Sunday 25 June 2023

#131 B - The Treasures of the Holy Wound of the Side and the Cross – Jesus Calls Sinners but is Compelled to leave Unrepentant Sinners to Satan whom they have Freely Chosen


Ecstasy Date July 29, 1881

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 19-21)

Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, it is for love of us that You have permitted the lance to pierce Your wounded Heart for thirty-three years for the love of us. (i.e. He always had the coming suffering before Him, which was a suffering in itself, as was the prophecy of Simeon to Our Lady who had to suffer the knowledge of what would happen to Our Lord before the Passion even took place). But the lance had to wound the adorable flesh to open to our eyes this door of Your Heart. We envy the fate of the spear, despite the depth of its blade! We envy its passage, that it is the first to get inebriated on Your Divine Blood! The miraculous door through which You introduce Your friends is always open. Instead of the lance, after its passage from love, after having retired in Your Divine Heart, we would never want to leave this amorous and delectable Wound. We would stay there to breathe love and drink from the torrent of the Sacred Heart. Thank you, O spear, for withdrawing to make room for our souls! It was only to receive our love that this iron pierced Your Heart, O my Divine at dear Saviour! To softly call us about Your goodness. He is the real gift from heaven to ourselves. He opens to us the fountain of fullness. Why so much love and kindness? Are there so many outrages and ingratitudes? How long, adorable Saviour, will these offenses last?”

(At this point Marie Julie asks the Mother of Christ, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Marin of Tours and St. Louis to intercede on behalf of sinners.) Having taken up the Cross, (i.e Marie-Julie takes up the cross here?) Our Lord said:

Jesus: Jesus: “My daughter, My address is to all the souls present. May they rejoice in bearing the Cross.  It is a gift of the greatest predilection and of the greatest predestination that they cannot conceive!”

(Marie-Julie then begins her Way of the Cross, i.e., where she would mystically suffer the Passion, after having invoked at length Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Mother, St. Joseph, St. Martin of Tours and St. Louis, and asked for grace for sinners. She kisses the relic of the True Cross and received the blessing of Abbé Coquet who was present. She falls the first time. She then has a very long ecstasy on divine love and on the virtues of the Cross):

Marie-Julie: “You could, adorable Savior, redeem us without carrying Your Cross which contained my offenses; but you preferred to take it for us to taste after You. You took it upon Your shoulder and said:

'Here's your share, friends of the Cross! Following Me, you will taste the sweets of My dearest treasure after (that which is) the Will of My Father.'

(Marie-Julie continues to speak of the merits and the beauties of the Cross that she compares to a luminous sun, and of the love of the Sacred Heart for souls. Jesus then complains of the indifference and even of the hostility of some many souls.):

Jesus: “I looked for hearts, to make My rest there. Satan: intervened and replied: ´Do not enter because I am a possessor!´ I had to give in to the choice of these pool souls. I thirst for souls and to possess friends. Not one of those souls said to me, 'Drink! I give myself to You to offer You the drops of repentance.' I was alone in My house and I waited for souls to console Me, and I saw no one enter. (i.e. left alone in the tabernacles?) Seeing myself alone, I turned to My friends.”

(After the second fall, Marie-Julie again proclaims the merits of the Passion of Christ, affirming that each wound was a bloody gate. She carried the writing of the grace that she had also to operate on the Christians, i.e. her sacrificial sufferings that also gives grace for them. Through Christ's sufferings, this is how every Christian becomes heir not only of the love of God, but also of His Blood and His flesh, and that they are a child of destination and predestination. She continued to proclaim the infinite love and redemption of Jesus. Then she continues her Stations of the Cross. She glorifies the Bread of angels and speak of the flowers who spent the night on the altar and serve to console her for the absence of her Saviour – i.e. she was unjustly deprived of the sacraments at this time.)


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Next Post: #132 - Deadly War and the Future Destruction of Paris – Very Few Will Survive - A Corrupt Clergy Will be Punished

Previous Post: #131 Churches will be Abandoned – The Sacrifices will take an INFERNAL FORM - Also, a Hidden Prophecy of 'Pride Flags' in Churches?

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Monday 3 April 2023

#108 B – Marie-Julie is Brought to Our Lord's Throne and Witnesses all the Masses on Earth as they are Celebrated





Ecstasy of November 3, 1879

Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 137-140.


Marie-Julie: “May Our Lord Jesus Christ be praised loved and adored in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar!

This morning, after having finished my prayer, I heard a voice which said to me: 'The earth is a place of sufferings, the Lord wants to make it disappear for a moment by opening the heavens, His residence.' After these words, I was delighted in ecstasy and very close to my unique Treasure (i.e. Our Lord) … He said to me: 'I give My blessing to all the victims and to all the friends of the Cross.' His smile was a real and mysterious consolation. He led me to His adorable throne. He said to me as He rose in glory: 'I want you to be present at the Holy Sacrifices which are celebrated on earth!' (i.e. all the Masses on earth).

“After making me enjoy a fullness of happiness, Our Lord gave me a place at His side.  He was transfigured in a very high glory.  All the angels prostrated offered their prayers to Him. I also offered Him mine and He received them kindly.   Heaven was adorned with altars and the ministers (the priests) ascended with more or less respect.   I attended all the celebrations.

(OBSERVATIONS: she mystically sees all the Masses said on earth, there seems to be representation of them all shown in Heaven at the same time they are said on earth? One seems to get a sense that she is shown how Heaven and earth are joined at that point in time when the Mass is said. She sees which priests ascend their altars with due reverence and respect, others are less respectful, possibly lukewarm.)

(Marie Julie's words continue): “The angels prostrated themselves, sunk in reverence.  I saw all the consolations of Our Lord. I noticed many seraphim at the altars. There were ministers who were not men of the earth. (i.e. very saintly or holy priests). They were like seraphim clothed in a most noble glory. All the ornaments were changed. It was the liveliest and most penetrating emanation. Many of the angels surrounded the altars and poured incense there. Below the tabernacle, angels were in a circle. To the right and left of the priest were seraphim serving him. I am unable to tell their respect and the glory of Our Lord. (i.e. she has no words for it.) Other ministers were not similarly adorned. Their sanctity (or holiness) was less brilliant. The angels who attended rejoiced less. When it was time for the 'Credo', the angels sang and offered to Our Lord the faith of the peoples. It was a triumph of glory to God. Our Lord was present everywhere at once, pouring out streams of blessing. At the moment of the Elevation, all the ministers shone and the others seemed to rise in very dazzling rays, (i.e. the holier priests were more dazzling). Our Lord made me distinguish the victims of the Cross.

(Note: the victims were victim souls chosen by Our Lord at La Fraudais along with Marie-Julie Jahenny. We known Fr. David her confessor was one of them.)

Marie-Julie: “At the Elevation of the Host, I saw the Child Jesus in beauty or really… He had his little hands extended over His wide-open Heart and, around Him, a very beautiful white flame. At this moment, the ministers were as if in a joy that I cannot describe. But, Our Lord was sadder at an altar where the priest was less penetrating (i.e. less spiritually perceptive) and less respectful. There, all heaven, in celestial glory, sang 'Hosanna' (i.e. the 'Sanctus'). At this moment, a crowd of angels surrounded the Child Jesus. At the 'Pater' (Our Father), He still had His arms raised and extended. He spread floods of graces, and everyone became resplendent.

At the moment of the Communion of the priest, all of heaven threw flames into the priest's breast. It became a real heaven, and Our Lord seated on flames rejoiced and was bursting with happiness. In other breasts it was dark, and the flames were less radiant. The Adorable Victim showed His wounds. It was the most penetrating moment of pain I have ever experienced. Our Lord poured out His graces to the full in the breast of the good priest who was surrounded as if by entwined flames of love.

At the moment of the 'Agnus Dei', Our Lord appears in a torrent of flames. He receives the word: 'blot out our sins!'. There He takes on a very high glory and He says aloud: 'I forgive!' And all the angels present to Him the regrets of the hearts (i.e. the repentance in the hearts of those attending).

At the moment of the Communion of the faithful, Our Lord clothes Himself with such an inflamed love to where one could die of love. Groups of angels surround the tabernacle and, when the priest opens this abode of love, they spread perfumes and sing sublime hymns. When the priest takes the holy ciborium and raises the Host, his hands are all aflame. His words are collected by the seraphim and the Holy Host is changed into Child Jesus having the five wounds, marvel of love. The angels surround the priest and, at his side, they carry torches. As he distributes Holy Communion, the angels weep with emotion; and the holy ciborium and the priest are in a cloud of the purest flames. I saw the smile of the Child Jesus entering hearts, but His smile was not equal for all. In very worthy hearts, He enters on much more dazzling flames. This Word is framed in a white sun; this descends into the hearts. Returning to the altar, all give thanks for the souls. Having arrived at the altar, the priest appears in the rays of a rapture; it is Our Lord who fills him with His graces for having served Him with so much respect. At the Blessing, Our Lord is with the priest. How marvelous is the Divine Sacrifice! How I desire that it be known. What a wonder! I then came to (out of the ecstasy), intoxicated with all the treasures of love.”


Next Post: #108 C - A Christmas Vision: Marie-Julie Jahenny is Given Gifts by Our Lady and the Child Jesus – Prophecy of the Nail and Her Miraculously Perfumed Heart

Previous Post: #108 - War Against the Church – Crime Carried to the Altar –Messages Continued by the Sacred Heart and St. Michael

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny




Sunday 5 March 2023

#167 B - If People do Not Repent or Recognize God during the Period of Mercy, the Wars and the Fire of Heaven will Fall




Ecstasy June 27, 1916 (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp 99-100)


The Sacred Heart: “I come to bring you My divine peace, I open My Divine Heart for a long time. I welcome your prayers. I eagerly drink the perfume of your faith…. I am going to leave (off) for a moment. I will suspend My Justice which lowers itself every day, (which grows) more and more heavy. At the end of this time marked in My tender mercy and in My most tender love, (i.e at this merciful suspension of his justice), if I do not see souls return, nor return to their faith, nor penetrate (i.e perceive) My Divine power which holds everything, graces and justice, justice and graces, My Justice will manifest. Do not forget this promise. The furnaces of heaven will upset the earth, and Satan, the great tyrant of the underworld, with his awful howls and fearsome blows, will be victorious. It is for this great moment of salvation and misfortune that I leave My Divine Heart open.

You, Marie-Julie of the Crucifix, the beloved spouse of the Blessed Sacrament, do not forget this, you the confidante of My Sacred Heart, do not forget! I complain bitterly, I find so few souls to embalm My raw wound and so pitifully torn. Tell them! If there was only the power of men to stop this chastisement, it would be of infinite length and, in withdrawing, it would leave few living, few harvests! You oblige Me to tell you that the Divine Justice is continually doubled by so many offences and errors.

(OBSERVATION: As Our Lord mentioned the 'furnaces of Heaven', no doubt He is talking about the Three Days of Darkness which will be a rain of supernatural fire, not just darkness that will cleanse the earth, the time of God's great Justice. Hell will also be let loose and every demon will be permitted to slay all those not prepared for this time. This will be Satan's great but short victory as he lays waste and claims the souls of sinners. Our Lord seems to be saying here that if the withdrawing of the chastisement were left only to mankind's prayers and sacrifices, it would not be enough nor would be effective: mankind's efforts could not make enough reparations for the sins committed, they are so great. The chastisement would have to be extremely long to make any sort of reparation, and then, the long duration of punishments on the earth would leave so few souls left alive, and, very very left to be saved as well. Our Lord told Marie-Julie in other visions the world had grown so corrupt, everybody would fall and be lost, not one soul would be saved if He did not step in with the chastisements. His mercy will shorten the time for the sake of the elect lest they too should fall because if He left it go too long, there would be very few souls left alive on earth when it is all over, and corruption will even win over the elect if left unchecked.)

(Our Lord's message continued:)

Spouse of My Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart, I would not want to hurt your great soul that I love so much, where I like to remain its support, its help, its peace and its heaven. The men in power want to make this state of affairs last. They have sold out the kingdom of My holy Mother to Satan. (France.) They multiply the blasphemies and the insults to Our Lady and to My Divine Majesty. My Divine Justice will take measures without measure, if My Divine Father does not yield, if He does not give His Divine Mercy for this poor land. Oh! What a miracle it shall take to save such a guilty world! It is worse than My first Passion for the salvation of men! It takes miracles, yes, to save My poor children! It is justice struggling in the face of mercy. When the blood from the cannons stops flowing, the blood from the knives will complete the decimation.

(NOTE: no doubt a reference to the civil wars in Paris and France that will be part of the chastisements – people will be killing each other in the streets and it will be an utter decimation before the Three Days.)

Our Lord: “Confidant of My Sacred Heart, in My joys and in My sorrows, do not be afraid of suffering. I will appease the holy anger of My Father. But for that. I need your faith.

Serve Me without consolations, serve Me in your faith, without signs. Serve Me with the holy confidence you have in Me. If I find it in you, this holy faith animated by total confidence, nothing will happen to you without My allowing it. I withdraw My love from the hearts of the souls I have set ablaze. I gives them suffering to pray and atone. The heart that loves Me can have no joy when My Heart is offended, blasphemed, forgotten, betrayed and misunderstood.”

(NOTE: i.e. a spiritual dryness and / or a 'dark night of the soul', with no spiritual consolations. Our Lord is promising protection if the soul still serves in faith. And, it was also revealed to Marie-Julie when Christ is served like this in all holy confidence, He perfects the soul even more, and the soul earns more merits than when serving with consolations).

Our Lady: After my Jesus, I come to tell you: do not be discouraged, leave everything in my virginal hands. I can do everything by my grace for the dear children whom I love.”


Go to:

Next Post: #167 C-  Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements

Previous Post: - #167 The Regeneration of Mankind – THE SHELTERS WE WILL NEED during the Great Chastisements - Few will Support the Great Monarch at the Start – If we Turned to the Divine Mercy the Chastisements Would be Stopped but People will not Listen – France has Suffered Danger and Misfortune Since it Killed King Louis XVI 

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahnney

Sunday 12 February 2023

#113 B - Prophecy of New Feast Days that will be Declared and a Prophecy of a Chosen Soul to be Raised up in France




Prophecy of New Feast Days that will be Declared and a Prophecy of a Chosen Soul to be Raised up in France


Ecstasy Date, April 27, 1880  -  (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp 363-363).

Marie-Julie: “I see in the dazzling light of my mystical Sun that, at the beginning of the century which will follow this one, there will be held in Rome two solemn feasts of the Most Holy Sacrament, in addition to the two which already exist to celebrate the Lord. These two festivals will be instituted in honour of a prodigy which will take place towards the beginning of the next century. I see in the Mystical Sun that this prodigy will take place on the lands of Naples, towards the beginning, that is to say on this side, starting from the frontier. The details of this prodigious feast will be given to a religious soul aged forty-seven. The institution of the first feast is marked by the Sun on the Thursday before Holy Week. Five years will elapse between the first feast and the second. The number of the second feast is marked on the Thursday before the feast of Christmas. This second feast will be instituted as a vow made to Our Lord Jesus Christ during these painful days.

The Lord marks a time in our country of France when grace will flow abundantly into a chosen soul, a soul at the flowering of age, and who will receive the mission of prophesying (about) the last times (after) which will follow the judgments of God. I see the figure for this year, but the Sun does not say to make it known.”


(NOTES: there will be a new feast days after a great miracle takes place in Naples, and apparently, will be linked to the Blessed Sacrament, and, a chosen soul will be given details on it, obviously, to promote the cause of these feasts that they may be instituted. It will happen during 'painful days' so, when the chastisements begging to break out? The prophecy seems to point to the early to mid 1900s, but, since timing of a prophetic event can be put off if enough penance is done, such as what happened when France built Sacre Coeur according to the visions of Marie-Julie, this miracle and new feast days might be reserved for this century.  It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

Regarding the future 'chosen soul' that would arise in France: while the mystic Sun did not say she could reveal the person then, we can make an educated guess who this might be, (that is, if there is not another person who has not yet been born or made known yet in our times.) Marie-Julie did mention a very interesting mystic in another prophecy, (if that text was transcribed properly.) Later in March 1882 she gave the name of a mystic who would fit the description of 'flowering in age' as that chosen soul never aged and miraculously remained like a little child. Marie-Julie apparently mentioned the mystic before she was even born, and, this mystic was given prophecies regarding the last work Our Lord wished to spread on earth before the end of time, namely, the universal recognition of His Kingship over the earth and all nations. The mystic is Sr. Olive Danzé of Brittany, also known as St. Marie of Christ the King (1906-1968). Click here to read more about her.)


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 Next Post: #114 - The Chastisement of Rome: Prophecy of the Bleeding Crucifix and Miracle of St. Peter's Chains

Previous Post:  #113 - Prophecy - Attack upon the Devotion to the Sacred Heart

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Friday 20 January 2023

#140 B: Prophecy Marie-Julie's Work will be Brought to Light – Prophecy of the Heavenly Cortège of Mystics that Will Accompany the Great Monarch to the Walls of the National Assembly




Ecstasy March, 21, 1882. (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 95-97)

(NOTE: Jesus and Mary spoke to here in this ecstasy, but Herni Boucier leaves out this part of the ecstasy, unfortunately. He continues straight to a message given by the Holy Spirit Who comes in the shape of a Dove.)

Marie-Julie: “At the foot of the throne of Jesus, I adore my Savior from the depths of my soul. Now, I listen to the Dove of the Holy Spirit speak to repeat all his words well.”

The Dove: “Dear friends, a little more patience on earth, and all will enjoy profound peace altogether! For you, Marie-Julie of the Crucifix, spouse of Jesus, receive the light you need to faithfully accomplish the designs of the Lord! Dear friends, in His infinite wisdom, the Lord has gathered His faithful instruments. He intends for them to keep His words in silence, before the voice is given to all the hearts present in a day that must not be long (in coming?). Do you consent, my daughter, to change your painful thorns with those that I offer you and which are different in their pain from those of today?”

Marie-Julie: “Divine Holy Spirit, the crown that you offer to the gaze of my soul seems to me to have been so great that all that I have suffered may not be enough to efface them.”

(i.e. from the context, it seems she is saying all her sufferings are not enough to erase the crown of thorns she is currently wearing, the new crown shown to her by the Holy Spirit is too beautiful. She deserve the thorns.)

The Dove: “Contemplate well this precious offering which you will carry only a short time, but enough to let the heavenly ones see the glory and the reward that there is in this divine gift. This crown is not comparable to the one you wear for the love of Jesus. I have a part in all the divine works, but in this one particularly. I make myself the Director, the Comforter. In a word, it was I who gave these lofty instructions. To the crown that I bring today, I want to add a more distinguished radiance, various pendants and finials. This crown, I place it straight on the middle of the forehead, with a fairly visible trace and marked in width.”

(NOTE: there are times when Heaven exchanged crown of thorns Marie-Julie wore, and the change in the stigmata on her head was always announced in advance. People could witness the stigmata of the crown of thorns changing to the shape of the new crown she was given to wear.)

Marie-Julie: “Holy Spirit, I'm not commanding you, but I wouldn't like our dear interlacers to see it. May it be only for our dear friends!”

(I.e. Odd literal translation, Marie-Julie in her humility does not want this new change in the stigmata to be made to the general public, but only to those close to the holy mission.)

The Dove: “My daughter, I speak to you in front of the souls present, under the eyes of these men of merit who are helping to move everything forward at this moment.”

Marie-Julie: “Divine Holy Spirit, I willingly submit to your wishes.”

The Dove: “My dear friends, the Lord has plans for His victim. Her tongue will no longer be sealed with the bond of stillness, and the people who have never seen or heard the story of so much pain and immolation for the work of Calvary, this people will see with their eyes a new creature born of the love and wounds of her God. The dear friends could say: a new creature was born by the gifts by which He took away all resemblance to serve the joy and the good of His people, God has transformed, formed and reformed (her).

(i.e. an odd phrase that I'm finding difficult to translate, but basically, Our Lord is saying in the future people who had never heard of her sufferings will see their fruit – He is removing her former resemblance, and through her victim-sufferings is making her a 'new creature', completely renewed and transformed spiritually.)

(The Holy Spirit): Dear friends, the Lord deposits in her what He wants to let fall in hearts and on the world to save and protect it. Now take a rest, before entering the Book of gold!

Loyal victims and servants (I.e a reference to the designated victims souls suffering for the Work of the Cross and the scribes taking down the messages), you waited until the midst of the pain, the transformation of the earth....This time has existed for nine years under the empire of my power. I activate with fire the beautiful ripening, in the middle of spring.

(NOTE: Bourcier notes this indicates the years 1873 to 1882, but the 'nine years' could refer to some other time period as a prophecy is now about to be shared).

The Dove: “There must be a procession of spouses who have prayed for the reconciliation of this land lost without Me, a procession of spouses who go in triumph to seek the illustrious saviour (I.e the Great Catholic Monarch, Henry V) and lead him to the walls which form the hall of hell. (I.e the National Assembly of France). It is he who will make good and Christian families, children and old people happy. The procession of spouses is made up of Mélanie de La Salette, of Louis Lateau, of Sr. Oliva Marie du Christ-Roi, of Marie Martel, of Estelle Faguette. Of course, of Joan of Arc and St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, and hundreds of others.”


(OBSERVATION: this is an astounding prophecy, if the scribe transcribed the text properly and assuming Henry Bourcier printed the text correctly. A heavenly procession will go forth to meet and then accompany Henry V, the promised Great Catholic Monarch, as he makes his way to Paris to fight the enemy, he will go to the National Assembly. This procession or cortège will feature spiritual spouses of Our Lord, saints, and those who are mystics or to whom Our Lady appeared to. In several cases, this text to Marie-Julie seems to be added proof that the several of the mystics who were in question at the time are indeed authentic.

Mélanie of La Salette of course needs no introduction, and also Estelle Faguette is also not completely unknown, her vision was approved under the title of Our Lady of Pellevoison.

Louis Lateau from Belgium (1850-1883) was a mystic and stigmatist, and while she was deemed authentic, that her stigmata were not fake, and she is listed on the Miracle Hunter's site as 'authentic' under Marian apparitions, on March 5, 2009, strangely, the Vatican gave a negative answer to an inquiry wishing to further the cause for her possible beatification. However, this prophecy given to Marie-Julie seems to point out she is indeed authentic, and her cause will be made known by Heaven in the future.

Another interesting mention is Marie Martel, the main visionary of the Apparitions of Tilly: of the date of Marie-Julie's ecstasy is correct, 1883,  this set of visions which occurred in 1896 was predicted a good decade before they occurred!  The case of Marie Martel and these visions strangely was left to stagnate by the local bishop of the time who apparently did not want to cause trouble with the French government, but was never officially condemned, even if not officially approved. St. Pius X himself believed in this apparition, and so did officials at the Vatican, but were disappointed in how the bishop handled the case, which left it stymied. So it is still unapproved but not officially condemned. If this prophecy given to Marie-Julie is true, then the visions of Marie Martel are indeed authentic , again, foretold a decade before their occurrence.  No doubt this is a sign her case will also one day be cleared up. (Click here to read more about the Apparitions and prophecies of Tilly.)

The most surprising mention is Sr. Oliva Marie du Christ-Roi, a mystic from Brittany, who, similar to Marie Martel, her case was left to stagnate. Oliva Danzé was born in 1906 and she died in 1968. If this ecstasy attributed to Marie-Julie was accurately transcribed as dating from 1883, then that means she made a prophecy regarding Sr. Oliva before she was even born. Her case regarding the apparitions of Christ the King was not officially condemned, but strangely, she was continually persecuted eventhough she was received favorably by the Archbishop of Paris, and Pius XII was personally favorable to her visions and gave orders she be permitted to return to her convent. Again, Marie-Julie's ecstasy would point out Sr. Oliva is indeed an authentic mystic and she too will be vindicated when the Great Monarch comes. (Click here to read more about Sr. Oliva Marie of Christ the King and her prophetic visions.)


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Next Post: #141 Prophecies: Decimation of the Christian Population – Anti-Church Revolution to Hit when the French Army is Deployed Abroad and Security Forces Reduced in France – Warning Signs in Nature

Previous Post: #140 Prophecies: Special Messenger of God to the Count of Chambord - the 'Impure Victory' of the Tricolor - the Count's Death

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Sunday 8 January 2023

#139 B The Promised Great Monarch will Pierce Through the Blows of Death – A Star Will Appear and Shine for Three Days Announcing His Arrival



The Promised Great Monarch will Pierce Through the Blows of Death – A Star Will Appear and Shine for Three Days Announcing His Arrival

(Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 318-320)

February 28, 1882

The Sacred Heart: “The faithful people will not say longer now that the days drag on and that this slowness is a throbbing pain. (I.e. Not for much longer will the faithful say the coming of Our Lord's promises is slow and painful to wait for.) The true friends of the Lord wait in trust, though under clouds and in darkness. The rest of the faith is extinguished, the strength diminishes, evil makes great progress. And behold, the one who is called the oracle of the word of God will cause the weakness of faith to re-germinate and flow back. (i.e faith will grow once more, the tide will turn). It is he who will raise the courage of the people. It is he who will rise to an admirable degree of virtue. The Lord has his designs on him; he will pierce through the blows of death. God's friends will no longer have to wait to finally receive all perfect contentment in the glory of God.”

(i.e. the promised Great Catholic Monarch, Henry V.)

Marie-Julie: “The love of the Sacred Heart fully promised the return of the savior and the resurrection of the earth. The triumph of the Cross will prelude this resurrection of the land and the return of the saviour of France. The pain will be all the less felt as you have suffered before. It will be the coming promise of the savior of France who will be the man of all gifts. He will not be present at the start of the events. The days of weeping will be shortened, because God has listened to the prayers and complaints of his people. The hour of miracles will break out with the clash of arms.  The intervention of St. Joseph and of St. Michael will be announced and will come true with the brilliant star that will come out at midday. It will leave the sun shining for three days. Everyone will turn to where dwells the man whose cloak of St. Louis must cover his shoulders. The luminous star will represent, will illuminate with its rays the true fighters and the elect of heaven who will accompany St. Michael, leader of the armies of heaven. The angelic troupe will support the fighters as King Henry V of the Cross approaches.

Our Lord: “The most beautiful lily that My Heart could give for the king of my choice, the most beloved of My Sacred Heart. The victorious Archangel St. Michael will receive the call for peace.   From the fight he will bring back My glorious soldiers, bringing back the standard of the lily, the most beautiful emblem of My designs.  He will stand low above the soldiers whom My voice, My commands and the lines of My divine words will guide, while hell is unleashed.

When the king Henry V of the Cross will have arrived on the stone posed by My gifts, that is to say on the step of the altar of the cathedral, the consecrating bishop will cover him with a cloak of gold. My Will having spoken, his army will follow him to the sanctuary where My prodigious Cross will have gathered my elect at his feet. On their knees, in tears and giving heartfelt thanks, the hand of the victims will trace on the forehead the victorious sign of the Cross, mark of the victory given to the few who will bring back to glory the man of My Heart. Under a pure and serene sky, I will give an awakening to all My creation. The angel in charge of the harmony of hymns will charm the heart of Marie-Julie under the clear sky and the cloudless day.

I make my just ones wait, I will largely reward their patience which I apply to the redemption of sinners; not of all, for many will perish and will not return to My sweet mercy.”


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TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny


Tuesday 1 November 2022

#166 B – The Powerful Intercession of St. Joseph



The Powerful Intercession of St. Joseph

Ecstasy date April 1, 1913. (Source, “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Bourcier, pp. 225-229.)

Our Lady: “My children, I leave (with you) my holy spouse, the glorious St. Joseph.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny: “The good father St. Joseph appears with a multitude of souls, some larger, others smaller. There are all sizes, all the riches!” (i.e. he appears with a host of souls from Heaven, their sizes and different 'riches' denoting their merits and graces.)

St. Joseph: “My children, this very sweet name which I give to you, I receive it from the holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary…

It is enough to invoke me once for me to answer this call with a heaven of graces given to me by Jesus and the Blessed Mother. You who are my devout servants, I come to the threshold of heaven with as many graces as the Beloved (Jesus) has power, as much as He has goodness, as much as He has love, for He loves without being loved. (I.e. Our Lord is not loved in return.)

Today, I can assure you of my powerful protection. My power is so strong. Invoke me and pray to me with confidence, you will be the first to reproach me.

(NOTE: an odd expression that does not translate well into English – it almost sounds like St. Joseph was trying to make a joke! Possibly, he means anyone up to now who invoked him all these centuries has received his aid and have never had to reproach him regarding unanswered prayers, and if he failed now to answer them, they would be the first to ever have to reproach him! Basically, he is saying I have never left anyone down all this time, why would I do so now?)

St. Joseph: "I have more desire to give you than you do asking me. For my feast day, (i.e. March 19, or perhaps May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker), I promise to assist you in the midst of battles, hailstorms of fire, shrapnel of stones, in the midst of thunderbolts from heaven. Everywhere, I will assist you. I will be the torch that will guide your path, that will bless all your efforts, that will sanctify all your steps, in the midst of the ruins of justice (of the) Sovereign of Heaven. 


(NOTE: this seems to be a prophecy of WWI which was just about to strike, he promised his protection. Also, this could be a promise he will be there with the faithful during the catastrophic chastisements.)

St. Joseph: "You, my children, my servants, you and your families, your children, you and your friends, I will be your assistant during this life and in your last hour. You will seem to catch a glimpse of the sweet and ravishing figure of St. Joseph.  I will only keep a very short distance, and you will all be able to feel the effect of my presence, the effect of my gentleness. You will especially appreciate this word: “Do not be afraid, my servant, do not be afraid!” The last sleep (death) will be as sweet as mine in the arms of beloved Jesus, of the Blessed Mother and of mine.

I promise you a holy death, a sweet death. You will have in your soul, in your mind and in your heart the very sensitive feeling of my holy presence and, through the obscured veil of the sight of your eyes, I will pass a drop of my sweet smile which will give your souls a lively joy to see your Beloved (Jesus), His Father, the Creator and the Divine Eternal Love. You will receive this grace for yourselves, your families, your friends, all devout souls.

Here is a great power that the Holy Church did not mention: often on the Wednesday dedicated to me, (I.e the first Wednesday of the month?)  I deliver blessings and protections to a multitude of souls of my children.

My children, often I take 'bail' to the feet of the Judge (Who is) so gentle for the righteous. My prayer, my surety touches this Heart so much that I loved so much, that I carried, that I nourished, that I protected, that often I obtain hours less for expiation. (i.e St. Joseph shortens a soul's time in Purgatory). Sometimes, the Divine Bridegroom shortens up to seven hours of expiation in honor of my seven joys and seven sorrows.  Often I obtain such great favors for my devoted children.

My children, I am also the terror of the perverse spirit. (I.e the terror of the demon.) I am the great enemy of hell, of the eternal abysses. Oh! What miracles I have wrought, often in the last quarter of an hour of the life of so many souls! My children, the Enemy, furious because of my presence and my power, often accuses me at the sovereign Tribunal and disputes with me the souls that I have snatched from his hell.   (i.e. he and the demon battle for souls during their particular judgements, St. Joseph intercedes for them and succeeds in snatching many away form the demon and assuring them salvation. Satan is furious with him!)

If you knew my power and my power with Jesus and Mary! It is so great! Come to me, I am on the left of the beloved Jesus who gives me His heavens of grace. I am here for you, for your spiritual and temporal needs. I have a particular providence, bestowed by my Divine adoptive Son, by my Blessed Immaculate Spouse, for temporal matters, for all your needs. Come to me, you will give joy to Jesus and Mary (by doing so). Come to me, I will give to you, I will grant you, I will console you, I will relieve you!

With my Blessed Spouse, I promise to carry your beautiful souls, not to the Divine Judge, but to the Divine Father, to the Divine Spouse. (i.e he will present those devoted to him to God who will not be a strict Judge to them). And at your coronation in heaven I will attend and, by the command of the Divine King, I will start the joyous hymn of the divine banquet of eternal love where we will sing together of the savor and the sweetness of your eternal nourishment, nourishment of love, eternal feast of rejoicing.

With my Blessed Immaculate Spouse, I bestow all our titles of graces, of power, protection and assistance to all your gifts, every object of piety and all your prayers; the same powers and the same graces as those of Immaculate Mary, to all souls to the ends of the earth exiled by injustice: the family of Henry of the Cross. (i.e. St Joseph's powerful intercession and protection extends to Henry V of the Cross and his family, the promised Great Catholic Monarch destined to restore the French throne during the Age of Peace.)

All my strengths and my powers, my smile, my protective gaze, I extend it to everyone and for you. My children, when my Blessed Spouse is going to give you her holy blessing which contains all the gifts, mine are joined there, my graces to her graces, my gifts to her gifts, my protections to her protections, my wonders to hers.

I tell you again: to almost every soul in the land of exile by injustice (Henry V), all heaven bears graces and, on this beautiful day of my feast, all the angels and saints will be my servants bearing my graces in all places of the earth.

In the corollas of my lily I have a more extended grace of purity for each one of you, and this grace is poured into these prodigious lily corollas by the Heart of the Divine Master and His Holy Immaculate Mother. It is a double grace of purity, it is like a garment, a nuptial robe for your beautiful souls, like a spotless robe to cover your bodies, to keep them intact, with the beauty of the beautiful soul that gives them life, activity and movement.

In another corolla, I give you my blessing which preserves from a sudden and unforeseen death, my blessing which gives the grace to die, or rather, to fall asleep like me, in the arms of Jesus and Mary, in blessing and grace, in the peace of Jesus.

Pray for Holy Church whose persecutions are not over. I am the holy patron of the Church where Jesus resides; Peace in the great storm that is moving towards the earth. I have immense power for all of you, near and far, for my dear protégés whose protector I am.

My children, Friends of the Cross, the Beloved establishes me guardian of your chastity, guardian of your virtues, by the graces that I receive from the Beloved and His Blessed Mother.

Now I stop, covering you with my protective mantle. You who suffer, come to me, you who cry, you who need graces, pray to me, I am full of tenderness! My children, with the Beloved and His Holy Mother, I have all the gifts for all the afflicted, for all the exiles, for all the young souls, the young plants growing (seminarians preparing) for the priesthood. My face is just a ray of light that repeats to you with its word: 'Yes, yes, yes, my little children!'

I am also the great protector of the souls in Purgatory. Often I inspire devotion for these suffering souls. They are so good, these expiating souls! Their desire is so ardent to enjoy heaven that I often gather immense graces from the prayers of my servants, and I send them to these poor captive souls. Their joy for their benefactors, their joy, I could not repay.

Children of the Divine Bridegroom and of His Blessed Mother and protected by me, I bless you with my Holy Spouse, according to all your desires. These graces will have their realization in time promised by the Beloved whose power is infinite; these graces will be great, powerful and without proportion for the salvation of souls and the propagation of an ardent faith.”




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Next Post:  #167 The Regeneration of Mankind – THE SHELTERS WE WILL NEED during the Great Chastisements - Few will Support the Great Monarch at the Start – If we Turned to the Divine Mercy the Chastisements Would be Stopped but People will not Listen – France has Suffered Danger and Misfortune Since it Killed King Louis XVI 


Previous Post:    #166 More Warnings About Satan's Period of Freedom on Earth – A Precursor Antichrist Period -  Churches, Crosses and the Blessed Sacrament will be Desecrated – Children will be led to Damnation before the Age of Reason – Religious will be Possessed and do Preternatural Wonders  


TABLE OF CONTENTS:  The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny



Tuesday 13 September 2022

#167 C - Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements



Our Lord speaks of the Treasures of the Cross – The Sacred Heart and the Cross are One – Devotion to Both Repairs the Outrages against Christ – the Cross and Sacred Heart will Work Warning Miracles Announcing the Chastisements


Ecstasy date September 13, 1917 - (Source: Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique," Henri Boucier, pp. 113 -115.)

Our Lord: “By My Cross, it is I who lives in you, it is I who breathes in you, it is I who loves Myself in you, it is I who gives Me thanks in you, it is it is I who make you all shine in (her) beauty, all of you shine in (her) goodness, all of you shine in the mysteries of My divine Cross. My little souls, by espousing My divine Cross, I bequeathed to (her) My immense loves, My treasures of grace, My divine breaths (i.e inspirations).

(NOTE: I have kept the French reference to the cross in the feminine as Our Lord is specifically pointing out His cross as His mystical Spouse here).

It is Love which made me choose the Cross, it is Love that formed and wove it. This adorable Divine Cross, it seemed so beautiful and resplendent to Me that I chose it. I espoused her and, in espousing her, I chose a little bit of her for each of you. This parcel has passed through all My loves: love of peace, love of purity, love of sacrifice, love of all tenderness and the love of knowledge.

My little souls, I invite you, come to My feet. The Adorable Cross is planted in My Sacred Heart.

Come and listen to Its delightful language. Come learn of the divine knowledge of a generous love that surpasses all sacrifices. Come listen to Its enchanting appeal, come study Its great and sublime knowledge, knowledge that rises to the summit of the highest mysteries and the most admirable wonders.

What does My Divine Heart say? It is Love that invented the Cross. It is the generosity of the Divine Heart that formed it. It is the light of My Sacred Heart which made the study of knowledge, of elevation to the most sublime mystery, which reveals Itself before Its splendor, becomes Its beauty and all Its glory.

Oh! (My) little beloved souls, listen to the wonderful language of the Cross. She will teach you the wonders of Love. Each marvel has its divine language to operate, to melt, to sanctify the soul in love. I forget the offenses. I forget the insults, I forget the ingratitudes, while I speak to your souls, I speak only of love, only of soft and sweet delights. See how deep your love for Me goes, it makes Me forget the insults, forget My Justice, forget the continual contempt that rises from the earth to My Divine Heart.

I want you to celebrate with Me the glory of My Holy Cross. Cross despised, cross rejected, cross insulted and rejected by so many souls who loved her and who today despise her.

In heaven, when you are with Me, your Divine Spouse, (note: obviously speaking to Marie-Julie here), I will give her to you as a palm, My Cross purer than gold, My Cross, the marvel of prodigies, My Cross, the bed lined by suffering, My Cross, the lightning rod of My Justice, My Cross, the rebirth of a new, purer and more Christian love in living faith.”

(NOTE: apparently, at the same ecstasy Our Lord also said):

I want to tell you that in the mercy reserved for the earth by my tender goodness, this resurrection of a very guilty world will only come through My Divine Heart. This resurrection will be joined to the great resurrection that My Sacred Heart has in store for you.

The Sacred Heart and the Cross will operate miracles, astonishing prodigies, a few hours before the great fatal blow where souls fall into the abyss through their sins. For so long I have warned the sinner who does not want to change his life; I will rise in My Justice and in a second millions of souls will be harvested after many warnings. My patience has borne everything, My goodness has given to the just and to the sinner My blessings, My light, health, life; My little souls, yet I get weary. It is you who prolong the existence of grace, the life of the guilty by your love for Me.”

(NOTE: Our Lord is speaking of the Age of Peace, which will only come through the Sacred Heart. It will come after the great chastisements to cleanse the earth, which will terminate with the Three Days of Darkness. However, Our Lord said to Marie-Julie in another ecstasy, He does not wish to send the chastisements as a great multitude of souls still obstinate in their sins and who have ignored all warning sings will be lost, therefore, He wishes the time of MERCY before it to be prolonged in the hope the world converts, which is only done through prayer, repentance and sacrifices. Here, we see Our Lord at the time accepted the sacrifices, it was helping to Him forget the insults and outrages of the world, and thereby hold off the chastisements. Devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Cross, a life of sacrifice and penance help hold off His justice and prolong the time of mercy. 

 But note: He warned even then He was getting weary by the outrages. The chastisements will eventually come as the sins of the earth will become too great, and, Our Lord warned in another ecstasy devotion to the Sacred Heart will wane, and even be terribly attacked. Our Lord foretold His Cross and Sacred Heart will warn the earth by various miracles a few hours before the chastisements break forth.)

* Click here to see the other prophecies given to Marie-Julie regarding the Period of Mercy before the time of God's Justice and the chastisements.




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 Next post: BONUS POST - The Connection between Marie-Julie Jahenny's Mission of the Cross and Ven. Madre Teresa de la Cruz of Peru


Previous Post: #167 B - If People do Not Repent or Recognize God during the Period of Mercy, the Wars and the Fire of Heaven will Fall


TABLE of CONTENTS: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny