2023) 

Ecstasy dated June 22, 1905The Coming Suppression of the Mass and the Sacraments in France, other Lands will also Suffer in a Similar Manner. We must turn to the Sacred Heart.

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 158-161.)

Jesus: “These are the holy fruits of your Holy Communions that have adorned My Heart. The love of the Holy Eucharist is ineffable happiness! You will lack love and graces only when I lack love and strength, power and wonders.

(i.e. an example that we can never lack Christ's love or graces, especially when we truly love the Blessed Sacrament.)

(Jesus): Every day I see the day approaching when the adorable Bread of the Holy Eucharist can no longer be given on this land which has trodden on so many graces, despised so many calls for salvation and holiness. (i.e. when the persecution breaks out and the Mass is suppressed, beginning in France.) When this immense ordeal of pain and death begins for you, they will hold odious parties to crown this departure of pain and death. There will be assemblies where My sacred Name will be profaned, where they will write on My holy altars on which I have dwelt for so long:

~ 'Now we are rid of these seeming wonders, disillusioned souls will return to clarity! We are the new prophets of a new century, and we come to offer you a newly invented ministry today!'

(I.e. the revolutionaries, possible the 'red state' revolutionaries as foretold, will write this and profane churches as in other revolutions through history.)

Marie-Julie: “Sadness spreads over the features of the Savior. Jesus, take comfort, we will make our Communions in reparation for these crimes, my Jesus!”

Jesus: “When you no longer have this divine tabernacle, this Divine Food will soon be suspended. Outside this land of France, kingdom of crimes, the holy mysteries will be celebrated, but not every soul will be able to participate in them. In this painful privation, I will support you by My grace, I will strengthen you by the abundance of the divine gifts of My wonders!”

Marie-Julie: “The love of (Christ in) the Holy Eucharist is like a Heart that is dying, panting, oppressed. The Heart is wounded, torn! There's nowhere to put a pinhead where it won't be hurt. He is only a wound, only a wound! From all sides, there seems only sorrows...”

Jesus: “Souls inflamed by the Holy Eucharist, you are My victims! I will be your executioner full of love! When you no longer have this Divine Repast which strengthens and consoles, you will say to Me:

~ 'O my Divine Spouse, I no longer have an altar from which to nourish my poor soul! I come to Your Divine Heart! Communicate to me or I die of pain! I see nothing else but the walls of Your sacred temples, I need to pray! I come to Your Divine Heart to pour out my saddened soul and seek food for my faith in Your breast! I feel faint! Material bread nourishes my body, but my soul fails every day with immense hunger and insatiable thirst! O Jesus, give me Holy Communion Yourself from Your adorable hands, if You want me to live! Without You, I will die before my task is completed!'

My little souls, I will perform this prodigy, if you do not see with your bodily eyes, you will feel this wonder flooding your dear souls with the courage of a martyr ready to die to confess My Name. When you tell me:

~ 'I can no longer adore You, since you are no longer on the altar which gave joy to my youth, on the altar where You descended joyfully, on the day when You had my soul Your spouse and then transformed into Yours!'

I will say to you: “Come to My breast through the divine flames, you will adore Me and I will nourish you!”

When you tell Me: ~ 'I no longer have the priest's heart to forgive me.´ You will come to Mine. I will forgive you instead.

You will say: 'My Divine Spouse, I no longer have this consecrated hand to absolve me, to pour into my soul these graces of mercy and forgiveness, to give me the peace and rest of heaven!'

You will come to My Adorable Heart. I will raise My hand dipping it into the wound of My Sacred Heart. I will forgive you with My Blood and My love. I will give you peace. I will give you My kiss as Father and Spouse. In your great sadness, in your mortal agonies of all kinds, you will say to Me:

~ Oh! Divine Spouse, I no longer have a soul to entrust mine to, I no longer have a word to raise my courage, I no longer have a light to tell me that I am in your grace!´

My little souls, you will come to My Heart! I will give you this word. You will seek grace in your great sufferings, you will seek a word that reassures you to be in My grace. I will open My arms full of love. With these open arms on the Cross, I will press you to My Divine Heart. I will say to you: 'Beloved souls, this is where the priesthood began. It is its source that has flowed through your veins. Find the words of this priesthood given by Me; here is the source.'

When you tell Me:

~ 'Divine Spouse, I die without recourse, I die abandoned! I die apart from my holy exterior (help) from religion!´ (i.e. unable to receive the sacraments due to the persecution).

You will desire Me in your last moments. For many, they will appear (i.e. before Him in Judgement) without thinking about it, because they will be mowed down by My terrible Justice. (i.e. the chastisements). I gave them enough time to repent, to appreciate My kindnesses and see My tender mercies. I will send My Holy Mother to support you in this Communion of desire, and it will be on her Virginal Heart that I will receive your beautiful souls, martyrs of desire and suffering.

You will very rarely find a priest, an apostle to comfort you, absolve you and forgive you, because it is to them very soon that we will deliver this endless war, a pursuit without truce, pursuits without measure. Placed before all eyes, it will be the infamous insult to Jesus and His priests, the insult to Christians, My faithful servants. Do not be discouraged! At your last moments, the grace of heaven will replace absent souls (i.e the missing priests) to console and say to the soul: 'Depart from this world, Christian souls!' My father St. Joseph and my Holy Mother will be the comforters of My poor Christians exiled far from Me!”

Our Lady: “I want to recommend you to pray much to the holy archangels and the guardian angels who will protect you against the demons. You cannot imagine the immense number of lost souls, lost from childhood, lost in old age, lost at any age! At the terrible hour that is coming, they (the angels) will fight with the elect, they will lead the army of the good righteous who still live in our kingdom. At the last hour, they will be there to defend you and at the Holy Tribunal to plead your case.”


(Date given August 17, 1905) “The Breton Stigmatist”, p 43. (Apparently, these are the 'Marquis' de Franquerie's comments in addition to the revelations given here.)

Marie-Julie announced that three quarters of the population of the globe will disappear in the last crisis; terrible earthquakes, epidemics of unknown diseases whose ravages would be frightful, terrible famines, inclement weather, cyclones, rising seas that would cause terrifying tidal waves.

The last crisis would be divided into three parts:

The first: long and painful when divine vengeance will be manifested during which the most guilty will be destroyed. But, "This blow of justice will only irritate them."

The Second part will be shorter but more formidable, more sinister:

"My Divine Son, seeing that all these blows cannot bring back His people to pardon and mercy--- lost souls---will strike again more fearfully..."

The Third Part:

"Everything must be lost from top to bottom. That, my dear children is when Saint Michael the Archangel, who is awaiting orders from Heaven, will descend with his armies to fight with my good children, the true and good children of victory...Justice will pass everywhere. During this time you will not have the Bread of the strong...No apostles, you will have only your faith as food, my Divine Son as Sovereign Priest to forgive you...My dear children, all the souls living in His Divine Heart will run no danger. They will only have a faint knowledge of His anger. They will be enclosed in this immense sea of prodigies and power, during these great blows of divine justice."

(NOTE: A warning we will not have the sacraments of the Church during this time. Obviously, this will happen when the churches will be closed by the evil state government and the religious persecuted as we were forewarned.)


August 17, 1905 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 51)

"It will be during this third crisis that salvation will come. There, from the centre of His Sacred Heart will come salvation, or rather, the one destined to bring peace. (i.e. The Great Catholic Monarch) At his coronation, all the evils will cease. My children, He is a descendant to the line of Saint Louis, but this Sodom does not possess him!"

 (NOTE: The evil of Paris does not have him in its sway – Paris is often called 'Sodom' in Marie-Julie Jahenny's revelations.)
