Showing posts with label Great Catholic Monarch Henry V. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Catholic Monarch Henry V. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 December 2018

#138 Do Not Trample Upon the Cross – The Great Monarch will Come After Marie-Julie Jahenny's Death – He Will Come to La Fraudais -- He Will Renew the Kingdom

Message to Marie-Julie Jahenny (Febraury 2, 1882).

"My children, I ask you never to trample upon the Cross, not to follow the example of a huge crowd that will prefer to damn its soul to save its body. Your refusal will soften your executioners."

(Observations: when the persecutions break out, many will abjure the Faith to save themselves, trampling upon the cross will be one of the conditions demanded. The Faithful are told never to desecrate a cross, instead, courageously refuse. Do not give up the Faith!)


Ecstasy date, February 4, 1882 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 56)

Our Lord to Marie-Julie: "You will see from Heaven the triumph of the Church looming over the forehead of My real servant Henri de La Croix (Henry of the Cross-the name of the Great Monarch). His name is written in the golden Book." He then added, "After this triumph the faithful Pastor will place his consecrated hand on the head of the one of Heaven will have lead and brought in a miraculous manner."

(Important Observations and Reminders: earlier prophecies given to Marie-Julie Jahenny have already revealed the identity of the Great Monarch – he is Henri V, the one called the “Miracle Child”, which could be none other than Henri Duke of Bordeaux and Count of Chambord, also known as Henri V and the “Miracle Child” he was the legitimate pretender to the throne of France.

The important thing to note, he was ALIVE at the time of the earlier revelations, and also for this prophecy on February 4, 1882. Note it also states Marie-Julie would see his triumph FROM HEAVEN. She would not see his triumph until AFTER HER DEATH. She died on March 4, 1941.

In her ecstasies she was told that ALL the prophecies regarding the promised Great Monarch refer to the exiled “Miracle Child” - he was reserved for the great epochs – he would be 'RETURNED to his subjects' amidst signs and wonders that would not be seen again until the Day of Judgement, and the signs of his return will resemble the day when Christ died on the Cross. As we know, the sky darkened, the earth shook, and the DEAD AROSE AND APPEARED TO MANY. She was also told France would 'resurrect', there would be many 'resurrections', the 'lily' would 'resurrect', and in one instance the King was also called the 'lily'. See Marie-Julie Jahenny and Henri V, the Great Catholic Monarch, click here.)


February 9, 1882 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, pp. 56-57)

Our Lord: "My design is that after he (the Great Monarch) has received the holy blessing he goes with My noble defendants carrying the white banner to the place where the messages of salvation came from (i.e. the cottage of Marie-Julie). The chosen one of My power will set down the white banner, the sign of victory."

(Observations: the Great King will come to La Fraudais and set down the White Banner. Where is La Fraudais? Click here.)


Ecstasy date February 9, 1882

Our Lord: "According to the longings of My power, you will come, from time to time, sustain the hope of My apostles and my servants; until the man of their desires will finally lift the veil … I will send occasionally, the good news.

From the heights of Heaven, you will descend just to the middle of My servants who have to work twice that of today.

(Observations: Apparently, Our Lord has promised that Marie-Julie will be permitted to come back to earth after her death and grant consolations to those who await the coming of the Great Monarch. Possibly, these faithful servants will have to work “twice as hard” because the faith will be persecuted and it will not be as easy to practise the faith as before during her time on earth.

It is not unlike Pharaoh's harsh command to the Jews When they were approaching the end of their centuries of bondage, he declared that straw would no longer be brought to them and they had to search for their own straw to make their daily tally of bricks, plus the number had to be the same, thus increasing their workload and hardship. He did this so they would have no time to go and make sacrifice to God or believe Moses' “lying” words.

Therefore he (Pharaoh) commanded the same day the overseers of the works, and the taskmasters of the people, saying: You shall lay upon them the task of bricks, which they did before, neither shall you diminish any thing thereof: for they are idle, and therefore they cry, saying: Let us go and sacrifice to our God. Let them be oppressed, with works, and let them fulfil them: that they may not regard lying words.” (Exodus 5: 6-9)

We can learn a lesson from this: when the times of persecution come from those in the world who are more interested in building a worldly kingdom, praying and sacrificing to God will seem “useless”, an “idle” occupation, including the most important sacrifice, the Mass! The world will try and keep us so busy, either with frittering away our time with the latest fads and amusements, or overloading us with work just to survive that we end up having no time for God. It is interesting that an article entitled “Thoughts of God Make Us Slackers, A Study Suggests” from by Jennifer Welsh (October 29, 2011) appeared on Yahoo News declaring that certain “studies” indicate people who think of God are “lazy”, and yet, they can readily withstand temptation.


Ecstasy date February 14, 1882

Our Lord: "From Heaven, you will see the triumph of the Church hovering over the forehead of My true servant Henry of the Cross, (The Great Monarch) He will comfort the destitute, renew the devastated priesthood, weakened and fallen like a branch under the saw of the worker. His charity will renew the priesthood, he will raise the statues of My Mother, he will remount the crosses (that were) insulted and cut into pieces."

(Observations: again, another prophecy that the Great Monarch would come after Marie-Julie's death, judging from the words “from Heaven you will see”. The Great King will renew the kingdom torn apart by civil war and religious persecution.)


Monday 1 October 2018

#130 Rejection of Henry V Opened the Way for the Chastisements – His Miraculous Return will be Unforeseen and Cannot be Stopped

Ecstasy date July 12, 1881

Our Lord: "The time is near when many people will be shaken, where those who do not want to follow good laws will be under the great blow of regret. There is no more time! They wanted to leave for the abyss! It is open! They did not want My King, they have preferred the throne of infamous men. They have for some time. They will be very unhappy. They have wanted the abyss! They have arrived there. They despised the future of my servant. (i.e Henri V) They (the French) gave preference to the revolutionaries. This is their time. It is their time that begins and for the few, is the entry of major disasters by their fault. But hope! They all started with them, (i.e the coming disasters,) but heaven will preserve the friends of Its promise.”

(Image: Henry V, Count of Chambord).

(Observations: Our Lord laments that the French have despised the opportunity of restoring the absolute monarchy under Henry V, the Count of Chambord who was alive at the time. Christ an earlier prophecies had named him to be the Great Monarch of His choice and that ALL the prophecies refer to him. See post #127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to bethe Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him

By rejecting Henry V, the French have now opened the path to the chastisements, for they have chosen the Abyss. At the time, the path was now being set for the establishment of a Republic in France, and as we read in an earlier revelation to Marie-Julie, Democracy comes from Hell. See post #5 Democracy- Straight from Hell)

 UPDATE:  Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)    (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique, Henri Boucier, pp. 70-71)  --- (Summary: Marie-Julie Jahenny Suffers More In Expiation - Christ Denounces Bastille Day, the Celebration of the Masonic Revolution that transformed France from a Catholic Monarchy into a Secular Democratic State – Bastille Day is a Day of Blasphemy Against Christ and His Church – Christ Complains Friday Fasting and Abstinence is no longer Observed – Apparently the Government's Attack on the Church will be Initiated on a Bastille Day before Signed into Law - Punishment is Coming)

Marie-Julie: “I see heaven opening and my soul penetrating this abyss of love, the homeland of the saints. The Lord sits on His Eternal Throne. I contemplate all of the Celestial Court prostrated before His adorable feet, like a family all around a Father, to implore grace and pity. I, also contemplate the Virgin May, the right hand and the other extended towards us. She is like a grieving Mother, immersed in pain that no mortal can fathom.”

The Lord said in a sad voice but full of kindness: “My children, I come to reveal to you the plan of terrible punishments which are now to come. My children, I bless you and I love you!”

Marie-Julie: “Inside my heart, I suffer a pain that I have never felt. It's like a sharp fire that seizes my whole body. There seem to be as many flames in this brazier as there are blasphemies spoken. The pain would be unbearable without the support of the Good God!”

The Sacred Heart: “I want to make you feel how horrible blasphemy offends and outrages Me. Moreover, presently, you will endure on the tongue this same living and inconceivable flame, to expiate the profane words, the insults to religion, the outrages to the Church, the songs of hell that these guilty tongues pronounce. (i.e the godless liberals who celebrate Bastille Day). Then, you are going to suffer in your hands an expiation of infamous objects (used to) only sadden Me, to make My apostles and My people suffer. Then there will be a pain in your feet that you have never suffered, a pain so deep that you will cry out before Me. This gift will expiate the crimes which they will commit by their steps and their procedures.  In spirit and in your head, there will be a pain that you have never felt, and will be just up until tomorrow morning, three o'clock; for the hour of hell is up to then and then and more. Tomorrow, Friday, you're going to feel this bitter taste deep in your heart and in your mouth. It is to atone for infamous words and that other crime: Friday food. (I.e. The lack of fasting and abstinence- meat eaten on Fridays, etc.)  More abstinence, more reserve! They no longer look on it is the forbidden day! (i.e. Meat is forbidden.)

Today, hell has erected its temples on earth: a day of outrage for heaven, a day of joy for hell. This day, of today, July 14 (Bastille Day), will cost dearly to those who will have celebrated it with the jubilations of hell. My Justice touches the top of their heads. One makes flow on the Spouse of My Heart, in the churches, this color of blood which will be poured in abundance in many cities of France, O ungrateful people! Today is where they will declare war on the Church, where they suspend it from the bottom of the heart, before signing the reality.  A large number of cities in France will be in terrible pain.  My children, it is the world that seeks the wrath of My vengeance. I am a God of clemency, I've held back My anger so far. They force Me, they urge Me to let My anger upon on the earth. My children, this day of today will justify this miserable French government. I am abandoned and forsaken. Today, I count a multitude of My Catholic priests and of the faithful who weep and groan in the depths of their homes.  My children, you are happy, you, in the depths of your solitudes! If you could penetrate into the midst of these debauched cities, your hearts would melt with tears and pains.”


Ecstasy July 14, 1881 (Bastille Day)

Our Lord: "My children, There are only two things that consume the thoughts of the men of governmental authority: it is the Church, it is the King. These two things animates in the bottom of their hearts a passion that nothing will tarnish, and that because I destined My exiled servant to return to the land of his birth. (i.e in reference to the Count of Chambord, Henry V, true king of France who was in exile. ) He will be the aid and support of the Church, My Spouse, in the last fights that will hold him, to him, the foreign princes (i.e. will oppose him), jealous of a reign full of peace and loyalty to the Church and its Head. My Divinity will be torn; all My Power and My Kingdom will fall under the black paints of their abominable words."

(I.e, those who are against God's plan will paint the dogma of Christ's Divinity and all teachings of the Church with a black brush so to speak – Christ, His Church and even the dogma of His Divinity will be vilified.)


Ecstasy July 19, 1881

"After they (God's enemies?) will be avenged on everything, (after their evil persecutions and vengeance on everyone and everything) there will come the one (i.e. the Great Monarch) that the wonderful goodness of God has elected through all the dark clouds, although it may seem impossible. It is so veiled, that there is nothing apparent to the blind and for those who would never wanted to know his name, or the names of all those who resemble him in character and above all by the royal whiteness (i.e., the royal standard of the absolute monarchy, and anyone else like the king who supports the absolute Monarchy). All things are possible to God. This case is impossible with men, but when [well even] the universe is arranged to prevent this triumphant passage, God has His aids, He has His powers, and without effort, He will make him (the Great Monarch) master and saviour.”

(Observations: i.e. the King to come will be well hidden, including those united with him. The manner of his reappearance is so veiled that those blind to God's ways and also the evil ones who opposed God's plan that they will not see this coming about or even how this can come about. Of importance is the revelation the restoration of this King to the throne CANNOT by done by man. Only with God. Therefore, no man-made coup, revolution, or any other human plan or intervention can bring this restoration about. When the chosen king comes forth, it will be in such a miraculous manner that only God can can accomplish. Note again: the chosen King, the Count of Chambord, Henry V was still ALIVE at this time, and as Our Lord said, all the Great Monarch prophecies refer to him, the 'Miracle Child' so, he will be 'returned' in such a miraculous manner that is impossible with men, even when the Universe seems pitched against him. See Post #127 The“Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of Francewill Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him”.)

Our Lord: “Where the snake places its tooth, the bite is indelible. The time is near when the tooth of the serpent will rip the reputation, the honour, the royalty of the Friend of the Sacred Heart. But its bite will not reach; it will do nothing but traverse the areas from France to the foreign (borders). It must be that this strike passes and that violence discharges the foam of his (Satan's) rage. All this is close. Evil has come a long way to immense depths. No one can repair it without struggling, without a crisis, without fighting until blood (is drawn). (i.e it will take war and bloodshed to purify the earth and repair the damage.) All that remains is the final effort. Everything is there in this effort, his strikes, his iniquities, his terror as a whole. I said, everything is there. Words clear and cloudless. "


Ecstasy July 21, 1881

Our Lord:

My beloved people of France, I will have to enter the land which was the throne of St. Louis ... This same land, I am preparing for him who is despised of men and regarded as incompetent, because he is Christian and believes in his return to the land of his cradle. His shoulders will bear like Mine the mantle of abomination, as with those who hope to see him restore peace.”

(Note: The Count of Chambord, Henry V was often mocked by his critics and misunderstood by royalists supporters, even by Pope Pius IX couldn't understand Henry when he refused to compromise regarding the White Flag of his ancestors, See 'Marie-Julie Jahenny - The Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies of Henry V the 'Miracle Child').

Ecstasy continued: “I see (him?) coming from very close to the land of martyrs, on the soil where the Church has so often pronounced, by the mouth of the Holy Spirit on the Earth, the name of so many Christians worthy to go on altars, that is to say, those whose sanctity was recognized. " (i.e the king seems to come from close to the land of Italy where so many martyrs have been pronounced saints,in Rome.)

(Observations: Our Lord may actually be referring to Henry's future place of burial-the Count of Chambord lived in exile in Austria a this time, but would later be buried at the Bourbon crypt at the Franciscan monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Slovenia is right on the border with Italy. If I'm not mistaken, it seems Our Lord is revealing Henry will come from there when he comes to restore the peace--therefore, we have another hint at a miraculous resurrection. Our Lord said only He would be able to bring back the King, it will be impossible for mankind to do it.)

Sunday 15 July 2018

#127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him

Ecstasy date March 22, 1881 

"ALL My veritable prophetic words, O KING OF EXILE, call YOU and acclaim YOU. Without deferring too much, I will return to your subjects and your people he who bears on his head the same flower that you love. This flower is the lily, O King, MIRACLE CHILD, do not prepare to come from exile under a thick dust stirred up by the fury of the murderers of your country. You will prepare to come on the edge of this land that was foreign to you. From the north of the borders your noble person will pass through the legions who only wait for you to rise up a vengeance. But, as the day of darkness, their eyes will be veiled, the exile will be returned and My Justice will be accomplished. You will pass to reclaim the sceptre of glory. You will temper the tip in the blood of the Romans, in the defence of the Sovereign Pontiff, the bond of all the faithful. I have profound words of life and encouragement. I have found on the earth wise messengers ready to obey, to carry these words ... "

(Image: Henri V, the Count of Chambord, 'The Miracle Child' and King of exile.)


(Observations: Our Lord reveals in this prophecy that the 'exiled king', the one called the 'Miracle Child', is the Great Monarch chosen by Him, and that ALL His prophetic words regarding the Great Monarch are indeed about Henri V the Count of Chambord. His throne was taken from him and he had to go into exile, he was also called the 'Miracle Child' by his supporters, and, as many prophecies state, the Great Monarch would be the last king of France. Henri V was indeed the last in the direct line the Bourbons, the true Kings of France. This prophecy was made was he was yet living. Christ promises he will RETURN HIM to his subjects.

In an earlier prophecy given to Marie-Julie, it is also confirmed that the one called “Henri V” is the chosen king, as we see here ALL His word refer to Henry V, the Miracle Child, King in Exile. See post # 16 The Path of Henry V: Three Contenders will Vie for the Crown

God revealed through clues how He will return the King. See also: “Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies of the 'Miracle Child”

Regarding the rest of this prophecy, Christ promises to bring the exiled king back into France, but legions of evil ones will rise up to prevent his entry. Christ says their eyes will be blinded as in the Days of Darkness, they will not see how or when he will come until he passes through. Of interest, Christ reveals 'who' these legions will be using a veiled clue by the words 'a thick dust stirred up by the fury of the murderers of your country'.

The 'dust' must be the 'dust of the foreigner' as seen in an earlier prophecy, i.e the least desirable of foreigners whom will be allowed in to France by those who govern the country and will be 'stirred up' to cause the revolt, hence, the government is called the 'murderers' of France in this prophecy. See post #122 Our Lady Arrives in Black (Chastisement Warnings, including the 'Dust of the Foreigner')

In another prophecy, it is revealed a handful of conspirators will start an infernal revolt: See #41 PARIS- INFERNALLY INSPIRED CONSPIRACIES to START THE REVOLT - a VIOLET FIRE

However, it will come to nothing, Christ will ensure the Great Monarch passes safely, and, as other prophecies regarding the Great Monarch state, once he secures France, he will go to aid the Pope, for Italy and Rome will also be convulsed with revolts. The King will free the Pope. Together, they will restore Christendom.


Tuesday 5 September 2017


Revelations and Prophecies: The Great Monarch, Paris Attacked from Within - The Great Monarch Henry


(May 28, 1877) Our Lord: “Ever since Louis XVI died on the scaffold, France is threatened with danger and misfortune.”

(June 1, 1877) Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

“Come to My Divine Heart, I wish to talk to your heart. I love to see you humble your
thoughts, your thoughts have been straightforward. I'll say a word about poor France!

Next Friday, the feast of My Sacred Heart, many prayers will be made in penance and reparation.
The more the righteous pray, the more Hell is furious. (i.e Hell hates the prayers of the faithful! A reminder we should never stop praying!)

The 8, the wicked, the profane, the consciences  without remorse are hatching the most  blackest conspiracy that France would never have imagined without the breath of the infernal spirit. From this infernal project will be drawn all the wicks that will light up the spirit of revolt and attract terrible punishments.”

(Note: “Le 8” ~ not sure if this is a misprint on the Sanctuary Website, perhaps of a date (June 8) or page number, but it could be the number of conspirators who start the revolt.)

For a long time the usurpers have hidden a violet fire, a fire half discovered, under the walls of the great city of Paris. As soon as the little bit of breath is brought on these purple sparks, at once they will form burning infernos that will devour homes and kill many people. Know well that these men without faith, who do not desire (anything) but disorder and death, use the powder derived from the coals of hell.

- Here where the first and the last kings have insulted the Holy Church and its leader, have
stripped it, then there will be a fierce assault on that palace.

To have a King like the one I have reserved, there must be new walls. This King (Great Catholic Monarch) will return to France as a new building of a fortified religion, (a symbol of ) laws violated and renewed.

To accommodate this great man, this man of faith who carries over his heart the decoration of honour and of his faith will require a new roof at the Royal Palace. 

This one (i.e. the Great Monarch) will further extend the devotion of My Sacred Heart and My cross. He will be one of the famous preachers of My works, that is to say he will consecrate the whole of France to the Sacred Heart.

He will be like a new Louis XVI, with his crucifix in his hand when he extended that hand looking to Heaven consecrating France to the Sacred Heart while in his prison. O good King! (i.e., Louis XVI) Your heart beat close to Mine many times.

 Good servant, (i.e., the Great Monarch to come) your heart is about to beat on My Own. Poor child exiled, you will see your homeland, welcomed by your tears. The Faith is engraved in your heart and the consecration of France to My Divine Heart fortifies it.

 O Henry, My servant do you not see the sail of My love that sails you to remote areas? This sail is
formed as a pavilion! You will march under that veil, you and your dear companions and soldiers of your cause. Henry, entering France you have the intention to defend the Holy Father. Henry, My servant, these arms are contained in a gold ring.

(To Marie-Julie:) My victim, here are the beautiful designs of My servant!

On returning to France, he wants to carry a large scapular representing the Sacred Heart and France imploring the aid of Heaven.  This man will not be ashamed of his faith, he will not be ashamed to be a Christian.

When Henry comes into France, the fighting will be terrible, the centre right and centre left will come as if to melt on the Prince with their irritations and their blackest anger. The mere sight of the scapular will be enough to overthrow them and Henry will pass freely with his court.

My victim, My designs are great for the King and for France. I have in My domain great preparations that have not been revealed (how) France will progress!

Poor France, without Me, you would never be raised up!”


NOTES / OBSERVATIONS: What is meant by a 'violet fire'? This could be a misprint for a 'violent fire', but the fact this prophecy also mentions “powder derived from the coals of hell”, we understand a specific gunpowder is described here. Of interest, when iodine is released from saltpetre, (potassium nitrate, also called nitre), it creates a violet vapour that can condense into crystals.  Saltpetre is a prime component of gunpowder. We note Normandy and Brittany were one of the main producers of gunpowder during the Napoleonic wars. Iodine was discovered in 1811, which would make it a near contemporary event with this prophecy. The prophecy says this is a “fire half discovered,” which possibly means mankind had just begun to unlock the powers contained in saltpetre, not just iodine.  Man would soon invent other explosive devices that would be used to cause great destruction.

From this we can deduce, a new era of advanced gunpowder is predicted, which the 'usurpers' will hide under the walls of Paris and then detonate. Possibly an advanced chemical method which will detonate on exposure to oxygen, judging from the words of this prophecy: “As soon as the little bit of breath is brought on these purple sparks, at once they will form burning infernos that will devour homes and kill many people.” Is this a prediction of Islamic terrorist attacks on Paris? The 'usurpers' will have plenty of places to hide their 'violet powder', the whole  city of Paris is tunnelled underneath with thousands of kilometres of gypsum mines. We note that most home-made bombs used by terrorists are generally constructed with ingredients from garden fertilisers that contain potassium nitrate.

(Image: St. King Louis IX with Justice and Wisdom. The Great Monarch, Henri V, will also be like another St. Louis IX according to Our Lord.)  (See more about Henry V The Miracle Child here.)

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#37 Revelation of the Third Republic of France - Our Lord's Displeasure with Corrupt Clergy

Revelation to Marie-Julie Jahenny about the Third Republic of France.

First, some history to understand this revelation:

In the early 1870s, France had the opportunity to restore the monarchy, and this time, they had the chance to put the chosen Great Monarch on the throne! Henry V, the Count of Chambord, the last of the Bourbon line, who was called by his supporters 'the Miracle Child'.

The Count, however, refused to be a constitutional monarch and demanded that the country accept once again the WHITE FLAG of the Fleur de Lys, the flag of the absolute monarchy, which features many times in Marie-Julie's prophecies. The monarchy would be restored under the rightful WHITE FLAG.

Henry made a courageous stand for his Catholic faith and for the true restoration of his throne, proclaiming his famous Declaration of the White Flag on July 5, 1871, announcing he would never abandon the White Standard of the Kings, the emblem of his ancestors, the flag of Henry IV, Francis I and Joan de Arc. He rejected any compromise suggesting that the fleur-de-lys would be only his personal royal standard while the tricolour of the Republic would remain the national flag.

As we will discover in a future propchecy, Heaven declares to Marie-Julie that the tricolor, the red, white and blue flag of France is 'impure'. Why? It is not the pure White Flag of the only monarchy that was chosen by Heaven with an apparition of the Holy Spirit.

In all, Henry's defiant position symbolised a return the Ancient Régime: he would rule as the absolute monarch, not as a sham figurehead held bound by a democratic constitution as was currently presented to him. The white flag of the absolute monarchy was to prevail throughout the land or not at all.

This refusal to bend to a democratic compromise cost him the throne for he lost his supporters, and those who favoured a Republic, the Republicans, quickly assumed power and commenced the Third Republic, a temporary measure to wait for Henry’s death and thereby secure his replacement by the more liberal Comte du Paris.

Henry and his family were once again forced to leave the country in exile, he died without issue on August 24, 1883 at his home in Frohsdorf, Austria.

At this point of the timeline, we discover in the texts of Marie-Julie a startling revelation: Our Lady declared those who were the first to turn on Henry V and call for a Republic --not politicians, but TRAITOR PRIESTS. They had not only forsaken the monarchy chosen by Heaven but actively worked against it!

(Dates 1877, and 1879): Our Lady:

"IT WAS THE PRIESTS, nearly all of them who were the first to call for the ungodly men who govern the world. The priests hid themselves to give their vote to the Revolutionaries.... (but) the eyes of my Son followed them..."


Notes: Though they tried to hide, God saw their evil actions. The Church of France had betrayed its ancient Catholic history by refusing to stand behind the restoration of the absolute monarchy and had given their vote to the Repulicans.

However, all is not lost, Heaven would make startling additional prophecies about Henry V to Marie-Julie Jahenny: that he was indeed the promised Great Monarch, that ALL the prophecies given to her were about Henry V the one called the 'Miracle Child' and that he would 'BE RETURNED' for he was RESERVED FOR FUTURE EPOCHS. Considering Marie-Julie Jahenny was told there would be tremendous miracles during the future times that would not be seen again until the Day of Judgement, including RESURRECTIONS; surely that can only mean....?  (Click here for more info about the 'RETURN of Henry V the Miracle Child.)

(Image: separation of Church and State, law enacted in 1905 in France, the result of the abolition of the Monarchy and the formation of the French Republic. Notice how the Republic holding her 'impure colors' sneers at the Church.)


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Sunday 3 September 2017

#24 Prophecy of a Revealed Prayer to Liberate France

October 2, 1875. Our Lord speaks to Marie-Julie:

"When the foreigner will fall upon France, it will be by a revealed prayer that he will be
dispersed and repressed
... My Invisible Hand will strike him and reverse him." (I.e. the invaders / foreigner will be defeated.)


Explanation / observations: This message is related to the Great Monarch prophecies. France will be invaded by enemies, but the Great Monarch will deliver France, however as Our Lord declares here, this victory will not take place until a special prayer is revealed at a later time.

(Image: Hand of God nebula, c. NASA)


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#23 Prophecy: 14 Days of War

Ecstasy dated October 1, 1875.

Our Lord speaks:

"France, hear My voice: You will have much to suffer for fourteen days of terrible combats. During those fourteen days of war, there will be chastisements.

Ah! If My people knew how it is on the verge of a triumph, it could not contain its joy! It would
pray every day, and by these prayers, receive consolation: it would be, even before the victory,
a mark of recognition. 
 France, in these days of combat, do not be sad, you will not lose courage.

When the foreigner will fall upon France, it is by a revealed prayer that will suppress and disperse him. He will fall upon France as a raging lion, with all his fury, with all the weapons of wickedness, to subdue the French people and the sacrifice. (The Mass?)

My hand, invisible, will fall upon him. 
France, without My Mother, you would never be relieved of your burdens. If the triumph is awarded thee so fast, it is the grace of Mary, to her tears, her supplications.

France, you will have a terrible fight for King Henry, (i.e, the name of the Great Catholic Monarch)  who must bring peace and harmony in his homeland. You will have less trouble to defend the Holy Church. Remember that the deliverance of the Holy Father will be terrible, however, less terrible than the fight for the King. 
 France will need a strong arm on the first day, the battle will be fought by the sky, (I.e, the heavenly hosts? Or by airstrike?) the second day by men." (See also Marie-Julie Jahenny the and the Great Catholic Monarch Henry V The Miracle Child)

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Friday 1 September 2017

#16 The Path of Henry V: Three contenders will vie for the Crown

Ecstasy dated November (day?) 1874:

Marie-Julie: “King Henry V will march first. Jesus Christ will show him the road. He will come from the East and will go to the South. The friends of the King will march after him. Mary seems to say that three kings vie for the crown, that, in the end, will remain with the legitimate King....”

Observations: Marie-Julie Jahenny is one of the few mystics that give incredible details concerning the fulfillment of the Great Catholic Monarch prophecies. She reveals Henri V, therefore the Count of Chambord, is the predestined Great Monarch.

 (In another vision, Heaven tells her that ALL the prophecies refer to the Count as revealed in his description of "Miracle Child and "King of Exile",  and to no other.  See Post # #127 The “Miracle Child” and “Exiled King”, Henry V, once more CONFIRMED to be the Great Catholic Monarch - The Murderers of France will Raise a 'Thick Dust' Against Him)

Here, Marie-Julie Jahenny describes the route he will travel when he comes to deliver France with his armies. Our Lady then reveals there will be contenders for his crown but it will finally remain with Henry.

 If you are wondering how can he be the Great Monarch if he is dead for over a century?  NOTHING is impossible with God! (See Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Great Catholic Monarch Prophecies: Henry V The Miracle Child is the Chosen One).

 (Image: Henri V, Count of Chambord by Adeodata Malatesta.)


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#9 Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the "White Flag"

Ecstasy dated July 3 1874.

Our Lady give a prophetic message of the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart in France and a cryptic message about the 'White Flag':

“I will come to place it in the middle of My Heart. My Heart will be in the middle of the Fatherland (France); its courage will be unwavering.  Innocence and whiteness float with its birth and will float on ashes of its tomb. The days of storm and mourning have not passed; I will keep you and will protect you, do not fear anything."


Other observations: this may also by a prophetic message concerning the Great Monarch, who we know from other prophecies given to Marie-Julie is the one called the 'Miracle Child' and 'Henri V', who was and IS none other than Henri V, the Count of Chambord.

At the time when this ecstasy was given in 1874, France was in turmoil: Henri had just been accepted as the ligitimate monarch and was only one step away from re-establishing the throne of France, but he symbolically refused to become a constitutional monarch and stood his ground, insisting that France accept the White Flag of the Absolute Monarchy of his ancestors. The nation was aghast at this reques since it refused to reject the democratic government established by the Revolution and waited to see if the Count would accept the democratic Tricolour with the crown on it, but he refused. In his historic Declaration of the White Flag, in 1871 he declared:
"I shall not permit the standard of Henry IV, of Francis, and Joan of Arc, to be snatched from my hands ... I received it as a sacred trust from the old King, my Grandfather, (Charles X), ... It floated over my cradle, may it overshadow my grave."

Notice the last line, the White Flag shall float over his cradle, it shall float over his grave. Now note Our Lady's words about the courage of France: "Innocence and whiteness float with its birth and will float on ashes of its tomb."

In ancient legends, the King was tied to the land, and the land the king. Our Lady foretells Henri shall be couragous and remain faithful to the White Flag and the absolute monarchy, and the White Flag will float over his tomb, (Which indeed happened!  Similar words are used just before the time of Henri's death, but we shall see the prophecy later in March 15, 1882)

So, we see in this ecstasy a veiled prediction of Henri's death right here in 1871, but also another consolation: the days of the great turmoils and storm have not passed, reminding us the death of Henri V does not mean the end, the Great Monarch is foretold to come amidst dreadful days, which have not come yet. Henri shall indeed return. Other prophecies given to Marie-Julie Jahenny pointing to a resurrection. (For instance, see post
#107 War Against the Church – the True Faith will be Abandoned – Hope in the Sacred Heart and His Promise of the Great Monarch)

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#5 Democracy - Straight from Hell

Ecstasy dated April 20, 1874:

Marie-Julie: “The Blessed Virgin told me we have to pray much to deflect the evils that must fall  upon France. It will unfortunately atone for two centuries of political and social system of atheism, two centuries of a non-Christian régime.  Democracy is indeed the Luciferian régime par excellence. The sole régime of a divine origin never comes from below, but only from above. Without making a pun, let us say in its very name, recognizes that it is the devil that guides DEMO-cracy: the devil is the master.”

Marie-Julie announced the return of the white flag, the fleur de ly.


Notes about this ecstasy: 'The White Flag' = the Royal Standard of the Absolute Monarchy of France, meaning a non-consititutional monarchy will be restored. (Also, this could be a prophetic confirmation that the Count of Chambord, Henry V, who demanded the return of the White Flag before he ascended the throne, is indeed the chosen Great Catholic Monarch.)  The fleur-de-lys was the French royal symbol for Trinity, and also a symbol of purity.

(Image: Masonic / Illuminati / democratic symbols of the French Republic.)   In 1789, the Revolutionaries attempted to replace the Divine Right of Kings, which was confirmed by a visible apparition of the Holy Ghost in 508 AD over the first King of France, King Clovis I, with the Masonic Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.  Although it was never put into effect at the time, the Declaration was inspired in part by the American Revolution, and also by the Enlightenment philosophies as a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and elsewhere throughout the world. The Declaration in addition to other documents of the American Revolution inspired the formation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Of interest, the international news station France24 admitted on a documentary that upon the establishment of the Constitution after the Revolution, France officially ceased to be a Catholic nation and became a secular state.   Heaven has announced it will pay dearly for this, and according to this prophecy by Marie-Julie, the time for atonement is fast approaching.


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